To the eye, it is a piece of pink and white.

The whole tone of Her Royal Highness's room is pink and white.

A big bed is placed in the center of the room, on the left is a desk lamp with a shining magic crystal on it, and on the right is a big dressing table, which is also filled with all kinds of gorgeous jewelry .

In front of the bed is an open closet, which contains a wide variety of extremely elegant clothes, including dresses, formal clothes, and casual clothes.

Since it is Her Royal Highness, her bedroom is naturally located in the best position in the castle.

The sun is very good and the air is very fresh.

This room is really nice.

But how to put it...


It's like a man is very interested in some unknown things about a woman, but when he finds out, he finds that's it.

Rather than feeling ordinary, it's better to say that they didn't meet their psychological expectations.

After all, when Zhou Fangwu stayed in the castle before, his room was next to Her Highness the Princess, and there was actually no big difference between the lighting and layout of the two rooms.

As for why he hadn't entered Her Royal Highness's room.

Then there must be a certain female knight, like a thief, who sends someone outside Her Royal Highness's room every night.

It is also a beautiful name: when Your Royal Highness is in need, we will show up as soon as possible.

But in fact, he was afraid that Zhou Fangwu would do something bad.

Really, is he that untrustworthy?

Besides, I said to Her Royal Highness before: Heroes usually get married with people from the royal family... or something, in fact, they deliberately want to embarrass themselves, right?

But it is worth mentioning that Her Royal Highness's room is very clean.

There are no shy clothes scattered around the room, and the king-size bed in the room is not cluttered with clutter.

It's just that Mr. Zhou Fangwu felt that something was wrong.

Sato Kazuma was slightly surprised and said, "Huh? Her Royal Highness doesn't have a doll."


"Senior Zhou Fang, shouldn't Her Royal Highness's room in the story be filled with all kinds of dolls or toys? But look, there are none of those things in this room."

"Well, indeed."

Sato Kazuma's words reminded Zhou Fangwu.

Looking around the entire room, there are indeed no dolls or toys that girls like for entertainment.

You know, Princess Alice is only 12 years old now.

Just the age to like these things.

However, no.

But when I think about the lonely and lonely princess who has to pretend to be a good child all the time, I understand why she doesn't have the things that little girls should have.

"Senior Zhou Fang, let's start looking!" Sato Kazuma looked excited.

"...Don't rummage casually, Sato-kun." Zhou Fangwu told him a little uneasy, "Sneaking in here and being discovered is not just a sign of being caught. If people notice someone sneaking in here because of rummaging, We'll be tracked down too."

"Don't worry, Senior Zhou Fang! Trust me!"

"...It's because I don't believe you that I told you! Give me a little bit of self-knowledge, you idiot!"

This guy, with his eyes shining, always thinks he's going to do something weird.


If I had known it earlier, I would have let Kazuma Sato let the air out and come up to find the necklace by myself.

You shouldn't have listened to his nonsense that the two are the fastest to find, and he also knows what the necklace looks like.

"Also, don't do anything strange after finding that necklace, just leave here." Zhou Fangwu urged again: "We will think about the next thing after we leave."

"Oh, I see." Sato Kazuma nodded in agreement.

In fact, when Sato Kazuma told him about the evil artifact necklace just now, Zhou Fangwu realized that he didn't know its effect.

Presumably Chris didn't dare to tell him the real effect of the necklace.

Zhou Fangwu didn't dare either.

Because, with Sato Kazuma's character, after knowing the true effect of that necklace, he will definitely hide it secretly, and then do some strange things.

for example:

Peeping N bathhouse, peeping N bathhouse, peeping N bathhouse and so on.

That's right, he's only promising so much.

With such a powerful artifact, he wanted to do such dirty things instead of doing other evil things.

After all, Sato Kazun is really the kind of person who has a heart but no guts!

However, even to peep, it is a bad thing.

As his team leader, I must never let him go astray, I will leave this kind of matter to me... Bah, let Akua seal it!

Zhou Fangwu ordered again: "Satou-kun, I'm going to find the dressing table, so you can go and look for it anywhere else."

"Well, I see."

Sato Kazuma replied, and then began to rummage through the boxes.

When I came to the dressing table, I found a lot of jewelry on it.

In fact, he did it on purpose.

That evil artifact is a necklace, and logically it should be stored in a jewelry box... This is also based on common sense.

But no matter what, that necklace is an artifact, and it was dedicated to His Royal Highness by others.

In terms of Alice's personality, she would definitely not put it carelessly in her jewelry box.

After all, she would feel sad if she lost it.


He knows that Princess Alice's dressing table actually has a special secret!

- dark space!

When the two were chatting before, she once told Zhou Fangwu that she liked a toy when she was young, but she hid it in the secret compartment of the dressing table in order to pretend to be a good child. My brother doesn't know either!


That necklace is definitely in that hidden compartment!

"found it!"


Sato Kazuma suddenly held up an ordinary and very inconspicuous crystal necklace.

And what was placed in front of him was a long, small box pulled out from under the bed, and that small box has now been opened.

Apparently, the evil necklace artifact was hidden in that box.

WTF? !

You don't play the cards according to the routine, Your Royal Highness!

Zhou Fangwu was dumbfounded, he didn't expect that he was simply hidden under the bed by Princess Alice!


Do you really think that no one can sneak into your room, Your Highness? !

"Huh? It's so strange, there are characters on this necklace, and it's even the characters of the island country."

Sato Kazuma read the above words softly while Zhou Fangwu was in a daze.


"Don't read it out, Sato-kun!"

Zhou Fangwu immediately wanted to stop him.

Unfortunately, one step too late.

"What's yours is mine, what's mine is yours, become you—!"

This necklace suddenly glows!

The light became stronger and stronger, covering the entire room in an instant, including Zhou Fangwu and Sato Kazuma.

The dazzling light made Zhou Fangwu and Sato Kazuma close their eyes subconsciously.


"...Huh? Nothing happened?"

Sato Kazuma opened his and didn't notice any discomfort in his body, he was at a loss and didn't know what happened.


When he raised his head and looked to the other side, he saw a figure that was too familiar.

That's his body!

Looks exactly like him!

Immediately, his face was full of astonishment, and he didn't know what to say.

On the contrary, the "self" opposite him covered his forehead in distress, and complained in his own voice and familiar tone.

"Tsk, I told you not to do too much, Sato-kun."

"Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey! Senior Zhou Fang?!"

The two suddenly switched bodies!

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