Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 67: A true warrior dares to face the bleak life, dare to face up to the rain...

PS: This chapter must be read slowly!

[It's hard to persuade the **** ghost with good words, but the great mercy will not save you from death. 】

This sentence comes from "The Scholars", and it roughly means: No matter how nice the words are, you can't persuade the damned people, and the great compassion of Buddhism can't get over the people who have cut their own way.

This sentence is very appropriate for Nayue Subaru, who is determined, stubborn, does not listen to advice, and is arrogant and arrogant.


This old saying is what I have learned all my life. Why can you, an islander, use it so freely? !

Moreover, it was spoken in the most authentic Chinese language, except for a little accent, it was surprisingly clear!

How long have you been studying and how many times have you repeated it, you bastard!

Not good, not good, not good, really not good!

You underestimate this world too much, this is really hell-level difficulty!

At this moment, Zhou Fangwu knew his biggest crisis in this world.

That is, death returns cannot be avoided!

The plug-in is not working anymore!

What if he accidentally dies, and [Return by Death] overwrites reality as an established fact, what should I do like Rem?

This time, even Zhou Fangwu was a little scared.

"Young man, what you said is really interesting." Zhou Fangwu's face was very serious.

"Ahaha, yes."

Nayue Subaru said with a bitter face, half crying: "If possible, I really don't want to say this sentence again."

"So, who are you?"

Zhou Fangwu was convinced that even if he had been reincarnated before, he would never reveal that he knew him from the beginning.

"We're meeting for the first time, let me introduce myself again! My name is Natsuki Subaru, and I'm the most useless high school student in the world! Just like you, I'm from another world, please give me your advice!"

While Nayue Subaru shouted, he pointed his right index finger to the sky, his left hand clenched his fist and bent his arms towards the ground, his lower body lunged to the right, and his hips were slightly raised.

This is his iconic POSE.

Although he was very positive, there was still confusion and despair in his eyes.

But this also made Zhou Fangwu understand one thing:

Is that so, the previous [me] told him that he was from another world.

But it's also true, [Good words are hard to persuade the **** ghost, great compassion can never pass the self-conscious person] This sentence sounds like the language of the Celestial Dynasty, so it is impossible not to know that Zhou Fangwu is also a talent from another world.

Then the conversation is much easier.

Zhou Fangwu was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Really, it's the first time we meet. My name is Zhou Fangwu. Please give me your advice."

"Wu, although you may think it's ridiculous, listen to me carefully. In fact, I've come back many times, and I've seen you many times."

Natsuki Subaru gave the most information with the shortest answer.

"As a modern person, you should know it! In Galgame, due to a wrong choice, when the protagonist ushers in a Bad Ending, we will reload the gear and try again, and try to usher in a Happy Ending next time. And my ability is this!"

"I see, I understand."

Zhou Fangwu is sure that Nayue Subaru's simple and clear method of bypassing the death rollback limit and telling him information is what [I] pointed out to him before.

"Really, I have never felt so disgusted with living in modern society and understanding myself so quickly."

No, I hate that [me] from before who plotted against me.

"So, Cai Yue-jun, is this the first time you have come back, and how many times have you met me?"

"Return for the 10th time, meet Wu for the 5th time."


After learning an old saying for 5 days, it is no wonder that the pronunciation is clear.

So why not go?

Even if you start all over again, didn't you choose to escape, [me]?

[Crossing the world] can leave at any time, right? What are you thinking, [me]?

Zhou Fangwu wanted to say something more, but now the two of them were standing in the middle of the road, standing still among the passing pedestrians was a very conspicuous thing.

"Caiyue-kun, please follow me."

Take him to a remote alley on the side.

"Caiyue-kun, there is something I'm curious about."

Zhou Fangwu raised the Sun Wheel Saber on his waist and asked, "I'm not boasting, I'm still somewhat confident in my own strength. But even so, I also..."

"No, that's not the case! Wu's strength is very strong, even with that horrible **** and trash woman."

Nayue Subaru explained in a low voice: "It's me, it's all my fault for being too impulsive..."

Hearing what he said, Zhou Fangwu basically understood.

It must be because of his eagerness to rescue Emilia that he was attacked by the intestine hunter Elsa so that he was disembowelled, and then re-entered the reincarnation.

But, 5 times? !

No, it's been reincarnated 10 times and it's still like this, as expected of the iron-headed baby!

The methods may be different, but the results are the same?

"Wu, please! Now I can only ask you, help me!"

There was helplessness and urgency in his words, as if grabbing the last straw.

"..." Zhou Fangwu was silent.

What to do, what should I do, [me]?

so annoying!

Simply, leave directly!

Anyway, this world is not your own world, it doesn't matter if you can't learn skills, it's important to save your life!

Give up, give up, just give up!

It's no good to care about others, wouldn't it be fine if you just leave? !


I hate this forced responsibility!

Just when Zhou Fangwu thought so, he saw Nayue Subaru's expression.

Fear, pain, timidity, sadness, remorse, these expressions once again appeared on Natsuki Subaru's young and immature face.

At this moment, he finally understood why the previous [me] didn't just leave. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Natsuki Subaru was on the verge of collapse.

If this continues, he will fall into blackness and become "arrogant", and the world will also fall into war and disputes, and countless innocent people will die because of it.

And the reason, [just] is because the current self has not helped Natsuki Subaru.

"Mr. Caiyue, you are in pain, you can tell by looking at your painful face."

Zhou Fangwu gently patted the shoulder of Natsuki Subaru, who was only 17 years old.


Natsuki Subaru didn't speak, just lowered his head and wept silently.

It can be seen that he has been psychologically shadowed by Elsa's gut-eating madman, and it would be better to cry now to vent.


Zhou Fangwu also never expected that he would not only bring up children in "Su Qing", but also in "Zero".

In order to prevent the world from being destroyed, the only way to forcibly correct the story line is to not go to the If line!

So, it's all your fault, world!

"Mr. Caiyue, a true warrior dares to face the bleak life and face the dripping blood!"

Gently patted Nayue Subaru on the shoulder, comforting and enlightening him: "So, don't be afraid, I will help you!"

I will definitely correct the world line!


【Current Information】

1. Now it is the line of arrogance, reincarnation 10 times.

2. [Return by Death] has an impact on Zhou Fangwu.

3. [Resurrection] has no effect on Subaru Natsuki.

PS: Some readers may think that Subaru Natsuki’s 10 reincarnations are too exaggerated, but in fact, he has reincarnated a full 88 times in the arrogant line, and at least 80 of them were gutted by the intestine hunter Elsa, which is true The most iron-headed hero in the second dimension.

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