Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 404: Luo Hao is here!

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It has to be said that the Marquis of Vauban's tricks are very subtle.

Suddenly, he used a ferocious-looking dragon incarnation, as if he was going to fight Zhou Fangwu desperately.

Then he turned his head and ran away without any hesitation.

Zhou Fangwu was left alone as an awkward group in the field.

This feeling of running out of cards but not being able to keep the enemy is really a bit uncomfortable.

However, considering that the Marquis of Vauban is the oldest among [God Slayers], and his powers are endless, it is reasonable that he cannot be kept.

According to Mariya Yuri's mucosal knowledge, the Marquis of Vauban still has a lot of powers that are useless.

It may be impossible to fight, but it's okay to escape.

After all, there are many ways to save life, and there is always one that can be used.

Just like this time, Zhou Fangwu didn't expect that the old man would use tactics. He obviously looked extremely domineering and didn't look like a cunning person, but he didn't expect such a situation.

【Black Dragon of the Underworld】

The giant dragon transformed by the Marquis of Vauban is indeed very strong, both in defense and attack power are at the top level.

But the most powerful part of this power lies in the [transformation of life and death], forcibly transferring oneself to the realm of life and death, increasing the use of spell power and even forcibly sending oneself away.

The Marquis of Vauban relied on this characteristic to escape from Zhou Fangwu's domain smoothly.

But the result is good.

Moreover, the prestige that the Marquis of Vauban escaped brought to him was undoubtedly huge.

[The new king overwhelms the old strong]!

Tomorrow this information will definitely spread throughout the world!

Of course, it's not me who is ashamed, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

On the contrary, there are still some smart people waiting for him to punish!

It was not until it was confirmed that the Marquis of Vauban had really left that Zhou Fangwu released the manifestation of [God of Creation·La].

Then he came to Mariya Yuri who was paralyzed and unable to move from the fright from just now.

Looking at her pale, bloodless pretty face, one could tell that she was in a very bad condition.

He picked her up.

"Eh?! King, king...!"

"Don't move around. It doesn't matter, the old fellow of the Marquis of Vauban has been beaten away by me."

In her flustered expression, Zhou Fangwu signaled her not to move with his eyes, and then softly comforted the weak Priestess Yuan.

In this battle, the key to winning or losing lies with her.

Thanks to the knowledge imparted by Mariya Yuri, Zhou Fangwu was able to clearly discover his power to perfectly restrain the Marquis of Vauban.

It is indeed a coincidence.

It may indeed be in line with the temperament of the Marquis of Vauban. All his powers are dark and super-powerful active powers, but this is naturally restrained by Zhou Fangwu, who has the godheads of [Creation God] and [Sun God] .

Not even if he has the power of Apollo.

After all, it is contaminated with the godhead of the earth mother and appears as a silver-haired giant wolf.

The shrine has been destroyed, the beams collapsed and the walls turned into ashes. Zhou Fangwu managed to clear out a well-preserved room, and went to rest with Mariya Yuri in his arms.

When she wanted to get up to serve, Zhou Fangwu forced her to rest.

At the same time, he said jokingly: "That old Marquis de Vauban messed around and destroyed me as soon as he came, and made me not even have dinner. I'm really mad at me."


"Lie down. Now that the shrine is destroyed, not to mention the kitchen, this is the only room left to rest."

Mariya Yuri wanted to get up again, but was stopped by Zhou Fangwu again.

Gently stroking her pretty face, Zhou Fangwu's healing magic was activated, and after a while, the pale little face of the weak witch turned rosy, and she fell asleep at the same time.

Too weak.

Zhou Fangwu couldn't stop complaining.

Obviously, it was me who was fighting against the Marquis of Vauban, so why can't you survive?

And just when Zhou Fangwu wanted to lie down and rest, the outside suddenly became noisy.

It was Saya Gongxin and Sanila who came back.

"King! King—! King!!"

The two people who just came back were anxious and angry when they saw the mess of the shrine, and at the same time they were helpless and didn't know what to do.

He could only call Zhou Fangwu loudly, hoping to get an answer.

As a last resort, Zhou Fangwu, who was in the room, had no choice but to come out.


Seeing Zhou Fangwu coming out of the side house, Sanila breathed a sigh of relief while being pleasantly surprised, then walked to Zhou Fangwu and knelt down in front of Zhou Fangwu in two steps at a time.

"King! Sanila's **** came late, please punish me!"


Ever since Sanila knew that Zhou Fangwu was from the Celestial Dynasty, she could always come up with some new words.

So did Saya Gongxin, who hurried to kneel down in front of Zhou Fangwu.

"King! You are not injured!"

She is also very anxious.

The status of the new king is unusual.

Not to mention being friends with [King of Swords], he is still the foster brother of that brutal [King of Warriors]!

If something happens to Zhou Fangwu, those two [Kings] are not allowed to come to ask for punishment!

"Well, I'm fine."

In front of Shaye Gongxin, Zhou Fangwu put on the majesty of a king.

The arrival of the Marquis of Vauban is likely to be related to the [Official History Compilation Committee]. Of course, he will not have a good face.

Those who are still smiling after being bullied are either stupid or lack of understanding.

"Just now, the Marquis of Vauban came."

Zhou Fangwu said it lightly.


"That [Wolf King]?!"

Whether it was Sanila or Saya Gongxin, they all had shocked expressions on their faces.

Sanila is an absolute friend, and Saya Gongxin's expression doesn't seem to be fake, at least, there are no flaws on her face.

"Well, while you were away... By the way, where did Lu Yinghua go?"

"Uncle, I'm back!"

Just when Zhou Fangwu was wondering where Lu Yinghua was going, he came back from the outside.

"Uncle, Lu Yinghua came back late, please punish him!"

He also knelt down on one knee, begging for punishment.

"Okay, get up."

There are too many people kneeling in front of them, even if they don't feel sorry for Saya Gongxin and others, Zhou Fangwu still has to take care of Sanila and Lu Yinghua.

"Just now, the Marquis of Vauban came."

Zhou Fangwu once again said to the three people standing in front of him: "Just as you were leaving, the Marquis of Vauban came over suddenly, and then just like the tragic environment you saw, the two of us fought."

Said lightly.

But none of those present were blind.

Like a shrine that was hit by a tornado, the ruined walls were blown away, and the back mountain suffered a lot, which is enough to see how fierce the battle between the two godslayers was.

Oh, no, this kind of result may really be a small scene in the eyes of [God Slayer].

That's fine.

But the three of them didn't know that it was thanks to Zhou Fangwu's use of the domain that the shrine was spared... It wasn't too difficult, but anyway, it was the best result to keep the shrine's surroundings.

"Ah, by the way, as you can see, I won this battle."

This sentence was like a depth charge, shocking the three of them incomparably!

That is the oldest godslayer!

That is the strongest **** slayer!

That is the sworn enemy of Master!

The words circled repeatedly in the minds of the three of them.

The Marquis of Vauban is the oldest and strongest [God Slayer], and he has almost gained popularity.

Its strength is so strong that even Luo Hao is not sure of winning.

The family is a house, but they will not let the deadly enemy out, otherwise the bad-tempered [Martial Arts King] would have already attacked the door.




The faces of the three are different.

Saya Gongxin was simply shocked, while Sanila and Lu Yinghua were incomparably surprised.

You have to know that Zhou Fangwu has sworn siblings with Luo Hao, so he naturally opposes the Marquis of Vauban.

And this time Zhou Fangwu won, it is conceivable how much change will be made to the forces on the mysterious side!

"So, I'm going to issue an order!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhou Fangwu showed off his absolute majesty as a king and ordered Lu Yinghua and Shaye Gongxin.

"Tomorrow! I must see people from the three major families come to have an audience! Otherwise... there is no need for them to exist!"

Whether it was the start of the show, or the Marquis of Vauban's drive, they all provoked Zhou Fangwu and teased his nerves.

If he hadn't given them a lesson so deep that he would never forget it, would he really regard himself as a persimmon?

"Yes!" X3

All three bowed their heads in response.

"Uncle, please let me leave for a while, I want to convey this news to Master as soon as possible."

Lu Yinghua wanted to convey to Luo Hao the news that Zhou Fangwu had won against the Marquis of Vauban.

After all, it was about his master's mortal enemy, and Zhou Fangwu was the winning side, so his master could be prepared.

"Well, let's go."

Zhou Fangwu also has nothing to do.

In the first place, he won by himself, which was something worth showing off, and with the relationship between him and Luo Hao, it should be.

"By the way, tell sister Cuilian and me to be safe."

Since he arrived in the island country, he has not communicated with Luo Hao.

Normally a phone call is enough, but Luo Hao is an ancient man who hates electrical appliances, so...

"Yes! Lu Yinghua will definitely convey it!"

Automatically filter Zhou Fangwu's 'Sister Cuilian', he never dared to say that when he reported to his master.

Then he turned and left.

At the same time, Saya Gongxin and Sanila also left at the same time.

This news is too explosive!

Shaye Gongxin had to make preparations, her heart was infinitely closer to Zhou Fangwu, and this mess needed someone to clean up, that's why she offered to leave.

The same is true for Sanila.

As the king they serve, Zhou Fangwu will naturally show off and publicize after defeating a strong enemy, and the one who defeated was the oldest and strongest Marquis of Vauban. If he doesn't make a good publicity, he will take this opportunity to expand If you go to the territory, you are really sorry for Zhou Fangwu's victory.

If Zhou Fangwu hadn't been far away from Europe, Fersa could even go to the European magic society to demand compensation!

He knew that if he wanted his subordinates to do things, he had to feed them, so Zhou Fangwu didn't stop him.

In less than a moment, the dilapidated shrine was full of people, and in the blink of an eye, only Zhou Fangwu remained.

The others were also transferred away by Saya Gongxin.

After all, she had only lost a large number of talents at one time, and she was not sure whether she would lose a few more people, so she transferred the people away after consulting Zhou Fangwu for instructions.

Shaking his head, Zhou Fangwu returned to the room.

At this time, Mariya Yuri was still sleeping soundly.

Seeing her sleeping soundly, Zhou Fangwu also felt tired for a while.

Although [God Slayer]'s body is always active and full of vitality, he had just had a fierce battle with the Marquis of Vauban, and he consumed a lot of energy.

Look at the bed, then at the floor.

Zhou Fangwu thought for less than a second before deciding to sleep on the bed.


I am the [God Killer], the only 7 [Kings]!

How can you sleep on the floor?

In this way, Zhou Fangwu and Wanli Gu Yuri slept on the same bed.

Not long after, when the three of Saya Gongxin, Sanila, and Lu Yinghua came back, they found that Zhou Fangwu had already fallen asleep, and they turned and left when they felt that they could no longer be disturbed.

But looking at Wanliya Yuri who was sharing the bed with Zhou Fangwu, the minds of the three began to become active.

Saya Gongxin is delighted.

Only then did he decide to get closer to the new king, and saw that his subordinates had established a good relationship with the king first, and even climbed into bed!

How could this not excite her?

Even, looking at Sanila's expression on the side, there was sympathy.

As a woman, she can naturally discover Sanila's hidden thoughts.

But how can [Wang]'s thoughts be guessed by others at will?

In this way, she should have fallen out of favor.

Sanila on the other side.

The saint was so angry that her teeth were itching, and her nails were embedded in her palms.

She has never been so close to Zhou Fangwu before!

At most, they pinch their shoulders, rub their legs, and feed them, and they have never slept together in the same bed!

That's not too bad.

If she knew that Mariya Yuri had kissed the 【King】 whom she admired, wouldn't she explode in anger on the spot?

Later on, she discovered that this Priestess really beat herself up from all angles!

Damn sneaky cat...

As for Lu Yinghua, his expression was even weirder.

He was beaten by his master and became female-phobic, but he is not a straight man and an idiot.

He could still see his master's excessive concern for his uncle.

The [Lord Luo Hao] who is true to everyone, no matter if it is a man or a woman, but he is so close to Zhou Fangwu who he met not long ago, and even asked to become a brother and sister and declared that he would cover the new king...

Whether my master has other feelings for my uncle will not be mentioned for the time being, but Zhou Fangwu and other women must report the matter of sharing the same bed!

Otherwise, once his master finds out, whether the bones in his whole body can be kept is a question~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Just like that, the three of them looked at each other, then turned and left in unison.

Each to pass on information.

This is the third time today.

Nothing to say all night.

Early the next morning, Zhou Fangwu opened his eyes.

But at the same time, he felt a little numb in his arms and a heavy feeling in his chest.

Looking down, he found that Yuri Wanliya was resting in his arms, with his small face pressed against his chest, and his breath was sweet and straight to Zhou Fangwu's nasal cavity.

There is a kind of refreshing enjoyment.

"Oh... this is difficult."

Zhou Fangwu pretended to be distressed.

"Really? But I think Brother Yu seems to be enjoying it."


Obviously it was my own question and answer, why did someone suddenly strike up a conversation?

Turning his head to look, there was a beauty in ancient costume sitting at the head of his bed, looking at him with a smile on his face.

The familiar black silk + cheongsam, the familiar pink feather coat + bun head, and the familiar beautiful face.

"Cuilian... sister?!"

Zhou Fangwu woke up instantly.

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