Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 313: new member! Yoyo joins the team!

"Pfft-ha! Delicious-!"

Aqua drank the milk in the bottle in one gulp, making a cheerful sound.

I don't know if it's the ethos brought by Akua, drinking milk after taking a bath seems to have become a habit in the team.

Therefore, a lot of milk is provided in the mansion every day for the team members to enjoy.

After taking a bath, everyone gathered in the hall.

"That, that... Thank you for inviting me to take a bath, and you can also drink milk... I am very grateful!"

Yoyo thanked everyone.

Although they are both members of the Crimson Demon Clan, Yoyo is much more polite than Huihui.

When receiving favors, you can also give thanks in obedience to your heart.

It's not like a girl with a second illness in middle school, even if she is given alms, she will be misinterpreted as an offering, and she has no attitude of relying on others.

"You don't have to be so polite, Yoyo."

Darkness said to the shy Yoyo: "Aren't you Huihui's friend, so don't be so cautious, it's okay to get closer to us."

"Well, that's right."

Zhou Fangwu nodded and said, "Besides, it was Huihui who caused you trouble, and it was our fault in the first place, so you don't have to be polite."

"…Yes Yes."

Although she said so, she still couldn't let go, and couldn't become calm in a short time.

"That's right, Aqua."


"Continuing the topic just now, you said that you haven't recruited new family members in the past few days... right?"

"That's right, what's wrong?"

"Then, I have a proposal."

Zhou Fangwu pointed at the corner of the sofa, still shyly yoyo, and said:

"That child, how about pulling Yoyo into the family?"


Akua was stunned for a moment.

But the next second, she was excited again.

"good idea!"

There was a gleam in her eyes, and she looked at Yoyo with a hopeful expression.

The dazed Yoyo was even more at a loss. She didn't understand why the blue-haired elder sister looked at her like a hungry wolf, and she subconsciously squeezed into the corner of the sofa.

It's just that her already bumpy figure didn't make her look less conspicuous.

For a moment, Yoyo became the center of attention.

"Eh-! Don't! I don't agree!"

The first to raise objections was naturally Yoyo's lifelong opponent—Huihuila.

Although she was known as the number one in the academy in the college days, she still has a strong sense of crisis for Yoyo who is only a little behind her.

Because every time I want to beat Yoyo, I always have to rely on crooked ideas and tricks.

But once Yoyo joins the family, her only advantage will be gone, and it is very likely that Yoyo will come from behind!

This is also what she does not want to see.

But, not only that.

Joining the family is just the beginning, Huihui never expected that Zhou Fangwu would like to invite Yoyo to join the team again? !

"Not only to join the family, but I also want Yoyo to join the [Hero] team."

"…What did you say-?!!"

Huihui immediately felt a strong sense of crisis, and rushed towards Zhou Fangwu's direction and rushed up instantly.

"Hey! Wu, what are you talking about?!

Why, why invite her!

Do you want me? !

Do you think I'm too useless? !

Obviously, there is already a great magister like me in the team, why do you want to let Yoyo join? !

Do you think I'm useless, so you want to abandon me? ! "

A series of questions rang in his ears, making Zhou Fangwu's head a little dazed.

Huihui looks like an ordinary social animal who has worked for many years. She thought she could spend her life leisurely in the company (team), but she didn't expect that a person who was better than herself would suddenly take her position by airborne, and then went to Was ruthlessly fired by the company.

And this airborne person is still his deadly enemy!

Life has been a complete failure, how can this not make Huihui excited?

"Well, calm down, calm down, Megumin!"

Hui Hui, who was forcibly confined and writhing on her body, felt how thin and small she was, felt distressed for her and at the same time could understand her excited mood at the same time.

"I have no intention of letting you leave the team!"


"It's just a simple reinforcement team."

Zhou Fangwu explained to Huihui: "Think about Huihui carefully. Our goal is to defeat the devil, but as I said before, the devil is very powerful..."

"But, but..."

"You know, the team needs to be very comprehensive!

After all, it is difficult for us alone to defeat the Demon King, so this is why I let Aqua recruit the family.

In my vision, not only the few of us, but also more than double the manpower!

The Crimson Demons who are proficient in magic are the most powerful helpers!

As for the role of Yoyo's identity, I don't need to say more..."

Of course.

The demon king in "Su Qing" is not strong, but he can infinitely strengthen the strength of his monsters.

From this point of view, no amount of help is too much.

And compared to Huihui's extreme output, Yoyo's advanced magic is more diverse, and the two can also form a perfect complement (combination).

Zhou Fangwu raised her chin and looked at her red eyes.

"Huihui, as I said, you are my favorite talent, so I will never (let go) leave you alone."

"...Okay, okay."

Under Zhou Fangwu's absolute guarantee, Huihui agreed to Yoyo's joining.

Now that the most difficult one is done, is it not easy for Yoyo to join?

"Yuyou, you may have discovered from my conversation with Huihui... yes, our ultimate goal is to defeat the devil!"

Zhou Fangwu told Yoyo the ultimate goal of the team.

Then there was a pause.

But unfortunately, he didn't get an expression of surprise, shock, or excitement, which was completely different from Hui Hui who was so excited when he heard that he was going to crusade against the Demon King.

Ah, ah?

Don't care at all?

Could it be that the reason is that Yoyo is not related to the second illness in middle school?

Zhou Fangwu thought about it carefully, and there was only one reason that could explain it.

But it doesn't matter, continue to explain.

"Ahem, it's one thing that our team is interested in your strength, but more importantly is your identity... Yoyo, you are the daughter of the head of the Crimson Demon Clan, right?"


"As far as I know, the town of the Crimson Demons, where the Crimson Demons are located, is actually the nearest village to the Demon King's army, and you will be attacked by countless monsters every day."

Zhou Fangwu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his voice was full of temptation.

"Yuyou, don't you want everyone to recognize you as the patriarch of the Red Demon Clan... With the blessing of the great achievement of defeating the devil and saving the world, isn't it logical that the Crimson Demon Clan recognizes you and makes you the patriarch?"


Yoyo's heart pounding!

Zhou Fangwu's words had an extraordinary allure, which made the simple Yoyo show a heart-moving expression, but he was still in the midst of entanglement and did not express his position.

not enough?

Then add another fire!

"Yuyou, you said Huihui is your opponent, right?"


"But you don't know, Yoyo. In fact, Jihui has already obtained a way to become stronger quickly. I believe that he will be able to leave you far behind in the near future."

"Eh, what...?!"

"[Enhui]... Huihui already has something that can make people grow up quickly."

Zhou Fangwu's words made Yoyo's expression a bit uneasy.

"Why, if you don't believe me, you can ask Huihui for verification."

"Re-really, Megumin...Megumin got that kind of thing?"

Yoyo looked at her opponent with an inquiring expression, wanting to ask Huihui for proof.

But unfortunately, the answer she received made her despair.

"Hmph, that's right."

Huihui looked like a villain, and challenged Yoyo crazily.

"What's wrong, my opponent!

For me who has received [Benevolence], my strength is just something that is within my reach!

When the time comes, the duel between you and me will be like a baby challenging a giant!

You will be easily defeated by me! "


It may be that Huihui's lines with the second illness have a bonus, which makes Yoyo suddenly lose her composure, and the opponent's rapid strengthening makes her unacceptable.

If she could easily strengthen her strength, then what was the point of her previous hard work?

I fell into a daze for a while.

At this time, Zhou Fangwu saw the right time, and continued to bewitch Yoyo:

"How about it, do you want to join the [Hero] team?

If you join the team now, you don't need to join the Axis Cult, and you can get the same [Benefit] as Megumin.

Standing on the same starting line, are you afraid you won't be able to catch up with her?

Could it be that you have no confidence in yourself? "


"As a team member, you can eat, live and take risks with Huihui..."

"I join!"

After hearing this, Yoyo is no longer entangled~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Without even thinking about it, she put forward a request to join the [Hero] team.

"Please let me join the team, please!"

"OK! I agree!"

It's done!

Zhou Fangwu nodded, satisfied with his eloquence.


I always feel that what I said to Yoyo before is all nonsense, as long as I say the last sentence "you can eat, live, and take risks with Huihui", you can easily get Yoyo and let her join the [hero] team .


The more I think about it, the more I am right.

Looking at Yoyo who lowered his head and glanced at Huihui from the corner of his eye from time to time, Zhou Fangwu suddenly understood.

So you are also a problem child!

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