Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 493: empathetic alice

The party isn't over yet.

And when Zhou Fangwu returned to the venue, he found that there were many people gathered around Darkness.

But not for men, but for women.

Most of the noble daughters cast envious eyes on the famous Darkness.

Not only is her beauty making other noble men fall in love with her, but also Darkness can join the hero team and establish so many great achievements.

the most important is!

Just now, the golden tortoise son-in-law whose reputation has spread all over the capital has already been preempted by others!

It is impossible to say not to be jealous.

But when this jealousy was immediately expelled by Princess Alice.

No matter who was present, they couldn't fight against that lord, and only Darkness, who was in the limelight now, could compete with him.

In addition, the hero obviously has no feelings for them, knowing that even jealousy is useless.

And now they are gathered here because they want to learn from Darkness.

Even Akuya, Megumin, and Yoyo were also the ones they asked for advice.

Because, as long as they don't speak, their appearance is really comparable to that of Darkness!

"Ah, it's really beautiful and soft hair."

A noble lady caressed Akua's long blue hair, her gentle movements seemed to be stroking some peerless silk.

"Ah! Really, really! So beautiful!"

"Hey, can I ask how you take care of it? Please teach me, please."

"And me, and me!"

Not only Akuya, but also Megumi and Yoyo, and because of their outstanding appearance, most of them are surrounded by noble daughters.

Akuya was puzzled by the sudden touch, and her cute and cute expression instantly captured the attention of the noble daughters present.

When Zhou Fangwu saw the popular girls, he was really happy for them!

…how is this possible!

Because, with their temperament, they will definitely make all kinds of rude and abrupt actions!

"Hmph! I'm a goddess! Akuya, the goddess of water! If you want to have long hair as smooth as mine, join my Axis Cult immediately, and come and worship me sincerely!"


That's it!

As long as there is a little bit of praise and praise, with Akuya's nature, she will immediately be so proud that she knows no bounds.

"I am Megumi! I am one of the greatest magisters of the Crimson Demons! I am also the most proficient in [Explosion Magic]!"

"I am Yoyo! I am one of the great magisters of the Crimson Demon Clan! I am also the one who will inherit the position of the next patriarch!"

Under Huihui's forced request, Yoyo put on a posture that made her feel extremely ashamed, like the girl next to her with a second-year-old chubby girl, and said something incomprehensible.

The shameful gesture performed in front of everyone caused the shy Crimson Demon Clan's next patriarch to die instantly.

"You, you, you, you! Don't make such a rude move! It's too embarrassing!"

Darkness hurriedly taught the girls a lesson, and at the same time said apologetically to the noble daughters who were watching: "I'm sorry for my companions being so rude. You also know that they are adventurers, so please forgive them."

However, the noble daughters watching were not angry.

On the contrary, they were also aroused great interest.

"Wow—is this the style of adventurers? It's really novel!"

"These self-introductions and actions always have a different sense of handsomeness."

"That's right, that's right!"

"It's really handsome!"

In the final analysis, they are no different from Princess Alice, they are all young ladies who are ignorant of the world.

Even if he knew that there was an adventurer as a profession, he hadn't had much contact with those people.

So when Akuya and the others behaved in such a conflict, instead of making them angry, they became even more interested in them.

Then, more compliments came oncoming.

Akuya has been touted so much that she can't find North.

Everyone here is talented, and they speak nicely. She doesn't want to leave here.

...Zhou Fangwu guessed that she thought so.

Darkness on the side was about to cry.

She is well aware of the nature of Akuya's daughters, if this continues, there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

Seeing this, Zhou Fangwu came out to save the scene.

"Oh, my fair ladies, my companion has done nothing to trouble you."

He blended into their circle naturally, and talked to them naturally.

There is no arrogance of superior status, and no fawning on ladies.

It's so plain and easy.

"It's Your Excellency the Hero!"

"Really! It's Your Excellency the Hero!"

"Hello, Your Excellency Hero!"

After the noble daughters saw Zhou Fangwu, they all saluted him as a lady.

Because Zhou Fangwu is not only a hero, but also an earl conferred by the kingdom, of course they have to salute.

"Hello." Zhou Fangwu smiled back.

"Your Excellency, I admire you very much. I wonder if you can join me..."

Just when someone was about to propose an invitation, the lights in the venue suddenly dimmed, causing her to be interrupted abruptly.

At the same time, soothing music sounded around.

"this is?"

"It's the beginning of the dance."

Seeing that Akuya and the others were confused, Darkness, who was very familiar with nobles, explained softly to everyone: "This is the process of the banquet, and it is the stage where the nobles get to know each other... By the way, Akuya, you Should know."

"Of course! I'm the goddess of banquets!"

...Hey, just now you said that you are the goddess of water!

Also, have you finally admitted that you are a party goddess? !

Everyone present was eager to try, wanting to go up and show off.

Only Zhou Fangwu broke out in a cold sweat.

Looking at Darkness, Akuya, Megumin, and the three women's gazes, he instantly felt an inexplicable cold wrapping his whole body.

And Yoyo, even though she lowered her head shyly, still peeked at Zhou Fangwu from time to time.

Her thoughts speak for themselves.

Oh no!

I don't know if it is a unique skill among the nobles, but after realizing that the atmosphere was not right, the noble daughters who gathered around had already dispersed, found their own dance partners and came to the middle of the venue.

Even the idiot Sato Kazuma was taken away by the female knight Claire.

Zhou Fangwu was left alone, facing the double-teaming of the four women, at a loss.

"This, this..."

Zhou Fangwu couldn't make a choice.

The hardest part is doing the first dance with me!

After that it doesn't matter.

But this first dance represents a very different meaning!

"Wu, Wu, if it makes you difficult..."

Darkness, who didn't like fighting, wanted to quit subconsciously.

In fact, it stands to reason that she is the most qualified among all the people.

He is a hero, a nobleman from a famous family, and fits well with Zhou Fangwu's identity.

It's true that Akua is a goddess~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But the people present didn't know it, so no matter how you look at it, it's Darkness.

However, she has now opted out.

"My lord, how about dancing this first dance with me?"

When Zhou Fangwu was having a hard time making a choice, Princess Alice rescued him from the side.


When Zhou Fangwu was in trouble, the considerate Princess Her Royal Highness came to help him out again.

... By the way, didn't you run away shyly just now?

Why are you back again!

Is this some kind of punishment game? !

How hard it is for you, Alice!

But thanks to her rescue, Zhou Fangwu was able to resolve this crisis smoothly.

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