"Death, is this what it feels like?"

Feeling that the soul has been stripped from the body, this strange feeling of going up and down.

Zhou Fangwu's ambiguous consciousness gradually came to his senses.

This...isn't death.

Although he didn't know what was going on, but he was conscious and able to think, so to be precise, it wasn't real death.

The body is a bit heavy, and the eyes cannot be opened.

But the voice that had been trivial, noisy, and indistinct before gradually became clear after he regained consciousness.

"Hateful. Damn witch! I didn't expect you to plot against me, Pandora."

It is still the strange three paragraphs with distinctive tone.

It is 【拉】.

Can feel his anger, even if there is no emotional ups and downs in the two paragraphs before and after.

In the next second, a lively and cheerful female voice sounded.

"Ah, Lord Creator, she is just a weak woman, how can she count you?"

This is sarcasm, naked sarcasm.

Kneading and making up, pretending to be a weak tone, wouldn't this add fuel to the fire and make [La] even more irritable.

"You bastard...!"

"It's not me, Lord Creator God."

Twirling [La]'s anger value, when he was about to explode at the last moment, the girl suddenly threw out a very explosive answer.

"Because... you see, if the Creator God wants to escape from the myth, the other gods are of course not willing. After all, your [disobedience] will increase the gods' enormous power."

The girl wiped her tears while explaining, and said cryingly: "She is just a weak woman, how can she resist other gods, don't you think so?"

Standard Victim Declaration.

Putting herself on the victim's side, trying to seek forgiveness from the person she hurt.

This girl named Pandora is a standard white lotus!

"You guy, do I believe your words?!"

Sure enough, although [La] was arrogant, he was not a fool.

Obviously, he knew the nature of the girl in front of him, or the nature (godhead) of being a witch.

"Maybe you are right, because I want to escape from the shackles of mythology. As the supreme **** of creation, I may have touched the interests of other gods... But the role you play in this is not so simple!"

[Pull] Staring at Pandora in a long white dress full of weak girls, then pointing at Zhou Fangwu who was lying in a huge magic circle.

"He, you brought him here on purpose, right?"

The tone is interrogative, but both sides know the real story of the matter.

"Sa~ who knows... maybe other gods have intervened."

"Ridiculous. Ha! A witch full of lies."

For the girl who always hides deceit, [La] is obviously very upset with Pandora who secretly framed her.

"Obviously she is a weak woman, but you are still so hostile to me, you are really an excessive creation god..."

Pandora still wanted to use this weak smile full of falsehoods to make [La] relax his vigilance.

But when she saw that [La] was unmoved, she gave up continuing to pretend.

"It's almost time! Then... Lord Creator God, please give him, my child, your enemy of fate, the newborn [Fool], give him blessings (powers)."

"You...huh, **** it!"

[La] Looking at Zhou Fangwu unwillingly.

However, due to the contract, as the "God of Disobedience", he has already lost, and after bestowing power on others, he has no choice but to withdraw.

Reluctantly injecting divine power into the magic circle, while feeling distressed, he still shouted arrogant remarks loudly.

"This time it counts as your victory, but next time you won't be so lucky!"

Thinking about the man in front of him, he would rather die than kill himself and usurp his power.

The mere ants can do this, and [La] suddenly has more special feelings for him.

At the end, I offered my heartfelt blessings.

"Live hard, try to live until I wake up from the myth again, and then... I will bury you with my own hands, my formidable enemy!"

He didn't want to admit his defeat, but Pandora continued to make up the knife.

She covered her small mouth and said with a light smile: "You are really arrogant. You were defeated because of your carelessness, but you said it as if you were defeated head-on. Ah, don't tell me...you think you are defeated head-on? Don't you want to embarrass yourself? It's a strange idea."

"Hey, long-winded!"

[Pull] Cursed angrily.

But his face changed again, and he exclaimed: "What, what's going on? My divine power! The divine power I have accumulated with great difficulty..."

"Ah... this is punishment."

"What...what, what do you mean?!"

"Of course it's to prevent you from doing things that would annoy other gods, so all your divine power and [Disobedience] are sacrificed in one go."

Pandora once again put on the expression of being a victim.

She blinked her big eyes pitifully, and said in a delicate voice: "So, Lord Creator, don't blame me, it was other gods who asked me to do this."


[Pull] He had no choice but to shout out unwilling words, and then turned into a ball of energy and gradually merged into the magic circle in front of him.


The sudden severe pain caused Zhou Fangwu, who was in a half-conscious state, to scream out loudly.

This huge energy instantly overwhelmed Zhou Fangwu's psychological defense.

This is far more painful than before!

Not only his butt, his nerves and other inexplicable things also began to ache.

The energy in the body is growing rapidly, and other things are being expanded.

Zhou Fangwu couldn't refuse this kind of forceful squeeze!

[It hurts, but there is an inexplicable desire! 】

[La] That's right, he really didn't use all his strength before.

If it was this huge energy from the beginning, then Zhou Fangwu's body would definitely collapse.

Looks like he said it:

Afraid of damaging the occupied body, he kept restraining himself.

Maybe it was Zhou Fangwu's screams, or his distorted face due to pain ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ made the girl sitting beside him feel distressed.

She couldn't help stroking his frowning brows, and comforted Zhou Fangwu with her charming voice.

"This kind of pain is a necessary stage of growth, and in order to be able to stand at the top, you must endure the pain.

Use the gods as food to make yourself stronger!

This is also the pain you must endure as my child, as a fool, as a [God Slayer]. "

The girly voice has excellent effect.

Zhou Fangwu felt that the fierce energy drilled into his body was tamed little by little, and then turned into special magic power and merged into his body little by little.

The pain gradually went away, and a feeling of relaxation and refreshment suddenly appeared.

This feeling, as if the body has been greatly replenished, as if it is not bound by heavy chains.

He feels great!

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