Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 78: I want to have a duel with Roswaal!

The host arrived, and everyone began to take their seats.

As the owner of the mansion, Roswaal was of course on the main seat, and two maids stood behind him to serve him.

Emilia's apparent status was higher than his, so she sat first on the right hand side, and Natsuki Subaru followed her.

Betty was sitting first on the left with Parker in her arms, and Zhou Fangwu was sitting next to her.

"Sa—you're welcome—enjoy—go!"

Roswaal is the host, and only when he speaks can everyone pick up the tableware.

This is the basic etiquette that Natsuki Subaru knows, and there is no need to remind him.

But the big meals on the table can really stimulate people's appetite.

Not only because he only ate a little apple yesterday, but also because Zhou Fangwu had never eaten such a good apple since time travel.

In Suqing's time, no one in the team knew how to cook, including Zhou Fangwu.

Therefore, the team's diet is basically settled in the Adventurer's Union.

And the food of the Adventurer's Guild is all fast food, one can imagine how greasy and popular the taste is.

Although the novelty tastes delicious at first, it becomes hard to swallow after a long time.

"good to eat."

Zhou Fangwu sincerely praised: "This meal is very delicious and very appetizing."

"It's really, really delicious."

Natsuki Subaru swallowed and complimented in an unaffected manner.

Although this voracious attitude is a little rude, isn't it an affirmation of the chef's craftsmanship?

"That's right—! These—are all made by Rem."

Roswaal was full of pride, pointing to Rem behind his right hand and said: "Among all the servants in the mansion, Rem's craftsmanship is the best."

"You are overrated."

Rem is modest and courteous, very maid-like.

But he added, "Compared to my elder sister, it's still far behind."


Roswaal chuckled and didn't speak again.

"Hey, Miss Rem, if possible, can you teach me how to cook?"

Zhou Fangwu makes a request to Leimu, hoping that she can teach him how to cook.

Although [Analysis and Imitation] is crying, he really doesn't want to go to the union to eat greasy fast food anymore!

"If Lord Roswaal agrees."

Rem did not agree or refuse on the spot, but asked her master for instructions.

"Okay—if Wu wants to, let Rem teach you—"

Roswaal looked at Zhou Fangwu eagerly. Although he hid it well, Zhou Fangwu, who was sensitive to sight, still noticed it.

A little uncomfortable.

From an outsider's point of view, this look looks very gay.

But Zhou Fangwu knew that Roswaal was definitely planning something.

Kind of annoying!

Involuntarily, Zhou Fangwu frowned.

Roswaal, who has lived for 400 years, of course knew that Zhou Fangwu was dissatisfied with his fake appearance, so he quickly put away his frivolity.

Instead, tell the two about the current situation of the Kingdom of Lugnica.

Similarly, he also revealed that Emilia is the king's candidate, and he is the one who supports Emilia's king's election.

"It's unbelievable—well, the two of you came to Lugnica Kingdom, and you—don't even know the situation here—?"

He explained to the two in a weird tone that it was the time of the king's election, and all foreigners visiting the country would be suspicious.

It is even more suspicious to appear suddenly at this time, and to be related to Emilia who is the king's candidate.

The inside and outside of the words are revealing the information [You are very suspicious now, you will be in big trouble].

In fact, Zhou Fangwu never thought of pretending to be someone from Kararaki or the Flakia Empire, but these are meaningless in front of Roswaal who owns the [Book of Wisdom (Youth Edition)].

And once it is exposed, the two of them will have a hard time arguing, and they can't even wash it away.

If that's the case, it's better to let nature take its course.

"Both of us are from a small unknown country in the West."

Zhou Fangwu prevented Nayue Subaru from saying the wrong thing, and acted as the speaker before him.

And Nayue Subaru just silently ate food, he knew that his clumsy communication etiquette was far from Zhou Fangwu's smooth handling.

Therefore, now he is basically led by Zhou Fangwu.

But he can't grow up like this!

Nayue Subaru may not have noticed that Zhou Fangwu will not let the choice of being a useless person continue to waste.


Roswaal's expression didn't change at all, as if he had expected it a long time ago.

And Emilia put the previously lost badge on the table and explained: "This badge represents the qualification certificate of the candidate for the king election, and determines whether the candidate can become the king of the Kingdom of Lugnica, that is to say This badge belongs to the touchstone."

"Well, that's how it is."

Although Zhou Fangwu already knew about it, he still pretended to think about it, and then said: "That is to say, if Emilia loses this badge, she will lose her qualifications as a candidate, right?"

He was joking about the fact that the badge was stolen by Felut before.

"Please don't say that you lost such misleading words, it was just stolen by a child with unclean hands and feet!"

Emilia hurriedly defended, a little flustered.


He could understand that she was changing the concept secretly and wanted to distort the fact that the badge was lost.

But what is the difference between "lost" and "stolen"?

No, still didn't protect the badge?

Zhou Fangwu didn't speak, just stared at her eyes that were trying to avoid and looked around, and didn't let her go until she admitted her mistake in embarrassment.

When the old father Parker saw his daughter being bullied, he immediately became unhappy.


It broke free from Betty's embrace, flew to Zhou Fangwu's face, raised its fluffy cat fist and lightly hit him on the right cheek.

At the same time, he pretended to be furious and said: "Damn boy, you dare to bully my lovely Liya, do you want to die?"

Although the tone was very aggressive, judging from its gentle movements, it wasn't really angry.

Perhaps in Parker's mind, letting Emilia admit the mistakes she made would be good for Emilia's future growth.

"Feel sorry."

Zhou Fangwu apologized to it and Emilia.

But he also said: "I think that when you make a mistake, you should not find a reason to escape. Bravely admitting and facing the mistake is the excellent quality that a real [King] should possess."

The current Emilia is an innocent little girl who has not experienced much in the world.

She is now being forced to lift herself up high, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com's own character and ability cannot keep up with the high position she is in.

Although I know that my words and deeds must conform to the identity of the "king candidate", I am working hard to grow for it.

But in the face of mistakes, her practice and attitude of wanting to avoid is not a good leader.

It will chill the hearts of supporters in her camp.

So grow up fast, Emilia!

"A real king..."

Emilia murmured softly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Maybe, she didn't even have the idea of ​​becoming a king.


Roswaal thanked the two for helping Emilia get the badge back, letting them say what they wanted.

"Sah-! You can do whatever you want--please feel free to make your own request-!"

He indicated that the two of them can make any request, as long as he can do it, everything is fine!


Zhou Fangwu is waiting for this!

[Blessing of the Magician] Here I come!

"Let me work in the mansion!"

Like the original book, Subaru Natsuki uttered a jaw-dropping speech.

Zhou Fangwu lifted his forehead and sighed.

This guy, he completely forgot what Roswaal told him just now, inside and outside, that getting in touch with Emilia would be very troublesome.

I've reminded him before.

Forget it, let him go.


Roswaal smiled and agreed to Nayue Subaru's request, and then asked Zhou Fangwu: "So what does Wu want?"

"I want to have a duel with Roswaal!"

Zhou Fangwu's answer was even more amazing than Nayue Subaru's!

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