Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

: New Volume】Dungeon Amusement Park Trial

"You guys, why do you want to go out and play like this? I said it at the beginning, this time is specially for testing, not really going to play!"


The sky is getting dark, the sun has already crossed the horizon, and it is about to set and disperse its own light.

Night is coming.

As for the [Hero] team members, except Sato Kazuma, everyone gathered outside the Adventurer's Guild.

Zhou Fangwu looked helplessly at the four pure and beautiful girls standing in front of him.

The gorgeousness of their appearance has already attracted all the adventurers who come and go.

Akuya changed out of the high priest costume (self-proclaimed) as before, but put on a long skirt, but the color is still aqua blue.

But her pure water blue gives people a more sacred feeling.

Changing from the stupid look before, she now has the breath of a goddess.

Megumi and Yoyo also changed from their very middle school outfits to pure white dresses. Their black hair and red eyes contrasted strongly with the pure white dress, making them look extremely pure.

The similar appearance of the two women seems to be a pair of sisters, attracting men with special hobbies.

However, the most eye-catching thing is still the most ecstatic perverted knight in this team.

Darkness's performance is amazing!

She took off the tight and heavy armor she wrapped herself in, and put on the gorgeous costume of a noble lady instead!

She wore a brown pleated skirt, her long blonde hair was coiled behind her head, and a small top hat was tied on top of her hair knot.

There are also white knot flowers on the waist, and brown crystal high heels.

The already tall and perfect figure with bumps and bumps, the fullness of the chest is more prominent after the high waistline, which is very hot.

At this time, Darkness became the most beautiful boy in the Adventurer's Guild.

This makes Zhou Fangwu unavoidably depressed, how can others peep at his own things?

"You guys, why are you dressed like this?"

"Why do you say it so harshly! Are you picking on the bone on purpose? It's obviously Wu who said, let us go to the dungeon, why do we still have to be scolded?"

Akuya was very wronged.

Obviously she dressed up carefully for this trip, and wanted Zhou Fangwu to praise herself, but unexpectedly she was scolded instead.

Zhou Fangwu also noticed that his tone was quite serious, so he asked softly: "But I said it! This time is a test, to test the dungeon."

The cause of the matter still has to start from yesterday.

Yesterday, Barnier told Zhou Fangwu that the dungeon it rebuilt has been rebuilt.

In order to test whether it can be used as a tourist attraction in Axel Novice Village, it specifically seeks the help of Zhou Fangwu as the lord, hoping that he can find some adventurers to break through.

Needless to say.

As the lord of Axel Novice Village, Zhou Fangwu is obliged to inspect the dungeon built by Barnier, whether it can take on the important task of being a tourist attraction.

Therefore, a mission was issued in the Adventurer's Guild.

[Working as a trial play staff for the newly built Kiel Dungeon (which has been transformed into an amusement facility)]

After learning about the transformation of the original [Kiel's Dungeon], the adventurers in Novice Village are very willing to come and play.

Not only because of being bored in winter, but more importantly, there is also a generous bounty.

Of course, Zhou Fangwu paid for it himself.

After all, he had just finished defeating Hans, the leader of the Demon King's Army, and his pockets were full.

And the money was used to vigorously develop Axel from the beginning, so I don't feel bad about it.

It's just that he didn't expect Akua and the others to misunderstand what he said, thinking that going to the dungeon this time was just for fun, and left all their equipment at home.

"That... please stop arguing, the others are coming soon."

Wiz next to him made a sound in time, helping Aqua and the others avoid scolding.

As Barnir's right-hand man (wrong), at this time she was assigned to serve as a tour guide leading others to [Kiel's Dungeon].

"Huh, forget it, it's too late to say anything now."

Zhou Fangwu looked at them, thought for a while and asked Luna who was sitting at the counter: "Miss Luna, I remember that the Adventurer's Guild has emergency equipment for other people, please help them choose some suitable equipment .”

"Yes, I understand."

Luna stood up and said to Akua and the girls: "Please follow me."

Then, he led them to the room behind the union.

Watching them leave, Zhou Fangwu couldn't help but say, "These idiots..."

"That... it's better not to punish them too much, after all, Aqua-sama and the others also misunderstood."

"Well, I know, it's just subconsciously complaining about feeling helpless."

Sato Kazuma was asked by Barnier to do some preparations, and he had just returned from the dungeon, otherwise how could he make them foolish?

A moment later, Akuya and the others reappeared.

He took off his beautiful regular clothes and put on an adventurer's novice suit. Although it looked ordinary, he looked like an adventurer anyway.

And other adventurers who accepted the mission also arrived at the union at this time.

Unlike Aqua and the others who were all dressed up just now, the other adventurers came fully armed and brought their own weapons.

This is what it should be.

After all, although it is nominally a dungeon for entertainment, there is no guarantee that any accidents will happen.

"Well, let's go!"

With a wave of his hand, Zhou Fangwu set off with a large army towards [Kiel's Dungeon].

After 1 hour, everyone arrived.

"Although this place has been transformed into an entertainment facility, it hasn't been rebuilt after all. Please be careful."

Zhou Fangwu, as the lord, ordered a few words at will, and then let them act separately.

There are several passages in the dungeon, if all the staff walk straight through one, it can't be called a test.

Wiz also left with them, saying that he was going to make preparations.

"Then let's find a way too."

With that said, everyone walked along a random path.

[Kiel's Dungeon], this dungeon transformed by Barnier, looks the same as before, but once you enter, you will find something special.

It became even darker.

It seems that the interior has been redesigned. The original sight distance of 10 meters has been shortened to only 3 meters.

"It's really a bad taste. As expected of a cockroach demon who can only live underground, it's really ugly."

By Zhou Fangwu's side, Akuya couldn't help scolding Barnier, the instigator.

Zhou Fangwu didn't say anything, after all, Akuya was born against Barnier, and it was impossible for her to change.

However, he could also imagine that Barnier did this on purpose for fun.

keep going.

Everyone who knew the way already knew the way well, and they were still comfortable with the layout of this dungeon.

Barnier hasn't had a drastic makeover either.

A little bit deeper, the surroundings become silent.

Zhou Fangwu and the others subconsciously lowered their breaths, their eyes tightened, their eyes became sharper, and they subconsciously put on a posture of being ready to fight back at any time.


A howl came from afar.

"Ah! There are zombies!"


"Don't panic, stay in formation!"

"Damn! There are still undead left!"

Hearing the voice, Zhou Fangwu knew that these people were the adventurers who came with them.

"Quick, Aqua, go help them!"

As the lord, but also as the mission issuer~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and this dungeon, Zhou Fangwu would not allow them to die here.

The sound of footsteps became denser, and Zhou Fangwu discovered that they were also fleeing towards their own location.

Then, we met.



It was the familiar soprano again, which not only frightened them, but also frightened Zhou Fangwu and others.

The two sides suddenly stopped and stopped to look carefully.

"It's Lord Lord!"

The adventurer with good eyesight recognized Zhou Fangwu.

"My lord! Behind us... there are undead behind us!"

"Well, I see, Aqua, please."

"give it to me!"

Aqua stepped forward.

Because her eyesight was compressed, in order to get rid of the undead quickly and neatly, Akua gathered her divine power to release a powerful purification magic regardless of what happened.


The [Shackles of Destiny] wrapped around Zhou Fangwu's waist was ready to move. When Aqua was about to release powerful magic, it suddenly came out and bound Aqua in just a second.

Everyone was **** into a big rice dumpling.

"Miss Aqua—!!" xN

The other adventurers yelled loudly in disbelief, but they didn't expect that Aqua, who was the high priest, was ambushed and was useless.

And Akuya also shouted loudly: "Help, save me, Wu—!"

Then everyone was in a hurry...

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