Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 543: Shout! ——steal!

Seeing Cecily standing in the rapids safely, Kazuma Sato was very excited.

"Cheating! You are cheating!"

He pointed at Cecily, and shouted at Senna: "Referee! Referee! Look quickly, she is cheating by using magic!"

And such a loud shout without grace made Sena look at him with a strange look of disdain.

Sato Kazuma felt that something was wrong.

"S, Miss Sena?!"

"Kazuma Sato, didn't you listen to me explain the rules just now? Because you didn't emphasize the relationship between the rules, there are no rules at all in this game except that you must get the headband."


Sato Kazuma was speechless.

He suddenly remembered.

It is precisely because he has a bad idea that he can stick to the beautiful girls who are against him, and inadvertently touch their soft bodies during the competition, so he deliberately did not write the rules of the competition.

The purpose is to leave room for sophistry.

Unexpectedly, Cecily wasn't hooked at all.

From the very beginning, relying on magic power and water element characteristics, they stood firmly outside the water flow and completely took the initiative.


Sato Kazuma cursed secretly: "I was negligent!...How could it be possible to say it under such circumstances!"

He was a little helpless and a little regretful.

Anyone who has been laying the groundwork for so long will be discouraged if it goes to waste.

Sato Kazuma is of course the same.

But he didn't give him time to reflect on his mistakes, because Cecily was about to start making moves.

"You actually said big sister that I cheated or something... Don't you think of doing such and such things to others from the beginning, Sato-san?"

Cecily tossed her hair lightly, posing in a rather seductive pose.

She did it on purpose.

She's not an idiot either, when she saw Sato Kazuma's face full of regret and yelling about cheating, she knew that this man definitely had some bad intentions.

Then seize the opportunity to counterattack!

The harder you hit him, the greater the chance of winning!

Play psychological warfare!

"Hey, little brother, do you know why the pool of water that only reached the lower abdomen at the beginning is now rushing to the chest?" Cecily said something incomprehensible.

"What do you mean? Isn't it because of centrifugal force?" Sato Kazuma looked at her in confusion.

Cecily suddenly stretched out her right hand: "That's right, it's because of centrifugal force, but that's not what I'm going to say, big sister."

Suddenly, a blue halo enveloped her hand.

The water in the pool suddenly became more turbulent, making Sato Kazuma, who was already in a spinning state, spin even faster.

"This, this is..."

"You wanted to enter the central area just now, because the current there has the least influence on the pool water, and of course you can easily stand firm. So you wanted to rush there from the beginning, didn't you?"

Just like a tornado.

The periphery of the tornado is more powerful as it rolls, while the center is a completely windless zone.

Although the water flow can't be regarded as completely without rotational force, it is still much better than Cecily at the outermost edge.

So when Sato Kazuma found that there was no way to touch her, his first thought was to firmly occupy the center, and then play a tug of war.

But obviously, Cecily saw through.

"Tsk. She obviously looks like Aqua is not too shrewd, why did she suddenly become smart at this time!"

Cecily was exactly the same as Aqua in this regard.

She is rough on some insignificant things, but once she touches on something critical, she becomes extremely shrewd in an instant, but most of the time she still loses the chain.

"Damn it! Head, head... I'm going to faint!"

Sato Kazuma is struggling in the whirlpool.

Originally, he only had a little distance left, but he didn't expect to be frozen here now.

"But is this really good?"

"Why, are you still struggling now?"

"I'm concerned about you. You make the water so turbulent, but you and I both know that the more you are on the periphery, the greater the impact! Although I am spinning with the current at high speed, once you are knocked down by the current, the rapids will It will knock you out in an instant!"

"Ah, please take care of me, big sister, but don't underestimate the high priest of the Axis Cult."


Playing with water in front of believers who believe in the goddess whose power is [water] is like wielding a big sword in front of Guan Gong, and he is oversatisfied!

If I knew it earlier, I would have thought of doing such and such unspeakable bad things!

How to do?

What can I do to crack the method? !

Magic...it doesn't seem to work.

In this case, using magic will definitely hurt you in the end, and doing so must be useless, and it will also make the other party vigilant.

So I have to do a one-hit kill.

In other words, if you don't make a move, you will be fine, and if you make a move, you will definitely win!

think carefully!

Think carefully, Kazuma Sato!

Play to your strengths!

Think carefully about what cards you have!

Carrying the feeling of dizziness that was almost unbearable, Sato Kazuma's brain was running rapidly.

He is not an adventurer who is good at strength, but a person who relies on his mind to win.


There was definitely something he hadn't thought of yet!

Got it!

He suddenly thought of it!

He has a super powerful skill that scares all the female adventurers in Axel Novice Village!

That is a super powerful skill that belongs to him alone and can make a comeback!

Once he uses this skill, he will definitely be able to get the headband at once and win the final victory.

However, if you do this, you won't be able to do such and such bad things that you decided before. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com


Still thinking about those!

Sato Kazuma cursed secretly.

Then he opened his eyes and looked at Cecily with burning eyes.

"What, what's the matter? Even if you look at me so passionately, big sister, I will not give up the victory that is within my reach."

Cecily felt something was wrong, and teased Sato Kazuma pretending to be charming.

On the other hand, Sato Kazuma is completely unaffected.

He stared at Cecily, to be precise, it was the headband on Cecily's head.

He has a skill that can make a comeback.

And this skill is...


That's right!

It is this magical skill that stole the **** of Eris, Mitsuken Kyoya, Lisa, Carol, Schrader and others!

According to the setting, this skill will steal the most important items that the opponent considers.

So now for Cecily, the most important thing is of course the headband on her head!

What should I do, do I want to gamble?

Ha, do you still think about it?

Isn't the answer already there?

bring it on!

Use it!

Let's give that triumphant woman a heavy hammer at the last moment!


My strongest skill!


Sato Kazuma raised his right hand high, and a light suddenly appeared.

In the next second, he held an object in his hand!

That is…? !

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