Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 540: Over, another crazy one

"Tsk, failed again."

Zhou Fangwu looked at the defective product in front of him in distress.

And such defective products are almost piled up in the whole room.

This is the Unified God Realm.

After Ryuguin Seiya killed Magna the Death, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, Ristade knew that Matthew and Elulu had actually been inspired by the great goddess Isista.

The blood of the dragon is flowing in the body. As the descendants of the dragon clan, the task of Matthew and Ailulu is to go to the dragon's cave together after the brave man appears, and lift the seal.

So as to get the strongest weapon to reach the evil devil.

— Holy Sword.

Even though Ryuguin Seiya had synthesized three [Platinum Swords] using Ristade's hair, he had no choice but to get a stronger weapon waiting for him.

Just because Zhou Fangwu didn't come back, they could only wait in the town.

Then Ryuguin Seiya demanded that Listade returned to the Unified God Realm to practice on the grounds that the two newly joined rookies were too weak.

Together with Matthew and Eluru, the two of them also practiced under the sword **** Celseus and the fire **** Hestica respectively.

Ryuguin Seiya, on the recommendation of Alia Doa, went to learn [Body Destroyer Sword] from the war **** Adanela.

That is [Fencing Sword].

As for Zhou Fangwu, he didn't go to practice under the hands of any god, but lived in a room to perform synthetic magic.

I thought that by fusing all the materials together, I could get the strongest weapon.

But obviously, he was thinking too much.

Combined with the smelting method learned from Hephaestus, the forging **** of "Earth Wrong", Zhou Fangwu clearly knew that the ore he brought was too weak.

If it's a single goddess, no matter if it's the hair of Aqua or Ristade, it can be combined into a powerful weapon.

It's just that its strength is almost the same as that of the Platinum Sword, and it doesn't have the strength of a divine weapon at all.

It's not that he didn't think about going directly to Hephaestus to help forging.

But this is not a good method. Whether it is the strength of the weapon, the cost, or the time spent, etc., it is not as convenient and easy to use as the synthesis.

In the end, this method can only be shelved.

"Hey, Wu, how's the result?"

Seiya of Longgongyuan pushed open the door and rushed in without any intention of treating this place as someone else's private space.

Double standards as always, Lord Dragon Palace!

Zhou Fangwu stared at the intruder with dead fish eyes.

Every day Seiya Ryuguin would come on time to inquire about Zhou Fangwu's results.

In fact, he has also been synthesizing weapons, and even frantically added the hair of several gods, including Listade, Ariadoa, Celseus, Hestica, Adenela, and several gods. They were all murdered by him.

But the results are the same as those of Zhou Fangwu, they are all flawed products.

However, it was precisely because he did this that Zhou Fangwu was able to react quickly. It was because the ore material was too weak.

"... No, it's still the same result."


Hearing what Zhou Fangwu said, Ryuguin Seiya clicked his tongue in displeasure.

Zhou Fangwu asked back: "Then, Lord Longgong, how is your practice?"

"I have already learned [Body Destruction Sword]." Seiya Ryuguin had a cold expression on his face, without any pride or pride.

"It's【Compliant Fencing】! Also, teach me when you have time."

Zhou Fangwu corrected the mistakes in his words.

Thinking about it carefully, Zhou Fangwu didn't need to compete with Ryuguin Seiya to learn at all, his purpose has always been to imitate the skills of other gods, even if he could learn from Ryuguin Seiya.

Originally, he wanted to learn from the subordinates of other gods, such as the mad **** in the green forest.

[Frenzy] skills are also something he is very greedy.

The third stage of madness is comparable to a god.

It's just that Lisda Dai refused to agree with Zhou Fangwu to go, and Ariadoya also stopped her.

I had no choice but to give up.

"Mr. Dragon Palace, your level has reached the upper limit."

"...Well, no matter how much you exercise, it won't work."

Ryuguin Seiya was silent for a while, but he still admitted it.

That's right.

His level has already been capped.

After only taking the risk for less than half a month, and only killing two of the Four Heavenly Kings, Ryuguin Seiya's level has already reached its upper limit.

That's why he is eagerly looking for the skills of the gods, hoping to use the skills of the gods to help him defeat the devil more safely.

After all, he also felt the strength of the enemy, and it was inevitable to be worried in his heart.

In fact, Zhou Fangwu still has things in his hands that can enhance the strength of Ryuguin Seiya.


Once you are blessed by the gods, you can tap your own potential and obtain super magic and talents.

It's just that Zhou Fangwu doesn't think that Lista Dai can interpret the [Bible Text] in a short time, and he also knows that the unified God Realm is not monolithic. Just in case, it's better not to spread this kind of thing.

[Breathing method] It doesn't matter. With Ryuguin Seiya's personality, in order to ensure that there are no undercover agents in the Unified God Realm, he will never pass on his skills to others. You can rest assured on this point.

Zhou Fangwu comforted him and said: "Well, as long as the thinking doesn't slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties, and there will always be a solution in the end."

"No! This kind of thinking is very dangerous! No matter what, you must be prepared at all times!" Ryuguin Seiya retorted immediately.

He became agitated rarely, and his cold face twisted a little.

Oh, forgot.

He was originally a brave man who saved the world, but he kept saying "There is always a way" and didn't improve his strength. In the end, because the strength of the devil was too strong, his wife and children were killed by the devil, and the world was not saved.

Even if these memories have been erased, the prudent character buried in the bottom of my heart will never be erased.

That's why I was so excited about Zhou Fangwu's words.

"Sorry, it should be read_perfectly."

"Well, don't be careless. Not only me, Wu also needs to be prepared at all times."

There is a reason for Ryuguin Seiya's prudence, even if his prudence is pathological, but in order to save the world, he will always do it.

"Then, Mr. Longgongyuan is looking for me to set off."

"Yes, the agreed time is up, let's go now."


"Oh, by the way, Adenela said she would give me something and asked me to wait in the square."

"Eh, what is it..."

The two walked out of the room and came to the square of the Unified God Realm, waiting for the return of Adenela, Listadia and the two newcomers.

After a while, other people who were in the company gathered together.

As Zhou Fangwu already knew, Matthew had a high-intensity growth after practicing.

But Ai Lulu is the same as before.

How come, how to go back.

But it's not that she doesn't work hard, but that she has other tasks.

There was a look of worry, fear, and helplessness on his face, fearing that he would be disgusted by Seiya Ryuguin.

As Elulu said before, "I have been working hard since I was born, in order to become a hero's companion, but I was completely denied..."

But because of this, Zhou Fangwu didn't want them to join the team.

…wow, it was brutal.

The fate from the beginning was to exchange the hero's holy sword or something.

It was precisely because of this that Zhou Fangwu lived in the room, hoping to use those ores and the hair of the gods to synthesize a weapon stronger than the holy sword.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out in the end.


Suddenly thought, if it is a holy sword, can it bear the hair of multiple gods?

Will it become stronger than the previous holy sword?

Well, worth a try!

Zhou Fangwu hid this idea in his heart, and planned to try it after Shengya got the holy sword in Longgongyuan.

The personnel assembled, but did not leave.

After waiting for a while, Adanila finally appeared.


She trotted and threw herself into Ryuguin Seiya's arms.

"Eh? Eh—?!"

Listodex suddenly screamed.

Looking at the well-dressed military **** with light makeup in front of her, she was completely different from the lifeless and slovenly look before, which made her wonder if she was wrong.

"Ya, Adanila-sama?! What are you doing?!"

Listarde called her, but Adenela ignored her, but raised her small face full of tenderness.

"Holy, holy... I hope... I hope you can take me on an adventure together..."

"Lord Adenela! The goddess in charge of Seiya is me!"

"Then, let me be the hero's companion..."

"No! Lady Adenela is a goddess, you can't do this, it's against the rules!"

"I, I... It doesn't matter if I don't become a goddess... As long as, as long as I can be with Seiya...!"


This outburst, which was like a confession, really startled Listadette.


This is the confession!

What's going on, why did Lady Adanila make such a big change? !

Sure enough, Seiya has the ability to bewitch the goddess!

Every goddess will be attracted by him!

Zhou Fangwu couldn't help being surprised too.

Ryuguin Seiya is really an incredible person, he can beat a hearty **** into autistic (Sword God Celseus), and can also beat an autistic into a normal person (Adanila).

What is the principle of this, he really wants to know!

"Holy, Holy... This, this is the cake that I spent 5 hours on... Please, please..."

At this time, Adanila took out another cake, with a more gorgeous decoration and two lifelike villains on it, the intention was already obvious.

As long as you accept the past, it means you have accepted your wish.


What Adanila didn't know was that Ryuguin-kun hated cakes very much!

"It's so unpalatable, I don't want it."

Ryuguin Seiya belittled unceremoniously.

These cold words were like the blowing of cold winter, instantly dissipating the gleam in Adenela's eyes, and the tender smile on her face also froze instantly.

The whole person was gray and white, and had been burned to ashes.

And this kind of her, Ryuguin Seiya did not let her go.

Still making up the knife and said: "I thank you for helping me train, but our relationship is nothing more than that. I have no idea what the meaning of being with you is, and I don't need such a bad cake. Just So, goodbye."

After speaking, he turned and left.


A scumbag, a complete scumbag!

Abandoning others after taking advantage of them is a real scumbag! ...If you don't know the truth, you will definitely think so.

But everything is Adanila's unilateral love.

Seiya of Longgongyuan was only Listadai from the beginning to the end. Even if his memory was lost, he would subconsciously cut off all the momentum of the harem.

It can be said that he is a real good man.

At least Zhou Fangwu couldn't have the heart to refuse so decisively when faced with other people's kindness towards him.

Then, naturally, Adenela couldn't hold back anymore.

"S-That's right... People like me... hee hee hee... same as cake... hee hee hee... absolutely, no need at all... hee hee hee hee!"

There were two lines of blood and tears in her eyes, which transformed her from a tender little girl into a murderous ghost.

It can be seen how much Ryuguin Seiya hurt her.

"Master Adenela!"

Listarde yelled in concern, then gritted her teeth and caught up with Ryuguin Seiya, and taught her a lesson: "Seiya! No matter what, you are too much! Even if you don't like it, you shouldn't say that! Lady Adenela Very pitiful!"

"Poor? Why? From the very beginning, my purpose was to save [Gaiabrande] and use her power. What's wrong with that?"

Ryuguin Seiya ruthlessly said such a matter of course, which made Listadette feel anxious but unable to refute.

After all, from the very beginning, it was for Adanela's strength.

However, this doesn't mean she doesn't care about Adanela.

"I'm not talking about this! It's about later, it's a girl's heart! Girl's heart! Holy!"

Listadela dragged the cautious brave man forward, but she couldn't pull back the cold Ryuguin Seiya.

"Anyway, you can't say it too much, please consider Lady Adinella's feelings more! Lady Adinella is crying, and the blood and tears can't stop!"

"Whoever cares about her has nothing to do with me."

"Really, really cold..."

Seiya Ryuguin was determined to snuff out the signs of this kind of love, and he never changed his mind even if Listarade was dissatisfied.

It seems that this stupid goddess still doesn't know that the reason Ryuguin Seiya has been so cold is because of her.

"Hey, goddess of waste wood, open the door quickly. And you two, take the salute. Wu, get ready to go."

Ryuguin Seiya yelled at Ristade to open the door, and at the same time threw the tool bag on his body to Matthew and Eluru.

By the way, all those bags contained defective products synthesized by Zhou Fangwu.

It's just that Longgongyuan Shengya has always asked for complete preparations, so he asked to bring these things with him to see if there is a chance to reuse them.

And just when Lista Dai summoned the portal, the riot behind her had already expanded its influence, making other gods helpless.

"Wow! Lady Adenela is hacking at the statue in the atrium with her sword!"

"What are you doing!"

"It's over, it's over! Lady Adenela is crazy!"

"Stop her quickly, stop her quickly!"

"Are you kidding~ www.wuxiamtl.com~ Adanela is so strong, how could she stop her!"

"Master Adenela, stop now! Stop now!"

It's over, another crazy one.

A pleading voice that was about to cry came from behind, accompanied by Adanila's nervous giggles, it is estimated that this goddess was also driven crazy by Ryuguin Seiya.

Completely ignoring the chaotic Unified God Realm behind him, Ryuguin Seiya stroked his black hair instead.

He said that very coldly.

"Everything is ready (read_perfectly)."

"...That's not right! Now is not the time to say this!"

Listade really wanted to help them, but when she thought that the reason for Adenela's madness was Seiya, she had to open the portal quickly.

Regardless, it's better to run away first.

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