Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 614: God of Hope, Zhou Fangwu!

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This world is as dull and oppressive as ever, with mutual hatred, hostility, and fighting. Almost all races live in dire straits, fighting for things that do not know whether they exist or not.

When will this war end?

Everyone must have had this doubt.

Until the calm daily life caused waves that shook the entire planet, the dark sky suddenly rolled, an extremely large and deep vortex gathered in the clouds, dense thunder and lightning raged in the sky, and the energy gathering that made all existences timid and afraid together.

This is a big storm enough to bring the world to an end!

Seeing this scene, for no reason, everyone subconsciously came up with the same idea——

This epic battle will end today!

As the commander-in-chief of the elves, Sink Barbarian was particularly courageous when encountering sudden accidents. She immediately judged that it was the Flügel using attack magic, so she quickly ordered people from the [Elf Alliance] to do it. Good defensive preparation.

But this time difference is too short, and it can only convey the release of the [long-lasting fourth protection] for super defense.

Then, she quickly received a report that the spell liberation was almost completed.

After all, the magic formula of the elves is activated very quickly, and an effective protective circle can be formed in the blink of an eye.

This is something that makes her proud.

However, before she could relax, at that moment—

From Avant Heim, there emerged a violent and huge power that could not be described with words like 'extraordinary'!

It is the power of the gods!

Artosh, the God of War, is gathering his own power!

It's worthy of [Force Beyond Reason]!

Even the gods of heaven and earth were shocked by their sense of destruction, and a huge vortex was rolling up above the sky, rolling up the sky covered by [black ash].

Even Cinque Barbarian had to admit that the existence of gods is really terrifying.

And this huge energy, when she received the information from all the fleets, she got the same content report.

That is-


With such a report, even her lord Kainas fell silent.

And similarly, Okanin, the main **** of the goblins, was equally silent when he received the report from the goblins.

The two pillars of gods were frightened by the power of Artosh, the God of War!


That is powerful enough to shake the planet!

Only now did they deeply understand that they had greatly misunderstood the enemy's strength... This is an extremely fatal thing on the battlefield, enough to cause a devastating blow to the alliance!

In the face of that, all the disputes between the alliances have become secondary factors!

Needless to say.

The goblins and elves immediately reached an agreement, and decided to attack Abant Heim with maximum firepower!

This exaggerated 'power' is what allows them to do this!

Cinque Barbarian and Ronnie Deleounier, both of them ordered the entire fleet to use the strongest firepower they have—the ultimate weapon!


When the elves' phantom trump card [Void Zero Protection] and the goblin's god-species killer trump card [Marrow Explosion] rushed to the cloud vortex that was still rolling and accumulating power in the sky, the response to them was not as expected Instead of offsetting the power and influence, it became a more violent riot!

The power that was born outside of the law and shone with brilliance still roared after engulfing the world!

In other words.

The joint trump card did not have any impact on the **** of war Artoxiu, but instead became a boost for the opponent to obtain a stronger attack!

At this moment, everyone understands—

[Divine Strike] is far superior to [Void Zero Protection] and [Marrow Explosion], and even the combination of the two cannot compete with it!

Why? !

Why? !

They were also created by the gods, and they are all the great achievements of the gods, but—what is the reason for this world of difference? !

Cinque Barbarian looked at the violent and rapidly spinning vortex, staring at the scene that almost smashed the planet in front of him, his heart was filled with despair.

At this time, she finally knew.

God of War Artoxiu and all of them are not in the same dimension. His strength has far surpassed everyone on this planet. Even if they are united, they cannot defeat each other!

And the [God Strike] in front of him is the best proof!

Accept it, admit it.

They are weak.

this fact.

Even if the "long-lasting fourth protection" can defend against the "Sky Strike" released by the Flügel, it will definitely not be able to stop the "God Strike" released by God of War Artosh who gathers all the energy!

Cinque Barbarian thought silently:

In the face of such a powerful force, this kind of defense is no different from paper.

Such violent energy, once it is covered by converging and spreading radiation, according to the most optimistic result, more than half of the area of ​​this planet will be affected, and all the creatures living on it will have only one result!

—all to die!

Especially in this place where almost all races are concentrated, I am afraid that all of them will be eradicated except Artoxiu.

The final winner is the God of War?

Thinking of this, Cinque Barbarian could not help feeling discouraged.

She no longer knows how many times she has been hit.

Since the first failure, she has been defeated by other existences one after another. Although the opponent this time is a god, she thinks she can change the war with her own power. Facing the mighty power of the gods, she once again recognizes her own strength. Small.

As for goblins?

Heh, they probably chose to lie down long ago.

The trench rats who have no means of defense are probably lying in the coffins they prepared by this time!

I can't help but guess maliciously in my heart.

Facing the situation that seemed to announce the end of the world, all thoughts would be blown away by the wind, and in this situation, Cinque Barbarian sincerely begged—

Who can come... who can stop the destruction of the planet!

And at times like this—

A beam of light!

Break through the thick clouds!

The sky, which was wrapped in [black ash] and was as dark as night, suddenly lit up with a strong, hot, and dazzling white light!

A golden horse descended from the sky!

It carries unmatched flames, and its vast power is enough to burn the earth, and the planets are crumbling.

And this kind of power violently rushes into the cloud vortex, violently dispels the vortex gathered in the entire sky, and then concentrates on a beam of light, piercing the surface like a needle, penetrating this land and also penetrating The middle core of the planet destroyed the Elven Corridor.

A scorching beam of light descended from the sky, and rose to the sky again!

Everyone looked at the land in the distance in shock.

"…What exactly is going on?"

The violent cloud vortex in the sky could no longer be stopped, but a stronger and more exaggerated energy suddenly appeared, breaking through the center of the vortex forcefully, and dispelling the attack that could destroy the surface.

At the same time, such a sentence came from the sky.

"It turns out that this is defeat. It is really a battle that makes me boil! [Weakest], you can be proud of it."

God of War Artosh admitted his defeat? !

Cinque Barbarian could not understand.

until she saw that—

Like rays of light, the polyhedron of the pentagram and the star-shaped dodecahedron emerged.

Everyone understands that that thing is the ultimate goal of this war!

—【Star Cup】!

When everyone's minds were attracted by its appearance, Cinque Barbarian seemed to have thought of something, and she quickly extended her spiritual power to the depths of the sky.

When the violent energy has not completely dissipated, it is very dangerous to forcibly release the spiritual power to explore.

But in order to confirm what she thought in her heart, she still used it like this.


Her spirit was unceremoniously destroyed by the remnants of berserk energy, making her plan come back to nothing.


She still got a clear answer to what she wanted to confirm—the figure standing in the beam of light that appeared in front of the 【Star Cup】.

A familiar figure, a familiar cloak.

Except for that unseen face.

Cinque Barbarian knew that was the man who had played her around for twenty-five years.

For some reason, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Monkeys... no, humans.

Yeah? yes!

Is it lost to you? !

Losing to the final winner... Doesn't that feel good?

It's like a game. If a strong person loses the game at the beginning, people will definitely be ridiculed, but if the person who loses is the final winner, it will be acceptable.

Sometimes nature is just so weird.

Unlike Cinque Barbarian who relaxed, Ronnie Deleounier was laughing loudly.

"Hahaha—! It worked! It worked, you bastard!

Really, really surprised me! It's just to accompany you crazy for a while! ... so good, so good! go! This is your victory! This is your... your unique 'Victory Fruit'! Get it and announce your existence loudly to the world! "

As if hearing the silent blessings of the two, Zhou Fangwu came to the [Star Cup] floating in mid-air, as if waiting for his master.

The [Star Cup] in front of him danced slightly, the existence that has been pursued by everyone for thousands of years, and the symbol of the only God.

Zhou Fangwu could feel the emotion from it.

That is exciting, happy.

See, this kind of thing can be obtained with a little effort.

The [Star Cup], which everyone is eager to achieve, is just something within reach for Zhou Fangwu.

This planet gave birth to the Elven Corridor, gave birth to the earth, and gave birth to various gods.

The power of [Ten] cannot use the power of [Eleven], so if you want to make the [Star Cup] appear, you need to have only one **** left. The only way is to kill each other and devour the other's [Essence] to strengthen yourself.

However, the will of the planet does not want them to fight.

So at this time, a special existence is needed to break this unreasonable way of fighting.

Zhou Fangwu appeared.

An outsider with tens of millions of worlds as a source of faith reserves, whether it is more than [ten] strength or has the qualification of [hope] as a god.

Zhou Fangwu is the most suitable candidate, not one of them!

In other words, the [Star Cup] that other gods competed for has determined its owner from the very beginning.

It's just that Zhou Fangwu rejected it.

Like the **** of war Artoxiu, Zhou Fangwu also has his own willfulness. He deliberately doesn't think about these things, doesn't help the suffering beings, and insists on going his own way for his own selfish desires, causing countless beings to lose their lives.

—What [hero]!

—What [herald]!

—What [hope]!

In a hundred years, how many people died!

Is the self who takes advantage of everyone's feelings really worthy of the feelings that everyone expects?

Is the future self who has let everyone down, really qualified to be expected so much?

Obtaining the [Star Cup] that everyone wants and becoming the [Only God] in this world, what's wrong with this kind of ending? !

Accept it!

Admit it!

I am carrying everyone's [hope]!

Accept your own destiny, no longer evade your responsibilities, and pass this [hope] on to your next self.

Close your eyes, take a long breath, and calm yourself down.

The stars behind are shining brightly, without the slightest dimness, and the [hope] of facing oneself, returns at this moment.

At the same time, there is a sense of presence bursting out from him that no one can ignore.

But at the moment before becoming the [Only God], looking at the [Star Cup] in front of him, Zhou Fangwu told himself softly.

Hey hey hey, this is the 【Only God】!

From now on, this planet will be changed by my own desires, and I can do whatever I want. I am the absolute master of this planet!

How about acting a little happier?

Zhou Fangwu wanted to make himself appear to agree with the happy look of the final winner, but the smile on his face was so awkward.

That is not joy, but pain.

There are many figures in my mind—

Aqua, Darkness, Megumin, Yoyo, Sato-kun...

give up!

Take advantage of the options now!

Why should you wrong yourself so much?

Don't you want to go back?

If you let go now, there is still a chance, isn't it?

Don't you still want to see them again?

Come on, give up!

Just give up!

【Only God】Whatever, just look for it again!

Do not know why.

When he took the last step, this absurd thought involuntarily rose in his heart.

However, these next moments were thrown out of his mind again.

He is 【Hope】, an existence that carries all the intellectual and intelligent emotions, if he gives up at this moment~www.wuxiamtl.com~ then what is the meaning of his existence?

He shouted loudly:

"From this moment on, all sentient beings, remember my name!

I am Zhou Fangwu!

It is the new and only main **** of this planet!

I am 【Hope】!

It is a **** born to carry everyone's expectations, wishes, wishes, fantasies, and the most sincere feelings in their hearts!

It is also the **** entrusted by all existences on this planet, including the will of the planet itself!

while still—

The winner of this war! "

Like the final winner shouting his victory loudly, declaring his 'strength' to all challengers!

Regardless of force or intelligence, he defeated Artosh, the strongest deity-species **** of war, and teased the three... The four major forces formed a dispute to profit from it, and the final winner—

【God of Hope·Zhou Fangwu】!

This name, at this moment, resounds throughout the entire planet!

Zhou Fangwu stretched out his hand—

"Goodbye, everyone..."



The other hand held the 【Star Cup】with him!

Um? !

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