"Well, that's all right."

In the study, Zhou Fangwu finished reading the letters from the capital, and wrote back to Lord Dustines and Duke Davenport respectively.

Needless to say, correspondence with Lord Dustinis, whether it is with Darkness or special ingredients, or the reconstruction of Axel Novice Village, is very normal and common.

The Duke of Davenport is different.

This corrupt aristocrat who saw the benefits and posted them desperately, after seeing Zhou Fangwu once again made a name for the kingdom, he used the identity of "the father of his own son" to have a lot of correspondence with Zhou Fangwu, a cheap master.

The purpose is also very clear.

Ingratiate... no, it's wooing.

As the hero of the kingdom, Zhou Fangwu is a very worthy target. Even because Zhou Fangwu is his son's cheap master, he puts the three sons who he didn't value at the beginning as heirs.

Of course, there are ulterior motives.

And Zhou Fangwu had already seen through his ulterior motives, so even though he had been exchanging letters all the time, he didn't leave any evidence, and he didn't express his position or intimacy in the reply letters, they were all short-sighted parents who avoided the important and ignored it.

False and submissive.

As a mature man (referring to only 20 years old) who has experienced society, he can still understand this aspect.

First go to the Adventurer's Guild to deliver the letter, and then go to Barnier.

Although there was an accident in the [Dungeon Amusement Park] yesterday, it is still acceptable during the testing phase, and the dungeon transformed by Barnier really cares.

Zhou Fangwu thought for a while, then handed over [Sage's Dungeon] to him to transform.

By the way, Zhou Fangwu had mentioned to Lord Dustinis before that he hoped to divide [Sage's Dungeon] into the territory of Axel Novice Village.

Lord Dustines didn't refuse either, and issued the order with a wave of his hand.

But he asked the king, and then he did it through the kingdom's decree.

"Now you can rest for a while."

Recently, Zhou Fangwu has been running around.

It's okay to defeat Hans, one of the eight cadres of the Demon King's Army. As the lord, he still has to solve many trivial matters in Axel Novice Village.

Because it was too complicated and messy, he was not proficient as the lord, and the rest of the team couldn't help at all, but he was made to take detours, and he was almost exhausted from the work.

Fortunately, in the letter with Lord Dustines, he got help after complaining about this kind of thing.

Some less important things were passed on to free him.

Thinking about the days to come, he can also relax at home leisurely, but there are always some accidents that will not make him happy.

The skill [Crossing the World] has a response.

He got the anchor of the new world!

No, that is not rigorous.

Rather, it was the new world that found him!

This feeling is as if there is something in that world that is pulling him with a strong attraction, and is eagerly pursuing him!

And it's not just that world, Zhou Fangwu's heart is also longing for it.

It seems that the two sides have emitted a magnetic field and are attracting each other.

"this is…"

Zhou Fangwu felt that it was not normal.

Never felt like this before!

Thinking about it carefully, although every time I travel through the world, I take my own initiative, but I have never had such a desire.

Feeling something was wrong, Zhou Fangwu pursued Akuya.

"...No, I don't know anything about Wu's skills."

Akuya scratched the back of her head in embarrassment, her silly expression made people feel annoyed.

No, after seeing that she didn't help last week's defense, Sato Kazuma was instantly irritated.

He has been suffering from Akua's idiotic actions all this time, and the feeling he has gained is very painful, and he yelled loudly: "Hey! You are a goddess! Use it!"

"Ah-?! If you have the guts to say it again, you useless Kazuma!"

Akuya is always serious about this.

She calls herself a goddess, and she is very persistent in this identity, never thinking that she is useless, even if she is really useless.

"Me too. As a goddess, I can't count how many people from different worlds I have to receive every day, and the skills I send out are all kinds of strange. How can I remember the effect of every skill!"

He said it very honestly.

Obviously she is the goddess in charge of sending heroes to different worlds, isn't it her job to know what skills the heroes of different worlds have?


Subconsciously sighed.

What a fool to pin his hopes on her.

Think about it too.

She had completely forgotten about Yujian Xiangye, and she didn't even know the ability of the magic sword that was sent out—Gram, so how could she expect too much to remember it?

If it hadn't been for a few hours since her time in the lower realm, she probably would have forgotten her from her mind in at most one day.

"Senior Zhou Fang, what should we do? You idiot Aqua forgot!"


What Sato Kazuma said also made Zhou Fangwu start thinking about weighing the pros and cons.

to go, or not to go?

"Haha, does this still need to be considered?"

It seems to be asking a question, and it seems to be laughing at oneself.

Starting from acquiring this ability, it is impossible to refuse this kind of thing that can go to other worlds.

And this feeling of mutual attraction has never been there before.


What if it is the world you live in?

Can I see my parents and my sister?

No reason not to go?

So the answer is ready to come~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Go! I'm going! "

"Really? Senior Zhou Fang!"

Sato Kazuma shouted anxiously, hoping that Zhou Fangwu could think clearly, "You said it, this is the first time I feel this way! And there is no danger in that world, is Senior Zhou Fang really going?"

But he just said that subconsciously, expressing his worries about Zhou Fangwu.

As the leader of the team, Zhou Fangwu, who is mature in thinking, has this kind of judgment, and he must have thought about it carefully and weighed it.

"Well, go."

Zhou Fangwu nodded again and said, "This is the first time this kind of thing happened, so I have to go and see it no matter what."

"...Well, since Senior Zhou Fang is so persistent." Sato Kazuma stopped persuading.

"Then, it's time to rely on me!"

Perhaps because of the embarrassment of not knowing the effect of the skill, Akuya, who was silent the whole time, was desperately looking for a sense of presence.

It seems that she wants to make up for her dereliction of duty as a goddess.

Of course, on the surface, she still wants to show the goddess' heartfelt blessings to her followers, in terms of skills.

【bless! Attributes improved! 】

【bless! Luck boost! 】

【bless! Artistic boost! 】

Akuya's standard three-piece suit was put on Zhou Fangwu's body.

It's just different from before, Zhou Fangwu always felt that the [Blessing] skill this time seemed to bring him danger.

This is a premonition of his super perception.

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