Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 383: Correct use of powers

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After finishing the 6 o'clock power experiment [Scarab·Reset], Zhou Fangwu and Sanila had breakfast together, waiting for the arrival of 7 o'clock.

Under the service of the beautiful girl who envied others, the time moved backwards and gradually came to 7 o'clock.

"Okay, let's experiment."

Zhou Fangwu first used the power of [Scarab·Reset].

"O dawning sun! Symbolizes the circle and the beginning, appear from the east!"

Shouting out Yan Ling was very imposing, but unfortunately nothing happened, and the wound on Zhou Fangwu's body did not heal.

"Tsk, it seems that it really doesn't work."

Power is powerful, but more limited.

Zhou Fangwu was still a little distressed.

"Forget it, next one, next one."

Power - [Baboon·Magic Power]!

"God full of wisdom, pass your wisdom on to Chaos who needs enlightenment, so as to achieve your own great cause!"

He continued to communicate with his own power, but found that the light emitted by the sun disc behind him was brighter than before.


Zhou Fangwu was slightly surprised.

With this, the time can be checked relatively accurately, but it is not of much use to him.

But the increase that this power brought to him cannot be underestimated!

Magic power... should be said to be magic power!

At this time, Zhou Fangwu's spell power has been fully activated, and it is still growing exponentially.

To be honest, if you just look at this point, it is indeed not that much worse than [Scarab·Reset].

After all, as [God Slayers], the recovery speed of spell power is very terrifying, and their combat power has never been inferior to the amount of spell power, but the amount of authority.


What if it is Zhou Fangwu who is proficient in magic?

What about 【Explosion Magic】?

What will it be like?

It's exciting!

"Sanila, stay away from me, this is an order."

Time was running out, and the curious baby Sanila was not given a chance to ask questions. Zhou Fangwu put on a strong attitude of being a "king" and ordered her to stay away from him.

Sanila obediently withdrew from a distance of 100 meters.

Feeling the full magic power in his body, Zhou Fangwu began to release the magic that squeezed the limit of his body.


"—!" X10

"—!" X100

"—!" X1000

Countless beams of flame rushed towards the sky, and then exploded in mid-air, and the scattered sparks could be clearly seen under the sunlight.

"Hahaha, cool—!"

Although the magic power in his body was squeezed out in an instant, it became full again in the next second. This feeling Zhou Fangwu felt that he could launch the strongest [Explosion Magic] without limit!

What is real fire coverage? ! (Tactical back)

That's it! (Only Explosion Magic)

"Ha... haha, I, I'm dreaming... right? I must be dreaming."

Sanila was completely dumbfounded.

Even if at this time she could see countless pillars of light rising into the sky, and countless flames exploding in the air, she could feel the oncoming heat wave blowing away her long hair, and a lot of fine sand and gravel hitting her. body.

She almost couldn't stand still, and finally chose to escape.

"Fake! Haha...it's all fake, it's impossible."

"Yo, Sanila, are these fireworks beautiful?"

"...Smoke, fireworks—?! My lord, please be a little self-conscious! Such a powerful spell cannot be described by a simple word 'fireworks'!"

Sanila suddenly screamed.

She was wrong, she was really wrong.

Thinking that the man in front of her is her who has common sense, what a fool!

[God Killer] They are not normal people!

Zhou Fangwu lowered his head, squeezed his fist, and said involuntarily, "Ah, the magic power in my body is too lively, making me always want to shoot something."

"Please raise your hands high! Your power is too exaggerated, you can level this place if you are not careful!"

Sanila rushed up quickly, and she hugged Zhou Fangwu tightly, wanting to let him know how powerful she is.

"Oh, oh, sorry, I went a little too far."

Feeling the softness and sweetness behind him, Zhou Fangwu subconsciously apologized.

No wonder [God Slayers] are called [Natural Disasters], and they are deeply afraid of their strength.

With this super-standard firepower coverage, Zhou Fangwu is sure that Fayoum Province will be wiped off the map by himself in less than an hour!

I don't know if it's really due to the influence of [La], the belligerent factor in Zhou Fangwu's body is much stronger than before. If he is not still a little self-conscious, he may really want to vent.

Pat your head and force yourself to calm down.

Another wait.

It may be that Zhou Fangwu's incantation just now was too terrifying, which made Sanila, who was quite relaxed, become cautious again. She stared at Zhou Fangwu firmly. Although she didn't speak, her fearful eyes and the readiness to grab Her actions all show that she is now a little bit alienating Zhou Fangwu.


Sigh slightly.

This is also inevitable.

Everyone longs for great power, but at the same time fears it, and thanks to Zhou Fangwu's good impression of Sanila, otherwise she might have asked for it by death.

There was silence, and time passed slowly.

[Falcon · Wind] at 8 o'clock!

[Lion Power] at 9 o'clock!

[Holy Snake·Soil] at 10 o'clock!

[Falcon · Perception] at 11:00

Sure enough, as he thought, they can be used unlimitedly in the current time period.

Its power is also enough to be called a [natural disaster] level of power, and it does not have the prestige of [God Killer].

But the same thing is that as long as the time has passed, the power of the previous stage cannot be used.

At the same time, the disk behind him will become brighter and more dazzling, the temperature around his body will gradually rise, and the patterns on it will become more conspicuous.

Until... 12 o'clock!

"Burning in the flames, reborn in the flames, the gushing fire, the hot and bright light, the arrogant figure like the scorching sun! You are the sun hanging high in the sky, spread your brilliance in the world !"

Power - [Fire Phoenix·Light]

The already scorching sky became even hotter. Under the irradiation of Zhou Fangwu's incarnation as [light], the water on the surface was losing rapidly, and even cracks appeared in a short period of time due to the lack of moisture.

Sanila who was hiding in the tent was also drenched all over, and the sweat couldn't stop surfacing and remaining on the surface of her body.

But at this time, even if she is a saint, she can't do anything, she can only hold her hands tightly in front of her chest, suppressing dry mouth and whispering in a low voice, begging Zhou Fangwu Neng to withdraw his power quickly.

I couldn't help feeling a little more in awe of 【God Killer】in my heart.

Only when you see how strong they are, can you realize how small you really are, so you must not be hostile to them.

Sanila reminded herself all the time.

Zhou Fangwu is not a reckless person, after briefly testing the power and effect of the power, he lifted the power.

In fact, this power is not simply to make Zhou Fangwu shine, and there are other special uses that have yet to be discovered, but if you continue to use it, not only Sanila will not be able to support it, but the land may also be destroyed, and the ecology will be destroyed. changed by him.

So call it quits.

If you have a chance, you must go to a deserted island to test it out!

After that, there are [Crocodile·Swallow] at 13 points, [Lotus·Water Control] at 14 points, and [Anka Talisman·Guardian] at 15 points. These three are ordinary but powerful powers as they seem to be. , but there was no suitable test subject, so Zhou Fangwu ended the test hastily.

By the way, [Lotus] power is not only to control water, but also to remove negative effects.

Unlike [Scarab·Reset], which can only be used on oneself, the removal of negative effects of [Lotus] can be used on everyone, it can be regarded as a healing method.

Afterwards [Cow Herding·Resurrection] at 16 o'clock, with Zhou Fangwu's steady (concern) level, if it is not necessary, he will never take the initiative to test it! ...Unless Aqua is by my side!

As for the last 17-point [Goat·Netherworld], the power it brings to Zhou Fangwu is to allow him to freely shuttle in [Netherworld].

It's just that it's easy to get lost in [Netherlands], and there are time constraints and other reasons.

In the end, Zhou Fangwu simply tested it and it was over.

As for the two ten-thousand-year golden solar ships [Manjet] and [Mesaike Tate], they are resident powers, which Zhou Fangwu can use without restriction.

It can't be called a power, it can only be used as a means of transportation.

Although this means of transportation is more domineering.

It is 100 meters long, 12 meters wide, and 30 meters high, comparable to a small aircraft carrier!

(The data is the British Colossus, and the length, width and height data are halved)

There are also a lot of gold jewels as embellishments on it. It looks golden and shining with extraordinary style. It can calm down and overwhelm the opponent just by the momentum of entering the stage.

But in fact, apart from the domineering and good-looking appearance, there is no other effect.

It is not equipped with any weapons, and there is no protective cover to prevent the enemy from attacking. It is just two huge golden ships that can roam freely in the sky.

Splendid on the outside and rotten on the outside, it belongs to it.

As for the ability bestowed on him by the last Pandora...

In the middle of the night, the crescent moon hangs high.

Zhou Fangwu determined that his powers were completely unusable five hours ago.

Now he is about to test his final power.

—The power of Pandora's [Love] that contains deception and lies.

"The witch of evil and disaster, usurps her **** with falsehood, deprives her of her character with lies, and re-blooms her scorching brilliance with hope."

After chanting the Pandora spell, Zhou Fangwu went on to chant the hymn before [La].

"My name is Aton in the morning, and Amon in the evening.

The sun is my authority!

I drove the Manjet and Methic Tait~www.wuxiamtl.com~the ten thousand year godship shuttled above the sky.

The world allows me to travel!

The scarab is my newborn, the falcon is my messenger, the cow is my servant.

I watch the earth!

The lion proclaims my strength, the fire phoenix represents my arrogance, and the crocodile represents my ambition.

I will never fall!

I am believed in, I am admired, and human beings are born from my tears!

They call themselves my cattle.

I walk in the sky, the earth, and the underworld, and I radiate the most sacred brilliance!

The world is under my feet! "

In an instant, day and night are reversed!

Fierce sun, high above the sky!

After chanting, Zhou Fangwu's appearance also changed at this moment.

The color of the hair turned blue-gold, the eyes turned blue-gold, and tattoos of lotus holding the sun emerged on his body, extending to the back of his waist.

The disc behind him exudes a dazzling light, and there is a hovering fire phoenix inside!

At this time, he is aloof!

Just like a real sun god!


Zhou Fangwu couldn't help screaming.

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