Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 41: mission continues


"Senior Zhou Fang!"

Darkness and Sato Kazuma all showed reassuring smiles when they saw the sudden appearance.

It's the team leader they've been thinking about.

That dependable man.

Although the time to get along is relatively short, Zhou Fangwu's stable, mature and powerful image has already been deeply embedded in everyone's minds.

"You're back, Senior Zhou Fang!"

Kazuma Sato, who had always been worried, finally let go at this moment.

This year's teammate is really too difficult to bring!

"I am back."

Zhou Fangwu looked at them and said with a smile: "I am relieved to see you are so energetic."

Then he was hit by a water-blue humanoid chariot with a wave of meatballs.

"Wu, I miss you so much!"

Akuya went straight to Zhou Fangwu's chest at a speed of eighty miles, hitting him and almost falling down.

He took a few steps back and stabilized his footsteps, "Akuya, we just greeted each other, didn't we?"

"Eh... did you say hello just now?"

Zhou Fangwu's words made Sato Kazuma suspicious, and looked at the two suspiciously.

"Hmph~ I'm the first to discover Wu!"

Akuya proudly explained to him: "Wu has my blessing on him, when he followed behind, I had already spotted him."

Hearing Aqua's explanation, Sato Kazuma suddenly realized.

"Oh, that's it! No wonder you were sneaky just now..."

Obviously, he also understood Akuya's suspicious behavior just now.

Even Zhou Fangwu understood that the [Water Element Affinity (Advanced)] in the skill column must have been given to him by Akuya, and it should be the blessing she mentioned.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I'm really sorry for putting you in danger without the first rescue."

Scratching her head in embarrassment, she turned around and apologized to Hui Hui.

"I'm sorry, Huihui."

"No... nothing..."

At this moment, Huihui was standing behind him, clutching the hem of his clothes tightly, her little face, which had always been very lively, was now pale and sluggish.

Seems to be quite frightened.

This weak look made Zhou Fangwu feel guilty even more.

When he was in the Adventurer's Guild, he had already seen the people in the team gather, but Zhou Fangwu did not go up to greet them and join them, but followed them from a distance.

Followed all the way from Novice Village to Monster Forest.

His original intention was to see: if the team were in danger without him, would they be able to face unknown emergencies, and what kind of attitude would they take to challenge unmatched monsters.

Unexpectedly, the team's running-in was not perfect, and an irreparable mistake almost occurred.

It's not that he is afraid of Huihui's death, after all, there is Aqua in the team who can resurrect people infinitely; but he is afraid that Huihui will not dare to face danger anymore, and will never take risks again.

Fortunately, he rescued the scene in time and saved Huihui from disaster.

"Huihui, are you okay?"

Akuya came over and cast blessing magic on Megumin to soothe her wounded heart.

"No...it's okay, I'm fine!"

Huihui shouted bravely: "I'm a great magister, how can such a small accident scare me, and look down on me too much!"

The words are full of confidence.

It would be even better if her legs stopped shaking.

"Senior Zhou Fang, I didn't expect your equipment to be changed, is it [special product]?"

The attentive Sato Kazuma saw Zhou Fangwu's equipment changed drastically, and immediately guessed that these equipment belonged to a different world.

At this time, Zhou Fangwu was wearing the uniform of the Ghost Slayer Squad, holding a sun wheel knife, and his image changed greatly from before.

"Ah, it is indeed a [special product]."

Zhou Fangwu didn't deny it either, and winked at him meaningfully.

Then he asked Sato Kazuma: "By the way, do you want to continue your mission?"

Hearing Zhou Fangwu's inquiry, Sato Kazuma remained silent.

My great magister is not in a good state of mind, so let's forget about this mission.

For a while, I felt like quitting.

After a while, he said slowly: "Forget it, the task is abandoned for now, come back in a few days."


Akuya's mentality exploded, she ran hard for a long time, and then Sato Kazuma gave up with a light "come back in a few days"?

How could she, who hates work and is afraid of trouble, agree?

"I don't want to give up the mission so easily, but looking at Huihui's state, how can it continue?"

Sato Kazuma said very irritablely.

Aqua's rudeness made him upset, but Aqua would not leave without explaining the reason.

"But we still have Wu Zai, don't we?"

Akuya wants to fight again, "And Darkness is not injured, the four of us can easily solve this task!"

"Yes, and me!"

Darkness appropriately showed her presence, indicating that she was not a transparent person.

"Listen to me, Aqua!"

Sato Kazuma shouted, "We can't rely on Senior Zhou Fang for this task, do you understand that!"

"Eh, why?" Aqua was stunned on the spot.

"That's it, Aqua."

Zhou Fangwu also said to her: "If you continue the task, I will not take action. After all, this is the task you have accepted."

"how come…"

Aqua couldn't believe it.

She is obviously a member of the team, but she does not help when encountering difficult tasks, and the person who refuses is Wu, whom she has always trusted very much.

For a while, she couldn't accept it.

"W-why, Wu!" Akua asked in a panic.

Abandoned? !

This was her first reaction, and then her big eyes gradually became moist.

Sato Kazuma said softly: "Trials and trials... No, it should be called tempering."

Although Sato Kazuma is a ghost, he is really very clever, with a quick brain and an online IQ. Combined with Akuya's words just now, he immediately understood what the purpose of Zhou Fangwu's non-appearance was.

"Bingo, correct! This is really a test for you."

Applause means he's right.

"What if I'm gone? I can't happen to be rescued every time, so don't take chances."

Then wiped away the tears on Akua's face, "So, give up?"

This was the team's first mission other than Zhou Fangwu, and Zhou Fangwu didn't expect much. After all, everyone's compatibility was far from perfect, so it's okay to give up.

It's a big deal to do it again.



Megumi interrupted Sato Kazuma with a loud shout, "I can't let the team's first mission fail because of me!"

"Well, isn't it the team's first mission to hunt down toads..." Darkness corrected the mistake from the side.

Unfortunately, her voice was too low for anyone to hear it.

"My name is Huihui, I am... the person who controls the strongest magic [Explosion Magic], how could I shrink back here!"

Huihui held on to her physical discomfort, flung the cloak behind her, and her eyes glowed red, which meant that she was very emotional now.

"Partners, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and walked ahead to open the way.

"How to do?"

Akuya was about to give up, but Huihui's words made her not sure whether she should continue the mission, so she asked Sato Kazuma and Darkness for their opinions.

"What else can I do, follow up!"

"That's right, the Cavaliers will not let their teammates take risks alone!"

"Huihui, wait for us!"

The three hurriedly chased after them.

an hour later...

South of the Monster Forest


Following a powerful explosion magic, the lush green forest was blasted into a large area of ​​burnt brown craters that could change the terrain, and the 5 gathered magic wolves also turned into ashes.

After Huihui saw it, she finally showed a satisfied smile, and passed out.

【Defeat Forest Demon Wolves (5 horses)】Completed!

He walked forward quickly, hugged her in his arms, and sighed: "You really are a stubborn little girl who refuses to admit defeat."

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