Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 361: Exclusive Noble Phantasm (Sacred Artifact) for Aqua

It is still the same door, with the sage's self-report on it.

It's just that Zhou Fangwu is reading this time, and Sato Kazuma is in charge of complaining.

"My name is Akiichi Hanasegawa, I work in a research institution located underground in the center of Tokyo, I am an ordinary middle-aged uncle.

(No, you are not ordinary.)

On the outskirts of Tokyo, he has a small villa and a not-so-luxury private car, with a fixed annual salary of over 100 million yuan every year.

(No no, you are not ordinary.)

Like other ordinary colleagues, I work 24 hours a day from 9 am to 9 am.

(No no no, you are not ordinary!)

However, one day I died, due to sudden death.

(Of course, endless work, you are not to blame for sudden death.)

Then, I met the Goddess.

She has an ethereal and elusive temperament, her perfect plain makeup has no next time, and she is surrounded by the brilliance of being a god.

I'm sure she didn't lie to me.

She is a goddess!

(...It must be Aqua, it must be Aqua.)

She told me that I can go to another world with a cheating skill and start another new life on the premise of defeating the devil.

I agreed.

Then, after asking, under the guidance of the goddess, the skill I chose was [Vientiane Eye].

This is a special ability that can see through the essence of everything.

It is a very convenient and useful ability.

It complements my original scientific research ability, and I rely on this ability to live a prosperous and comfortable life in this world.

Even got the king's approval and gave me the title of "Sage".

There are countless people who want to be my successor.

Among them, what I pay most attention to is an islander who also came from a different world.

His skill is [Fantasy Creation], which is also a very powerful and special skill.

But for some reason, he always wanted to create a maid with real flesh and blood and consciousness, and he could devote all his energy and money to it.

(Why are you so obsessed with independent creation?)

And also rejected my request to make him the designated successor.

To be honest, it's a bit of a pity.

What a loss of a man of such talent.

(No, no, no matter how you look at it, he is an LSP with ulterior motives.)

But it was also because of his help that I was able to create various materials that were not available in this world, just like the walls of this dungeon, which was also one of the materials that I asked him to build at that time.

(So ​​that's the case, no wonder Senior Zhou Fang's perception doesn't work.)

Moreover, we have agreed that each other will bury our most proud things, and leave clues for future generations to find!

By the way, he is shaking M just like me!

(This guy, what are you talking about.)

Keke, digressed.

All in all, my skills are very suitable for my characteristics, and the combination is also handy.


I was mocked!

I was severely mocked by the goddess who bestowed my skills!

(Wow... this strong sense of déjà vu.)

What does it mean to be a 33-year-old innocent uncle until his death! '

What do you mean 'a poor man who didn't even touch a girl's hand before he died! '

That **** goddess, I thought she looked like a goddess at first, but I didn't expect her to be such a bad goddess!

What happened to Tong Zhen!

As a researcher, how many innovations I have brought to this world and to mankind!

Childlike innocence!

It's just that I haven't found the woman I like!

(Wow...what a strong resentment.)


I absolutely want revenge on her!

That **** goddess, I must make her look good!

(…Stop talking, I already have the picture in my head.)

However, I have already selected skills, and I have lost my best chance of revenge on her.

When I came to this world, I focused on how to defeat that goddess.

I found out that there is a sect of that goddess in this world. Although the number of people is relatively small, if it can bring trouble to that hateful goddess, I am still happy to do such a thing.

But... I failed.

Those guys, there is definitely something wrong with their brains, they are simply a group of unreasonable fools!

I, a majestic sage, was expelled from the town by them!

(I can already imagine his expression.)

Then I changed direction again.

I still remember that the goddess once proudly said that she is the goddess of water wisdom.

(Ah, it really is her! That idiot!)

Oh, now that I think about it, she doesn't look smart at all, she must be a big fool.

In the end, I made a special weapon for revenge.

—A weapon against that goddess. "

Just when Zhou Fangwu read this, Akuya who was behind him suddenly shouted in panic.

"Ah, what is this!"

Turning his head, he found that Akua was frantically pulling something wrapped around him.

— is a long rope.

The long rope was gray and unremarkable, nothing special at all.

But it was this unattractive rope that made Akua flustered, the more she tried to break free, the more tightly she was bound.

In the end, she was **** into a big rice dumpling and couldn't move.

It really is you!

Is it you, a hopeless idiot, wantonly ridiculing the scientific researchers who have made contributions to mankind, and then let people remember it for a lifetime, wanting you to admit your mistakes and atone for your sins? !

"Wu, Wu! Help me, Wu—!"

Aqua let out a cry for help skillfully.

But Zhou Fangwu and Sato Kazuma did not help, but continued to read the autobiography of the sage Hazegawa Shoichi.

"Relying on my wisdom, I finally created a weapon that can only target that hateful goddess of water, a rope that only reacts to the sacred water attribute—the shackles of fate!

Just like the treasure of the gods in Greek mythology, I want to hold the fate (goddess) by the throat!

(To Aqua's exclusive Noble Phantasm?)

However, this time I discovered an important problem.

I can't see that goddess.

Even if I stop the weapon that can revenge, but I can't see her, everything is empty talk.

Only then did I remember that the task I was sent to this world ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ to defeat the devil!

I just discovered that only by defeating the devil can I get the reward from the gods and see that hateful goddess again!

I set out from the capital with the shackles of fate to defeat the Demon King. "

After reading this, Sato Kazuma, who had been talking beside him, could no longer hold back the doubts in his heart.

He asked curiously:

"Ah...? It's so strange, isn't this the Axel Novice Village farthest from the Demon King's City? Why does he appear here, and this place seems to be the cemetery he built."

His doubts were also Zhou Fangwu's doubts.

Why does [Sage's Dungeon] appear here?

Is there something hidden?

With this question in mind, Zhou Fangwu continued to read the sage's autobiography.

"I got lost, and mistakenly took the location of Axel Novice Village as the Demon King's City!...Ah?!"

Zhou Fangwu was stunned.

So you are a road idiot!

In other words, why didn't I find that I was going the wrong way after walking so far!

Just as Zhou Fangwu felt his brain tremble, Akuya in the distance let out another cry for help.

"It hurts—!! It hurts, it hurts—!!

Wu, Wu! Help, help!

I don't know why, the more I use my divine power to break free, the tighter the rope on my body becomes!

Wu, hurry up and save me! "

"So, do you know how much wrong you have done!"

Zhou Fangwu yelled helplessly.

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