Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 315: [Acceleration] Another wonderful use

"This skill description..."

Seeing this familiar yet unfamiliar skill, Zhou Fangwu thought of a certain prominent forest elf whom he had acquainted with.

Is it because of their noble status?

Even the skills of the two are very similar.

It's just this skill that makes Zhou Fangwu a bit of a Versailles-like pity.

But to be honest, this skill is very strong, very strong!

I have to admit that Yoyo's skills and Huihui's skills really complement each other.

The two of them are a natural pair.

[Red Devil Crown] can enhance the power of Huihui's [Explosion Magic], and can also convert the magic essence of Huihui's magic after it is released into spiritual power, which can then be absorbed by Yoyo.

Long-lasting combat and instant output.

The perfect combination of the two.

In Zhou Fangwu's vision, Huihui's position has always been the winner of the team.

But the key point is that although Huihui, who can only shoot once, has a strong instantaneous output ability, after that, she can only become a weak magister at the mercy of others, and she has to be protected by other people.

And now if there is Yoyo to partner with her, it can indeed perfectly fill the vacancy in the team.

"That, that... my [Grace]..."

"Ah, sorry to scare you."

Zhou Fangwu's long silence made Yoyo unavoidably a little worried, fearing that her ability was not that good.

But Zhou Fangwu's words made her regain her confidence.

"Yuyou, you have to know that not everyone has skills, let alone your skills are very strong, stronger than the rest of the team... Of course, stronger than Huihui."


Yoyo looked delighted.

When she joins the [Heroes] team, defeating the devil is the second priority, and taking risks with Hui Hui is the most important thing.

If Huihui could really 'defeat', then she would be very happy.

Hearing Zhou Fangwu's words, one can understand that her talent is even better than Huihui's!

"Well, I can only say that you two have their own merits."

Zhou Fangwu's bowl of water was flat, so Huihui couldn't feel awkward, so he explained to the two of them.

"Huihui's [Magic Power Burning] is a skill that can greatly strengthen [Explosion Magic], and it is also the skill that suits her best; and Yoyo, your [Magic Crown] is a very good skill, but from the description, you are more suitable A protracted battle, not an instant burst of powerful magic."

What he said was very clear, explaining the respective emphasis of the two.

"Hmph! It seems that my [Magic Power Burning] is stronger!"

Huihui was quite disappointed at first, but when Zhou Fangwu said that her skills fit her, she suddenly became very arrogant.

After all, she still cared about the title of "The First Person of Explosion Magic".

And Yoyo is also rarely willing to lag behind.

She also pointed to the attribute column on the parchment, and defended herself: "Me too, my [Red Devil Crown] is also a very good skill!"

"I am strong!"

"It's me!"

"No, I am stronger!"

"it's me!"

The two started arguing again.

Although it was proof of mutual love, Zhou Fangwu couldn't let them quarrel.

But just as he was about to speak, Sato Kazuma ran in from outside.

"Hey, everyone! I found a problem! My skills, my [Acceleration] have a big..."

He shouted excitedly, as if something happened that made him extremely excited.

It's just that as soon as he came in, he found a beautiful girl whom he had never seen was tearing up with Hui Hui, which made him swallow what he wanted to say.

"Huh? What's going on here?"

"Sato-kun, are you back?"

Zhou Fangwu was also quite curious. This Sato Kazuma, who has been staying at home recently, is rarely not in the lord's mansion today.

I thought that he would go to the succubus shop to be cool, and he would not come back until tomorrow morning.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly appeared in front of everyone again.

"Ah, that's right! Sato-kun, come quickly and introduce the new members of the team to you."


Sato Kazuma was visibly stunned.

He didn't expect that, he only went out for half a day, and when he came back, the team leader told him that the team had a new member.

And a beautiful girl? !

"Let me introduce, her name is Yoyo, she is Hui Hui's childhood companion, as you can see, she is also a Crimson Demon."

Pointing to Yoyo to introduce, at the same time let Sato Kazuma see those red eyes.

"That, that... Hello, I'm Yoyo, please give me your advice!"

"Oh, oh! My name is Sato Kazuma, please give me your advice."

Unlike Yoyo's rigidity, Sato Kazuma is more relaxed, which has a lot to do with his ghostly character.

"Then, continue with the topic just now."

Zhou Fangwu asked Sato Kazuma, "What Sato said just now, what happened to your [acceleration], I am very interested."

"Ah, that's right! I made a big discovery about my [Acceleration] skill!"

Sato Kazuma was excited again after hearing Zhou Fangwu's inquiry.

"Oh? What is it?"

"This... I can't explain it clearly here, let's go to the plain together, and I will show you."

"Well... well, since you asked for it, it happens that Yoyo's skills also need to be confirmed, so let's go and test it together."

Sato Kazuma wanted them to go to the plains together, and Zhou Fangwu also felt that this was just an opportunity to test Yoyo's skills.

On the way to the plains.

Zhou Fangwu learned from Sato Kazuma that he didn't stay at home today because Keith invited him to do a mission, and it was during the mission that he discovered the power of [Acceleration].

"Okay, Sato-kun, please start your performance."

"Okay! Just look at it!"

Kazuma Sato broke away from the team and stood in front alone, facing the giant toads that had been awakened by Megumin's [Explosion Magic].

Sato Kazuma pulled out the short dagger at his waist, and looked at a giant toad alone not far away.

He licked his lips and rushed forward!

I saw that he came to the giant toad's feet at an extremely fast speed, kicked his feet on the ground at the blind corner of the giant toad, and then jumped up instantly. When the giant toad's clumsy body couldn't react, he simply inserted the dagger into it forehead.

Giant toad, die!

This, this...how should I say it?

There's only one word to describe it - mediocre.

Although Sato Kazuma is very fast, and it is cool to deal with monsters neatly, but it doesn't make any difference at all?

That is to say, the monsters that could only be killed with bait (Aqua, Megumin, Darkness) before, are no longer needed.

But, this is a giant toad!

It is one of the weakest monsters in the plains!


"How about it, handsome or not!"

Sato and Zhen's shameless appearance made Zhou Fangwu unable to complain. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

But it can be regarded as a kind of progress.

The monsters that had to rely on [veil] to deal with them, now he can deal with them openly.

"No, it's not! You've misunderstood!"

Seeing the embarrassing smiles of the others, Sato Kazuma knew they had misunderstood, so he quickly explained and clarified.

"My [Acceleration], at first I thought it was simply to increase the speed of movement, but after testing I found out..."

Sato Kazuma paused, then said:

"Not only the movement speed and shooting speed, but also the recovery speed and singing speed, even the thinking speed and the speed of gaining experience have increased!"

"What did you say-?!"

His words really shocked everyone.

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