Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 6: What is a win-win situation? That's it!

Although Axel is a novice village with a small area, the street location is still a bit complicated.

At least Zhou Fangwu searched the town for a long time, but he couldn't find Wiz's magic item shop.

Fortunately, Wiz's evaluation in Axel is very good, and most of the villagers know that there is such a shop manager who "opens a magic item shop that is always in deficit".

After questioning two or three people one after another, Zhou Fangwu came to Wiz's magic item shop.

"I finally found it. Is it here? It's too remote."

Zhou Fangwu suspects that he has found the reason why Wiz became poorer as he opened a shop.

Leaving aside the reasons for Viz's unique taste and weird products, there is also a big problem with the location of the store. How can there be a store in a remote corner of the town?

You are a magic item shop that needs a lot of customers, not a divination shop that is mysterious and shady!

thump thump—

Zhou Fangwu knocked on the door and entered.


Someone greets you as soon as you enter the door. This service is still very good.

The shopkeeper in front of him is a sight to behold.

He has long brown hair and a dull hair on top of his head. He is about 20 years old. He has big almond eyes, a small cherry mouth and pale skin in stark contrast.

The long black and purple dress, with golden hems and cuffs, has a bumpy figure, and the extremely plump chest is extremely prominent tied by several belt-like protective gear, which attracts Zhou Fangwu's eyes.

I don't know why there is always a weak breath around me, giving people a very bullying feeling.

"what do you need?"

With a heart-warming smile on Wiz's face, he asked softly: "There are many kinds of magic props in this store, and there is always one that suits you."

If it was an ordinary customer, they might fall for it and buy some gadgets, but how could Zhou Fangwu be able to afford it if he was penniless.

He pretended to say: "Well, please allow me to take a look first."

"Okay, please choose whatever you want." Wiz smiled all over his face, and then went to organize the goods.

When I came to the counter, there were quite a lot of products on it.

But there are more wonderful products!

For example: [Enhanced Paralyzing Magic Item] can greatly enhance the power of paralyzing magic, but at the same time it will also paralyze the releaser to the point of being unable to move; Even the releaser will be included, as long as you use it, you will die together.

and many more.

There are a lot of such wonderful products, almost occupying the entire display area on the counter. I really don't know how she manages this store.

After watching it for a long time, he realized that Wiz's taste is unique. Zhou Fangwu knew that the time was almost brewing, and it was time to get down to business.

Looking for Wiz's figure, I found that she was squatting in a corner not far away, arranging the goods on the shelves.

'Oh hoo! '

Zhou Fangwu couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart.

Weitz, crouching in the corner, outlines a beautiful round shape, and the perfect curve makes people fall into endless reverie, and if he is not careful, he will be addicted to it and cannot extricate himself.

'What are you doing! '

Although Zhou Fangwu reprimanded himself so much in his heart, he couldn't control his eyes no matter what.

Maybe it was because she watched it for too long, which caught Wiz's attention. She stood up in a panic, looked around herself, and asked in a low voice, "Uh... is there anything wrong with me?"

If it was an ordinary girl, either shy or angry, she would have scolded Zhou Fangwu as a pervert. Ke Weizi was too nervous to notice Zhou Fangwu's abnormality.

"It's okay, I was just thinking about something."

Of course Zhou Fangwu would not say that he was fascinated by what he saw just now, but he took advantage of the trend to cut into the purpose of coming here.

"Question?" Wiz blinked his eyes in bewilderment.

"Why...Miss Wiz, known as the 'Ice Witch', appeared in Axel Novice Village, and even opened a magic item shop?"

"Huh?" Wiz looked dumbfounded, a little unresponsive.

After a while, Wiz formed a cloth with his left hand and slammed his right hand on it, with a look of understanding.

"I see, you are the junior of my original team members!"

Wiz regarded Zhou Fangwu as his friend's heir, and said happily, "Did you come to visit me specially?"


Zhou Fangwu flatly denied it.

"Isn't it?!" Wiz looked disappointed.

"I just want to wait here for the arrival of those fellow adventurers who 'come back to play anytime if you're tired'."

"is that so."

Hearing what Wiz said, Zhou Fangwu was not surprised, but said meaningfully: "Even if you become a lich?"


Zhou Fangwu's words were tantamount to super-standard blockbusters. After hearing this, Wiz panicked. With her poor brain capacity, she couldn't figure out how she was exposed.

In the human community, no one should know about becoming a lich.

But after two or three breaths, she put on a look of understanding and said, "I understand, you are actually a member of the Demon King's Army, right?"


"Hey, how come?" Wiz was full of disbelief.

"I am a human being, a pure human being." Zhou Fangwu pointed to his eyes to prove himself, "I can see through you because of these eyes blessed by God."

This is the strengthening magic that Aqua specially gave him before going out this morning.



"Woo..." Wiz whimpered.

She is a lich, she can feel the divine power in Zhou Fangwu's eyes, and knows that Zhou Fangwu is not lying.

"Well, although I'm a lich, I've never harmed humans!" Wiz defended himself.

"I know."

"Well, I don't have a bounty in the Adventurer's Guild, even if I hunt down, I won't get a reward..."

"I know."


"Although Ms. Wiz is a lich who has never harmed humans, she is also one of the eight officers of the Demon King Army. She is mainly responsible for opening and maintaining the enchantment of the Demon King Army, right?"

"Do you even know this?!"

After wave after wave of revelations, Wiz has been dazed by Zhou Fangwu's information bomb.

"Miss Wiz, you don't know that the Adventurer's Guild has always issued a crusade order for the leaders of the Demon King's Army~ The rewards for the leaders of the Demon King's Army are extremely generous, hehehe~"

Zhou Fangwu's voice gradually became lower and lower. Compared with the Lich, Wiz, he looked more like a demon.

"Don't...as long as you don't attack me, I will listen to anything!" Wiz said anxiously, holding Zhou Fangwu tightly.

Wait, what's going on with this unfolding like a dialogue in a book?

This softness, this sweetness...

I don't have any unhealthy thoughts!

"Actually, my companions and I are novice adventurers who have just embarked on the journey, but because we are short of money, I would like to ask Miss Wiz to give us a little support."

Zhou Fangwu rubbed his index finger and **** with his thumb, as if asking for money.

Stop talking, pay for it!

"Well, actually, although I run a magic item shop, the business is very bleak. I have been running a deficit for many years, and I have no savings."

Weisz said in a low voice and confused: "I have also worked very hard! But I don't know why the more I work, the more I lose money!"

Indeed, with Wiz's special taste and business talent, if it weren't for the relief from the villagers, he would have starved to death long ago.

If it is an ordinary person, they may have given up after learning about this situation.

But Zhou Fangwu is different, he knows that Wiz still has his own small coffers - Wiz always keeps a sum of money for purchases!

And Zhou Fangwu aimed at it!

"Eh~ Is that so? There's no other way, so I have no choice but to gather my companions to defeat Miss Wiz. Let Miss Wiz be a stepping stone on our adventure."

Zhou Fangwu whispered maliciously in Wiz's ear, and what he said made Wiz tremble.

"no, do not want…"

In the end, Wiz gave in and dedicated his small coffers.

"Here is all my savings, a total of 100,000 Eris."

Zhou Fangwu took it from Wiz and took out the warm and fragrant money bag from his huge bosom. Seeing Wiz's pitiful appearance of tearful and aggrieved mother-in-law, UU read www.uukanshu. He sighed and said, "Don't worry, the money is considered to be borrowed by me, and it will be doubled back to you for a month at most."


"Really, I'm not a devil after all."

'But what you have done is worse than the devil! ’ Wei Zi didn’t dare to say these words, she was afraid that Zhou Fangwu would go back on his word and not return her money.

"That's it, we'll see you next time, Senior Wiz."

Zhou Fang put away the money bag, greeted Wiz with a smile, and left the magic item shop.

'I don't want to see you again'

Wiz sent Zhou Fangwu away in mourning.

After a while, she seemed to remember something, and screamed: "It's over, I don't know his name yet!"

In this way, Wiz lent out 100,000 Eris without knowing the name of others.

the other side.

Zhou Fangwu walked back to the stable with a happy face while suppressing his beating heart.

How dare a little junior adventurer yell at a top lich?

I really didn't take Wiz seriously!

Still extorting?

Wiz was merciful that the head was not twisted off.

"It's inflated, it's inflated! But it's all because Wiz is too easy to bully, so he blackmailed 100,000 Eris."

But that's not to say it's a scam.

Taking away the money is equivalent to preventing Wiz from buying exotic products. This is helping Wiz stop losses!

And by the way, Zhou Fangwu and the others also had the initial funds to purchase weapons and armor.

What is a win-win situation?

That's it!

Zhou Fangwu shook the money bag, the corners of his mouth rose wildly, and laughed loudly:

"Dare to do it next time!"

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