Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 317: Date with Yoyo? 【superior】

"Things like monsters are really tenacious."


"Even during the dormancy period in winter, after being awakened by a huge shock, you won't fall asleep again."


"Having said that, the giant toads here will not become slow in their movements in such a cold environment."


All was peaceful until...

"Everyone, let's continue after enough rest, there are still many monsters that we need to hunt down."

"Oh—!" X5

On a snow-white plain, all members of the [Hero] team were forced to gather here.

It was all due to Huihui's [Super Explosion Magic], which caused those giant toads that had been hibernating to wake up early amidst the warmth and vibration.

This mess can't be ignored.

If they leave regardless, groups of giant toads will bring huge troubles to Axel Novice Village.

At the same time, Senna, who is the inspector of the kingdom and also the sheriff of Axel Novice Village, will be angry.

If she went to the lord's mansion to make a scene, Zhou Fangwu would not be able to stand it.

So we can only solve the trouble.

As the strength of the members of the [Heroes] team gradually strengthened, some low-level monsters—giant toads, goblins, forest wolves, etc.—could no longer trouble them.

Three hours later.

With the efforts of the team, there are no living giant toads on the plain.

Of course, this is not to say that the crusade has been completely completed, but that there are still some still lurking under the snow. But this kind of work cannot be solved completely at one time, and the best way is to combine work and rest.

"Well, let's stop here today."

Zhou Fangwu said to the tired crowd: "There is still a little time in the evening, and you can arrange this time by yourself, is that okay?"


The crowd cheered loudly.

After a tiring day, of course I was very excited after liberation.

Darkness carried Huihui on her back, and said to everyone: "Then I will carry Huihui back, I am a little tired, and want to take a hot bath."

"Hey, I want it too, I want it too!"

Akuya clamored to go back with her too.

"That, that... I, I forget it... I have some things I want to buy."

Yoyo actually wanted to go with her too, but when she thought of the scene of taking a shower with the man just now, she couldn't accept it shyly and gave up immediately.

"What about you Sato-kun, what are your plans?"

"Ah, I'm going to Keith's place. I haven't distributed the bounty for the previous mission, so I'm going to get it."

"Well, then it's decided."

Back to Axel.

[Hero] Team members have their own arrangements, and Zhou Fangwu no longer wastes time.



Amidst the cheers, everyone rushed to different destinations.

Zhou Fangwu didn't know where to go.

Walking on the street and greeting the villagers passing by, I thought about going to Wiz's magic item shop, and thanking Barnier while I went to see Wiz.

After all, it was it. In just 2 months, the Lord's Mansion was rebuilt.

Zhou Fangwu was thinking about these while walking.

It's just that when he saw the beautiful Crimson Demon girl in the team, pacing in front of a target game booth, his expression was slightly taken aback.


Why is she here?

As the lord of Axel Novice Village, he naturally knows everything in his territory like the back of his hand.

This is Play Street.

It is no different from the lively night market in the impression.

eat, drink, play, have fun

This street has almost every entertainment imaginable.

So, does Yoyo want to play this target shooting game?

Target shooting games in different worlds are somewhat different from target shooting in amusement parks and attractions.

Real bows and arrows are used here, not those toy guns that only shoot BB rounds.

If there is any difference between this game and real bows and arrows, the only thing is that the arrows of the arrows are made of wood, and they are still round, so they have no lethality.

It may be shy, or it may be embarrassing to play alone.

Yoyo deliberately waited until everyone had left and there were no other customers in the stall before she walked up to the vendor alone.

Pick up the bow on the counter.

Yoyo has a good figure and a good temperament. She has a unique tension when drawing the bow and looks quite stylish.

The only difference from her posture is that no matter how good-looking her posture is, the accuracy of her arrows will be so ugly.

She is not good at using a bow and arrow at all, no matter how many times she tries, she just can't hit the prize she wants.

—A doll that resembles General Winter.

After several rounds of challenges, she returned the bow to the boss when other people came to the store, and was ready to leave shyly after paying the money.


No, you can't let Yoyo just leave like this.

He is the leader of the team, he will help the team members with what they want, no matter whether they have the ability or not, he will do it.

"Wait, Yoyo."

"Eh? Zhou Fang...Mr.?"

Maybe it was because she was cautious, or maybe she didn't know how to address him, so after seeing Zhou Fangwu, she could only address him as [Mr.].

It's great that I didn't call out the more distant [Lord Lord]... Should I say that?

"Wait for me, Yoyo."

"Yes Yes!"

Go to the stretched Yoyo, give the vendor an Eris, and pick up the bow on the counter.


Just because Zhou Fangwu doesn't use bows and arrows doesn't mean he can't, it's just that he's better at swords than bows and arrows, that's all.

[Sniper] imitated from Sato Kazuma played a role in this occasion.


Quickly knocking down the doll from the shelf, Zhou Fangwu picked it up and handed it to Yoyo beside him.



"This doll, you want it, so... take it, treat it as a gift from me (to join the team)."

Zhou Fangwu's words have no other meaning, but simply want to help Yoyo get this doll.

It's just that he knew that Yoyo probably wouldn't accept it, so he made this excuse in advance.

But what was not said was very ambiguous in the eyes of others.

Yoyo's cheeks flushed slightly.

She hesitated, not knowing whether to take it or not.

Zhou Fangwu didn't urge her, but kept holding the doll.

Afterwards, Yoyo showed a bright smile, took the doll with both hands, hugged the doll in her arms, and thanked happily.

"Thank you, thank you for helping me shoot General Winter..."

"No, it's just a trivial matter." Zhou Fangwu waved his hand.

"Wait! No way, my lord!"

Just when the two were about to leave, the vendor owner was not happy.

"Look, didn't I clearly write on the signboard, [archers] are not allowed to play with people with [sniper] skills, you have committed a foul!...Although I want to say this, but since it is the lord, then Forget it this time."

The vendor owner looked at Zhou Fangwu and Yoyo, and said with a smile:

"Yeah, but this is our lord's wife, it's really a good match to stand with you, lord lord."

"No~www.wuxiamtl.com~ we are not..."

"We are not the relationship you think. You are mistaken, old man."

Zhou Fangwu clarified a step ahead.

It was the first day the two met. Although they were in the same team, their relationship was not that deep, good enough to joke about.

In addition, Yoyo's personality is very shy, and the days to get along will be long, he doesn't want the relationship between the two to become awkward.

Although the matter of taking a bath together before made Yoyo very embarrassed.

"Oh **** ho **** - sorry sorry, I misunderstood."

The vendor owner still looked at the two with a smile.

Zhou Fangwu and Yoyo couldn't accept this sight, so they left 1000 Eris as compensation for the foul just now.

Then he took Yoyo's hand and ran away.

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