What Pandora said, the hidden meaning is nothing more than to let Zhou Fangwu continue to save the world to achieve [Great Achievements], to spread his reputation all over the world and at the same time collect faith power and become a god...or use divine power to help her escape from the shackles of mythology.

Of course, there may be other reasons as well.

But no matter what, Zhou Fangwu only needs to continue to collect faith power.

This can be known from the two pieces of memory he obtained—the fragments of information left in "God Killer" and "Epronazar".

Thinking of this, Zhou Fangwu showed a comfortable smile.

This kind of feeling is like the hot dog days that are about to suffer from heat stroke, and a sudden coolness rushes to drive away all the surrounding heat, it is so refreshing.

The heart is cool and the heart is flying.

Zhou Fangwu thought a lot, and his thoughts were quite mixed. When he came to his senses, it was already dark, and everyone in the team had already dispersed.

And he still kept the posture of sitting on the sofa, with his hands on his chin, his head lowered and his eyes down.

It's just that there is a light and warm blanket wrapped around the body.

It is estimated that Darkness and the others did it.

No, don't even think about it.

There was an unconscious smile on the corner of his mouth.


The stomach growled.

But it didn't come from Zhou Fangwu.


Seeing the bleary-eyed Aqua.

Wearing thin aqua-blue pajamas, rubbing his eyes and staggeringly walked behind Zhou Fangwu, looking dizzy as if he was about to fall down.

"Wu-! I'm hungry!"

The goddess who woke up felt hungry.

It was impossible for her to do it herself, but it was a smart way for her to find herself.

At least, Zhou Fangwu will cook for her.

He stroked her head fondly, her long, silky hair was not messed up just because she just woke up.

"Be patient a little longer, and I'll eat it for you."


Akuya didn't make any noise, but sat at the dining table obediently and waited.

This is different from her usual style.

Maybe she just woke up, or maybe she was really hungry, anyway, she is very well-behaved.

I don't know what Darkness and the others ate at night. Anyway, there is no food left in the kitchen. Zhou Fangwu guessed that it was cleaned up by Huihui's snack shop.

She has always been like this.

Afraid that the food would be thrown away and wasted, every time I ate enough to support my stomach and never gave up, I insisted on carrying out the CD-ROM operation.

Smiling and shaking his head, he concentrated on the following.

No matter which room in the lord's mansion was large, the empty kitchen was filled with the heat of the stove, and the chill at the end of spring was dissipated immediately.

The hot air slowly rises from the pot, turning into water mist and floating in the air.

Zhou Fangwu's thoughts spread outward for a moment.

Thinking back to the spring of last year, they had just arrived in this different world, even if they became adventurers, they were still workers.

He ate an unpalatable mountain vegetable set meal and lived in a cold and dirty stable.

But in the blink of an eye, they became nationally renowned [heroes] and the lords of Axel Novice Village, eating rare and high-grade ingredients, and living in a luxurious lord's mansion.

Although it is much more comfortable than before, Zhou Fangwu actually misses the past.

But suddenly I heard Akuya's emotion: "A year has passed in a blink of an eye, actually I kind of miss my life in the stable."


Zhou Fangwu was stunned for a moment.

I didn't expect Aqua to be so synchronized with him.

Is it because of the power (half body) relationship?

Or is it that they are so in harmony with each other.

"Because, at that time, Wu belonged to me alone. Even if the part-time job was very hard, I was very happy. Even if the food was not good, we would drink too much. Even if the house was not good, we would hug each other to keep warm. At that time It's bad but the days go by quickly."

I don't know why, but Akua is a little sad now.

Seeing her expression as if she was nostalgic for the past, Zhou Fangwu inexplicably began to hallucinate, always feeling that she was not the real Akuya.

That idiot, good-for-nothing goddess who only knows how to eat, drink, laugh and have fun all day long can show such a soft and sad expression? !



Zhou Fangwu looked at her strangely, and said, "But, you live like this every day now, even more than before."


Aqua's expression froze immediately.

Can't refute.

Even if she was always making trouble for no reason, she would take it for granted, but when she thought of what she had done recently, she immediately put away her affectated and sad expression in shame.

Zhou Fangwu was right.

Even with Zhou Fangwu's advice now, she often gets drunk, even if Zhou Fangwu locks the door every time, she will share the same bed with Zhou Fangwu the next morning,

Even because of her fame, status, and money, plus the excuse of raising dragon eggs, she became even worse than before.

You have to be fed when you eat, you have to be carried on your back when you walk, and you have to be accompanied even when you go to the toilet.

How can there be such a goddess? !

"Ah?! Thinking about it this way, am I really useless?!"

Aqua suddenly realized that her situation was very dangerous.

Then she quickly stood up from the chair, stomped and ran behind Zhou Fangwu, and hugged him.

The water element in the body immediately became active.

"That...Goddess Aqua, what are you doing? Let go of me, the soup is splashing out! It's very hot!"

"Don't abandon me!"

"...What is your reason for saying such a thing?"

"Because, Wu, you have already used the honorific title of 'You'! In the past, Wu would never use this title!"

"What's the reason?!"

Zhou Fangwu was helpless.

This goddess with brain problems always has such a magical brain circuit.

By the way, why do you like her?

It's really puzzling.

It's enough that even he himself doesn't know about this problem.

But Akua suddenly came up to him.

Standing on tiptoe, she tried to stretch her slender neck, resting her head on Zhou Fangwu's neck, exhaling warm and fresh breath.

"Come on, Takeshi! Call me 'Akuya', quick! Just call me 'Akuya'!"


"No! The voice should be softer and slower! Come on, 'A Ku Ya'!"


"Ah, very good!"

Aqua showed a satisfied smile.

— that goofy grin of the sign.

Seeing her like this, Zhou Fangwu was furious and slapped her on the head as punishment.


"Hey hey—"

Akuya who was hit was not angry~www.wuxiamtl.com~ still smiled foolishly.


She hugged Zhou Fangwu gently again.

"Wu, please, don't abandon me. If even you abandon me, then I really, really, really—! I'll be angry!"

"Oh, I promise, absolutely not. No matter what the reason, I will never abandon you."

Zhou Fangwu made an oath for this, and expressed his heart again.

"...Because, I like you, Aqua."

"Yes, me too."

Aqua replied softly.


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