Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 387: The highest standard duel with the "God of Disobedience" as the bet

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Under Zhou Fangwu's order, Fersa and the others quickly made arrangements to prepare the entire manor for the arrival of another Godslayer Demon King.

"Yo, you're the new compatriot, brother."

Appearing in front of Zhou Fangwu and saying hello, it was a white male about 23 or 4 years old.

His height and build are similar to Zhou Fangwu's.

He has blond hair, and a very handsome smile on his handsome face.

It's kind of annoying, to be honest.

This kind of smile Zhou Fangwu can often see, it is the unreliable uncles in Axel Novice Village in "Su Qing", who often put on a bright smile at a critical moment, and then turn around and leave the mess to others people.

People couldn't help giving him two punches.

He was wearing a fancy plaid shirt, matching shorts, sunglasses and sandals.

Gives the look of being out and about.

It's just that on his back, a long black box is a bit eye-catching.

Is there a sword in it?

[King of Swords], with this title, if he doesn't carry a sword with him, he really can't justify it.

"Yeah, it's really remote here, I've had a hard time finding it."

"Nice meeting, hello, Salvatore Toni. Or... call you [King of Swords]?"

"Ahahaha, you don't need to be so polite! Just call me Tony!"

Tony was very familiar, and patted Zhou Fangwu's shoulder with a smile on his face, as if he was the real master here.

Nervous guy.

This kind of person is the natural nemesis of the prudence of the Marquis of Vauban.

"My lord, I'm Andre Rivera, and I'm also the knight of the [King of Swords] next to me."

The middle-aged man standing behind Tony stepped forward and introduced himself.

It's just that he didn't have the honor of "I'm proud to serve the king" like Fersa. Instead, he was full of disgust and dissatisfaction with Tony.

"Hey, hey, what kind of self-introduction are you doing! I'm very embarrassing in front of my brothers, aren't I!"


As if he couldn't help it, Andre broke the defense in an instant.

He didn't give Tony, who is a [God Slayer], any face at all.

To tell the truth, this kind of servant who makes his master make a fool of himself to outsiders must be punished with the character of "God Slayer".

But Tony scratched his head in embarrassment, with a face full of embarrassment, without the slightest dissatisfaction.

It was obviously embarrassing for outsiders, but he didn't care at all, and he didn't have the majesty of [God Slayer].

However, this also shows from the side that the relationship between the two is really close.

"No, I'm sorry, I'm so presumptuous in front of you, please forgive me!"

Andre immediately apologized to Zhou Fangwu.

The attitude is very sincere.

Although he can not give Tony face, but he can't rely on the favor of [God Slayer] to not give Zhou Fangwu face who is also [God Slayer].

"No, it's okay. It's more interesting that you two have such a good relationship."

Zhou Fangwu would not care about such trivial matters.

Besides, the relationship between the two of them may not be normal in the eyes of ordinary people. If Zhou Fangwu punished him at this time, wouldn't he be ignorant.

And Andre looked at the sun in the sky, rubbed his shoulders subconsciously, "Hiss...why is it so cold?"

It seems that he does not know that his reputation has been damaged.

Felsa and Sanila on the side also hurriedly introduced themselves to [King of Swords].

"Dear [King of Swords], I am Felsa (Sanila), a servant serving the king."

"...Ah, hello, hello, hello."

Although Tony greeted him very politely, anyone with a discerning eye could see his perfunctory, and any fool would know that he didn't care at all.

This gave Andre who followed him a headache.

"Well, let's not talk about this... let's get straight to the point."

Zhou Fangwu didn't care about Tony's carefree character, but asked him: "Then... the [King of Swords] who is also [God Slayer], Salvatore Tony, why are you here?" What's the purpose, it's not just to meet, but to visit by the way?"

"Don't be so polite, just call me Tony."

Tony bared his teeth and grinned broadly, but what he said next was less friendly.

"I found out from those magicians down there. I didn't expect you to be able to successfully kill the [God of Creation Ra] in ancient Egyptian mythology. I was so curious, so I came over to have a look...By the way, I want to talk to you Let's have a duel!"

The foreshadowing of the first half is all for the last sentence.


"Yes, duel!"

Tony's hearty smile made others helpless.

Andre even more, his clenched hand almost hit the back of Tony's head.

If Fersa hadn't forced Zhou Fangwu to press his hand because he was afraid that he would offend Zhou Fangwu, Tony might have been beaten by now.

"The reason...it seems that there is no need to ask."

Zhou Fangwu knew that Tony was a complete fighter.

Like the Marquis of Vauban, he is very keen on fighting and fighting. Whether it is the [God of Disobedience] or the [God Slayer], as long as there are powerful people, he will come to fight with them.

"I see. It seems that the purpose of your coming here, Tony, is to fight me, right?"

"Yes! That's it!"

"But, the reason, there is no grudge between you and me, right?"

"What are you talking about, brother! As a [God Slayer], I will test your strength and aura for you as a compatriot, shouldn't you agree?!"

Zhou Fangwu was taken aback by Tony's hearty smile.

"...I really know how to say it."


"But, I refuse!"

Before Tony could ask, Zhou Fangwu told him the reason.

"In the final analysis, although I am [God Slayer], I don't like fighting like you, Tony. And... a duel with you is meaningless to me."

Zhou Fangwu lured him step by step.

Put on a posture of "If you want to duel with me, you have to come up with something that makes my heart beat, otherwise there is no need to talk about it".

The problem now is Tony's side.

No matter whether he agrees or not, it is reasonable for Zhou Fangwu to choose which one he chooses.

On the other hand, Tony can't do it.

If he forcibly fights Zhou Fangwu, it will be his fault, and it will make the two [God Slayers] hostile to each other.

Andre will never agree to this point~www.wuxiamtl.com~ And this is also a small trap designed by Zhou Fangwu after seeing Andre.

Unexpectedly, Tony got into it so stupidly.

"...Okay, then I'll show my sincerity."

Tony was not scared away, he looked directly at Zhou Fangwu, and said something that shocked Andre and angered him.

"Just take a [God of Disobedience] as a bet."


Zhou Fangwu suddenly became interested.

Small, the pattern is small.

I never thought that my layout was small.

At the beginning, he just wanted to take advantage of it, but he didn't expect Tony to play so big.

"As a [God Slayer], it is natural to aim at the [God of Disobedience].

That being the case, let's make a bet:

If I lose, then I will help you find a [God of Disobedience] and help you usurp his authority;

And if you lose, then the bet is void!

how? "

"Okay! I agree!"

Zhou Fangwu didn't even think about it, and immediately made a decision.

The hands of the two clapped their hands in mid-air, making an agreement with each other.

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