Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 533: If you dare to challenge me, I will definitely end her life! —…

"You said you want to learn how to use divine power?"


"So you came to see me?"


"You didn't even ask Senior Akuya first, but you came to ask me directly?"

"That's right, that's right."

Eris asked, Zhou Fangwu answered.

It's just that this kind of question and answer is a bit out of date.

In fact, when thinking about who to ask for help in using divine power in the morning, the best candidate in Zhou Fangwu's mind is Eris, who is also a goddess, so Sato Kazuma was asked to find this goddess of luck who is still playing in this world.

This was a few days ago when Eris told him about the power of faith and the first time he met after he became a god.

It's just that this sudden meeting seemed to make Eris a little unhappy.

"...Wu, you... I heard from Assistant-kun (Sato Kazuma) that you knew my real identity when we met for the first time? Why are you so smart and confused at this time?"

"Why do you say that? To be honest, I don't think that idiot Akua can teach me anything."

Zhou Fangwu thought he did the right thing.

Everyone knows how unreliable Akuya is, there are a lot of useless skills, only one or two useful skills, and she always loses the chain at critical moments.

Although she is a goddess, she is quite regrettable.

Therefore, when it comes to learning about divine power, you should find experienced people.

And this thing is unique to the gods, no matter how you think about it, only Eris is the best candidate.

"Although what Wu said is correct, no matter what, you should ask Senior Akuya first, and then come to me."

"However, if Akua doesn't know how to use it, and I ask you to learn how to use it from Goddess Eris, won't you expose Goddess Eris in the end?...According to Akua's prejudice against you, I don't think she will Indifferent."

Although Eris is a very understanding and good goddess, it is a pity that Aqua is indeed a vexatious crybaby.

With how much she dislikes Eris (referring to the robbed believer), if Zhou Fangwu learned how to use divine power with Eris, it would definitely make the whole Axel Novice Village go crazy.

"Uh...Wu is right."

Eris held her forehead helplessly.

Obviously, she also knows what a terrible situation it will become if it reaches that point.

But soon she noticed something was wrong.

"Wait, isn't that right! You came to find me behind Aqua-senpai's back! Think about it carefully, isn't this something that can't be exposed no matter what?!"


Zhou Fangwu gave her a slightly surprised look.

She didn't expect that she could think of this layer.

"You're right, Goddess Eris." She didn't categorically deny it, and even whispered viciously: "So... this matter was carried out behind Akuya's back, and it must not be noticed! How about it? , exciting?"

"Stimulate you big-headed ghost!" Eris patted the wine table angrily: "I have nothing to do with Wu! You **** is responsible for Darkness!"

She found that she seemed to have fallen into Zhou Fangwu's trap.

Now she can't refuse at all.

I should have known that I would not have said that sentence at the beginning: If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time, that sentence looks very handsome but is actually very silly.

"No, Goddess Eris. You are no longer allowed to refuse. You have no right to refuse."

"...Really—, I know, I know!"

Eris gulped down the bubble wine in the glass in one gulp, and grabbed Sato Kazuma, who was already drunk.


"Stop drinking?"

"Drink a fart! All the interest in drinking is gone. I'd better settle your business quickly, and then come back and enjoy the delicious bubble wine."

Eris, who speaks foul words, is not a gentle and temperamental superior goddess at all, but more like a wild and rough thief.

Speaking of it, this goddess played role-playing a bit too much into the role.

Get up and help Eris support Sato Kazuma, walk out of the adventurer's guild amidst a group of drunken adventurers making loud noises, and then come to a remote alley again.

This is where Eris told Zhou Fangwu about the power of faith last time.

"Can't we change places?"

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, Zhou Fangwu wants to leave here, he always feels that this is an ominous place, he seems to restrain himself.

"Stop picking and picking at this time! Hurry up!"

Eris, on the other hand, didn't care much.

Even when she saw Zhou Fangwu hesitating, her mood changed a lot.

Sure enough, according to the theory of relativity, seeing others unhappy will make you happy.

No matter who it is, everyone will have this kind of heart, even if she is a god.

"First of all, let me tell you what divine power is." Eris raised his right hand slightly, and Zhou Fangwu's eyes also shifted and converged.


A faint halo enveloped Eris' palms, then floated up little by little, and finally condensed into a translucent but warm and peaceful light cluster.

"The so-called divine power is the super condensed power compressed by the power of faith."

Eris asked Zhou Fangwu to touch it, signaling that it was harmless, don't be afraid and resist.

Touch gently, feel carefully.

This divine power is more gentle and tolerant than what the eyes can see, and it is slightly worse than Akuya's divine power flowing in his body. It may be because Zhou Fangwu and Eris are not from the same source.

But he can still feel the characteristics of Eris as a goddess.

"Filtering the power of faith into divine power is the first step and the most difficult step." Eris' face was a little serious, but he eased back in the next second, "However, Wu is borrowing the characteristics of senior Aqua to directly step forward." Past this step."

That's right.

Zhou Fangwu's faith power treated Akuya as a transit point, and returned to his body after turning into divine power.

So he can omit this step.

"However, there are drawbacks to this. If you don't feel the simple belief contained in it carefully, it will undoubtedly be more difficult to use than before."

Eris was right.

Although Zhou Fangwu omitted the time-consuming and laborious conversion of faith power, he also couldn't mobilize faith power from the beginning.

It was already very difficult, but without the step-by-step familiarization process, it would become even more difficult to control the divine power as one wished.

"Goddess Eris, do you mean that the power of faith needs to be converted by itself?"

"No, this is not absolute. But it is generally the case, because only by controlling the power of faith from the beginning will it be easier to control it when it is converted into divine power. This is also a necessary skill for every god, after all Situations like Xiang Wu's are very rare."

"…I see."

"But don't be discouraged! Although it is rare, it does not mean that there is no way! There are still many precedents for someone like Wu who has obtained the approval of a certain **** and became his half-body subordinate god."

Eris patted Zhou Fangwu on the shoulder, telling him not to be so discouraged.

"Next, I will tell you how to use divine power."

Then, Eris told Zhou Fangwu how to use divine power.

It's very simple, communicate with the divine power in the body at all times, and maintain a high degree of activity with them.

"Wu, don't think it sounds easy, but it's quite a difficult thing." Eris said again seriously: "After all, while you have to maintain a high degree of activity with divine power, you can't be overwhelmed." Divine power assimilation loses your heart. Otherwise...you will gradually become a puppet without consciousness and only to please Senior Akua!"

With any power there is a price.

This is not to say that Akua did this with malice, her intentions are also good.

Thanks to Akuya's help, Zhou Fangwu was able to save himself from danger several times.

But the gap between God and man is still too great.

Don't look at Akuya laughing like a fool all day long, but once her divine power is completely released, the whole heaven will tremble. (She ranks second in the settings of the online transmission, I don't know if it is true or not.)

Not to mention that Zhou Fangwu is just a human being.

Even if there is a cheat, it is just a human being with a cheat, and there is no change in essence.

"That's why I said that Wu should go to Senior Aqua instead of me."

"You're right, that didn't even occur to me."

If it was true what Eris said, then he should have Aqua by his side just in case.

After all, Zhou Fangwu is Aqua's half body, not Eris' half body.

So in her opinion, it would be better for Zhou Fangwu to go to Akuya.


Zhou Fangwu clicked his tongue subconsciously.

Thinking about it this way, didn't I really do something wrong?

I didn't expect that I would have a day when my cleverness was mistaken by my cleverness.

"Forget it, let's go to Akuya. Even if she can't teach me anything, at least I won't lose my heart and be assimilated by divine power with her."

"That's right, that's it!"

Hearing that Zhou Fangwu was not going to learn how to use divine power with her, Eris was obviously more relaxed and happy than before.

Because this kind of thing is really difficult to handle.

If found out...


Eris gasped.

The picture was so beautiful that she couldn't imagine it.


I don't know if she is really the goddess of luck, or if her luck has been lowered in front of Akua.

They are still exposed.


Aqua's doubtful voice came from behind.

So much so that Zhou Fangwu's body stiffened suddenly.

He was a little afraid to face Aqua.

For some reason, he suddenly had the illusion that he was cheating (stealing) again.

It twisted its body like a rusty robot that hadn't been oiled for a long time, and it could even hear the squeak.

What should come is still coming.

Looking back, I saw not only Aqua, but also Darkness, Megumin, and Yoyo, plus Kazuma Sato who was still drunk, and everyone in the team was here.

"Yeah, why are you here?"

Zhou Fangwu looked normal.

Flustered at first, he immediately adjusted his facial expression to look less unnatural.

At least, not too embarrassing!

"Because Wu, you are not at home, and Kazuma didn't know where to fool around, I was a little worried about the two of you, so I came out to look for it."

Darkness explained to Zhou Fangwu intimately.

But in the next second, she revealed her true nature again.

"Wu...Wu! What are you and Chris doing here? Well...in such a dark corner...you and Chris are alone...couldn't you be kissing me behind our backs or something...well, that's great !"

shut up!

You stupid!

Don't mess things up!

I don't know why, this idiot started from the low-level special way of being excited by being insulted to her, and gradually turned into the advanced special way that Zhou Fangwu did something sorry to her and made her excited.

This guy is no longer good, and the taste is getting more and more unique.

Finding that Akuya's complexion was getting worse and worse, the alarm in Zhou Fangwu's heart rang.

not good!

If there is no explanation, Aqua will cry again!

But he didn't panic at all.

"Cough, Darkness, you're wrong. Sato-kun is here too, but he fell asleep after drinking too much."

Zhou Fangwu denied her statement, and then pointed to Sato Kazuma who was lying in the corner and having a sweet dream, smiling obscenely.

"...Huh? Kazuma?!"

Huihui called him subconsciously.

Because the alley was too dark, and Eris and Zhou Fangwu stood outside to block the light, Darkness and the others didn't notice Kazuma Sato.

"Could it be...! You are in 3, 3...!"

"Shut up, you stupid knight!"

Zhou Fangwu hurriedly covered her mouth to prevent her from saying the word P.

I can't provoke Akua any more!


What happened next, even Zhou Fangwu didn't react to it.

Seeing that Eris wanted to continue to maintain Chris's thief demeanor, she put her right hand on the back of her head and smiled heartily.

"I'm sorry to make you misunderstand, but unfortunately I have nothing to do with Wu."


Don't say that!

Isn't this place without three hundred taels of silver?

Zhou Fangwu understands that she wants to ease the awkward atmosphere. In fact, ordinary people will believe it, but it is a pity that these people in front of them are all problem children.

Seeing that Akua lowered her head and couldn't see her expression clearly under the dim light, Eris mistakenly thought that she didn't believe what he said, so she hurriedly explained.

"What I said is true! You have to believe me, Aqua-senpai!"


This is Eris' unique address to Aqua, and it is precisely because she habitually calls Aqua her senior that Kazuma Sato realizes that her true identity is Eris, the goddess of luck.

The low air pressure emanating from Akua's body made the others afraid to speak.

The moment of silence in the alley silenced everyone, and even the sound of breathing gradually became inaudible.

half an hour.

Aqua suddenly spoke: "Hey, Eris, why are you here?"

"Ah, this... wait, Aqua-senpai?"

Eris subconsciously wanted to make up a lie, but she suddenly realized that Aqua called her real name?

If it wasn't for Sato Kazuma's little gimmick to expose her with a feint before, otherwise she really wouldn't have noticed that Aqua called her real name.

"Ah, what are you talking about, Aqua-senpai." Chris laughed, "He's called Chris, not Eris! Eris is a goddess, and he's just a thief."

However, Aqua was unmoved.

"I'll ask again...Eris, why are you here?"

Her voice was a little low, even calmly a little exaggerated.

This is completely different from her character who has been making noise all the time and yelling after being wronged!

Eris was too scared to speak.

Instead, Akuya said softly, "Divine power."


"I've noticed your divine power since I came to the street, Eris."


Thinking of the use of divine power just now to demonstrate to Zhou Fangwu. ,

Now, Eris has no way to quibble.


"Senior Akuya, listen to my explanation!"

"...Are you here to grab my weapon?!"


"Eris! Other believers don't care, but Wu will never give it to you! Even if you are the goddess of luck with the best evaluation and countless believers! I want you to know~www.wuxiamtl.com~Senior will always be Senior! If you dare to provoke me, even Eris, you will have to pay the price!"

Akuya changed from being out of tune before, and now she is full of domineering.


The bird egg held in Akuya's hand burst at this moment, because it was born ahead of schedule due to the sudden surge of divine power.

And when it was just born, it just gave a soft cry.


The weak voice was very loud in the silent alley.

Then it stretched its young wings outwards vigorously, looking at everyone with scorching eyes, as if announcing its arrival to the world.

This chick is a perfect match for the domineering Aqua.

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