Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 323: Room 1 Alone with the Lonely Great Elf

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

bang bang bang!

"Sleep, Beatrice?"

"Come in."

Obviously Zhou Fangwu knocked on an unoccupied room, but there was still a somewhat indifferent voice coming from the door.

Betty was angry.

Zhou Fangwu can be sure.

Opening the door, he saw Betty sitting on a chair facing the door.

The big chair and the little girl are in stark contrast.

"Yo, Beatrice, you haven't slept yet."

"Yeah, I'm waiting for a heartless person to explain."


Betty's angry little expression, as well as the sad little eyes, made Zhou Fangwu deeply understand what he did wrong.

"Then anyway, let me apologize first.

— Sorry, I was wrong! "

Zhou Fangwu straightened his waist, then bowed 90 degrees to her.

Very sincere.

However, this kind of sincerity did not calm down Betty, she still tilted her head and pouted angrily.


It seems that she did not forgive Zhou Fangwu.

"That... I understand why Beatrice is angry, because I didn't come to see you at dinner."

"Hmph, it seems that you still know."

"So, I'm here to apologize."

While Zhou Fangwu apologized, he also defended himself, "No, Beatrice didn't show up at dinner, I thought you had a problem with the newcomer, that's why..."

"That's not why Wu deliberately didn't come to me!"

"Yes, yes, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Zhou Fangwu made a deep self-criticism, and accepted all Betty's complaints, without any mention of her previous attitude when she didn't want to see Yoyo.

"So, I came here to make amends to Beatrice."

"Compensation...? What are you talking about, Betty doesn't need it...Ah, ah! Wu, what are you going to do!"

Seeing Zhou Fangwu stepping forward quickly, Betty was hugged in her arms before she could react, and she was panicked and at a loss.

"Compensation, didn't you say that?"

The strength of Betty's pats was like tickling, and Zhou Fangwu held her in his arms with some force, put his head on top of hers, and smelled the milk fragrance on her body.

"Since she came back, Beatrice has been staying in her room and rarely goes out."

"So what... Anyway, I don't know anyone else, and I'm used to it."

Seeing that the resistance was futile, Betty could only shrink into Zhou Fangwu's arms obediently.

She wants to show more maturity, even though her heart longs to stick to Zhou Fangwu all the time.

"Sorry, Beatrice."

"Why, all of a sudden..."

"It's nothing, it's just a decision... I will always take you with me in the future, even if you don't agree."

"Hmph, Betty doesn't want to be with Wu that much either."

Even so, she still held Zhou Fangwu's hand tightly, and had no intention of letting go.

After a while.

"Okay, Betty is going to sleep, Wu can go."

Betty issued an eviction order.

It's just that her reluctant expression seemed to be saying something against her will.

"Hey, do you want to leave?"

"What do you mean?"

Betty was startled by Zhou Fangwu's hot eyes.

"I'm going to sleep here."


"I'm going to sleep here, in order to supplement the ingredients of Beatrice, I'm going to sleep with Beatrice in my arms tonight!"

"No, no!"

Betty blushed and loudly opposed Zhou Fangwu's tough request.

She subconsciously recalled what the blond long-haired girl said in "Faulty Earth".

【Will you two have a baby】

And Zhou Fangwu also answered clearly:


Coupled with Zhou Fangwu's desire to stay overnight in her room, this made her unable to look directly at her contractor, and of course she refused loudly without even thinking about it.

Because she's not ready yet.

"The objection is invalid! I am the contractor, and Beatrice wants to listen to me!"

Holding her firmly in his arms, they fell down together on the soft bed. Betty's petite body lay on Zhou Fangwu's chest. Listening to the steady heartbeat, her heartbeat started to speed up.

In fact, Betty misunderstood.

Zhou Fangwu didn't have that kind of thought, he just wanted to make up for it and sleep with her.

After a while of no movement, Betty understood, and her heartbeat gradually calmed down.

"Good night, Beatrice."

"Good night, Wu."

"love you."

"Well...me too."

The two lay on the bed and fell asleep hugging each other.


Early the next morning.

The team gathered in the hall.

"That's it, she is Beatrice, the great elf I contracted with."

Zhou Fangwu pointed to the young girl sitting in his arms, and said to the newly joined Yoyo: "Last night too, I forgot to introduce her to you because of my negligence, so please don't mind, Yoyo."

"No no no, I don't mind."

Yoyo quickly shook her head, expressing that she had nothing to do with it.

"Well, as long as you don't mind."

Zhou Fangwu smiled at her and asked Betty to introduce herself briefly.

However, the arrogant Elf was satisfied with the contractor's request and last night's compensation, so she was not so dissatisfied with the newly joined Yoyo.

"Huh, Betty's name is Betty, and she's a Yin-type elf. What about you?"

"Yes, yes! I am Yoyo! I am the one who implements the way of magic and is about to become the patriarch of the Crimson Demon Clan!...Sorry, I just subconsciously..."

Yoyo's habitual speech about the second illness made Betty understand that she, like everyone else in the team, is a mentally handicapped child with brain problems.

"Well, please teach me more in the future."

"Yes! Please give me more advice in the future!"

Although the horrible noise made Yoyo uncomfortable last night, she stopped being entangled after explaining it clearly.

It's just that things haven't quite worked out yet.

"Sure enough, the third floor cannot be left alone."

Zhou Fangwu pinched his chin and began to think.

The Lord's Mansion is too big and too spacious.

The areas where other people in the team are active are generally on the 1st and 2nd floors, and rarely go to the 3rd floor.

Even if the function of the room is basically for sleeping at night, accidents are more likely to happen at night.

Zhou Fangwu felt a little difficult.

"How to do…"

"Senior Zhou Fang, I have an idea."

"Oh, let's hear it."

When Zhou Fangwu was distressed, Sato Kazuma raised his right hand high, as if he had a solution.

And Sato Kazuma didn't hesitate, and came up with an excellent solution.

"Senior Zhou Fang, I suggest that all the female members of the team go to the third floor."


What Sato Kazuma said immediately awakened Zhou Fangwu.

This is a good idea.

Speaking of it, it is indeed a lot of inconvenience for men and women in the team to live on the first floor, and in addition to Yoyo's joining, someone must live on the third floor.

In this case, then separate the men and women in the team.

The four women in the team live on the third floor, while the men live on the second floor.

Not only does it solve the problem of room allocation, but it also solves the problem of someone wanting to do something bad.


Why do you always feel that this person is yourself?

"Hmm... Aqua, Darkness, Megumi, what do you think?"

This kind of question is not something that Zhou Fangwu can decide. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com still needs to ask about the intentions of the female members in the team.

"I do not mind."


"I also can."

The answers of the three women were almost the same, but they all agreed.

In fact, there is no difference between the 2nd floor and the 3rd floor.

The layout and size of the rooms are almost the same.

And the light on the 3rd floor is better.

It's just that they have to walk one more floor every time they go up and down the stairs, which may make them a little more tired.

"Then it's decided."

In this way, on the second day after Yoyo joined the team, the female members of the team moved to the third floor of the Lord's Mansion.

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