Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 489: Request for Farewell Reception

After a while of flying around, everyone gathered in the courtyard.

"Huh, then, why are you here? And you didn't notify me in advance, which made me very passive."

Zhou Fangwu was puzzled by this.

If you are afraid that he will cause trouble for the hero team and that he will run into the royal family, then there is no need.

Because he is not that ghostly boy Sato Kazuma.

But he came to the capital all of a sudden, without any prior notice, and he just lay down in his own bed, and the two of them were together? !

The most important thing is that she was seen by Her Royal Highness, who is still innocent and innocent!

I have to suspect that the two of them did it on purpose.

In addition, the female knight Claire has been instilling some useless things to Princess Alice these days.

After a series of coincidences, he felt the world's malice towards him.

It's too bad time!

"I'm afraid you will hurt Her Royal Highness."

"Hey! What did you say, the most insulting thing to me!"

Zhou Fangwu pinched Darkness's cheek viciously, ignoring the strange gazes of everyone in the team, and punished this nonsense, idiot noble lady.

"In your eyes, am I that unreliable?!"

"No, uh... no, no... It's just that Wu and His Royal Highness got along so awkwardly before, I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of, tell me."

"Hey!...No, nothing."

Seeing her moving hands, Darkness subconsciously put her arms around her chest, covered her chest and stepped back.

The habitual small games between the beds made this fool react with stress.

"Then, that...Wu, don't blame Darkness. Because we were really worried about you, we begged the great magister in the village to send us here."

Megumin also pleaded for Darkness.

"This...Of course I know." Zhou Fangwu also knew that they were really afraid of getting angry with the royal family, so they came over after the rectification.

"That's right! I've been worried for several nights, and I can't sleep!" Akuya also yelled dissatisfied: "So, if there is nothing wrong, at least tell us! I'm really worried about Wu. what!"

"…Feel sorry."

Zhou Fangwu apologized softly.

He could already guess that several people in the team were worried about their own safety and couldn't sleep well all night.

So the moment I saw myself, my mind was relaxed, so I fell down beside myself.

And seeing how soundly they were sleeping, I guess they didn't worry less during this time.

"Sorry, it was my fault." Zhou Fangwu apologized again.

"Hmph." Akuya pouted and snorted softly.

"That is to say! I haven't slept well for several days!" Sato Kazuma said something helpless instead, "I, I have been going to the succubus shop for several days to calm my nervous mood, which caused my The pocket money is almost bottomed out!"

"Hey! Don't say such things here, Sato-kun!"

Zhou Fangwu knocked him on the head, telling him not to make trouble at such a time.

On the contrary, it was Darkness. She let go of her tense mind and said with a relaxed face: "Well, we are relieved to see that you are fine. Then, let's go back quickly."


Zhou Fangwu looked troubled.

It's not that he is reluctant to go back, it's just that the education of Princess Alice is not over yet, once he leaves, all previous efforts will be wasted, and all previous efforts will be in vain.

He also understood that Darkness was afraid that he would not agree with Princess Alice, and then the two of them had a misunderstanding again as before.

Judging from Zhou Fangwu's strength, it is easy to hurt Her Highness the Princess.

Once he did something like hurting Her Highness the Princess, he would definitely be dealt with by the royal family as treason, even if Zhou Fangwu was a [hero].

"Wu... I also heard from Ms. Claire that you have been teaching Princess Alice recently. But you were brought here by Princess Alice 'accidentally', and you were not reported to the royal family.

And the royal family will not let a man of 'unknown origin' stay here forever. Once he is used by someone with a heart, even a [hero] will not be forgiven. "

Feudal society paid more attention to this kind of aristocratic class, and also paid more attention to the exchanges between nobles.

In particular, Zhou Fangwu is still the noble status of the [Earl] of the kingdom, and getting along with the princess of the kingdom is even more of a big problem.

"Huh, well, let's go back then."

Zhou Fangwu also knows how to weigh the pros and cons.

If he wants to forcefully stay, that's okay, but it will bring a lot of trouble to him and the Dustinis family, which Zhou Fangwu doesn't want to see.

Since there is no way to stay secretly, it has no choice but to formally apply to the royal family.

I am a hero who has successively defeated the leaders of the Demon King's army, so I would like to teach the princess of the kingdom for a period of time. There must be no problem with this request.

Not to mention the princess, maybe the prince will come along too.

This kind of thing, the royal family can't wait for it.

"That's right, that's right, let's go back quickly!" Akuya hugged Zhou Fangwu's arm, "I can't sleep well without Wu being by my side these days."

Hmm... I always feel that she has something to say.

Zhou Fangwu looked at her with a strange expression, but saw Akuya's pretty face raised and her heartless smile.

Is it a misunderstanding?

Just as he was thinking this, Princess Alice ran out of the castle in a hurry.

In fact, she was very shy at the beginning, but she guessed immediately that the other people came here to find Zhou Fangwu back, so when she saw Zhou Fangwu let go, she didn't care about being shy, and hurriedly walked out from inside. run out.

"That, that... La Latina...! Can... Can..."

She showed a pitiful look in her eyes, and carefully made the final retention.

That's the only bad thing.

She is the princess of the kingdom, so she needs to be tougher.

Even if she and Darkness were close friends, they couldn't humbly beg in this kind of place.

But I have to say, this kind of pitiful aura like a small animal is very effective for Darkness.

"His Royal Highness, Alice, Wu is a nobleman of the kingdom. If he stays here and someone finds out, it will not only affect Wu, but also the reputation of Her Highness the Princess will be affected." Darkness told her the pros and cons earnestly.

But after being told by Darkness, Princess Alice became depressed.

With his head down, a lonely expression without saying a word.

She also knew that Darkness was telling the truth. But just because it was the truth, it made her feel even more lonely.

"Your Highness Alice... um."

Darkness really wanted to take care of Her Royal Highness, but UU Reading www.uukanshu.com finally made up her mind.

"His Royal Highness Alice! You also know that Wu is not only a powerful adventurer, but he is also a [Earl] conferred by the royal family with a territory. Axel Village is still waiting for him to govern, even if I My father can't meddle too much in the lord's affairs... okay?"

"Okay, okay..."

In the end, the sad Princess Alice compromised.

But she still made a last resort.

"Hey, Lalatina, since you're all about to leave, at least let me hold a farewell dinner... just tonight, just treat it as my little waywardness, okay?"

"This... okay."

After all, Darkness still didn't want to hurt Princess Alice, so she agreed to her request.

After hearing that Darkness agreed, Princess Alice also showed a happy smile.

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