Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 353: Pick up Darkness, and then...


"Wu-! Wow-!! Ahhhhh-!! Wu-!!"


"I... I'm obviously a goddess... I'm obviously a goddess...why...why do I look like this...Wow-!!"

"Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry."

Sitting on the way back to Axel Novice Village, in the same luxury carriage that came, there was a howling sound enough to disturb passers-by.

Akuya lay in Zhou Fangwu's arms, crying very sadly.

Even Betty was pushed aside by her.

It is said that women are made of water, and Aqua, the goddess of water, produces a terrifying amount of water.

If Betty hadn't used the small space transfer magic in time, Akua's tears could have filled the entire carriage, making everyone use her tears to soak a holy water hot spring.

"Okay, Aqua, although you are not believed by your followers, and you are even laughing behind your back, but no matter what, the deeds of us (heroes) defeating the cadres of the Demon King's Army have once again spread throughout the kingdom."

Sato Kazuma spread his hands, and asked Aqua, who was still teary, "What do you have to be dissatisfied with?"

"I'm dissatisfied everywhere!" Akuya stopped her tears and replied loudly: "She is a goddess, she should be worshiped in the first place, why should she be dared to leave the town!"

"Aren't you an idiot who accidentally purified the hot spring in the mountain behind the church!!"

I thought that there was only a little bit of Hans left, and Aqua would purify it with just the right amount of divine power.

But who knows, Aqua couldn't forgive Hans for what he did to the hot spring city, and a super powerful purification magic directly sent Hans back to the west, and even the hot springs in the back mountain were also purified.

If Zhou Fangwu hadn't stopped it in time, the entire Water City might have been purified by her.

Although they know that the effect of purification will be better, and it will even become holy water, but those people don't know it, and it is very likely that they will demand compensation from them.

Besides, the bounty for the crusade against Hans also needs to buy ingredients and rebuild the town, and the money cannot flow out.

After thinking about it, Zhou Fangwu forcibly held down Akuya who wanted to exert strength.

But in the end, Akuya was still driven out of the town.



Even if she could enjoy the pure taste by holding Akua all the time, the front of her clothes wet with tears would not feel comfortable sticking to her chest, so it is better not to let her cry anymore.

The most important thing is that her cry that broke through the sky has made other people in the caravan watch over frequently.

That's right, they went back with the caravan.

No, it would be better to say that the caravan was waiting for them to return together.

When he came here, he encountered so many dangers that he could be saved by Zhou Fangwu, and he was able to return to Axel safely and soundly, at most it was only a little money.

It is impossible for a successful businessman not to know how to choose.

"Okay, Akua, you can take a rest first."

Gently stroking Akuya's cheek, looking at her red and swollen blue eyes from crying, Zhou Fangwu really felt distressed.

"Your believers, although they don't know that you are a real goddess, they really believe in you. You should be proud of having such devout believers."

"Wu... Well, Wu is right! Even if they don't know me now, sooner or later, they will know that I am the real goddess of water!"

Aqua hasn't given up yet.

"Well, if there is a chance, let's do it again."


Under Zhou Fangwu's reassurance, Akuya finally stopped making noise.

In other words, she was tired of crying.

Lying in Zhou Fangwu's arms, he fell into a deep sleep within a moment.

"Hoo-hoo, Wu..."

Akuya breathed out on Zhou Fangwu's neck.

A little itchy, but more of a pure sweet scent.


Everyone in the carriage let out a long sigh of relief.

This idiot Akua, relying on her status as a goddess, made a lot of noise, regardless of other people's feelings.

Especially Wiz.

If Zhou Fangwu hadn't been feeding her physical strength, magic power, and energy, this poor lich would have been purified by Akuya long ago.

And among these people, there was one with envious eyes.

—It’s Darkness.

Seeing Akuya lying in Zhou Fangwu's arms defenselessly, her envious eyes could no longer be hidden.

If it weren't for her on her right side, at the innermost part of the carriage.

Her abnormality is likely to be exposed.


Zhou Fangwu was a little embarrassed.

He only came into contact with people at a negative distance, but when he turned his head and held another beautiful girl in his arms, no one could accept it.

However, except for Darkness.

While she was eager, her face was still flushed, and her body twisted slightly.


Zhou Fangwu can be sure.

Having been with her for such a long time, coupled with the fact that she has only come into contact with her at a negative distance, Zhou Fangwu is sure that she is now enjoying the intense stimulation of being bull(n)head(t)r(person) in person.

Looking around, he found that everyone else had fallen asleep.

Akua's noise was not only draining her own energy, but also other people who were disturbed.

Finally, Akua fell asleep, and the others took the time to rest.

Now only Zhou Fangwu and Darkness were awake in the carriage.

There was a pause, and then the sinful right hand was extended.

In mid-air, under Darkness's longing eyes, he inserted into her clothes little by little.

Gently stroking her soft waist, feeling her body temperature, admiring her expression at this time.

Zhou Fangwu felt great satisfaction.

Spiraling upwards along her field a little bit, the lockpicking skills that would make professional thieves ashamed, untied the hook that locked Darkness, and then stuck it with fiery palms.


"Shh, don't make a sound."

Like a murmur or an order, Zhou Fangwu prevented Darkness from moaning.

Zhou Fangwu, who was playing with water polo, was still not satisfied, he wanted to go further, and then went to the valley again.

Feeling the stickiness, then the index finger came into contact with her at a negative distance.

Before she exclaimed, he covered her mouth with his left hand.

Stop her from making noise so she doesn't wake the others.

Everything is going on quietly.

With the bumps along the way, the body also bumps.

Finally, after 2 hours, they saw the outline of Axel Novice Village.

It's just that after such a long period of torture, Darkness's legs were already so weak that she couldn't stand up.

"That... I still have something to do in my shop, so I'll go ahead... Well, thank you for inviting me to the hot spring."

"Where, let's go together again if we have a chance."

"Wu, I also want to go to her prop shop with Wiz."

"Well, yes."

Say a brief goodbye to Wiz and watch her disappear down the street with Betty.

Sato Kazuma also raised his hand suddenly, and said, "Senior Zhou Fang, I'm going to be cool!"

"...Is it really okay to say it so openly? Well, go early and return early." Zhou Fangwu subconsciously complained, but he didn't stop her.

"Then, I'm going to go out of the city with Yoyo!" Huihui and Yoyo also said suddenly, as if they had planned it long ago: "I haven't done today's one, and I always feel that something is missing, so I want to go with Yoyo go!"

"That, that..."

"Well, I'll trouble you, Yoyo."

Looking at Yoyo who was so anxious that she was about to cry, Zhou Fangwu thoughtfully asked her to accompany Huihui, seeing her relieved long breath, Zhou Fangwu also nodded with a smile.

In the end, there were only Darkness, Zhou Fangwu, and Aqua on his back.

The three of them went home.

Go back to the mansion in the suburbs, put Aqua on the bed in her own room, and exit the room with Darkness.

"Huh, it's a little heavy."

Zhou Fangwu complained slightly ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ His physical strength was very good, but he couldn't help Akuya putting his weight on him all day long, not physically tired, but mentally.

After putting Akua down, he felt relaxed all over.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, Wu."

Darkness wiped Zhou Fangwu's forehead, even if there was no sweat, she still wiped it seriously.

"I should have known that I would carry Aqua on the back."

"No, if I let you come, wouldn't I be unable to do bad things?"

"Do, do bad things? What? What bad things?"

"That's it!"

Holding Darkness in his arms, Zhou Fangwu broke into her room.


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