I was wrong!

I was so wrong!

I shouldn't have traveled here from the very beginning!

If I hadn't traveled over here, I wouldn't have met Subaru Natsuki.

If I hadn't met Subaru Natsuki, I wouldn't have had such a headache, and I wouldn't have become a nanny tool who wiped other people's asses.


Not only disappointed with Natsuki Subaru, but also disappointed with himself.

Originally, I was thinking [from now on, I will pass the level with one life and be super god].

but now…

Why did it become like this again?

Am I that useless?

Besides, didn't you use any of the plans you made before you came?


Zhou Fangwu let out a long breath.

Then make good mental preparations, and then turned to Natsuki Subaru who was full of bitterness and asked:

"How many times is this?"


Natsuki Subaru scratched his head in confusion.

"I said, how many times is this Galgame. 1? 3? Or 5? Could it be 10?!"

Zhou Fangwu said bluntly, and at the same time told him not to waste time.


It is the code word set by Zhou Fangwu and Nayue Subaru before, and the number in front means that he has carried out several reincarnations.

This is limited to the use between the two of them. It has strong concealment and simplicity, and is very practical.

"That... I didn't play Galgame."


Zhou Fangwu was also stunned.

[Not playing Galgame] means that Subaru Natsuki has not yet performed reincarnation.

After hearing what he said, Zhou Fangwu let go of the heart that had been hanging around just now.

But when he thought of him asking himself to help again, his heart suddenly hung up again, and he asked quickly: "Then, why did you ask me to help?"

"Ah, about this! Listen to me, Wu!"

Nayuki Subaru gritted his teeth with an angry expression on his face and said, "Actually, I woke up very early, and then I wanted to go to the bathroom, but this place is really too big, and I couldn't find a way out."

"Well, and then."

"Then I suddenly discovered that the corridors here are actually repeated infinite corridors. I thought in my heart that this must be the routine of [the first room is the end]. When I found the first room, I broke in without hesitation!"

"Hiss!...Go on."

"After that, I saw a blonde drill girl! Just because I said a few words, that drill girl's hand was on my body and I didn't know what to do, and then I passed out! It hurts, that kind It feels like it made me experience the pain of death again!"


That's it?

That's it? !

Are you a child? !

After being bullied by the little lolita, you ran back crying and calling for your parents? !

What a joke!

Although I said that you can find help when you are in danger, it doesn't mean that you can find help at any time!

I don't know [Please! Wu, help me! ] Does this sentence have much influence on me? !

Cardiac arrest level, hello!

"Wu, you must avenge me! Teach that bit girl a lesson, and I will make her cry and say sorry to me!"

Natsuki Subaru was chattering non-stop.

Basically complaining about how much pain Betty caused him.

But he didn't know how much he frightened Zhou Fangwu by what he said.

"Naiyue-kun, can you come here?"

With a sunny smile on Zhou Fangwu's face, he called for Nayue Subaru to come over a little bit.

"That...Wu, your smile is a bit strange."

Nayue Subaru came over obediently, and asked as he walked: "Why are you laughing so much, please take it back, I'm a little uncomfortable."

"Is that so, I'm sorry."

Zhou Fangwu apologized with a fake smile, but the smile on his face did not diminish at all.


"Nai Yue-kun, I hope you can understand one thing.

This is someone else's mansion, it is very impolite to make a scene.

And as guests, we should not conflict with the people in the mansion.

Even if you are wronged, you should not retaliate. Instead, you should wait for the master to come back and then explain the reason, and let him decide. "

"Do you understand?"

During this period, Zhou Fangwu kept smiling and told him to be polite and what he did wrong.

"Oh... I see. Sorry, I was wrong!"

It may be that Natsuki Subaru sensed the danger and quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake.

"No, no. You shouldn't be apologizing to me, but to the little girl."

Zhou Fangwu smiled and told him that he was apologizing to the wrong person, and said, "However, you should be punished for what you did."

"Punishment... punishment, what punishment?"

Natsuki Subaru moved his throat up and down, swallowing saliva unconsciously.

"Hehehe, what punishment..."

Zhou Fangwu Sunshine's smiling face instantly blackened, black shadows poured out of his body, he raised his right fist and swung towards Nayue Subaru's left cheek.

At the same time, he shouted: "Go to shit! Take the move, personality modification punch!"


Because the speed was too fast, Natsuki Subaru couldn't react at all, and flew straight out of the window after being hit by a punch.


While yelling, it fell in the middle of the lawn below.


Coincidentally, Rem was fertilizing the lawn.

When she saw Subaru Nayue lying in the middle of the lawn that had just been fertilized not far away, her expression changed slightly, she immediately put down the tools in her hand, turned around and walked a few steps quickly to leave, as if she hadn't seen it.

But unfortunately, Natsuki Subaru found her the moment she fell.

"Hey! The maid over there, why do you pretend you didn't see it!"

Natsuki Subaru raised his dirty face covered in manure, and shouted to Rem, "Please, can you drag me out?"


Rem pursed her lips in disgust, but she still walked over and pulled him out of the manure.

"If the guest likes fertilizer, then breakfast will be prepared for you later,"

When Rem saw Subaru Natsuki who made her uncomfortable, she slapped Subaru Natsuki with a poisonous tongue on the spot.

"This is carefully prepared by my sister. Seeing that these flowers and plants grow so vigorously, I think they must taste very good."


"You're welcome, this is what our maids should do."

Without giving Subaru Natsuki a chance to refute, Rem has already decided to add an extra meal for him.

"Hey! This is a misunderstanding!"

Nayuki Subaru shouted: "How can humans like to eat fertilizer!"

"Ah, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, right? Customers don't have good food."

Rem's face was full of regret, it seemed that Natsuki Subaru was disappointed that she didn't taste the fertilizer carefully prepared by her sister.

"Excuse me, can I take a shower, it would be even better if I could change my clothes again."

Nayuki Subaru wiped off his dirty face, and then tore off his smelly pajamas.

"There are so many requests from customers. It's good to be like this, but it will really cause trouble for people."

Rem continued to speak harshly.

"Well, I'm also a guest anyway." Natsuki Subaru mentioned his identity as a guest, hoping to gain the respect of Maid Rem.

Rem's eyes froze, making Natsuki Subaru a little scared.

But she didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but her style changed drastically with indifference and alienation, and she said to Natsuki Subaru: "Yes, guests, please follow me."

Natsuki Subaru didn't know why, but followed her anyway.

Zhou Fangwu, who was leaning against the window, felt inexplicably funny seeing what happened below.

But he was afraid of being discovered by the two people below, so he kept holding back his laughter, his face flushed.

At this time, the person standing next to him pleaded for Nayue Subaru: "Don't bully 486 too much, although he is a bit strange, but he is a good boy."

"Don't worry, this is the proof that Caiyue-kun and I believe in love, Emilia."

"Eh?! Is that so?"


Zhou Fangwu fooled her.

"That's right."

Emilia nodded, believing what he said, with a relieved expression on her face.

To be honest, she is too easy to trust others!

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