Darkness played tricks, she won't win by force.

Barnier also wants to realize his wish in Axel Novice Village, so its identity as a demon must not be revealed.

Otherwise, it will have a very bad influence on Zhou Fangwu.

No choice but to surrender.

It's not that it can't persist for a while, but the more you persist, the greater the risk of exposure, and finally it surrendered smoothly after Zhou Fangwu nodded.

It's good not to reveal your identity, but it's a bit embarrassing to surrender and admit defeat.

Logically speaking, it was the strongest among all the contestants present, except for the two goddesses, but in the end it was defeated by a pervert.

I really can't justify it.

When I returned to the camp, I thought Akua would mock it. After all, the two of them disliked each other, and Barnir would be scolded and ridiculed by Akua if he lost the game.

But what it didn't expect was that Akuya didn't mock and blame.

Instead of complaining, he even comforted it.

"It's okay! Thank you for your hard work, Barnier."


Barnier looked at her slightly surprised.

The goddess with a brain problem in front of her will never forgive anyone except her own believers, but she never thought she would care about the losers.

Really unexpected!

"After all, you're only at this level. I'm really an idiot for expecting you."

"...This sentence should be said by me! You stupid goddess!"

Barney suddenly felt that he was wrong.

How could this hopeless idiot goddess show kindness to others?

"Hmph! Why don't you let people tell you that you lost? You are a useless demon, but you still call yourself a demon lord. It's ridiculous!"

"What did you say?!"

Barney, who was ridiculed by Akua, suddenly frowned.

The two of them got together and almost fought again.

Fortunately, even if Yoyo stopped them, otherwise fighting in the game would really drain their morale.

Barnier also knew, but Akuya was too angry and couldn't hold back for a while.

As for Aqua...

It would be impossible in this life to let her know the truth.

on stage.

"La Latina...my daughter is amazing!"

Seeing Darkness being helped down, Lord Dustinis burst into tears.

If it weren't for the fact that he was still playing, it would be difficult to leave the field under the watchful eyes of everyone. Zhou Fangwu suspected that he might have already run down to care for his daughter's safety.

...Although he is also very concerned about it.

But after seeing Eris treat her, the tension in her heart relaxed a little.

"The winner—Darkness!"

Once again, the crowd cheered loudly as Senna announced the winner.

Just not as enthusiastic as before.

Because in this game, everyone didn't see any fierce confrontation at all.

【Heat Resistance Contest】

In the final analysis, it is to see who can last longer.

The audience who had been prepared for a long time didn't feel too disappointed. The cheers and applause were just rewards for the winners.

"Without further ado, let's start the fourth game!" Sena regained control of the atmosphere, and she shouted to Eris in the audience: "Then, please come to the stage to draw lots!"

The previous victory made Eris confident.

He was already on the edge of the cliff, but was pulled back abruptly by Darkness.


Have a chance to win!


"Please, give me a good lottery!" Eris prayed silently.

She was the goddess of luck.

And when she prays, her own luck will be rewarded to her.

"this is…?"

"—Play chess!"

When the unfolded note said "play chess", a cheerful smile appeared on Eris's face.

Her prayers were answered.

She thought that because of the presence of Aqua-senpai, her luck would be invalidated.

Unexpectedly, she finally responded to her expectations.

"Play chess?"

Aqua scratched his head in distress.

Playing chess in Suqing is similar to chess, but the rules are a little different.

But unfortunately, there is no one on their side who can play chess.

not a single one!

Oh no, there is also Huihui who always plays tricks on the chessboard, and is probably the best chess player among these people.

But unfortunately, she played yesterday.

Unlike Akua who has been vacillating and not knowing who to play, the Eris Cult chose the person to play from the very beginning.

Needless to say, the fourth pick was also cast by Eris.

That's right, after all, there are more than 500 votes, and the probability is too small.

A dozen people couldn't pick a chess player.

And just when she was so depressed that she didn't know what to do, and when she wanted to show up, another person appeared.

"Goddess Aqua, let me try."

This person is the winner in life that Sato Kazuma is jealous of.

—Yujian Xiangye.

Yujian Xiangye, who admired Akuya very much, came when he learned that Axel Novice Village had started preparing for the Goddess Festival.

It's just that due to his popularity, people greet him wherever he goes.

It was only now that I had a formal chat with Aqua.

"That... who are you?"

"It's me! Yujian Kyoya! This is the fourth time we have met!"

"Ah! It's you, the demon swordsman who was bullied by Wu."

"Uh...if you can remember me like this, that's fine too."

Yujian Xiangye wants to cry but has no tears.

He deeply doubts whether the goddess he worships is really worth it?

But his words gave Aqua some hope.

"Hey, continue the topic just now! You said you want to play chess, so are you good at chess?"

"Hmm... Although it's a bit of a bragging rights for me, I actually won an international competition award... the first place before crossing."

Seeing that Akuya didn't take it seriously, Yujian Xiangye announced her final ranking.


All of a sudden, Aqua was refreshed.

"You are such an outstanding talent!"

"Really? It's nothing."

This is pure Versailles.

Just like Sato Kazuma once said, Mitsuken Kyoya is the one who is in the midst of blessings but does not know the blessings, and always thinks that he is unlucky.

Jealousy is maddening.

"Okay, it's decided! Next game, you go!"

"Oh! Leave it to me!"

Yujian Xiangye is full of confidence ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ As the third super adventurer in the Kingdom, Yujian Xiangye received warm applause from everyone when he appeared on the stage.

Even if it's not a fight, he is favored by most people, thinking that he is the ultimate winner!


Zhou Fangwu on the stage did not understand the rules of chess in this world, nor did he understand the rules of chess.

It can only be guessed from the exclamation of Lord Dustinis that the two people on the stage fought fiercely.


The rules of chess playing in this world are somewhat different. Yujian Xiangye's inertial thinking eventually caused him to be dissatisfied, and he was accidentally taken by his opponent to seize the opportunity to win.

Even if he resisted desperately in the end, without the key pieces, he could not effectively organize a counterattack, so he could only forcefully continue his life.

In the end, I still lost.

Akuya's side ushered in a second losing streak after two consecutive victories.


Match point!


Unexpectedly, I traveled through https://

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