Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 73: Great show, dance together!

"This, what's going on?!"

Felt's mind has become muddled.

"What's going on, no matter how you look at it, it's this gut-eating madman, looking like he wants to drive us all to death!"

Natsuki Subaru was angry and angry.

He can't count the number of times, it's like this every time.

Every time when he was about to convince Felt, Elsa would appear out of nowhere to harvest the battlefield, and then he would enter reincarnation again.

He's about to explode, okay?

"Ah, isn't this little buddy?"

Seeing Zhou Fangwu standing in front of Emilia, Elsa said with surprise on her face: "I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. I'm so happy."

"Yeah, I'm also very happy to be reunited with Big Sister again, I'm really looking forward to what Big Sister said [Taste it well]"

Although Zhou Fangwu spoke passionate words, the expression on his face and the posture of his hands did not relax in the slightest.


Elsa chuckled very charmingly, raised the sharp short blade in her hand, and invited Zhou Fangwu: "Then brother, come now?"

"Sorry, not right now!"

Zhou Fangwu immediately refused, and then regretfully said:

"Facing big sister's kind invitation, I shouldn't have refused. Unfortunately, I have to wait for a few minutes to rise up again after being weak. I just don't know if big sister can wait any longer?"

"Ah, what a pity." Elsa's face was full of regret.

Zhou Fangwu turned his head and asked Emilia behind him, "Can you hold on for another 5 minutes?"

"Don't underestimate me, I'm an elf warlock!"

Emilia flaunted her pretentiousness, and even Parker laughed and said, "Don't worry, little brother. I'm a mature man. Unlike you, a little boy who only comes once and can't do it, I'm very persistent! "

Are you really a pure elf?

Although Zhou Fangwu wanted to complain, but now is not the time to tease and play tricks, so he can only retreat first.

If you want to help, you have to quickly change the breathing method.

Stepping back to the side of Nayue Subaru, he said to him: "Naiyue-kun, if you don't pass the test this time, next time you meet me, you must tell me not to use breathing methods other than water attributes. ?"


Natsuki Subaru had no idea.

Although he didn't know what breathing method was, after hearing what Zhou Fangwu said, he had no choice but to nod and keep this sentence in his heart.

Afterwards, Zhou Fangwu accelerated and calmed his breathing while keeping his eyes on Elsa's movements, trying to analyze her assassination technique, and finally imitated it.

During this period, magic support was not used.

Because casting magic indiscriminately consumes mana, it will affect the bonus of the stripe state, and Parker is very brave, so he doesn't need his support.

On the battlefield, Parker was fighting Elsa while chatting.

Elsa is worthy of being a gut hunter with extraordinary strength. Her strength is not limited, and she is estimated to be ranked at the end of the third echelon.

Tossing and moving in a small space, she can always find a place to stay in a room full of ice crystals.

the most important is!

She can always find an opportunity to fight back, allowing Parker to attack while distracted by taking care of Emilia.

As expected of a seasoned intestinal hunter!

Time passed gradually.

Parker's figure became unreal and was about to dissipate.

"Hey, little brother over there, I've been delayed for 10 minutes, it should be fine."

Parker said to Zhou Fangwu, who was analyzing Zhou Fangwu: "If you are a man, stand up quickly, don't keep the beautiful lady waiting for a long time!"

"Yes, yes, I'm fine, I'm fine."

Zhou Fangwu looked at the skills on the adventurer's card and smiled with satisfaction.

Acquired 【Assassination (Elsa Granciert)】!

Your assassination technique is strong, but, it's mine now!

"Then I'll leave it to you, little brother."

Parker raised his furry cat's paw and Zhou Fangwu's high-five as a stick, then turned his head and said to Emilia: "Liya, it seems that I will stop here. If something happens, I will call you out even if I exhaust my soul power." I'm coming out."

"Well, Parker, rest, and leave it to me."

Emilia's face was full of determination, and she didn't want to rely on others.

"That's it, this beautiful lady, see you next time if you have a chance." Parker said goodbye to Elsa very politely.

Elsa said with regret on her face: "Ah, is this the end?"

Very dissatisfied.

"The words that big sister said hurt my fragile heart." Zhou Fangwu inserted forcefully.

At the same time, the markings were turned on, and a solemn and solemn water blue pattern appeared on the face, and said to Elsa:

"As a gentleman, you can't always monopolize a girl, you should let her experience more men. In this regard, I think Parker has done a good job!"

"You really know how to speak, little brother. Then, I will leave it to you."

Parker gave Zhou Fangwu a thumbs up, and then disappeared into the air.

Also, the ice crystals condensed by Parker also dissipated at this moment. It's a pity, I thought these ice crystals could play a role in restricting Elsa's movements.

"Please protect Caiyue-jun, Feilut, and Lord Roma."

Zhou Fangwu said softly to Emilia, then looked at Elsa in front of him, and said with a smile: "The second round starts, I don't know if big sister still has the energy to dance with me again."

Although he said so, he had already set his posture and did not give Elsa a chance to refuse.

The water-blue robe and the water-blue pattern on his body complement each other, and the pure breath of water element on his body has also become stronger.

Zhou Fangwu is fully prepared!

"Ah, brother, has he recovered yet? Well, then I'll dance with you for a while."

Elsa licked her seductive red lips, and looked at Zhou Fangwu with joy, "But you must be strong for a while, don't let me be too disappointed."

"Don't worry, men's second times are usually long-lasting, I promise."

Zhou Fangwu took the lead in launching the attack.

"Breath of Water·Seven Shape·Shizuku Ripple Stab!"

The long knife in his hand shot out at the fastest speed, stabbing Elsa's chest in the shortest straight-line distance!

Fast and hard!

He wanted to try to see how far he was from Elsa when he turned on his stripes.

Elsa did not panic in the face of the oncoming long knife, she just smiled and raised the short knife, and stopped it at the last moment when the Japanese knife was about to pierce into her chest~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and made a 'ding' sound There was a crisp sound, and the little flames from the collision of weapons flashed by.

Half a catty!

In terms of speed alone, Zhou Fangwu and Elsa are on par, but if you add battle experience, there is a huge difference.

Elsa didn't panic even if she was about to be stabbed, and stopped at the last moment dangerously.

If it was Zhou Fangwu, he might have chosen to avoid it because he didn't have much actual combat experience.

But in that case, they would lose the right to counterattack and be forced to defend instead.

But Elsa is different. Although she is also defending, she will never give up the enemy's attack, but will aim at the gap to counterattack.

In the final analysis, there is still too little combat experience.

"Brother, you are amazing!"

Elsa took a step back and opened the distance. Seeing Zhou Fangwu's appearance which was very different from before, she said infatuatedly:

"Is this heroic gesture a blessing? It's great, loved by the world."

Although Elsa is a half-vampire, she has no protection.

All of her current strength has been improved little by little by relying on the blood of vampires and her own efforts.

This made her a little jealous of those who can gain great strength without tempering.

"Protection? Well, it counts."

Zhou Fangwu didn't intend to explain, since he misunderstood, let's get it right.

"Let's not talk about this, big sister, can you come again? This time I'm the one with some desires and dissatisfaction!"

Zhou Fangwu invited her to dance together again.

And Elsa, as a battle madman, would never refuse the enemy's invitation.

She smiled charmingly, "Okay, then let's continue~"

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