Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 43: People and ghosts are all on show, only Hezhen is being beaten

"Hey, Darkness, you pervert, shut your mouth!"

Sato and Shino wanted to cover Darkness's mouth with all their teeth and claws, but the problem was that Darkness was sitting diagonally opposite, and the distance was too far to reach.

"What's wrong, did I say something wrong?"

Darkness didn't know shame at all, but said even louder: "Come on! Don't be polite, ravage me hard, and release all your evil desires on me!"


For a moment, the Adventurer's Guild was silent.

Darkness's perverted speech was really explosive, and the adventurers in the guild were speechless in shock, and they all turned their heads to look here.

"This is…"

"What, what happened?"

In the corner of the guild, a group of adventurers whispered.

But the trade union was very quiet at this time, even if they lowered their voices, the people around could still hear them clearly.

"The female knight said that her teammates were going to humiliate her."


"No way!"

"It's possible, isn't that female knight the iron man who was bullied by the team this morning?"

"Oh! Hearing what you said, I remembered it too!"

An unknown thief said quietly: "I heard that there is a ghost named 'He Zhen' in their team, who always bullies the female adventurers in the team!"

After seeing the three beauties of Akuya, Huihui and Darkness, the swordsman master at the side had golden eyes and tears of envy at the corners of his mouth, and shouted:

"It's enviable!... No, it's disgusting!"

"Right, right."

The female magister next to him also said in disgust: "That man named 'Hezhen' is really an enemy of women!"

"that's right."


For a time, rumors spread everywhere.

"Hey, what the **** is going on! Why is it involving me? It has nothing to do with me!"

Sato Kazuma gritted his teeth, then stood up and shouted at the thieves who were still spreading rumors in the corner:

"That thief over there! Stop talking nonsense, be careful I will sue you for defamation!"

He said to Darkness again: "If I beg you, Darkness shut up!"

People and ghosts are all on show, only Hezhen is being beaten.

Originally, the cause of the incident had nothing to do with him, but for some reason, it somehow involved him.

"Ahem, Darkness, restrain yourself."

Seeing the situation, Zhou Fangwu felt a little overwhelmed, so he reprimanded her, "Don't worry, I will definitely **** and train you well, and wait for my 'crazy (feng) violent (yu)'."

"Crazy crazy crazy...crazy (feng) burst (yu)—!"

Darkness blushed and limp in front of everyone.

It is conceivable that some unexplainable restricted-rated images have already appeared in her mind.

"Senior Zhou Fang..."

Sato Kazuma understood that what Zhou Fangwu said was not what he thought, but there were too many differences!

Akuya and Huihui still looked as usual, and they still gulped down the delicacies on the table.

There are more and more discussions in the adventurer's union, and the voice is getting louder.

At this time the situation has been out of control.

As a last resort, everyone could only quickly sweep away the food, and then left as quickly as if they were fleeing.

"Then, see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"

After making an appointment with Megumin and Darkness to meet again tomorrow, Zhou Fangwu, Aqua, Sato Kazuma and the others returned to the stable.

The three of them sat around and started chatting.

"Senior Zhou Fang, is it convenient for you to reveal something about the different world?"

Although Sato Kazuma is also a different world traveler, he is also interested in other different worlds, and is curious about the world that Zhou Fangwu traveled through.

Even Akua was aroused with curiosity, "That's right Wu, let's hear it."

In her cognition, there are as many different worlds as there are stars. Although she is a goddess, she cannot know all the world conditions, and there are different worlds that she does not know.

"Yes, since you are all interested, then I will tell you about it."

Zhou Fangwu didn't refuse either, he thought for a while and then said softly: "The world I traveled through is a world where human beings fight against evil spirits, and human beings and evil spirits are intertwined with sorrow..."

The story of "Demon Slayer: Blade" takes Kamado Tanjiro as the protagonist, and from the perspective of his experience, the world view and story development are slowly unfolded.

It's getting dark

"What?! That Ghost Mai Tsuji is too hateful!"

Akuya looked angry, and then said viciously: "If I am here, I must purify him!"

Akuya is a goddess, naturally close to humans, and has a deep aversion to ghost characters such as skeletons, liches, zombies, and undead.

Sato Kazuma also said in a concentrated voice: "...Evil ghost, is it such a terrifying existence?"

He is just an ordinary high school student. He has no deep experience in the world, and he doesn't understand the dark side and complexity of the human heart, and he doesn't have a correct evaluation of Guiwu Tsuji.

But he knew that he hated such a person deeply in his heart!

"Okay, let's stop here."

Zhou Fangwu clapped his hands and interrupted the thoughts of the two, "There are as many different worlds as stars, don't get emotional because of such trivial things."

After hearing this, the two took a deep breath to calm down the excitement in their hearts.

"By the way, Sato-kun, I have secretly learned a lot of new skills, do you want to open your eyes?"

He took out his adventurer card and showed Sato Kazuma his countless new skills.

"With so many skills, there is always one that suits you."

Zhou Fangwu tried his best to sell.

Sato Kazuma looked at the adventurer card in front of him greedily, then gritted his teeth and turned his head with great difficulty.

"I'm sorry, Senior Zhou Fang, I can't learn."


"Because I have used up all my skill points."

Kazuma Sato also took out his adventurer card. His level has improved a lot, but there are no skill points left.

"I have learned [Elementary Magic], and there are no remaining skill points."

【Elementary Magic】

It is the lowest level of introductory magic, because the income is too low, so even ordinary magisters will not learn this skill.

Most magisters would save their skill points to learn [Intermediate Magic], and would not waste their skill points on such useless introductory skills.

But Sato Kazuma is different from others.

His [Elementary Magic] is very creative. After recombining with his unconstrained ideas, the elementary magic will produce various unexpected chemical reactions. Its continuous control and special effects complement each other. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com's power has already No weaker than [Intermediate Magic]!

It can be said that he is the type who fights with his brain.

"Satou-kun, your skills are very practical, aren't you?" Zhou Fangwu patted him on the shoulder, comforting and encouraging him.

Although Sato Kazuma has been able to rely on his "smartness" to fight the enemy from the beginning to the end because of his talent; but every time he faces an invincible enemy, his "smartness" can exert unexpected miraculous effects.

"That's right, Aqua."

Zhou Fangwu pointed to [Water Element Affinity (Advanced)] on the adventurer's card and asked, "Is this skill a blessing you blessed for me?"

"Yes, it is my blessing.

Wu is my believer, isn't it my duty as a goddess to help believers? "

She blinked her big water-blue eyes, and said triumphantly: "With this, Wu Ke is equivalent to the representative of the goddess of water in the world!"

Sure enough, it was the same as he thought.

This question was just for confirmation.

After Sato Kazuma saw such a practical skill, he also yelled for Akua to bless him, but after Akua said, "You don't believe in me, you are not my believer, and I can't do anything." Quiet and no longer noisy.

Presumably his heart is dead and he is unwilling to believe in Akuya.

‘Wait, do I believe in Aqua? ! '

Zhou Fangwu couldn't believe it, 'How is it possible, that's Akuya! '

In this way, he fell asleep in thought.

Probably because he was hugging the big pillow that he hadn't hugged for a long time, he slept very soundly that night.

PS: Everyone knows who the big pillow is.

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