After all the dragon people left, Zhou Fangwu and others also left quickly.

Although those dragon people were temporarily fooled, they will definitely react after a while.

Not only they have this idea, but also a dragon man has the same idea.

"Please hurry back to the magic teleportation circle, I will send you out!"

Lagas reappeared after the riot ended, and it hurriedly came to the crowd with restless and worried expressions on its face.

Before Listadade asked why, it began to explain first.

"Quick! Although the strongest holy sword has appeared, many dragon people still don't agree with the result of [Master Ai Lulu did not become a sword and survived]! So, before the riots happen, you should leave quickly !"

This is also of course.

No one can accept the fact that their leader died.

Even if the Dragon Queen Mother strongly stated that "it's okay to sacrifice your own life", after all, there are still some queens who are loyal to her, and they will definitely encourage those "Elulu has not become a holy sword" faction.

Even if they are not slowed down now because of their poor IQ, if they keep dawdling here, one day they will become malicious to everyone again.

So the best way now is to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Then Seiya still says it's a win-win situation?!"

"It's just relying on momentum and loud voices to temporarily plunge them into chaos. It's a method similar to hypnosis."

"Hypnosis... hypnosis?"

Listade was taken aback.

What kind of weird skills does Ryuguin Seiya know?

But when she thought that the one who was summoned was the [everything is ready] prudent brave man, and Zhou Fangwu was always quiet, she felt relieved for some reason.

…how could it be possible!

Who knows if Ryuguin Seiya has used any other skills to do such and such unspeakable things to himself!


The dragon-slaying sword is made of her hair!

"Okay, there's no time to dawdle, let's go quickly!" Lagas led the way.

But it also apologized to the two descendants of the dragon clan behind it as it walked: "I'm sorry, Lord Matthew and Lord Ai Lulu, the matter of lying about the death of their relatives...It was actually requested by the Dragon Queen Mother, I am really sorry .”

"Ah, that doesn't matter anymore." Matthew said with a smile.

Lagas was silent for a while, and then said with sincere blessings: "Although it may be a bit late to say this,'s really great that Mr. Elulu didn't become a holy sword! This is the true thought in my heart."

"Well! Thank you." Ai Lulu also responded with a smile.

"We may never see each other again...Master Matthew, Mr. Elulu, I will pray here, and hope that your future will be filled with peace and glory."

"We will" x2

"...There are two brave men and goddesses, please use the strongest holy sword to save the world! Please!"

"Leave it to us."

Zhou Fangwu responded for the silent brave man and the new goddess.

Maybe because of this kind of thing, the two of them can't trust Lagaz for the time being. After all, Lagaz is their enemy in terms of race.

Then, everyone came to the teleportation array.

Lagas was standing in front, and when he was about to chant a spell, Seiya Ryuguin suddenly took a step forward.

"Wait a minute, send it first."

I saw a little dragon man in his hand—I made a mistake, it was a lizard.

When Lagas saw the lizard, his expression froze.

It really doesn't know what expression to use to express its speechless mood at this time.

"I'm still coming..."

"Hmph. It doesn't mean that nothing happened the first time. Although you have always emphasized that it is a blessing that Ai Lulu is still alive, you are still a dragon in the end, and you may be one of the most indignant people."

"Holy, holy! You're talking too much! At least trust me!"

Ryuguin Seiya's words were too much, Listadette quickly hugged him, trying to cover his vulnerable mouth.

But what she didn't expect was that Lagas was not angry.

On the contrary, he looked very happy.

"Ahahaha—! It's okay, it's okay. It's because of being cautious that we can turn defeat into victory and defeat Lord Dragon Queen Mother, isn't it?"

Lagas took the lizard and placed it on the teleportation array.

After getting up, he said: "This kind of caution is the magic weapon to win, it is the reliance to save the world, and it is an advantage. Perhaps, this kind of caution will be able to save the world in the future just like saving Lord Elulu."

What he said is very deep, and it also shows that it is very generous from the side.

to be honest.

If the dragon people have been leaderless, Lagas might as well try. —if no one better than it comes along.

"Then, let's start with this lizard."

Afterwards, the lizards on the magic circle disappeared and reappeared.

This situation was repeated twice, and Ryuguin Seiya was completely relieved.

"Then, Lady Goddess, the two Brave Lords, and Lord Matthew and Lord Ai Lulu... I wish you good luck and smooth saving of the world! I'm counting on you!"


With its sincere blessings, everyone appeared in the dark cave again.

This is the cave where they went to the land of dragons.

"Phew, I'm finally back." Listade took a long breath.

It seems that she was under a lot of pressure when she was in Longzhi Township.

Not only her, but also Ai Lulu.

"Thank you, Wu!"

Ai Lulu cried and hugged him: "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you... It's so scary, so scary - I don't want to be a sword at all! I don't want to die at all! If I die, I won't be able to talk to everyone! Thank you You, Wu!"

The dragon girl buried her head in Zhou Fangwu's waist, crying loudly.

Similarly, Ai Lulu is under a lot of pressure.

It broke out immediately after leaving the village of dragons.

"I'm sorry, Ai Lulu." Listade also started crying, and she apologized in a low voice: "Actually, I should be the first one to stop them, I'm sorry, Ai Lulu."

"It's okay! It's not Lista's fault! Of course the goddess must put saving the world first!"

On the contrary, the two understand each other.

It's just annoying to cry.

"No, I'm not the one to thank, Ai Lulu." Zhou Fangwu knelt down and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Eh?" Ai Lulu's crying stopped.

"It's you, Ai Lulu. It's the belief in you that wants to live that ignites in your heart, and you will survive in the end, isn't it?"

No one chooses to give of himself unless absolutely necessary.

Seiya Ryuguin sees through Ai Lulu's true thoughts, so he rescues her without her consent.

And Zhou Fangwu's idea is to let Ai Lulu know the value of his life.

"Right, Lord Dragon Palace?"

"Hmph. I didn't think about it that much, I just thought it would be inconvenient to lose a luggage carrier."

Ryuguin Seiya is still so ruthless.

Then Matthew hugged Ai Lulu gently in silence, his gentle movements were as if he was afraid of hurting the girl in his arms.

"Hey hey hey hey—"

The girl exclaimed for a while, but Matthew didn't let go.

"Well... If you ask me the most painful thing after becoming a holy sword, it should be that I can't talk to Matthew and feel lonely..."

"Me, me too... When I think about never seeing you again, I feel like my chest is about to burst."

Childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, love each other.

The pair of dragon boys and girls blushed and stared at each other, as if they wanted to reflect each other in their minds.

This scene will definitely give a single dog a crit!

However, no one on the scene is a single dog.

So nothing out of the ordinary.

But Zhou Fangwu still said: "Matthew, Ai Lulu, you go outside and wait for us first, there is still something we need to deal with."

"Oh... ok, ok."

Matthew looked at Zhou Fangwu suspiciously, but obediently took Ai Lulu's hand and left.

"It's so young! You are right!"

Auntie smiled on Listaday's face.

From just now, she has been like this, restless as if trying to match them up.

"Hmph. That's why you sent them away? It's boring enough." Seiya Longgongyuan snorted coldly.

"Oh! Shengzai, you really have no flair!" Lisda Dai gave him a dissatisfied look, then looked at Zhou Fangwu and said, "Why don't you learn martial arts? People care about them very much, and they specially leave them alone Space."

"No, it's not because of that."

Zhou Fangwu denied it shamelessly: "Actually, what I want to ask is about the holy sword. ... By the way, Goddess Listade has also found out."


At first, Lista Dai was a little skeptical, but Zhou Fangwu's words confirmed her guess.

Zhou Fangwu looked at Ryuguin Seiya who was silent, and asked, "That sword is not the strongest holy sword—Igzacion!"


Hearing Zhou Fangwu's words, Ryuguin Seiya's eyes froze immediately, and he looked at Zhou Fangwu with sharp eyes, and his own power was also transmitted overwhelmingly.

But it didn't work.

In terms of strength, Zhou Fangwu is stronger than him; in terms of actual combat, Zhou Fangwu is his teacher.

This coercion doesn't work at all.

"Hey, hey, we are all brave, we are from the same camp."

"...I'm sorry, I'm sensitive."

Zhou Fangwu also knew that Longgongyuan Seiya was indeed a little anxious, that's why he tensed up his nerves so much.

Already at the full level, he is eager to improve his strength.

Going to find the gods to learn skills, let alone get the holy sword necessary to defeat the devil, should have been what he should have done.

But now, the holy sword to defeat the devil is gone.

This is a huge blow to the brave man who always said "fully prepared".

Zhou Fangwu explained: "That sword, from the moment it appeared, I could feel the evil and filthy aura entangled in it, and it didn't have the sacred feeling of the holy sword at all, so I concluded that it was not for defeating the devil. Holy Sword."

"...That's why Wucai didn't go to get it, but Seiya got it, didn't he?" asked Listadia.

"That's right. After all, I'm the half body of a god, and I'm especially sensitive to this evil aura."

"Me too...I can't feel the breath enough to defeat the devil from the sword, so I have doubts."

Ryuguin Seiya looked at Ristade in surprise, as if what he said to her was unbelievable.

"What, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing. It's just that I've been underestimating you all this time. It turns out that you're not a pure useless goddess."

"Hey! How rude!"

Listade yelled in dissatisfaction, her clenched fist didn't hit out after all.

Seeing that he is the hero I summoned, I will forgive him this time!

Well, thanks to my generosity!

Thank you so much, Seiya!

And Ryuguin Seiya walked forward and said: "Don't let that crying guy know about this, otherwise there will be a lot of noise, and we will treat it as the real Igzacion, understand? "

"Yeah, I got it." Lista Dai caught up with him and asked, "But...if it's true, as Dragon Queen Mother said, only Igzacion can defeat the Demon King...then what should I do?"

"Just find another way... that's what you told it."

"That's a moment of anger! ...Even I don't know if there is really another way."

Ryuguin Seiya was silent for a while after hearing what Listade said.

Finally, someone whispered to himself: "gonna_be_ok. (There's always a way


Listaday suspected she had heard wrong.

But Zhou Fangwu's next words made her understand that she heard correctly.

"There will always be a way... This is not like you, Lord Longgongyuan."


Ryuguin Seiya and Ristade both stopped in front of them.

Facing the bewildered eyes of the prudent brave man, Zhou Fangwu smiled slightly and said, "Maybe let me try it."

"You come to try?"

"Ah, let me try to see if I can get rid of the evil and filthy aura on that sword. And... we also got a lot of ore and god's hair before, so we can do experiments."

"They say they want to get rid of the evil and filthy aura... how do they get rid of it?"

Listaday thought it was impossible.

After all, even she finds the things on this sword very difficult.

But Zhou Fangwu said again: "Huh? Didn't I say that? I am the half body of [Goddess of Water], and I am the most proficient in this kind of thing."

"No! You never said that!"

"Didn't you say that?"

"No, no, I never said that."

Listade was already complaining crazily in her heart.

What is the origin of the brave man I summoned!


My colleague why did he hand over his most important things!

Do not!

and many more!

Although the time they got along with each other was short, Lisda Dai knew Zhou Fangwu's nature and recognized his strength.


Is choosing Zhou Fangwu actually the best decision? !

To prevent being robbed by other gods? !

Thinking about it this way...

Listade looked at Ryuguin Seiya maliciously, and she didn't know what bad things she was thinking.

"How is it? What do you think of this proposal?" Zhou Fangwu asked.

"Well... But, Wu will not take risks with us from now on? If the strength can't keep up, then when we face the Demon King at the end..."

"It doesn't matter, I am stronger than Lord Longgongyuan now. Even if I can't improve my strength in a short time, I won't be left behind very far."

Seeing that Listade was hesitant, Zhou Fangwu continued: "Besides, the Dragon Queen Mother still has to summon the holy sword even if she gets rid of a brave man, which is enough to prove the importance of the holy sword in her heart."

"This... Seiya, what do you think?"

Listade couldn't make a decision, so she asked another cautious hero.


Ryuguin Seiya remained silent.

Zhou Fangwu said again: "It's just a lack of combat power for the time being, even if I don't have it, it's okay. In comparison, the holy sword is the most important."


Ryuguin Seiya remained silent.

"Holy, for you, it shouldn't be gonna_be_ok (there will always be a way), but it should be ready_perfectly (ready to be perfect)."

"Okay, it's decided! Wu will go to transform the holy sword! That's it."

In the end, Ryuguin Seiya agreed.

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