Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 343: I just want to live with Wu 1

"Eris' chest is padded"

Although this sentence was uttered by the goddess, what it represented was almost the same as the bewitching of the devil.

Just like the classics "Shaking Hands", "King Zack", "Pull", and "No Zoom", it can be called the human [Bible] as a classic handed down from generation to generation.

No, as a goddess, Aqua, what she said is the original intention of being a goddess of water, and she can be passed down as a bible.

Even if it's so absurd and nonsensical.

"Welcome, you lost lamb...

Come, tell me what crime you have committed.

After listening to your confession, the gods will surely forgive your sins.

Don't worry, you just need to speak out the truth in your heart. "

Standard prologue.

Even if it was repeated dozens of times today, as the goddess of water, Akuya still never tires of it.

Is it because of meeting believers for the first time?

Even after she saw that it was Zhou Fangwu, her voice became more active, and she looked very happy.

There is a desire to show Zhou Fangwu his professionalism as a priest (goddess), or to prove his worth through this method...?

"Akua... what happened to the lost lamb?

I am your representative, a member of the Axis Cult, right? "

Zhou Fangwu's words made Akuya silent for a moment.

Then, she changed her lines again.

"...Then, my lovely believer, if you have any troubles, you can confide to me as much as you want. As a goddess, I will definitely forgive you."

"There are indeed troubles... The high priest in my team may have done something more priestly, so she had a lot of fun... She doesn't seem to want to come back."

Almost explicitly.

Even if Akuya is an idiot, she should be able to understand Zhou Fangwu's hidden meaning.

— Enough playing, time to go back.

But Zhou Fangwu seriously underestimated Akuya.

This idiot is enjoying the flattery of others. After 'helping' many of her followers out of the 'gloom', she wants to be the goddess who relieves them even more here.

"So that's the reason, because I feel that the priests in the team are covering me with the light shining, so I feel jealous...

It doesn't matter, deeply reflect on your sins.

In this way, Aqua, the goddess of mercy, will surely forgive your sins. "

"Hey... your words are too much."

Akuya was clearly distorting the facts on purpose.

He actually used the identity of a priest to help others, and forced Zhou Fangwu to admit his mistake.

"I see, I see."

Zhou Fangwu knew that it would be impossible if he didn't use a big move.

"...In retrospect, I did do something wrong myself."

"Eh...?! What, what?!"

Akuya was very surprised and excited when she heard Zhou Fangwu's words, "Wu actually felt that he did something wrong, what exactly is it?"

This guy…

Does she pay more attention to my mistakes than to herself?

it is good!

Since you said so, then I will tell you.

"I accidentally shot the team members."


"So, I, as the leader of the [Hero] team, accidentally shot a shot at a member of my team."


Aqua was very surprised.

She slapped the table and stood up, opened her blue eyes wide, looked straight at Zhou Fangwu who was across the door, and was extremely surprised by what the man in front of her said.

"Yes, who is it?! Who is it?!"


"Is it Huihui and Yoyo?"


"What...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you idiot!"

Seeing Zhou Fangwu's silence, Akuya immediately understood that it wasn't the two people she mentioned, but the one she couldn't accept the most.

She stood up abruptly, and vigorously pushed open the door of the confession room on her side.

Then take three steps in parallel and rush towards Zhou Fangwu.

Akuya broke the door violently and rushed towards Zhou Fangwu.

While pinching Zhou Fangwu's neck and shaking desperately, he also vented his dissatisfaction with him tearfully.

Ah, angry.

Really angry.

"Wu is an idiot—!


Why Darkness, who was taught by Eris, why—! "

"...The point is this—?!"

Zhou Fangwu thought she was jealous, or angry and reconciled, he had anticipated these developments.

But it never occurred to her that what Aqua was angry about was the fact that [Darkness was taught by Eris].

What went wrong?

"You...Wu, you are obviously me...the representative of my goddess of water, and a follower of my Aqua!

why why…

Why do you want to attack Darkness, who is a follower of the Eris Cult!

I can't believe it, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! "

Snot and tears were flying everywhere.

Aqua felt an unprecedented sense of betrayal.

"It's over... My disciples were bewitched by Eris...

I clearly thought that even if I didn't go back to the heaven, it would be good to live with Wu...

Why, why, Wu chose to be a follower of Eris!

No matter how I think about it, I am the one who was abandoned!

Don't...I don't want to—!

I want to live with Wu, I don't want to be abandoned! "

Akua made an unwilling 'confession' declaration at the top of her voice.

She could already foresee that Zhou Fangwu would marry Darkness soon, and then switch to Eris' embrace.

Is there still a need for me to exist?

"Ah... calm down, calm down, Aqua, it's a joke, it's a joke."

Seeing that she was so excited, Zhou Fangwu quickly lied to appease her.

I didn't expect Aqua's reaction to be so intense.

No way, just keep it hidden for now.


"Well, really."

"You didn't lie to me?"


"Why did Wu hesitate?"

"...no, nothing."

Zhou Fangwu's conscience hurts.

In this confession room, I deceived the God I believed in.

A sense of guilt arises spontaneously.

"By the way, why can't Darkness, is it because she is a follower of the Eris Cult?"


If Wu and Darkness were together, wouldn't my followers be abducted?

Think about it carefully, doesn't this mean that my disciples were bewitched by Eris?

I absolutely don't want this kind of thing! "

It's not specifically aimed at Eris, but Aqua really values ​​her followers.

Unlike Eris, which circulates as currency and has a large number of people, her followers are few and only a town.

Aqua is Eris' senior, but as a senior, she doesn't have the demeanor of a senior.

If she is robbed of followers again, she really can't claim to be a senior.

"...By the way, isn't Darkness your family member? No matter how you look at her, she is your believer... In the actual sense ~www.wuxiamtl.com~! Yes...I forgot!"

This stupid goddess who is jealous of her family. , Do you still want to deliberately pretend to be cute and avoid the result of being punished?

Although Darkness still claims to be a follower of Eris, she actually died in name only when she accepted Aqua's favor.

Now she still claims to be a follower of Eris. Except for a short period of time, she has not corrected, but the special time encountered in this town has stimulated her so much that she still wants to continue to misunderstand.

"Ah, since Darkness is my believer, then there's no problem."

"You...you're such an idiot."

Zhou Fang pinched her cheek fiercely.

"Also, why Huihui and Yoyo can?

Most importantly, why did you put the two of them together?

What does 【和】 mean? "

"Ah, I was wrong, I was really wrong...

Anyway, if Wu wants to, it doesn't matter if there are two, doesn't it?

Isn't Wu aristocratic?

In this different world, isn't it natural for wives and concubines to be in groups? "

"Huh—? What the **** do you mean?"


It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!

After all, I don't care how many wives Wu has, I just want to live with Wu! "



Am I mistaken?

This idiot, does he even know what he means?

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