Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 562: The godslayers are a group of vermin

It has to be said that Zhou Fangwu's resignation made Alice feel very difficult.

Even if she knew that this was suppressing in a disguised form, she would be at a disadvantage in the following negotiations, but the godslayers are a group of strong men who can act recklessly, and they feel that their existence is dispensable, and they will not go to Deliberately caring.

The most powerful king in the world needs to be loyal to his own magic association, but there are too many magic associations in this world, and he can choose any one, not to mention that Zhou Fangwu already has his own power.

If you are dissatisfied, just call.

Now, the pressure came to Alice.

She really couldn't think of any outstanding side of herself that could be the confidence for the next negotiation.

Seeing that the white priestess was silent, Zhou Fangwu asked again: "Alice, what do you think is a godslayer?"

"Well... Godslayers are a group of heroes who save the world. They fight against the disobedient gods that ravage the earth, and they hold up the last umbrella for the weak like us. They are..."


Before she could finish speaking, Zhou Fangwu hummed softly, and when she raised her head, she saw a face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

It's over.

It's time to clap the horse's hooves.

I thought that Zhou Fangwu liked others to praise him like Luo Hao and the Marquis of Vauban, but he never thought that people would feel very uncomfortable when they praised him.

Zhou Fangwu snorted coldly: "Godslayers are just a bunch of pests!"


The pretty face was slightly stiff.

Zhou Fangwu's words were so shocking that Alice didn't know how to answer them for a while, or she didn't dare to answer them at all.

For example, the superior emperor can reprimand the inaction of the former emperor, but as the courtiers, they must never speak ill of the royal family, otherwise they will be punished by the emperor.

In the end, she could only choose to remain silent.

"Why, you think so too, right? That's why the general was selected from among the dwarves, and in the end he had no choice but to come to me, didn't he?"

Zhou Fangwu finally broke the consensus that the two sides had never broken before.

He never thought that he came to worship from all directions, and Alice's surrender was nothing more than an old acquaintance Erica and that he was not an evil king, but a good king who would protect the people.

However, Godslayer is an existence that is feared and loathed by people.

Unlike the disobedient gods who would choose to wreak havoc on the earth, the godslayers with various unpredictable personalities were the most troublesome existence for them.

Just look at those idiots who are always causing trouble.

Wanton indulgence, doing whatever he wants, letting his subordinates pay the bill for doing something wrong, standing proudly at the top with his own invincible strength, is an absolutely willful idiot.

But if you want to fight against the God of Disobedience, you can only rely on them.

The godslayer is like an annoying fishbone, sticking in the throat makes people feel uncomfortable.

To say they are [Mobile natural disasters] is by no means a slander.

Hearing what Zhou Fangwu said, Alice seemed to understand what he meant.

"Then you mean..."

"I will make the godslayers disappear from this world."

'Are you serious? ! To fight against the other 7 godslayers! '

‘And, have you forgotten that you are also a godslayer! '

Alice really wanted to shout out like this, but she was afraid of saying the wrong thing, so she forcibly endured it back.

He bowed his head and said nothing, pretending to be an ostrich.

At the same time, I was also thinking about whether the thing I came to seek refuge in was right or wrong.

"You, can you represent the Greenwich Council of Sages?"


Even if Alice is the original speaker, that doesn't mean she doesn't have real power.

It's just that due to her weak body, she has to stay in bed all year round, and she can only rely on - controlling the ghost, such exquisite magic to let the soul interfere in the world.

This is an extremely special spiritual power that can only be used by a very small number of witches or witches.

It was precisely because of this that she laid the foundation for her mastery of the Greenwich Council of Sages.

Hearing her confession, Zhou Fangwu nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, then I will accept your surrender."


'sorry! I don't want to surrender! '

But Alice must never say these words, otherwise, what greets her is the wrath of the Godslayer!

Her Greenwich Council of Wise Men might have been destroyed the next day by a raging Godslayer.

You also said that other godslayers are a bunch of wanton vermin, and you are not the same in the end!

Alice couldn't help but look at the man in front of her with anger.

This is already very rude, Zhou Fangwu can use this to punish her, but it is not easy to continue to persecute her now, so he chooses to turn a blind eye and leave the choice to her.

It can also be regarded as punishment for Alice's rudeness and breaking into her room.

You know, at such a severe time for Zhou Fangwu, Alice ran over to meet her recklessly, and it was the night when he returned to this world!

Do you think he can stop thinking too much?

My base camp has been infiltrated just like that, it has become a sieve!

"That... Wang, can you let me think about it?"


"That's right."

Alice was really about to cry.

Zhou Fangwu's dangerous eyes were telling her that if she didn't agree, she wouldn't even be able to leave tonight!

In the end, Alice wrinkled her face in distress, sighed, and agreed.

"I see, Greenwich Council of Sages, and now I pledge my allegiance to you."

"Wise choice."

Seeing Alice knelt on one knee, showing her loyalty to herself, Zhou Fangwu praised her.

I thought I would continue to talk about feelings with myself, but I didn't expect to agree so simply and neatly. Is it because I feel that even if I move out of Erica, it won't do anything, so I quickly put an end to unrealistic thoughts and choose to surrender?

"Okay, stop frowning, your cute face will become ugly."

"Yes Yes…"

Even if Zhou Fangwu asked so, Alice was still full of melancholy.

Before she came, she had envisioned many scenes, no matter how intense or severe she was, she was prepared, but when she came, she was taken down by others.

All preparations are in vain.

It's like a soldier wearing refined armor goes to the battlefield, but all the weapons used against the enemy's troops are hot weapons, and there is no backhand power at all.

Such a defeat, how could she accept it.

Don't look at her being young and possessing super spiritual power as the basis, but who is simple enough to sit on the chairperson? The simple ones are regarded as tools to win over the strong!

Weak people don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth~www.wuxiamtl.com~ always want to wrestle with the strong, but in the end they are beaten so dizzy.

Just like Erika who wanted to kill God before.

Should we say that they are good friends? Their brain circuits are almost the same.

Zhou Fangwu saw that she had been grimacing, so he knew that she mistakenly thought that she was about to face all the godslayers.

In order to appease her anxious heart, Zhou Fangwu did not hide it, and told her about the King of the End.

"Don't be afraid, the civil war among the godslayers is a pre-established fact, and everyone will fight on their own."


"Ah, because of the appearance of the [King of the End], this is the only way to destroy the Dafa of the Alliance."

"…What's the meaning?"

Alice was full of doubts.

But Zhou Fangwu stopped talking, and she gritted her teeth in anger, but there was nothing she could do.

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