Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 399: Dissatisfied? Grind you!

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"Rough tea and light rice, please [Wang] enjoy it."

Looking at the table full of dishes prepared by Yuri Wanliya in just one hour.

Although not so rich, there are quite a variety of dishes and each dish is very delicate.

Whether it's the color of the dishes or the arrangement, the delicate ones don't match the frizzy look she had just now.

"So...um, delicious."

Zhou Fangwu ate the dishes carefully prepared by Wan Li Gu Yuli, and found that the taste of these dishes was better than that of "From Zero" Rem, very delicious.

"Tsk, I lost again."

Sanila pouted secretly.

As a witch, whether it's [Spiritual Vision] or cooking, she loses easily.

【Spiritual Vision】Leaving aside, this kind of ability is too rare, even in the magic society she belongs to, there is no such talent.

As for cooking...

As a saint, she is more interested in learning about magic and gods, and she really doesn't have time to study these things.

This gave her a strong sense of crisis.

This fragile little white lotus is her biggest enemy in winning the favor of the 【King】!

Mariya Yuri cooks many types of dishes, and the quantity is relatively large.

In order not to waste, Zhou Fangwu also invited other people to enjoy a simple, ordinary but heartfelt lunch.

"Well, it's really delicious, and the craftsmanship is very good, Yuri."

"Yes! You praised it."

Mariya Yuri replied in a low voice: "Because my father works in my grandfather's cooking house and my mother also helps in the cafeteria, so I am good at cooking."

"Is that so?"

Zhou Fangwu nodded clearly.

But he sighed and pretended to be regretful and said: "Ah, it's just that I can only enjoy such a delicious dish. Isn't this a big waste? To be honest, I still want more people to taste Yuri's Cuisine."


Mariya Yuri was stunned for a moment.

She didn't understand why Zhou Fangwu said that suddenly, but she still said anxiously: "My lord! Yuri just made a simple meal, it's not worth it for you...!"

However, before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted forcefully by Zhou Fangwu.

"With such a delicious dish, Yuri's craftsmanship is completely worth showing off."

Afterwards, he turned his head to look at Saya Gongxin, who was serving him respectfully, and said, "Tonight, in my name, invite people from the three major families to have dinner, and let them also taste Yuri's craftsmanship."

The light and fluttering tone was full of undeniable meaning.

This is an order.

It is an order from the only 7 [God Slayers] in the world.

Not coming?

If you don't come, let them experience what is called [The Wrath of the Demon King]!

"...Yes! I must convey your will to the other three families!"

Saya Gongxin was silent for a while.

She still did not dissuade, but lowered her head and agreed to Zhou Fangwu's tough request.

She knew that she couldn't change the 【King】will.

And this is a confrontation between the new king and the three major families.

Even if she is the head of the Tokyo branch of the [Official History Compilation Committee], she dare not ask the new king to change his will.

She forgot.

Here, there is an idiot who cares about other innocent people.

"King! Please change the order!"

After a brief silence, Wanliya Yuri knelt down in front of Zhou Fangwu.

Standard soil seat.

Kneeling on the ground, her face was firmly pressed against the cold floor, her hands were pressed against her chest, and her wide maiden uniform became tight because of her kneeling posture, through which she could see her beautiful body. posture.

However, this made Zhou Fangwu frowned.

Dissatisfied, very dissatisfied.

Kneeling down easily will make you look cheap, but it will make others look down on you, making you more dissatisfied and disgusted.

"stand up."

The indifference is filled with unquestionable orders.

"No! I can't afford it! If [King] doesn't take back the order, Yuri won't get up!"

Mariya Yuri was still kneeling on the ground, her voice was firm.

Maybe she was ready to die.

[God Killers] are a group of incomprehensible people, cruel, willful, violent, and domineering.

Once he angered them, he would definitely die.

No, maybe [die] is the easiest way.

Mariya Yuri felt desolate in his heart.

However, for the sake of everyone in Tokyo, even at the cost of her life, the [King] must be prevented from launching a war here.

"Trying to change the king's will...how dare you, Yuri."

"Yes! Even if you risk your life, I implore [King] to take back your life!"

"Oh? So, you are very brave?"

"...Yes, Yuri is ready."

Mariya Yuri's trembling body.

Obviously, she was already terribly scared and almost collapsed on the floor, but she was still standing upright, resisting Zhou Fangwu's silence.

As she said, she was ready.

"...Okay, okay, I promise you that there won't be a fight here, okay?"

What Yuri Wanliya was worried about was nothing more than the fear that Zhou Fangwu would cause large-scale damage in a city with a high population density like Tokyo and hurt other innocent people.

Besides, Zhou Fangwu is not a bloodthirsty person by nature, and it is even more impossible to kill innocent people indiscriminately.


"But! Inviting people from the three major families to dinner is an order that will never change!"

Before Wanli Gu Yuli could persuade him again, Zhou Fangwu's eyes were full of danger.

With a low voice, he seemed to be admonishing and reprimanding, and said slowly: "Don't push yourself too hard, Miko."

This icy voice was like a cold wind, blowing over Mariya Yuri's delicate body, making her skin crawl uncontrollably.

With a trembling voice, he replied in pain: "...Yes."

Only at this moment did she deeply understand that the new king looks kind and gentle, but the people in front of her are essentially the same as those [God Slayers], and they cannot disobey his orders... [Devil King]!

Seeing Wan Li Gu Yuli's persuasion, Zhou Fangwu can back down a step, at most one step.

No matter how much, it is absolutely impossible.

After all, once someone manipulates him with this, Zhou Fangwu will not have the majesty of a [King] in the future.

"Lu Yinghua."

"The disciple is here!"

"Together with Saya Gongxin~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It doesn't matter whether you have met the people of the three major families, whether you have given an answer or not, no matter what reason you use to evade. You just need to simply convey my meaning, you know Yet."

Zhou Fangwu didn't say anything about the consequences.

But everyone present knew that if they did not agree, the consequences would be very serious.

"Yes! The disciple must complete the task of the uncle!"

"Saya Gongxin must also convey the [King's] will."

Should it be said that he is the heir cultivated by the big family?

Even though she is still young, her judgment of the situation is unexpectedly thorough.

Knowing that Zhou Fangwu was going to attack the three major families, so he completely fell to his side from the beginning?

No, it shouldn't be against yourself, but choose to be wise and protect yourself.

Not to mention that she represents the local institutions of the island country, even if she wants to submit to Zhou Fangwu, other high-ranking people and people from the three major families will not agree.

Just like that, Saya Gongxin and Lu Yinghua turned and left.

However, what Zhou Fangwu did not expect was that Shaye Gongxin and Lu Yinghua did not come back.

The person who came to the dinner was indeed another person.

an unexpected person.

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