Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 480: Her Majesty the Wayward Princess

After the farce, only Zhou Fangwu and Darkness were left in the Lord's Mansion.

Everyone else was sent to **** Princess Alice.

Megumi and Yoyo are about the same age as her, plus Aqua is good at invigorating the atmosphere, and Sato Kazuma who always reminds them not to be too jumpy.

[Hero] The four members of the team accompanied Her Royal Highness, so it wasn't considered neglecting her.

After everyone left, Darkness gently hugged Zhou Fangwu and apologized in a low voice: "Don't be angry, Wu."

"…It's ok."

Zhou Fangwu shook his head lightly.

"It's just a little bit uncomfortable. Just now you blocked me on purpose, because you also know that you will be punished if you collide with the princess. In order to prevent me from getting angry, you blocked my sight."

It is impossible for this fool not to know the consequences of slapping the princess.

In order to educate the wayward princess, or because she didn't want her beloved to be humiliated, that's why she acted rashly that didn't fit her status.

But she didn't think about it, and Zhou Fangwu didn't want to see her beloved get hurt.


"It's no use just saying sorry."

Zhou Fangwu kneaded her cheeks, threatening her viciously, and said, "I'm still very angry now. The person who caused the trouble is gone. How can I vent my anger!"

"This, this..."

Darkness blushed and peeked at the angry Zhou Fangwu. For some reason, she was suddenly shy.

"Then let me calm your anger for you."

Darkness gave Zhou Fangwu a charming look, then knelt down and was about to...

Seeing her like this, Zhou Fangwu's blood surged even more, and his index finger moved wildly.

Just seeing her **** arm again, that impulse was poured with cold water again, and disappeared in an instant.

"...Eh?" Darkness raised her head and stared at him blankly, "Wu?"

"Forget it, seeing you like this, how could I do that kind of thing?"

Zhou Fangwu also squatted down, using magic to heal her wounds.

Because the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Crusader is an adventurer of LV3, plus the addition of a pure physique, although the wound is not deep, Zhou Fangwu still feels distressed.

"My heart aches to death."

"Hey hey hey."

Darkness smiled foolishly, seeing Zhou Fangwu's serious look, with a gentle and cute expression on his face.

"You are not allowed to do this again next time!" Zhou Fangwu reprimanded.

Darkness wanted to teach by precepts and deeds, but she didn't say that she would risk her life.

Besides, even if Darkness wants to teach Her Royal Highness some truths, it won't hurt herself.

"Well, I see, I won't do it next time."

"And next time?"

"Uh... sorry, please punish me, Wu."

"If you weren't injured, you would be lying on the bed begging for mercy now, you stupid (o) (chaotic) noble lady!"

This guy, does he know how attractive he is?

Originally, I wanted to have a good time when Her Royal Highness left, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.

Moreover, Darkness deliberately seduced herself.

Really, do you know how hard you have endured!

"By the way, Wu! I should go!"


Darkness stood up suddenly, and hurriedly ran out.

"I'm going to appease Her Royal Highness, don't get hurt because of this! And I'm also very afraid that Akua and the others will cause trouble, so... I won't come back at night!"

After speaking, she disappeared from sight.


Zhou Fangwu waved Erkang's hand.

My own woman thinks about others, abandons herself and walks away.

If it wasn't for knowing that Darkness cared about women and Her Royal Highness, Zhou Fangwu might really go crazy about it.

But Zhou Fangwu also understood that Darkness had to go.

Excluding the reason for the removal of Lord Dustinis' house, Darkness herself is Princess Alice's close friend, and she may still exist like a sister.

Otherwise, Darkness would not teach by precepts and deeds, and would rather be injured to teach Her Royal Highness some truths.

Coupled with the fact that Princess Alice forgave everyone's rudeness several times in succession, it was probably for Darkness's sake. Even if she stopped the attack of her guards in the end, it can be seen that the relationship between her and Darkness is really serious. very close.


Zhou Fangwu also knew this truth.

But at this moment, he was really sad.

In the end, he was the only one left to spend the night in this deserted lord's mansion.

Nothing to say all night.

the next day.

Zhou Fangwu didn't see the princess all day, including anyone in the team.

It was not until the evening, when it was getting dark, that Her Royal Highness the Princess came to visit again.

It may just be that Zhou Fangwu was too strong yesterday, the delicate princess has been hiding behind the female knight guard, looking at Zhou Fangwu timidly with wide eyes.

He wanted to speak, but there was no sound when he moved his mouth slightly.

It was the female knight guard who spoke first.

"Your Excellency, Hero! I was really rude yesterday, please forgive me for being blind."

The female knight... Claire's guard apologized generously to Zhou Fangwu. Her nature is to admit her mistakes, and she will not deliberately avoid not admitting her mistakes.

Especially in the face of a strong man like Zhou Fangwu, she can win her favor.

So much so that this unmarried female knight looked at Zhou Fangwu even more boldly.

"...It's okay, I don't take this kind of thing to heart." Zhou Fangwu's tone was very flat, even a little cold.

But Claire's guard didn't care at all, instead she pushed Her Royal Highness who was hiding behind her.

It was obvious that it was time for her to apologize.

Darkness also looked at her with hopeful eyes, hoping that she would take the initiative to admit her mistake and apologize to Zhou Fangwu.

"Yes, I'm sorry... I doubted you so much yesterday, I'm really, really sorry..."

The poor and weak princess apologized softly.

The pale little face was full of worry, and the watery eyes were full of fear, for fear that Zhou Fangwu would not accept her apology with a cold face.

Thinking about it carefully, Darkness and her are close friends, even sisters.

If he acted as a villain and made the relationship between the two women stiff, then he might have really done something wrong.

"...Forget it, it is an honor for me and the country to be able to apologize, Your Highness the Princess."

"So, do you forgive me?"

"Well, I'm sorry."



"Then will you tell me your adventure story in the future?"

"Will do."


Her Royal Highness cheered happily.


Looking at Her Royal Highness, who is no different from an ordinary little girl, Zhou Fangwu realized that maybe she is showing her true nature now.

All the previous performances, the pretentious posture with eyes above the top, were they completely biased by the garbage education of the royal family?

Until now, Zhou Fangwu finally knew why Sato Kazuma wanted to change her and imparted some strange knowledge to her.

The purpose is to prevent Her Royal Highness from becoming a corrupt and incompetent aristocrat who is arrogant and arrogant.

Let's just say...

Well, sure.

Let Her Royal Highness have a correct three views.

"Then, it's getting late, and it's time for us to return to the capital." Claire's guard said goodbye to everyone with standard etiquette.

"Dustinis, Your Excellency the Hero, I have really caused you a lot of trouble this time."

"Where is it, it should be that we did not entertain Her Royal Highness well."

Darkness also replied with standard social etiquette: "Next time, when I visit the capital, let's have a good chat. At that time, we will prepare more and better adventure stories. "

"It would be great if that was the case."

Following the words of Claire's guard, the magician also began to prepare to transmit magic.

"Then! The [Great Achievements] you have created so far will definitely be recorded in the history of the kingdom forever, and the kingdom will also respond to the heroes' efforts with rewards. I hope you will continue to work hard."

She took out the award certificate from her pocket and handed it to Darkness.

...why not Earl's me?

"I am so grateful! Then, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com wishes you good health, Your Highness Alice."

Darkness also smiled gently, and waved goodbye with the others.

Zhou Fangwu also said goodbye softly, "Goodbye, Your Royal Highness, I will visit you if I have a chance..."

"What are you talking about?" Alice stepped forward suddenly and hugged Zhou Fangwu's arm, "Didn't you say that you would like to tell me another adventure story?"

After these words, the magic circle enveloped Zhou Fangwu.

The intense light emitted is extremely dazzling.

Then the screen turned, and he came to a gorgeous castle.


"Come on, please continue to tell the adventure story!"


She definitely needs to be remodeled!

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