Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 568: King's Council【Five Thousand】

Just as Zhou Fangwu, Luo Hao's leader, Madam Aisha, Kusanagi Godou, and the four godslayers gathered in Shinjuku Yuwan, a majestic coercion came from a tall building in the distance.

It is a 48-storey high-rise building, which is one of the famous geographic coordinates of Shinjuku, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office.

Zhou Fangwu could sense that this compatriot did this on purpose, in order to show his own existence.

But his aura was very strange, and he was not one of the godslayers that Zhou Fangwu knew.

The momentum suddenly burst out, and the four godslayers who gathered together didn't know what he meant.

Especially Kusanagi Godou, who looked at his compatriots in the distance with a wry smile.

It was already chaotic enough, but I didn't expect that someone would deliberately disrupt the situation after the grievances that had been resolved.

"Oh, it's His Royal Highness Alec the Black Prince."

Erica, who has a huge social circle, immediately revealed the true identity of this godslayer who came suddenly.

【Alexander Gascoigne】

He is the godslayer of Great Britain, who defeated the fallen angel Lemuel who was in charge of visions and human beings, and thus usurped the power of speed. He is good at a little magic, but more skills related to gambling and juggling.

The information about Alek appeared in Zhou Fangwu's mind instantly.

But the strange thing is that this compatriot should not like to fight head-on, but is good at tactics and is used to designing counterattacks against the enemy.

What is the purpose of exposing yourself at this time?

It can't be just to muddy the water, right?

At the same time, under the watchful eyes of Zhou Fangwu, Luo Hao, and Kusanagi Godou, Mrs. Aisha staggered and fled from the deep forest.

But before she ran out a few steps, a [Black Thunder] hidden in the middle of the night came quietly in the distance.

The night is its best veil, and the most surprising thing is that it has no sound or movement!

The target is directed at Mrs. Aisha who is running away!

The extension technique of [Power·Electric Fire] shoots out the power and turns it into a thunderbolt that can burn down the streets!

"Huh?! Huh—!"

Mrs. Aisha, who was running away, seemed to be stimulated by the electric current of the [Black Thunder] from a distance. Her originally messy footsteps instantly became flexible, and she fled back and forth between tall buildings and trees.

But the confused expression on her face all showed that she was subconsciously reacting.

Godslayers, when a crisis comes, will activate the body's resistance genes, and will never die easily.

Mrs. Aisha, who seems weak and weak, moves back and forth in the hidden and narrow forest, with the black thunder behind her chasing closely.

Just when the black thunder was about to hurt Mrs. Aisha, a bright sword light struck again, breaking up the black thunder.

"what happened?"

Kusanagi Godou was at a loss.

According to the information he got, Mrs. Aisha had just escaped from the Marquis of Vauban, and then fell into the clutches of Hierarch Luo Hao. Knowing that she could not escape, he rushed to rescue her, but after being rescued, she was rescued by another A black prince of Alek who was hiding in the dark made a sneak attack.

This way, it doesn't look like a civil war between the godslayers at all, but more like hunting Mrs. Aisha.

And Shinjuku is the hunting ground!

Each godslayer occupies one side, waiting for the prey, Mrs. Aisha, to come to her door.

Zhou Fangwu couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he saw it.

I don't know what the witch king did. Everyone wants to get rid of her before the civil war, and they don't even want her to participate in the king's council before the civil war.

It's too messy.

For Mrs. Aisha, Zhou Fangwu still has a certain affection. After all, it was Mrs. Aisha who rescued him when he was helpless.

Although the location of the release was wrong, he met the God of Disobedience when he was unprepared.

Fortunately, he was the one who was superior in the end and succeeded in killing [La], becoming the seventh godslayer.

…and many more.

Is it too much of a coincidence?

As if... on purpose?

Originally, in Zhou Fangwu's cognition, Mrs. Aisha was entrusted by Pandora to bring Zhou Fangwu out of the Xingyou Realm by relying on [Power·Fairy Corridor]. She should be the one who came to help him.


As soon as he came out, he met the God of Disobedience, and relying on the rope on his body, he managed to make a comeback at the last moment, successfully usurped the power of the God of Disobedience, and became the seventh God Killer.

That's right.

It was as if [Fate] had already been arranged.

The Hierarch Luo Hao at the side noticed Zhou Fangwu's strangeness, and asked, "Young brother?"

Zhou Fangwu shook his head: "It's okay, I just want to ask Mrs. Aisha about something."

"Well, then take this opportunity to get rid of this troublesome woman directly!"

The situation is now clear.

Not only the Hierarch Luo Hao and the Marquis of Vauban, but also the Black Prince Alek who was lurking in the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and Zhou Fangwu who suddenly changed his mind for some reason.

Under the siege of the four godslayers, even though Kusanagi Godou had three heads and six arms, he did not dare to confront them head-on.

No choice but to retreat temporarily.

But he didn't forget Mrs. Aisha, the source of the restlessness among the godslayers.

In order to prevent the Godslayer from causing huge damage to Tokyo when he was chasing Mrs. Aisha, Kusanagi Godou grabbed her and ran away, leaving a word at the same time.

"I know your goal is Miss Aisha! Come on! If you want her, come to Meiji Shrine! I'll wait for you there!"

It has to be said that his technique is brilliant.

Using Mrs. Aisha as bait, the other godslayers had to follow in his footsteps. That is to say, it solved the riots before the king's council, and at the same time, it also brought together the godslayers, which was the beginning of the council.

Although the positions of the godslayers are different, everyone else should be able to receive this news.

"So, is sister Yi going?"

"Of course! How could I back down when invited by my compatriots? But at the beginning, I planned to deal with that troublesome woman before sending out the invitation. But forget it, it doesn't make any difference."

Hierarch Luo Hao was fearless, not at all afraid of the possibility that Kusanagi Godou might set up traps there.

"And... I think other compatriots will go too. To be looked down upon by a junior is a shame like the majesty of the senior. Brother Yu, sail the boat to the Meiji Shrine."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Zhou Fangwu drove the golden boat straight to the Meiji Shrine.

At the same time, the other godslayers also received invitation letters from the official history compilation committee. The formats of the letters were different, but the destinations all pointed to the place Kusanagi Godou said.

—Meiji Shrine.

There, the king's council will be held, and it may even become the battlefield of the godslayer civil war.

【Meiji Shrine】

Located in Shibuya, Tokyo, against the center of Tokyo, it is the largest green space in the center of Tokyo.

At the same time, it is also the most important shrine of Shinto in the island country.

And Kusanagi Godou set the location of the council at the Meiji Shrine, the meaning of which is self-evident.

In the event of a fight, he must be in a favorable position.

But even so, these arrogant godslayers also readily attended the appointment.

It was already midnight.

Even the bright moonlight has become much dimmer than before, and the sparse starlight cannot illuminate the entire night sky, but it is not a problem for the godslayers who can see at night, and they can fight as they please even in the dark.

If there is no light, it depends on sound and breath, and the flow of air.

No matter how steep the battlefield is, there are many ways to fight, and it is precisely because of this that they are god-killing warriors.

This is also their confidence.

In Meiji Jingu Shrine, the green grass is spread all over the playground, and the grass that has been carefully cared for by people can feel the ultimate softness when stepping on it.

Kusanagi Godou was a bit reluctant to destroy it, but in the whole of Tokyo, this is the only place with such a large area.

Moreover, the shrine here can also play a certain role in containment, and it is also an important help for him.

Even if you are extremely reluctant, you can only place the location here.

On the playground, Kusanagi Godou stood side by side with Mrs. Aisha.

Not far away is his miko, Kiyoshuin Ena.

At this time, she was kneeling on the ground, holding a handful of crops in both hands, chanting words with her eyes closed, not knowing what she was doing.

Kusanagi Godou asked: "Miss Aisha, what did you do to provoke other godslayers to target you like that."

"Well... no...?"

Mrs. Aisha looked very weak, and shook her head after thinking for a long time, not knowing what she did wrong.


Kusanagi Godou looked at her suspiciously, but actually believed her in his heart.

Looking at her soft and gentle appearance, she is completely different from those violent godslayers who only know how to cause destruction, and I don't think she will do anything harmful.

I even wondered in my heart, is it because those godslayers targeted her so much because they saw her as a bully and too weak, and wanted to kill an enemy before the decisive battle?

Regarding his thinking, the other godslayers can only say that his thinking is too simple.

That is to say, Kusanagi Godou has not been a godslayer for a short time, and he has not seen the huge influence Mrs. Aisha inadvertently brought, otherwise he would never have protected Mrs. Aisha in this way.

…No, for the sake of the safety of the island country, he probably will still do this.


The conversation between the two was interrupted by the Emiko not far away.

She stood up, with the long knife Tian Guan in her hand on her waist, aiming at the surroundings in a state of preparation.

The moment she spoke, Kusanagi Godou and Mrs. Aisha also sensed it.

Qingqiuyuan Huina can sense the enemy's arrival together with the godslayers, and this alone can tell how good she is.

"Ah, King Rakshasa. At your invitation, I'm here."

The one who takes the lead is naturally our martial arts king.

There was a smile on her face, not gentle and polite, but a smile full of fighting desire.

Followed by Zhou Fangwu.

Looking at Kusanagi Godou, the **** who once snatched him away, Zhou Fangwu didn't feel that angry.

No, it should be said that he did not anger him.

At that time, Kusanagi Godou was obviously controlled by others. After being manipulated by Susanoo, he took advantage of the loopholes to defeat Mekar, the **** of disobedience he had planned, and became the eighth godslayer at the same time.

In the final analysis, he is just a tool man controlled by others. If he wants to collect debts, he has to go to Yujie to find Susanoo.

But now it seems that even if there is no grievance between them, they still have to fight each other.

"Lord Luo Hao, and seniors..."

Kusanagi Godou looked at Zhou Fangwu with a complicated expression.

When they first met, Zhou Fangwu had asked him for the Prometheus slate in exchange for healing his shoulder.

In the eyes of outsiders, this may be the most excessive transaction.

At the cost of healing his shoulders, he robbed others of the opportunity to become a godslayer.

But in Kusanagi Godou's view, this was already an excellent favor.

You know, he was just an ordinary person at that time, and with the bad attitude of other godslayers towards ordinary people, it was already a great favor for Zhou Fangwu to help him heal his shoulder.


With this kind of kindness, after killing the gods in a daze and knowing that the prey was snatched from Zhou Fangwu, he looked confused and felt that he had done too much.

Even if it was a relationship controlled by others, Kusanagi Godou felt that it was his own fault.

But before he could apologize, a tall black-haired young man also came from another direction.

He was wearing a specially tailored black suit with a white shirt inside and a bright and gorgeous tie.

The appearance of Mr. Pianpian explained who was coming.

"There are so many new faces, it's really hard to make people happy." Alec Black Prince looked at the three people gathered here, and said: "Although they are all familiar faces, it's hard to be happy. Let me introduce myself Alright, I'm Alec, two newcomers."

The full-fledged senior posture seemed to be asking Zhou Fangwu and Kusanagi Godou to say to him: "Hello, senior!"

However, this was another young man who came over, his tone was full of frivolity, and he sang against Alec.

"Really? I think it's pretty good! But these three people are all acquaintances to me."

He walked at a leisurely pace.

Short blond hair, dark gray trench coat, dark red long sleeves, and khaki trousers.

Quite casual, no different from fashionable young people walking on the street.

But the long sword on his back is very eye-catching.

"Hey, Tony, long time no see." Zhou Fangwu greeted the visitor.

"Wu, long time no see, do you want to have an in-depth swordsmanship exchange later!" Tony smiled and extended the invitation.

"You are still as stupid as ever. If you want to communicate, you should communicate more with yourself." Alec Black Prince was very dissatisfied with the momentum created by Tony to dismiss him, and immediately taunted him.

But Tony didn't care at all, and even said with a smile: "You are as venomous as ever, which makes me feel very kind. Come on, play with me more like before."

"Tsk, you bastard..."

Alek clicked his tongue in displeasure, not daring to agree at all.

Maybe it was annoyed, or maybe it didn't feel like Tony's frivolous invitation was worth answering.

"Hmph, a group of noisy juniors."

A cold voice with scrutiny and criticism came from not far away from the few people.

And the only person who is qualified to say this is the oldest and 'strongest' godslayer—the Marquis of Vauban.

His gray hair was combed neatly, and the windbreaker on his body fluttered gently with the cool night wind.

Gentleman's old man.

If it wasn't for his sharp eyes, which glowed green like a wolf, he might have captured a group of beautiful ladies walking on the street.

"Wolf King."

Luo Hao was the first to call out the title of her old enemy.

The Marquis of Vauban did not reply, but looked at Ena Kiyoakiin.

"This is a meeting between kings. It's really presumptuous for a mere maiden to dare to stay here."

His voice was very soft, but the dangerous tone could no longer be concealed.

Before Qingqiuin Huina could make a move, her feet suddenly began to crystallize, spreading upwards at a very fast speed, and in a few seconds they would become pillars of salt!

The unreasonable Marquis of Vauban is a disgrace as soon as he appears on the stage.

This is to punish Kusanagi Godou for using Mrs. Aisha as bait to lure them to come.

"It's too much, brother!"

Mrs. Aisha immediately came to Qingqiu Yuan Huina's side, and the spell power surged on her body.

The huge mantra instantly melted the crystallized part, and restored the affected Priestess to its original state.

"My lord brother! My lord sister! The way you two greet each other is too much!"

call, greet...

Zhou Fangwu looked at Mrs. Aisha, not knowing whether she was really stupid or not.

Not only did they join forces to hunt her down, but they gave Kusanagi Godou a slap in the face when they appeared on the stage. How dare you call it a greeting? !

"...How many times have I told you, don't you have a long memory?" Luo Hao's voice was sweet and cold, and he told Aisha the cruel truth: "I am not your sister, don't wantonly fabricate facts .”

"You are here again."

Mrs. Aisha turned a blind eye to Luo Hao's cruelty.

She said with an unusually gentle smile: "Sister and elder brother say this every time, which makes me so sad... But it doesn't matter, Aisha still knows clearly that there are full of emotions hidden in your two cold words." Love."


It must be killing intent.

Not only the Hierarch Luo Hao and the Marquis of Vauban, but even the other godslayers wished for her to disappear quickly, so how could it be love?

"Don't make a mistake! It's okay to misunderstand without authorization, but I still hope that I won't be involved in your ridiculous romantic drama with women!" The voice of the oldest devil warned severely.

"It's you who should respect yourself, Wolf King. Don't accuse me indiscriminately, and use this to belittle my dignity." The martial arts king was also indifferent to Mrs. Aisha's enthusiasm.

Hearing her words, the godslayers present couldn't help laughing.

Mrs. Aisha was once again in a dilemma.

- Click!

While the godslayers were laughing, there were distinctive footsteps in the distance~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka.

It was the sound of footsteps on nailed leather boots.

"It's frightening to keep everyone waiting. It seems that I barely made it to the opening ceremony of the stage...it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Wearing a black helmet mask and a pitch-black cloak fluttering in the wind in the dark night, he looks like a righteous hero.

Here comes the last godslayer.

John Pluto Smith.

"Oh, it seems that I'm not late yet, and my seat seems to be vacant."

"Let's count it, but it can't change the fact that you are late."

Yarek's tone was familiar and sarcastic.

The two should know each other, but the relationship is not as good as imagined.

At this point, the eight godslayers gathered together.

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