Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 495: Kazuma Sato wishful thinking

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Sato Kazuma is a little drunk at this time.

Darkness and the others were dancing with Zhou Fangwu just now, and the female knight Claire and the magician Lei Yin were always by Princess Alice's side.

At this time, there was no one around him to control him, so that's why he became so complacent.

There was an unnatural blush on his face, and beads of sweat from arguing with others were still oozing from his forehead. He couldn't even maintain his figure, but he still said brave words on his mouth.

Alone, surrounded by nobles, he boasted loudly of his 'deeds of valor'.

... By the way, does he have it?


In fact, Sato Kazuma's nature is also the same.

As long as someone flatters and flatters a little, this ghost boy will be the same as the others in the team, can't stop bragging and showing off everywhere.

But even so, he still has an advantage that no one else has.

That is the ability to avoid disaster.

To put it simply, it is his [Super Luck] at work, always able to warn at critical moments, and then successfully avoid unknown dangers.

This is also the skill that Zhou Fangwu has been coveting until now.

In other words, he won't be in any trouble if he promises.


Judging by his unnatural appearance now, he must have been tricked by others.

"Oh oh oh! You are indeed a team member of Your Excellency [Hero]. I didn't expect to agree to my request immediately after hearing that it would endanger the safety of people's property!"

A nobleman continued to fan the flames nearby.

The continuous flattery made Sato Kazuma's brain no longer clear, and at the same time, the smug smile on his face became bigger and bigger and couldn't be held back.

Take a closer look.

Isn't this flattering man one of the people who surrounded Darkness just now, and the nobleman who shrank immediately after seeing Aldap?

Zhou Fangwu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Although I am not afraid of being calculated by others, not being afraid does not mean that I do not hate it.

"Why, what happened? Could it be that my companion did something rude. Sorry, he is just an ordinary adventurer. If he does something that annoys everyone, I am here to represent him. Apologies to everyone."

Zhou Fangwu came to Sato Kazuma and looked down at the nobleman in front of him.

Although it looked like he was helping others, using very smooth social rhetoric, but from the tone and attitude, it was obvious that he didn't mean to apologize.

"No no no, Your Excellency Hero, you have misunderstood."

The aristocratic man looked at Zhou Fangwu, who was a head taller than him, and shrank his shoulders subconsciously, looking timid, but he still didn't want to lose face in front of everyone, so he insisted on explaining what happened just now.

"Your companion—Mr. Sato Kazuma, after hearing that Wangdu thieves often steal noble treasures, expressed great sympathy for our experience, and said that he would definitely catch that hateful thief for us! He is indeed a [hero] 】Your Excellency’s companion is really a good person for the country and the people!”

No matter what you say, put your top hat on first.

And when he finished speaking, the surrounding nobles were also shocked and began to discuss in low voices.

"Wow! I heard that this thief is very mysterious, it seems that no one can catch him!"

"That's right! The knights and security department of the capital searched the noble's house but found no clues!"

"so smart?!"

"did not expect-!"

"But he actually said he could catch that thief..."

"Yes, but he is your hero's companion, so he should be able to do it."

"Just him?! Looks like an ordinary person?"

"Hey! Keep your voice down! Anyway, he is the companion of Your Excellency [Hero]! And haven't you heard that you should not judge a person's ability by his appearance?!"

"...Yes, I'm sorry!"

Maybe because he thought of [hero] Zhou Fangwu's reputation far and wide, it was far beyond what he could say, so he quickly shut up.

Zhou Fangwu would not argue with him just because of such a trivial matter.

That would damage his image.

However, Zhou Fangwu still released the [purification] magic on Sato Kazuma to wake him up from his drunkenness.

"Sato-kun, do you still remember what happened just now?"

"...Yes, I'm sorry, Senior Zhou Fang."

Just like a person who recalls the mistakes he made before and immediately regrets after sobering up, Sato Kazuma also hurriedly apologized, feeling ashamed that he was too complacent just now.

"No, it's nothing, Sato-kun doesn't need to worry about it."

Zhou Fangwu shook his head, not intending to teach him a lesson, but said: "However, we are [heroes]. Since we have agreed to others' entrustment, we will definitely do it, otherwise we will discredit [heroes]."

This was also the purpose of the noble man in the first place.

First, he let Sato Kazuma get carried away with flattery, and then took the opportunity to raise this topic to get Sato Kazuma to agree, and he also loudly expressed his admiration for [Hero].

In this way, no matter whether the [Hero] team agrees or not, it can cause them some trouble.


After Zhou Fangwu perfectly deciphered this calculation, the nobles around immediately applauded.

After him, other nobles also expressed their appreciation.

The conversation just now had let them know that Zhou Fangwu agreed with Sato Kazuma to take over the commission.

"As expected of His Excellency [Hero]'s companion! To be able to take on such a difficult task! His courage has been recognized by me!"

"Indeed! It's not just about courage. Since he is the companion of Your Excellency [Hero], his strength should not be underestimated!"

"That's right! He's a member of the [Hero] team that's been attacking the leaders of the Demon King's army one after another! I believe in his strength!"

The warm applause shows that Sato Kazuma has been recognized and supported by everyone.

"By the way, what is the purpose of Sato-kun's promise?" Zhou Fangwu asked in a low voice: "I know that even if Sato-kun is drunk, he may not agree to such troublesome things, so the reason why you agreed to take on this kind of task Yes?"


Hearing Zhou Fangwu's question, Sato Kazuma had an obviously embarrassed expression on his face.

"I thought, after I really catch the thief, is there a reason to eat and drink for free in this castle... or something."

"...Hey, it seems that I haven't treated you badly."

"No, no, that's not the problem!"

Zhou Fangwu's unfriendly eyes made Sato Kazuma tremble, and then he quickly gave a reasonable explanation.

"It's really good to live in the lord's mansion, I didn't miss food and drink.

It's just...just ah...!

Obviously living in the lord's mansion, obviously a nobleman!


But no one serves me! "


Zhou Fangwu was slightly embarrassed.

Kazuma Sato was right, even now he does not have a housekeeper or maid under the name of his lord's mansion.

Even the current housekeeper Haider and the maid Mei Li were sent by Lord Dustines to help them.

And during the two days of preparing for the banquet.

Sato Kazuma experienced the refreshing feeling of being served.

There are people taking care of eating, drinking and drinking, and he doesn't have to do anything at all, and someone will do it for him.

Just like what he said at the beginning, he wants to be a squat at home who doesn't have to go out to work, a waste material who is always taken care of.

These are all realized in the castle.

Because he is the companion of [Hero] Zhou Fangwu, he also received the highest standard of treatment.

Everyone in the castle will obey his orders.

Even some very shameful orders, those maids will not refuse, but will complete with a blushing face.

In general, all his 'bad tastes' are realized here.

It can be said that he has achieved the pinnacle of his life.

This greatly increased his desire to stay here.

That's why he agreed to catch the thieves, hoping to use this kind of credit in exchange for permission to live in the castle for a longer period of time.

But can his wishful thinking really work?

The female knight Claire on the side was furious when she heard Sato Kazuma's shameless speech.

But for some reason, she fell silent and thought about it.

Finally she made up her mind.

He raised his head ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and said to Sato Kazuma:

"I understand, then please ask Kazuma Sato to live in the house of a nobleman who may be stolen, and then start watching. If you can really arrest the thief, then we can promise you to continue living in the castle..."


Sato Kazuma looked blank.

He originally thought that he could continue to stay in the castle and enjoy the life of being served by others, and continue to be a useless and disabled person.

You can even deliberately not work hard, and then you can stay here for a longer time.

But he never expected that he would be kicked out by the female knight Claire.

This is of course!

Even for powerful thieves, it is very difficult to steal in the castle!

In short, Sato Kazuma's wishful thinking was overturned.

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