Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 450: Consecutively promoted to level 3 lv8? !

Come to the bedroom.

Before Zhou Fangwu took off his shirt, Akuya was eager to get started.

"Wait, wait...don't be so rough, clothes, clothes!"

"Quick! Hurry up! I can't wait!"

"What can't wait!"

"Of course it's fun!"

In a burst of misleading words, Zhou Fangwu lay on the bed with his upper body naked, while Akua pricked his finger.

A drop of divine blood melted into Zhou Fangwu's back like a drop of water.


Already accustomed to this blinding glare, Akua even took out the sunglasses from the twin peaks one step ahead of time, and then the old **** waited on the ground for the light to dissipate.

…by the way, what can you pull sunglasses out of there?

Was it a lollipop last time?

Amid Zhou Fangwu's strange expression, after the strong light dissipated, Akuya rubbed the text of the Bible.

Zhou Fangwu


Hardly any changes.

Except grades...

"Upgrade three levels in a row?!"

Akuya's voice was deafening, even the people downstairs couldn't help but look up.

"Let me see."

After receiving the parchment, Zhou Fangwu was a little surprised to see the class on it.

what happened?

Why would you go up to level three?

It stands to reason that after the experience is full, it cannot continue to be stored, and it only needs [Great Achievements] to upgrade the rank.

Even if there is extra experience, it will become the cornerstone of increasing the volume of the container, so how can it be possible to fill the container again?

However, he didn't feel strange.

On the contrary, he feels fine now.

There is a feeling of getting stronger again.

So why?

Zhou Fangwu guessed that it might be because of himself, it might be the reason why Akuya changed the [Grace], and of course there was also the reason for the crusade against the [God of Disobedience].

There are too many variables, and he can't figure it out.

Not only class, but also his talent has increased.

【God Killer ()】

All enemy magic is nullified.

Very simple, but the effect is very powerful.

【White Horse】

This usurped power is not manifested.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he can use it now.

"As expected of Wu, the person I selected is so outstanding."

After seeing Zhou Fangwu's [Grace], Akuya hugged him regardless, and shouted happily at the same time.

Zhou Fangwu pushed gently, but found that he couldn't push it away at all, so he had to let her hold it.

"Wait...! You're too excited, Aqua."

"No, let me get close! Now I can be proud!"

"...Ah, of course, at this level, I have the qualifications to make you proud, Aqua."


Akuya and Zhou Fangwu hugged quietly.

After a while, let go of your hands.

Akuya raised her bright face and said to herself: "I am a goddess, and Wu is my believer, so you will support me in the future and let me live a comfortable life, understand?" !"

"Ah, I will, and you will be happy."

Zhou Fangwu gave her this promise.

Then, the two walked downstairs.

Although the game was still running, the rest of the team were all staring at the stairs, and when the two walked down, their probing eyes became more intense.

Of course Zhou Fangwu knew why they did this.

He gave them the parchment with rubbings of his [Grace] on it.

"Oh oh oh-!! As expected of Zhou Fang-senpai! It's too strong!"

"Indeed, lv8 or something..."

"It's a little too exaggerated."

"It's twice as bad as mine..."

There was a wave of exclamations of admiration.

But Zhou Fangwu still couldn't bear to beat them, and said modestly: "It's just that I got the [Benefit] first, and the upgrade will be slower after that, and you can catch up smoothly after that, so don't worry .”

This is also true.

Even for Zhou Fangwu, it would take a lot of time to upgrade to level 9.

But it seems useless, the exaggerated level has already hit them.

"Sure enough, I can't play anymore!"

"Wait...! Wait, Huihui!"

Hui Hui put down the game controller in her hand, grabbed Yoyo's hand and ran out, saying as she ran, "We're going to level up, so you don't have to wait for us for dinner!"

"Don't run so fast, my clothes are going to be ruined!"

There was also a pitiful begging sound from afar.

And Kazuma Sato, who also ran out to find friends from the Adventurer's Guild, went to explore the dungeon in a team.

Of course, his main purpose was to find Chris.

As thieves, they have a lot to talk about.

On the contrary, Darkness was not so anxious.

She's the problem everyone knows, just can't hit the mark.

And for such a girl, if she wants to upgrade, she needs other methods.

As for the method...

"Darkness, I will give you special training tonight."


Hearing what Zhou Fangwu said, Darkness blushed and lowered her head.

She started thinking wildly again.

Aqua saw it too.

It's just that she mistook Darkness for her consistent performance, and she was used to her blushing all the time, so she didn't have any doubts in her heart.

The little secret of the two was concealed smoothly.

As a goddess, Akuya doesn't need to level up, so she picked up the game controller and continued the game, and handed the other to Zhou Fangwu, looking at him with a pitiful expression. .

No way, I had to play with him for a while.

But when he was about to start, there was a loud shout from outside the door, calling his name and walking in from far to near.

"Wu-! Zhou Fangwu-! Are you there-!"

"This voice..."

It's Senna.

He is the Imperial Prosecutor's Office and the liaison officer of Axel Novice Village.

Open the door one step ahead and welcome her in.

Appearing in front of him was a heroic and beautiful officer.

With a cold temperament and sharp eyes, people with special hobbies must be very excited.

By the way, this beautiful military officer proposed to him when they first met.

But he rejected it on the grounds that 'the two have conflicting personalities'.

"Miss Sena, I'm also the lord anyway, isn't it a bit..."

"Sorry, I didn't mean it, but there is really something important this time."

Sena apologized bluntly, it could be seen that she was really in a hurry.

"Important things... please follow me."

Zhou Fangwu also stopped teasing her, but took her to the conference room.

"Then ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I don't know what the [important thing] Miss Sena said is..."

"It's about the subjugation of Sylvia, the head of the Demon King's army."

Sena took out a parchment scroll from her bosom, and unfolded it in front of him with a fragrant file.

"This time, Wu, you successfully defeated the cadres of the Demon King's Army. The kingdom gave you a very good evaluation, and they happily distributed this bounty."

"Oh, that would be wonderful."

Zhou Fangwu waved his hand indifferently, and asked again: "Then, this is not an important matter."

"You are right, there is actually another letter..."

Sena took out another envelope with the kingdom's seal from her pocket, and placed it seriously in front of Zhou Fangwu.

"A letter from the princess."

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