Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 329: Back rub + warm quilt + wake up service

Walking on the street, Zhou Fangwu subconsciously remembered what happened just now.

The anger that subsided a little suddenly surged up again.

Make up your mind:

Sooner or later, I will eat that perverted crusader!

But for now, it is better to escape from the dangerous Lord's Mansion first, otherwise I don't know what more outrageous things those idiots will do.

It's not good if it's fully ignited.

Now Zhou Fangwu is going to discuss with the people in charge of Axel Novice Village and solve some troubles.

For example, the failure of the water purification plant device or the like.

I thought I would stay at home leisurely in winter, but I didn't expect to be busier than summer.

Some unimportant chores were resolved very quickly, and the arrangements were neatly completed within 2 hours.

It's afternoon, it should be tea time.

Zhou Fangwu didn't want to go back.

After thinking for a while, he decided to go to Wiz's magic item shop for a while.

But what he didn't expect was that Wiz wasn't in the magic item shop, only Barnir was guarding the shop alone.

"You mean, Wiz went out early in the morning?"

"Yes, that's right!"

Barnier looked at Zhou Fangwu with a smirk on his face, and that hateful expression gave people the feeling that he was deliberately provoking Zhou Fangwu.

"...Hey, you use mind reading on me."

"Yes, that's right!"

Barnier didn't deny it, and he even took what happened today as a topic, which further stimulated Zhou Fangwu.

"Surrounded by a group of beautiful maids, you have to endure their endless temptations. You are afraid of releasing your evil desires, but you have no choice but to run here to hide, my lord. How about you face up to your own heart!"

"The prefix is ​​too long!"

Zhou Fangwu suddenly felt that it was not a wise decision for him to come here.

Because there is a big devil who deliberately plays with people's hearts.

"I'm leaving!"

"Yes, Lord Lord, welcome to come again next time!"

Barnier didn't keep Zhou Fangwu back either, but it lowered its head with an even worse smile.

It seems that it is hiding something, or it may be 'seeing' something.

And the other side.

"Look more seriously at your own heart..."

Zhou Fangwu, who was walking on the street, fell into deep thought.

When he returned to the Lord's Mansion and his study, he was still in a state of contemplation.

There was no greeting from the maid team, maybe there was but Zhou Fangwu ignored it, and no one came to disturb even the dinner, but put the food in front of Zhou Fangwu, and then quietly retreated.

It has to be said that in the field of maids, Akuya performed quite well.

When Zhou Fangwu recovered from his contemplation, he found that it was already very late.

"Those guys should be asleep already."

Zhou Fangwu thought, then got up and went to the bathroom, wanting to take a shower and then go to bed.

Although he was a little flustered this morning, he escaped perfectly this afternoon.

As long as today is over, the maid game will be over, and he can breathe a sigh of relief.


While wiping his body carefully in the bathroom, there was the sound of light footsteps on the floor outside the door.

"I'm in."

The girl said such words, and then without waiting for Zhou Fangwu to refuse, she pushed open the door of the bathroom and walked in.

Ah, ah?

Zhou Fangwu was stunned for a moment, and he didn't react until he saw the girl appearing in front of him.

"Hui, Huihui! Why did you come in!"

Huihui standing in front of him was still wearing the apron of the maid's uniform during the day, but her bare arms and calves made Zhou Fangwu wonder if she was only wearing this apron.

She is petite but well proportioned.

But now, with an indomitable momentum, she stepped over the steps of the bathroom and came straight to Zhou Fangwu.

Subconsciously turned around, and at the same time asked with some embarrassment: "Wait, wait! Huihui, what's going on?"

"Huh?! You can tell at a glance, wipe your back, wipe your back!"

Huihui grabbed Zhou Fangwu's shoulders, and pressed him on the bath stool involuntarily, "It's a maid's job to wipe the master's back, isn't it a matter of course?"

"Ah, ah?"

"What are you in a daze for!"

"No, it's just that this task should be given to Sato-kun."

Zhou Fangwu was taken aback by Huihui's urgent and tough approach, and didn't understand why she was so proactive all of a sudden, and she still did such a shameful thing.

"I do not want!"

Huihui vetoed loudly, and then shouted angrily: "I absolutely can't lose to that guy Yoyo..."

It turned out to be comparing with Yoyo.

"Hey, do you use me as a tool for victory?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

Huihui didn't refute, but admitted openly, and even went one step further.

"By the way, how long is Wu going to be shy? He obviously took a bath together before, and it was just to wipe his back. Turn around quickly!"

"Wait! It's a back rub, it's a back rub! Isn't it normal to have your back facing you!"

"...Ah, sorry, I forgot."

"At this time, you should pay attention!"

"I see."

Huihui was greatly stimulated by Yoyo, maybe Yoyo was comparing her morning feeding all day, which made this girl with strong self-esteem unacceptable, and then came to the bathroom to wipe Zhou Fangwu's back on her own.

The purpose, of course, is to overwhelm Yoyo.

Yoyo, who couldn't accept taking a bath together before, if Huihui gets along with a man alone, plus rubbing each other's backs...

With such an intimate move, Yoyo will definitely admit defeat!

Megumin who thought this way worked even harder.

10 minutes later.

Huihui's forehead was covered with sweat, and her cheeks were also flushed.

She was exhausted, and her small body lay on Zhou Fangwu's back.

Similarly, Zhou Fangwu also felt the touch behind him.

After a moment of silence, he took the initiative to speak.

"You're tired, Huihui."

"Yes, I'm tired and I have no strength left."


Zhou Fangwu sighed, the great magister's physical strength was not high, and Huihui was a representative of malnutrition, and the short-term intense exercise also doubled the physical strength.

"Then, let's go out."

"Yes, that... If possible, please wipe my body, I'm afraid of catching a cold, thank you."

Looking at Zhou Fangwu's strange eyes, Huihui didn't look shy.

Coming out of the bathroom, Zhou Fangwu walked towards the bedroom.

Now he feels tired and just wants to lie in bed and have a good sleep.

It's just that there is an unexpected guest in his room and lying on his bed.

—It's Wiz.

No wonder he didn't see her when he went to the magic item shop today, it turned out that Wiz had already ambushed in his room.

and many more.

Ambush is an overused word.

However, Zhou Fangwu seemed to have guessed the reason why she was here.

"I, I... I am the maid who warms the Lord's bed..."

Tears welled up in the corners of Wiz's eyes, as if he was about to cry.

Zhou Fangwu understood.

It must be the idiot Aqua who forced Wiz to act as a maid together, and let her act as a bed warming maid too much.


Wiz is a lich, her body temperature is very cold!

Letting her like this be the maid who warms the bed, what on earth is that idiot Akua thinking?

There must be a limit to bullying!

"Wiz...Sorry, I asked you to play around with them too."

"No, actually I didn't do anything, I just stayed in bed."

"From morning?!"

Zhou Fangwu also didn't expect that Akuya would let Wiz lie on the bed all day in order to keep Zhou Fangwu's bed 'warm' all the time.

The idea is good, it's just the wrong person.

"Sorry, Wiz will stay here tonight."

"Eh... eh—?!!"

"Ah, don't get me wrong, you don't share a room with me." Zhou Fangwu waved his hand to dispel her misunderstanding, "It's getting late, and it's not convenient to go back, there just happens to be a spare room on the third floor, where are you staying, Wiz All right."

"...Okay, okay." Wiz knew that he had misunderstood, and heaved a sigh of relief: "That's too much trouble."

"We are the ones who made you work so hard. I'm really sorry."

In this way, under the leadership of Zhou Fangwu, Wiz stayed in the guest room.


Zhou Fangwu lay on the bed and couldn't help sighing.

So many things happened today, it really made him a little overwhelmed.

But thankfully, Handmaid's Game will be over after today.

So, go to bed early...

Close your eyes.

Don't think about it any more, just go to sleep.

"Please wake up~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It's already dawn."


"Get up quickly, master."


The sound of "Master" really made Zhou Fangwu wake up instantly.

However, when he saw the little figure beside the bed waking him up, he couldn't stop smiling wryly.

"You too, Beatrice."

Betty changed the dress on her body, and also wore a small maid outfit.

At this time, with a shy expression, she was doing the wake-up service that the maids do every morning.

"Please get up quickly, Master Lazy."

"Yes, yes, my maid."

It seems that it would be nice to have a group of such maids?

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