Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 425: lord's day

As the lord, Zhou Fangwu is actually very busy.

To deal with documents, but also to take into account the social interaction between noble lords, and resolve friction between other villagers and adventurers.

There are a lot of official duties and a lot of troubles.

It's just that his itinerary planning is quite reasonable, so he looks more relaxed, and even looks a little idle.

At 6am, open your eyes.

This is a good habit that has been developed since coming to another world.

Thinking back a year ago, he insisted on cultivating immortals in the middle of the night, and vowed not to give up until he became an immortal.

Unexpectedly, after a year, I began to pay attention to my health.

Gently pushed away Aqua who was hugging her like an octopus.

I don't know if she is still worried that she hasn't gotten out of the lost relationship, but Akuya will come to sleep with Zhou Fangwu every night.

It's also possible that she herself thinks it's too troublesome, so why not run over from the beginning?

But no matter what, neither of them went any further.

—Akuya's passive is too strong, even the current Zhou Fangwu is in a state of coercing a sage.

Covering Akuya with the quilt, Zhou Fangwu went out for morning exercises.

Although the physique of [God Slayer] still remains on his body, his skills still need to be continuously practiced and strengthened.

Betty will appear here in 1 hour.

It may be that he has been separated from his contractor for too long, and this lonely elf clings to himself even more after he returns. Although he gets along well with Aqua, Sato Kazuma and the others, he is still closer to Zhou Fangmu.

Then there is the pleasant bath time.

Around 8:00 in the morning, the hangover team members also woke up.

This time is meeting time.

Zhou Fangwu usually distributes the work that everyone has to do today at this time, so that they will not be idle like when he is not around.

"Everyone, just like yesterday, we need to continue hunting down the giant toads on the plain outside the village, do you understand?"

Akuya: "Re-come again?! Don't want it."

Huihui: "Is it coming again? Yoyo, let's have a showdown!"

Yoyo: "Okay, okay! I won't lose!"

Darkness: "Oh—!"

Other than Darkness, the others were not too interested.

But even if the team members don't want to be covered with mucus, Zhou Fangwu will still force them to hunt down monsters, because they left the mess and they must solve it.

Then the team members came to the Adventurer's Guild.

While finishing the breakfast, Zhou Fangwu also released the crusade mission again, and at the same time paid the commission owed for the mission released yesterday.

That's right.

This is a quest he hired adventurers out of his own pocket as a lord.

But don't get me wrong, it doesn't cost him money.

On the contrary, you will earn a little less.

The carcass of a giant toad is a widely popular ingredient, and the price varies from region to region.

Hand it over to the carriage dealer in Xinshou Village, relying on his status as the lord, he can erase some commissions and earn a little extra money.

Come to the plain and start the crusade mission.

"Senior Zhou Fang! Senior Zhou Fang! Help, Senior Zhou Fang!"

Sato Kazuma was still the same as yesterday, shouting while running.

Not only him, but the rest of the team were also swallowed by the giant toad just like yesterday, and their bodies were already covered in mucus.

You have to sigh.

These guys really don't have a long memory at all.

Knowing that there would be many giant toads roaming the plains, she still chose to let Huihui use the destructive and powerful 【Explosion Magic】.

Doing so did clear a lot of mobs, but more mobs were still attracted, which eventually led to being surrounded and wiped out.

"Sure, a bunch of idiots. Please, Betty."

"Well, leave it to me."

At this time, the big elf who was holding his hand used Yin magic - Shadow Bolt to rescue them again.

Today's crusade mission is over.

Everyone packed up and returned to the Lord's Mansion.

Taking a comfortable bath, lamenting that today is really hard... But in fact, I didn't do anything.

1 pm.

This time is usually his official business time.

As the lord, he pushed the important matters to Darkness's father, Lord Dustinis, who was above him, and he had to personally handle some small and troublesome matters.

Fortunately, when Lord Dustines saw that Zhou Fangwu was inexperienced, he taught him a lot of ways to deal with it.

Otherwise, he must be as helpless as Sato Kazuma.

After all, before time travel, he was just an ordinary office worker, and his profession was a photographer.

3 p.m.

As the lord, he has no afternoon tea time.

While the rest of the team was enjoying themselves leisurely, the lord Zhou Fangwu had to go out to observe the people's situation and help the villagers solve the troublesome things that bothered them.

He will arrange ordinary small matters to other people, and he will only solve some things that they can't solve.

"Thank you, my lord!"

"No, you're welcome. If this is still the case, you can report to me again."

"Yes! It's really troublesome for you!"

Amid the gratitude of the villagers, Zhou Fangwu turned and left.

look at the time.

The sun hasn't set yet, there's still a little time.

Go to Wiz's magic item shop.

"Welcome!... Oh, it's Lord Lord, long time no see!"

Perhaps no one would have imagined that Barnir, one of the cadres of the Demon King's Army, would run a small magic item shop here.

"Long time no see, Barnier."


"What's wrong?"

"No, I always feel that the lord seems to be different."

Barnier circled around Zhou Fangwu.

He squeezed his chin and thought carefully.

Unfortunately, it didn't find anything wrong.

"Forget it... Speaking of which, what is the lord's visit this time?"

Barnier regarded Zhou Fangwu as a guest, but in the next second he deliberately said: "My shopkeeper—Wiz's words are not at home now, and I arranged for her to buy."

Did it think it was looking for Wiz?

...well, it does mean that.

But it doesn't matter if Wiz isn't here, there will always be a chance to meet again.

"I came this time to ask about the renovation of the dungeon."

As a lord, he still attaches great importance to the development of Axel Novice Village.

Whether it can attract more adventurers and stimulate the economy of Novice Village depends on the dungeon transformed by Barnier.

"Here, black tea."

"Thank you."

Thanks Zhou Fangwu, please take a sip.

"The transformation of [Kiel's Dungeon] has been completed, and the trial operation data is quite good, and now there is [Sage's Dungeon]...I want to ask, Barnier, are you confident that the transformation will be successful."

"Of course there is no problem! Just leave it to me!"

Barnier replied immediately, looking very confident.

"Well, then please."


Afterwards, the two discussed a lot of matters related to the transformation of the dungeon, and then Zhou Fangwu left the magic item shop.


The day's work is done.

After returning to the lord's mansion, he saw a table full of sumptuous dinners.

It happened that Darkness, who was dressed in home clothes, with her hair combed in front of her side chest, looked like a married woman, was coming out of the kitchen with delicious food.

Darkness: "You're back, Wu."

Akuya: "Wu, you're finally back!"

Kazuma Sato: "Senior Zhou Fang!"

Huihui: "Hurry up, Wu, I'm hungry!"

Yoyo: "Good, so rich."

The current [Hero] team is not short of money.

Although rare ingredients are unaffordable, there is no problem with ordinary and slightly more expensive ingredients.

"Really, why don't you eat it first?" Zhou Fangwu was also a little helpless.

But it was refuted even more strongly by other people~www.wuxiamtl.com~How is it possible, we must wait for you to come back! "

"That's right!"

"Well, wait for Wu to have dinner together!"

"Well, can I have dinner? I'm hungry."

"Hui, Huihui?!"

Seeing their expectant expressions, Zhou Fangwu, who was sitting in the main seat, also said, "Everyone, let's serve dinner!"

"I'm starting!" X7

Everyone laughed and played, enjoying the most sumptuous dinner of the day.

This is the day of Lord Zhou Fangwu.

…how is this possible!

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