Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 540: Water Fight, Game 1!

"Hey, since some guests don't know the rules of the game, please allow me to explain it to you first.

There are five innings in the game, and a best-of-five-inning system is adopted.

Once one side gets three wins, the game ends immediately.

As for the competition items, everyone in Axel Novice Village will discuss together! "

At this time, Miss Luna, the most popular usher of the Adventurer's Guild, walked up with some difficulty holding a big opaque box in both hands.

"Everyone please look!

The box Miss Luna is holding is a collection of competition items proposed by everyone in the entire Novice Village!

And next.

The two sides took a small ball from the box in turn, which was the same as my hand, and there was a note in the small ball that wrote the upcoming competition.

Although it may be a bit unsightly to say this, we still have to say that no matter whether you like the selected competitions or not, we must strictly implement them!

However, it is also conceivable that these competitions are all kinds of strange things, and everyone will find it very exciting! "

Don't look at Senna who always looks cold and serious, but she is really good at mobilizing people's emotions.

The possibility of being uninterested in the competition event was also taken into account.

In order to be truly fair and just, she used another method to comfort everyone.

Sure enough, the scene was mobilized by her.

"That's right, that's right! I don't know what event will be drawn, it's really exciting!"

"Hmm! If you can draw mine..."

"Impossible! Definitely mine!"

"Mine! Mine!"

The onlookers shouted loudly, and the cheers surged up like a heat wave. The temperature of the air was already close to the low temperature in the middle of the night, but their enthusiasm was once again ignited.

Senna also took advantage of the opportunity to explain:

"According to the previous agreement, Ms. Akua will draw the competition items first, and then Ms. Chris will draw! At the same time, Ms. Akuya will also draw the last game. This is her priority right to choose!

Don't underestimate this right!

Whether you can extract competition items that complement your own team will determine the final direction of the competition!


Miss Aqua, please draw lots! "

Akuya in the audience has long been eager to try.

After hearing Sena calling her, she rushed to the ring impatiently.

"Oh! Miss Aqua, come on!"

"Come on, Aqua!"


Although Axis's reputation is not good, and Aqua's reputation is not good, but at least he is a member of the [Hero] team, and at least he is also the high priest who has saved many adventurers.

Those adventurers who had been favored cheered her on.

Aqua waved his hands around.

With that smug expression, it seemed that she was sure of winning.

Sena, who was waiting impatiently, urged: "Miss Akuya, please draw lots."

"I see."

Aqua nodded, and pulled out an aqua blue ball from the box.

Water blue!

It is her representative color and also her lucky color!


Akua cheered inwardly.

This is what she planned long ago!

Although you can't cheat during the game, you can cheat before the game.

She is Aqua, a goddess with many followers!

Since everyone in the town can propose events, there's no reason her disciples can't vote either!

So she thought of a good way.

- Use special balls!

As she is extremely sensitive to water elements, finding these small **** is a breeze!

At the same time, these small **** are filled with competitions that are beneficial to her!

Akuya has this kind of cleverness.


When opening the ball, not only Senna, but even Akua was stunned.

"That... it says [Water Fight]!"

"Water fight?!"

Although Akuya is often foolish, she is 100% sure that none of her followers will launch this competition!

At this time, Sato Kazuma raised his right hand high.

"Ah, it's mine!"

"Huh, Kazuma?!"

"Oh, it's me. I didn't expect the super high luck value to be activated here. Sure enough, God is taking care of me?"

"As a goddess, I am taking care of you! By the way, why did I draw your ball!"

"Hmph, Aqua, you want to cheat, right?"

Sato and Shinko said convincingly: "Use special small **** to equip events that are beneficial to your side, and then you can get the initiative when drawing! - This is your cheating method."

Akuya took a step back subconsciously, and shouted in a panic: "What...! What are you talking about... Do you have any evidence?!"

"Hmph, evidence? As for those idiots taught by Axis, they will all be exposed with a little trickery."

"Ah! You guys dare to bully my believers!"

Akuya has stopped telling herself, which makes Sato Kazuma even more angry.

"Then don't cheat from the beginning, Goddess of bastard! I just guessed that you would do this, so I ruined your plan one step ahead of time! By the way, don't you feel it, these **** are all blue what!"

"What did you say—?! So, such a perfect plan, actually, actually..."

Akua's face was full of disbelief.

Sena, the kingdom's prosecutor, couldn't stand it anymore.

She also said just now that she wanted to be fair and just, but she didn't expect that before the start of the match, they would set each other up, and they would fight secretly in advance and fight privately for a round.

As a result, neither side got a bargain.

But what Sena is more curious about is that from the perspective of a man with a mean personality like Kazuma Sato, after learning that his opponent is cheating, he will definitely choose to counterattack and let Aqua ask for trouble.

But why just forcibly bring the fairness of the game back to the same starting line?

"Because Eris... Chris disagrees, she said she wants to be fair and doesn't want to cheat."

Sato Kazuma spread his hands helplessly.

Oh, it's the goddess Eris.

That's fine.

Senna is the kingdom's prosecutor, and Zhou Fangwu couldn't get around her if he wanted to hold such a confrontational ceremony.

Otherwise, it is really possible to be arrested on the grounds of [disrupting the order of the kingdom and inciting the state religion].

And if Sena, who wants to make the upright and fair character agree, he must tell her the whole thing.

Including the true identities of Eris and Aqua.

—Although she had guessed Aqua's identity a long time ago, she was still shocked and speechless after learning of Eris' identity.

Kneel down on the spot and worship.

That respectful attitude was more pious than seeing the king.

After being strongly requested by the goddess Eris, Senna decided that even if the king ordered death, she would never reveal Chris' true identity.

Just thinking of the ugly appearance of kneeling on the ground because of being too shocked before, his cheeks blushed, but it returned to the same state in the next second.

A real prosecutor must have this kind of professional ethics.

Senna unfolded the note fully and read it aloud.

"Hey, then please allow me to explain the rules of the competition for everyone!

Competition items, water fight!

In the water fight in the magic prop [Whirlpool Pool], take off the bandage on the opponent's head and you will win!

...Is it that simple? "


Really boring.

It's not that I didn't expect the competition to be boring, but I didn't expect the first game to be so boring.

And this was written by Sato Kazuma, I thought it would be some kind of fun or weird competition, but I didn't expect it to be so ordinary in the end.

"That's right, it's too boring!"

"It's not like you, Mr. Kazuma!"

"Change it! Let's have some fun competition!"

"Change, change!"

"Change, change!"

"Change, change!"

The audience was dissatisfied with the lack of interest in the event. They were all loudly begging for a different event. At the same time, they accused Sato and Zhentou that the event was too boring and naive to satisfy them.

But Sato Kazuma scolded loudly:

"You guys are a bunch of idiots!

You guys, do you understand what the arrival of summer means!

In summer, I want to have a water fight with such young and beautiful girls at the beach in the hot weather!

Seeing young and beautiful girls wearing pure or seductive swimsuits, playing with them on the beach... That is every man's fantasy, big idiots! "


I have no idea what nonsense you're talking about.

It's night now, it's neither hot nor seaside, how happy is it to have a water fight.

The audience looked at him helplessly.

Sato Kazuma was so annoyed by the piercing eyes.

He argued loudly: "You guys, don't you want to see the swimsuits of the beautiful girls! Don't you want to see their bright smiles when they have a water fight! Don't you want to interact with them intimately! You bunch of gays!"


Sato Kazuma's words immediately woke up the audience.

No, to be precise, it awakened the male audience.

But it hurts to say it.

"Hearing you say that..."

"Suddenly I feel that this is a good event."


"Then... let's go, Mr. Kazuma!"

"Let's see the swimsuits of the beautiful girls!"

"That's right, that's right! Come on, Kazuma!"

For some reason, the enthusiasm of the audience was mobilized, and they all reposted their support for Kazuma Sato.

Even Sato Kazuma, who has been unpleasant in the town, can get support, which is enough to witness how **** this group of male adventurers are.

Say something.

The succubus shops in the towns are not banned, are they not able to satisfy your overflowing desires?

Senna, who was acting as the host in the field, let out a long sigh after seeing that there was no silence.

Finally, she didn't let her down from the stage at the beginning.

However, even if she was saved, Sena really couldn't fall in love with the man with a smirk in front of her.

"Sure enough, you are a ghostly man, and the events you voted for also have ulterior motives."

"Hmph, say what you want."

Kazuma Sato didn't care, "I just have a kind of persistence and the desire to realize the lofty wishes of my male compatriots!"

"It's the realization of your ghost wish!" Sena belittled him unceremoniously.

But that didn't stop the game from going on.

After all, it has been clearly stated from the very beginning that no matter what kind of weird event it is, it must be carried out, and the competition must be absolutely fair and just.

Even if the temperature has become lower now, even if it is dark now.

But [Water Fight] still has to go on.


Although it is impossible to stop the evil intentions of ghosts and beasts, wouldn't it be enough to reduce the number of participants?

"Since the note does not clearly stipulate the number of contestants, then the minimum standard will be used, and each side will send one contestant to compete!"

"How, how?!"

Sato Kazuma's wish came true.

I don't know what Eris and Aqua think, except for him and another demon Banir, there are no male members.

No, Barnier doesn't even have a gender.

Therefore, he who voted for this event had a different purpose from the beginning.

I thought I could see everyone's swimsuits, but I didn't expect to see only one in the end!

And it doesn't have to be a girl!


Sato Kazuma cursed unwillingly.

However, due to the rules of the game, his wish did not come true.

Senna added another rule.

"Cough! There's a rule to be spelled out before the game starts!

Before the start of the game, we considered that the strength gap between the two sides might be too large!

There are always one or two powerful people!

But once they play, the game will become meaningless!

So before that stipulates:

【Each member can only appear once and only once】rules!

I also hope that both parties will carefully consider when deciding who to participate, so as not to be overtaken by others at that time! "

【Tian Ji Horse Racing】

This is what every elementary school student has learned in their textbooks, or similar knowledge.

Use your weakest to deal with the opponent's strongest, use your slightly stronger to deal with the opponent's weakest, use your strongest to deal with the opponent's slightly stronger.

How to make good use of your own strengths to deal with the opponent's weaknesses to win.

Such a simple truth, I believe everyone can understand it.

So how to arrange the order of appearance is a contest of wisdom between the two sides!

"Pioneer, let me do it. I'll leave it to you later, Darkness, Kate, Lyle and the general."

Kazuma Sato volunteered to join the battle.

This is also understandable, after all, he wrote the note himself.

But looking at the smirk on his face, it is estimated that the reason why he wants to join the war is not to be an abandoned child, but to go for other purposes.

Don't think about it, I definitely want to see girls' swimsuits.

[One person can only play once]

As long as Akuya is not an idiot~www.wuxiamtl.com~, she will never let the most powerful Barnier play.

Can't he just let him mess around?

【Want to play with beautiful girls】It's not just talking about it.


Akuya just can't use ordinary people's brain circuit to understand.

It didn't even occur to her to ask Barnier to play.

"Okay! Barnier, this time you go!"

"...How is it possible! You are a useless goddess with no brains!"

Banir was helpless towards Aqua.

"My generation is the strongest fighting force here, how could it be possible to enter the field so easily, and it is still against that useless man... It is too talented! My generation can play a greater role!"

"Tsk, what a willful devil."

Barnier was right, it came out as a cannon...no, an anti-aircraft gun for mosquitos.

It doesn't take a second to win.

But Barnier is indeed as it said, Akuya is a powerful existence on its side.

As long as it doesn't face Eris head-on, it can win no matter who it is.

So in theory, it should be left in the next more uncertain games.

It's just that no one on Akuya's side is willing to fight with Sato Kazuma.

"It doesn't matter, I will play this game."

It was Cecily who made the rescue!

This high priest who looks very temperamental is the head of the branch of the Axis Cult in Axel Novice Village!

She is willing to act as a pioneer like this!

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