Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 49: Exorcise evil spirits from the mansion (1)

Aqua is a goddess, born to oppose Wiz who is a lich.

It is really difficult for her to let her and Wiz coexist peacefully.

But Zhou Fangwu didn't seem worried about this aspect at all.

In any case, the weak Wiz would never take the initiative to provoke Aqua.

Wiz lives in the world peacefully and undisputedly, and it is very easy to tolerate Aqua's petty capriciousness.

After a long time, even judging by Aqua's IQ, he must know that Wiz is a good lich.

In the end, the two will definitely get along well.

After leaving the magic item shop, everyone went to the public bathhouse to take a bath together.

The squad then disbands and the three return to the stables.

Take off your gear and put on your pajamas.

"It's getting late, let's rest early, there are still tasks to do tomorrow."

Zhou Fang spread the sheets of the three of them on the straw mat, and after lying down, he told them to go to bed early.

"Yeah~ I've been shopping all day today, I'm so tired."

Akuya yawned sleepily, and lay beside Zhou Fangwu.

When Sato Kazuma saw the two lying down, he suddenly felt tired.

But he always felt like he forgot something.

However, he thought about it for a long time and couldn't remember it.

"Forget it, go to bed first."

Give up thinking, ready to sleep.

But not long after he lay down, he suddenly sat up straight and stared blankly at the two who were soundly asleep.

At this time, Akuya had already slipped into Zhou Fangwu's embrace to keep warm.

For some reason, he felt so full.

"Wait! Wait for me!"

He seemed to have thought of something, and roared in a low voice, "Why are we still living in the stables!"


Akuya was awakened by his roar, turned around and saw Sato Kazuma furious, and asked inexplicably, "Why are you still living in the stable, haven't we always lived here?"

With her stupid little head, she didn't quite understand what Sato Kazuma wanted to express.

"It's not about this!"

Sato Kazuma anxiously said to Aqua:

"I mean, why do we [still] live in the stables?! Didn't we make a huge bounty, why don't we move out of the stables?!"

Only then did Sato Kazuma remember what he had forgotten.

—Moving out of the stables.

He has always wanted to move out of the stables and have his own room!

When he learned from Zhou Fangwu that the cabbage mission had won a large bounty, he knew that this wish would come true today.

Even if you can't move out of the stable, you can stay in the hotel tonight.

But why are you still living in the stables tonight? !

Zhou Fangwu was also woken up by Sato Kazuma, with a little embarrassment on his face after hearing Sato Kazuma roar.

This is his mistake.

He didn't think about staying in that spacious and bright high-end hotel, but naturally returned to this messy stable.

He didn't have the face to explain why.

Definitely not the reason why you can't bear the large pillow!

Absolutely not!

I promise!

"Hezhen just have to be patient, let's wait for another night, and move tomorrow."

Zhou Fangwu pointed to the outside and said to Sato Kazuma: "It's very late today, and the hotels in the village must have been closed."

"makes sense."

Although Sato Kazuma wanted to leave now, but it was already late at night, and he was not sure if there were any hotels open, so he might as well endure another night.

"However, Sato-kun's words inspired me. Not only do we have to move out, but the team members should also live together."

In Zhou Fangwu's mind, team members should eat and live together. This is convenient and saves time, and it can also help to cultivate tacit understanding.

It can be said that there are many benefits.

"Well, tomorrow's mission is temporarily canceled."

After thinking for a while, Zhou Fangwu decided, "It happens that this mission has a lot of rewards, so let's go buy a house tomorrow."

Akuya, who was still dazed at first, immediately recovered after hearing that she was going to buy a house.

"Buy a house? Shouldn't it be a mansion or a castle? Only a mansion or a castle can be worthy of my status as a goddess!"

Then Aqua fell into fantasy, imagining in her mind the picture of living in a castle and living a noble life in the future.

"Stupid Aqua, it takes a lot of money to buy mansions and castles! Although we have a bounty, we can't afford it at all."

Sato Kazuma poured cold water on her, mercilessly extinguishing her delusions.

Akuya's delusion was shattered, her eager mood became depressed again, and she said listlessly:

"Say, it's true."

It seems that she also knows that the team's bounty cannot afford a mansion or a castle.

Immediately, she dismissed the idea.

But in the next second, her mind became active again.

Because she heard Zhou Fangwu say:

"A mansion...it's not impossible."

"No one knows what will happen in the future, and it's also unknown whether we can live in a luxury house. We might as well look forward to a bright future with optimism."

After hearing this, the two of them were at a loss, not understanding what it meant.

Zhou Fangwu also realized that what he said was a bit cloudy, and then explained bluntly: "We will live in a mansion, I promise."

"Is it true, Wu?!"

Akuya raised her head to look at Zhou Fangwu, with a bright brilliance in her eyes.

"Could it be that senior Zhou Fang has already made arrangements?"

This time it wasn't just Aqua, even Sato Kazuma opened his eyes wide, full of anticipation.

"Well, sort of."

"Great!" x2

With Zhou Fangwu's guarantee, Akuya and Sato and Zhenxin fell asleep contentedly.

In their impression, Zhou Fangwu is the kind of person who will definitely do what he says.

Since it is said that you can live in a luxury house, then you can definitely!

Early the next morning, Sato Kazuma got up early, and even Akua, who always liked to sleep in, got up early.

The two looked at Zhou Fangwu eagerly, waiting for his arrangement.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you."

Zhou Fangwu raised his hands in surrender, pointed at the clothes of the three of them and said, "Change first, you can't go out in pajamas. UU Read www.uukanshu.com"

Then the three of them changed their clothes at an extremely fast speed, and then went straight to the Adventurer's Guild.

Because they came early, Megumin and Darkness hadn't arrived yet, so Aqua and Sato Kazuma were waiting for them.

And Zhou Fangwu went to pick up the task alone.

"Exorcism... exorcism... oh, there it is!"

Among a lot of tasks, I finally found the task of [Expelling the evil spirits from the mansion].

A few days after returning from the world of "Demon Slayer: Blade", he discovered this mission.

Originally, the task had already been accepted by someone else, but it was posted again in a few days, and the reward changed from 1.5 million Eris to free entry.

think carefully.

Isn't the mansion in this mission the same as the mansion of the unknown nobleman in the original book?

If Akua hadn't mentioned the word mansion last night, he would have really forgotten about it.

Immediately take over the task and go to the counter to go through the formalities.

After the team members are assembled, everyone removes the spirit before setting off.

PS: This task of [Expelling evil spirits from the mansion] is not a bug, but a subjugation task posted in the guild.

This point can be found at 19 minutes and 25 seconds of episode 8, readers who don't believe me can check it out.

Question about update time.

When do you want to update, you can leave a message in the comment area, and I will choose a time period that most people are satisfied with.

In the end, the promotion of this water test is inseparable from everyone's votes and favorites.

Thank you so much readers for your support.

There are also those who gave rewards, thank you very much for your kindness!

thank you all!

In addition, I will report the recent results on Sunday, so stay tuned.

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