Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 593: Brute force won't save the world

5 years!

47 people!

This is the time since Rick moved out of the original colony, and the number of people who have died since then.

Only 47 people died in such a fierce battle.

Even Zhou Fangwu was shocked when he heard this number.


You must know that this is a war, it is a war that pulls the entire planet into the flames of war, and it is absolutely unavoidable. As long as the weak human race encounters the slightest danger, what awaits them is almost the end of death.

In this case, only 47 people died in 5 years.

Zhou Fangwu has traveled through many settlements and encountered many human species.

They all lived very hard under the flames of war, and the dead could hardly be judged with accurate numbers, and the colonies they had visited might be destroyed by the flames of war in a few days.

Dead person.

several thousand?

tens of thousands?

Or hundreds of thousands?

In the past 10 years, Zhou Fangwu has seen too many unfortunate things.

"Rick, the weak are not eligible for alliances and will not be protected by the strong. The weak human race is just someone else's fish."

Zhou Fangwu told the cruel fact.

Both Rick and Ivan listened with a blank face, because this is something they have known for a long time, as early as 10 years ago.

heard again.

"And if you want to save them, what would you choose to do when you have great power?"

"Secretly accumulating strength, waiting for the opportunity to turn the tables in one fell swoop."

"Oh, you are really smart, Rick."

Zhou Fangwu looked at the expressionless and lifeless shot down leader with admiring eyes.

That's right.

You can only accumulate strength in secret and wait for the opportunity.

If it is only possible to help some human races Zhou Fangwu can do it, he can definitely help human races improve their own strength, and there are countless ways.

But is it really good to do so?

The human species is still the human species after all, and it is absolutely impossible to gain the strength to overthrow all powerful enemies in a short time.

Even if a part of the human species is helped, more human species will face the attack and killing of powerful enemies.


Once a strong enemy finds out that the weak cats have bared their fangs, they will not hesitate to attack potential enemies under the war [around the only throne], and the human race has no ability to resist at all.

This is what Zhou Fangwu knew in his first year here.

So even if he has great strength, it is impossible for him to face the powerful enemies of the entire planet alone.

Zhou Fangwu stretched out his hand to the boy in front of him, and asked, "Rick, you are very smart, really smart. But, do you have the confidence to impress me, and let me give this power to you?"

Rick replied without hesitation: "Yes!"

"You who have fallen into self-blame just because of the death of 48 people?"


"How can you carry the future of the entire human race with such a weak heart?"


Rick remained silent.

What Zhou Fangwu said was right, he couldn't refute it at all.

This is a fact.

But in the eyes of Ivan and other people, Rick has done a good job.

Just abandoning 47 people can make the entire colony operate normally for 5 years, which can be said to be a feat that countless people are grateful for.

But everyone ignored a problem.

That is, Rick is only 18 years old, and his mental capacity is not as strong as everyone imagined.

47 people.

Everyone, directly or indirectly, voluntarily died under Rick's order.

Holding the idea that their wives, children and the rest of the colony could survive, they willingly chose to die.

Let others die.

This is not only indifference to others, but also cruelty to oneself. The spiritual torture will make people collapse.

Especially five years after Rick became the leader, the war is still not over.

What he promised was like a deception, abandoning a small number of people to let the majority live, just like a liar, bewitching everyone to live numbly.

Under the blessing of two or two, Rick's whole body was almost broken.

"Then...then, it's fine if you come! If you can end the war, wouldn't it be okay for you to be the leader?! As long as you can end the war..."

Rick growled.

There was a cry in his voice, it was not only venting, but also grievance under heavy pressure.


Ivan on the side was very concerned.

The leader of the colony who is indifferent to outsiders finally reveals his own weakness, which makes people realize that Rick is only an 18-year-old boy.

The burden on his body was about to overwhelm him.

Ivan also looked at Zhou Fangwu with expectant eyes, but got a disappointing answer.

"I can not do it."


"Because... heroes don't leave their lives alone..."

Zhou Fangwu’s voice was full of vicissitudes and melancholy that did not match his appearance age, and the deep voice was very contagious, making Rick and Ivan immediately understand that he had unspeakable difficulties.

【Heroes don't die without help】

The light group that Pandora gave him had a great influence on Zhou Fangwu.

Thousands of light groups brought countless information streams, which almost made Zhou Fangwu indulge in it and lose himself.

A person's existence is determined by memory.

Memory will affect a person's thinking and judgment, as well as emotions and actions, and the theme of countless light clusters is "hero" - the eternal savior.

So this indirectly affected Zhou Fangwu's subjective consciousness.


This is a war, and this is a war that draws the powerful races of the entire planet into the flames of war, and there are bound to be a lot of casualties.

Therefore, in order to reduce the number of human deaths as much as possible, Zhou Fangwu will roam the entire planet, helping and teaching the human species how to avoid them when they encounter them, and at the same time looking for opportunities to fight back.

Now he is imitating Prometheus and passing the 'fire' to human beings, that's why he calls himself [Fire Passer].

"Leave, Rick. Now you just regard me as a life-saving straw, and you want to take off the burden on your body and choose to escape. If you don't have the consciousness to take on the future of the entire human race—as long as this level, you can't let me be your strength."

Zhou Fangwu lost the interest to speak and drove the two of them away.

Rick locked his heart again, and then left with Ivan. But the determination on his face shows that he has not given up.

Zhou Fangwu sat at the entrance of the cave and looked up at the sky.

The dark green [black ash] was still scattered, but it was dispelled by an inexplicable force when it was about to fall on him.

Looking at the 'snow' falling from the sky, Zhou Fangwu also sighed deeply.

Is it 10 years...

It has been 10 years since I came to this world.

Aqua, Darkness, Megumin, Yoyo, Satou and Ma...

Are they doing well, have they already defeated the Demon King?

If he hadn't been influenced by [Hero], would he have had any other changes, would he have returned to Suqing long ago?

Zhou Fangwu's thoughts were confused, and his thoughts became more and more mixed.

This is not only a test for Rick, it may be his test.

Just as he was deep in thought, the familiar girl's voice came from beside his ear.

"Big brother, are you resting?"


It was Nona, Ivan's daughter, who came before him.

She clutched the hem of her clothes with her little hands, looking like she wanted to get close but was afraid.

Zhou Fangwu smiled, with kindness and tenderness on his face.

"come over."


With a bright smile on her small face, Nona threw herself into Zhou Fangwu's embrace.

It has been half a month since I came to the settlement, and among the children, Nona is the only one who is so close to Zhou Fangwu.

It's not that other children are afraid of him, but because of awe they want to approach him but dare not. Even though Zhou Fangwu has always been very kind, under the influence of his parents, they are still afraid of disturbing Zhou Fangwu and dare not come to play with him.

"Ah, Nona, aren't you farming with your mother?"

Zhou Fangwu pinched her fair little face.

Although he was still a little thin, he was much better than Zhou Fangwu before he came, and his defeated little face had a not-so-obvious rosiness.

"Well, since the farming work has been done, mom still has some time to prepare for other things, so I came to look for big brother."

After finishing speaking, Nona had a scared expression on her face: "I'm sorry, big brother, did I disturb you?"

Zhou Fangwu shook his head, telling her not to worry: "No, Nona, don't be afraid. On the contrary, I'm very happy that Nona can come to play with me."




Being affirmed, Nuona hugged Zhou Fangwu's neck happily.

After the happy mood gradually calmed down, Nona began to tell interesting things about the recent settlement of General Zhou Fang.

In fact, Zhou Fangwu got most of his information from Nona.

Talk about a lot, but more about food.

For children who have been unable to eat for a long time, it is enough to fill their stomachs every day.

It's just that her eyes were shining when she said it, and she had a lot of desire and pursuit of food. Zhou Fangwu knew that Nona was still a hidden snack.


He does not have the ability to make food, and the food brought from other worlds has been distributed long ago, and there is no way for Nona to taste the deliciousness of other worlds.

Said a lot again.

Most of the time it was Nona who was speaking, and Zhou Fangwu was just a silent listener.

He didn't ask about other things until Nona said she was tired.

Every time.

Only this time, Zhou Fangwu's question was a bit sharp.

"Nona, what would you do if... Rick ordered your daddy to die?"

"I'll make a scene and call Rick a liar. But...maybe I'll accept it later and apologize to Rick."


"Because, this is Rick's choice. Dad said that Rick is the only person who can lead us to live, so we all choose to trust Rick, so we all entrust our lives to him...Of course, I don't I understand this, but I choose to trust my father and accept his decision."


Zhou Fangwu hugged Nona tightly, locking her in his chest so that she could feel his heartbeat.

"Big brother, it hurts so much."

"Sorry, but let me be a little more willful this time."

"It's okay, it's okay, I can feel the pain of big brother. Huh-huh-the pain is gone~"


Nuona patted Zhou Fangwu's forehead lightly, and blew moist air on it, as if comforting an injured child, as if her mother was comforting her.

Zhou Fangwu silently accepted her kindness.

Rick, you need to grow up.

Be sure to find a way forward.

Otherwise, even I will hardly be able to hold on.

the other side.

Rick told Ivan to leave, was forced out even though Ivan didn't want to, and went back to the room alone, locking himself in.

He didn't tear his hair like usual, and he didn't vent his fists on the table violently like usual.

Instead, he placed a chessboard on the ground, squatting on his knees and fiddling with the chess pieces.

He is thinking.

Think about how to get the approval of Zhou Fangwu and how to get help from powerful people.

The goal should not be to "survive", but to "win", otherwise you will definitely not be able to impress that person.



Use your brain to find the key to victory!

When I was young, I thought the world should be a more simple existence, there is no competition that cannot be won, as long as you work hard, you will be rewarded, and everything is possible.

However, the world is not as simple as imagined.

There are no rules, no chessboard, everything is destroyed by unreasonable power.

Because there are no rules, there is no one to sanction violators.

And in this case, the human race doesn't even count as players.


In the eyes of all powerful enemies, human beings are not even qualified to survive, so no matter what, they must survive in the war. Whether it is for yourself or for others, living is the most important thing.


This is a war without rules. Since there are no rules, create the rules you want.


The conditions for victory are desperately cruel. But even so, we must look for the only hope. All or nothing, neither tie nor abstention.

If so...

"checkmate (general)."

Rick looked at the checkmate board.

He lost to his opponent again.

However, he also found the key to victory.

Hello, are you here?

Be there as always.

But sorry, this time will be my victory!

Do everything, bet everything I have!

Absolutely, absolutely to meet happyending (perfect ending)!

Holding the white chess piece, Rick walked out of the room.

Outside the room, Rick's sister, Cole, was anxiously pacing back and forth outside the door.

She knew how much pain Rick had endured for the colony.

Just now Ivan came to tell her that Rick locked himself in the room alone again, and she was very anxious when she heard that.

But the usual smashing sound was not heard in front of him.

Cole hesitated for a long time. She knew she shouldn't bother, but she still couldn't help the worry in her heart. She didn't breathe a sigh of relief until Rick came out of the room.

Then she punched Rick in the stomach unreasonably, making her stupid brother moan in pain.

"Stupid Rick! Don't worry me so much!"

"Cough, sorry, sorry. But it doesn't matter, I have found the key to victory."

Rick had a relaxed look on his face.

It was a smile he never had, a smile that changed his whole style.


Cole watched Rick walk towards the square, but didn't follow. She always felt that Rick was about to make an important decision.

Zhou Fangwu sat alone in the cave, and Nuo Na had already been called back to work by her mother.

Hear footsteps behind him.

"Rick, you came earlier than I thought.  … You have changed quite a bit."

"Haha, is that so?"

Rick's laughing appearance is completely different from his previous lifeless appearance.

Then he looked at Zhou Fangwu with burning eyes.

"Wu, you don't want to see people die, and neither do I. Similarly, I don't want to kill people, because murderers will be killed too.

I want to create a world without casualties, I want to make my own rules, and put the world on the chessboard!

So... help me, Wu. "

He stretched out his right hand, revealing the white **** in his hand—the king.

"Want to go to war with no casualties? Naive! . . . but it's a challenge! Alright! Let me put 'hope' on you!"

Zhou Fangwu took the chess piece in his hand.

But at the next moment, he shouted in a flat tone, hypocritically: "Ah, I forgot! If you want to get my help, you need to meet the last condition."

"What else?!... What is it?"

"Beat me!"


"Use this! Don't underestimate me, I'm very powerful."

"Strong? Good! I'm also on fire!"

The two happily played chess.

Zhou Fangwu looked at Rick's liberated nature, and his cheerful smile was a challenge for gamers to difficult games~www.wuxiamtl.com~ just like a great man abandoning medicine to pursue literature.

【Brute force can't save the world】

This is something he knew 10 years ago.

Did you choose the most difficult path (salvation) instead of crossing your spiritual barrier (sacrifice)?

Now you have obtained what can be said to be the strongest power in the history of human race.

Come on, let me see what your wisdom can do.

Don't let me down, Rick.


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