Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 310: The first slime Play

Huihui, this guy, was obviously his own fault, but instead pushed the fault onto Yoyo.

Even in order to avoid Yoyo's entanglement, she pretended not to know him.

If it weren't for Zhou Fangwu's dazzling gaze, Huihui would have turned away without saying a word.

Huihui, who bullied her childhood friend, is a scumbag.

"Hello, I'm Zhou Fangwu, let's say I'm the leader of the [Hero] team. Please give me your advice, Yoyo."

Zhou Fangwu didn't make arrangements for Yoyo, but stretched out his hand to greet her.

Friendly and natural.

"Yes! Please give me your advice!"

Yoyo, who was a little shy in front of outsiders, also timidly stretched out her right hand after seeing Zhou Fangwu's kindness, and gently put it on Zhou Fangwu's right hand.

The harmless appearance of humans and animals makes people wonder whether she has social phobia.

But in the next second, Yoyo was very confused again.

"Ah, how strange...? Mr. Zhou Fangwu...is it okay to say that? Well...you heard my name, why didn't you laugh?"

"Ah, this, how should I put it..."

Knowing her name a long time ago, and knowing the names of the Crimson Demons has always been so strange, he didn't mean to laugh.

Also, it is very impolite to laugh at a person's name.

Zhou Fangwu also doesn't have that special hobby of [taking other people's names for fun].

That is.

Zhou Fangwu is professionally trained, no matter how funny it is, he won't laugh...unless he can't help it!

"Yuyou, your name is actually not as strange as you imagined, so it's okay to stand up boldly.

Besides, the name has nothing to do with your own personality, right?

You have to know that in this world, there are some people with nice names, but she is a hopeless pervert, which leaves a deep impression on everyone who meets for the first time. "

Zhou Fangwu looked at Darkness who was still only wearing underwear, enjoying the pleasure and sensation brought by the biting cold wind.

"You said yes, Miss Lalatina?"

"Don't call me by that name!"

The eldest lady did not refute what Zhou Fangwu said about her own ugliness, but felt shy when others called her by her real name.

This guy really wants to do something [such and such] to her here.

Let her know what shame is.

Zhou Fangwu's words let Yoyo breathe a sigh of relief, it was the first time that he felt so relieved that his name was not being laughed at.

"...I see. As expected of Huihui, you have found a good partner."

Yoyo pointed at Huihui and praised loudly: "This is my old enemy!"

No, it has nothing to do with Megumin.

Obviously, he was the one who tolerated her, but why did Hui Hui end up praising her?

But you can tell by seeing her blushing cheeks.

Yoyo was just too embarrassed to say it, so she could only change the object of praise to Huihui.

One thing is certain is that Yoyo's favorability towards Zhou Fangwu has greatly increased!

"Speaking of which, shall we continue to chat here?

Let's change the place, it's not convenient to stand and talk here. "

While Zhou Fangwu was speaking, he also softly reprimanded Darkness on the side:

"Hey, Darkness, you should put on your clothes, don't let me do weird things to you!"


After hearing this reprimand, Darkness immediately blushed and fell into delusions.

Forget it, let her play as she pleases.

After hearing what Zhou Fangwu said, Yoyo also looked like she suddenly came to her senses, "That's right! I almost forgot! It's all because Huihui pretended to be stupid and said that she didn't know me, so things changed. So strange!"

...isn't it the relationship that you missed the point at the beginning?


Yoyo raised her right hand again, then lowered it heavily, pointing her index finger at Huihui in front of her.

"Huihui, I'm here to fight you! I'm the one who will eventually become the patriarch of the Crimson Demon Clan. If I can't defeat you, then what face do I have to sit in the patriarch's position!"

Yoyo challenges Megumi.

Just like a hot-blooded girl [the three-year agreement has come].

"According to the agreement, I have already learned advanced magic! The next step is to beat you, win the number one throne of the Crimson Demon Clan, and then become the head of the Crimson Demon Clan as a matter of course!"

"don't want."


Huihui's straightforward refusal made Yoyo dumbfounded.

It was not easy for her to meet Huihui, and the first time she proposed a challenge, she was flatly rejected, no one can accept it, okay!

"I don't want to fight, it's so cold outside, even my body temperature has started to drop."

Megumin said it as a matter of course.

The warmth felt when being wrapped in the mucus of a giant toad is also quickly taken away by the cold wind.

Don't look at Darkness who is only wearing underwear, she seems to be alive and kicking without the slightest discomfort.

But Hui Hui is a great magister, she can't hold on for too long.

"That's right, let's go back quickly."

Zhou Fangwu didn't know cleaning magic, so he said with some distress: "I'll help you boil the water when I get back, and take a hot bath."

"Well, I need to take a good soak."

Huihui nodded, turned around and left.

"Wait, wait...wait a minute!"

Seeing her opponent turn around and leave, Yoyo hurriedly asked to stay, "Why, why! Hey, we haven't seen each other for so long, why are you so indifferent to me!"

The girl expressed strong dissatisfaction with the cold attitude of her childhood friend.

But in the next second, she revealed her true purpose again.

"That's why, Megumin, please, let's have a showdown with me—!"

It seems that Yoyo is very important to the outcome of this match.

Is it because of my own status that I need to defeat Huihui, who is the first person of the same age of the Crimson Demons, and wait for the approval of the other Crimson Demons?

"What should I do, Huihui?"

Zhou Fangwu asked Huihui who was beside him.

"Ah—" Huihui sighed, and said to Yoyo who looked expectant: "You know that, I only know how to explode magic."

"...Well, that's right."

"But... as you can see, I can't use magic today because the magic power is exhausted. Could it be that you want to use magic to compete with me?"

"how come…"

Seeing Huihui pointing at the huge crater that was blown up not far away, Yoyo knew that she was not lying now.

However, Huihui is not a person who submits to others.

Facing the door-to-door provocation, she naturally wanted to refute it.

"...Hmph, you underestimate my power too!"

Hui Hui suddenly suffered from secondary illness.

With a flick of the cloak behind him, he showed off his previous feat to Yoyo with a strong aura.

"Maybe you didn't know that you weren't in this town before... But, have you heard the rumors?

Because of my repeated bombings, the officers of the Demon King's Army who lived in the castle felt threatened, and then they were lured to this town, and then they were attacked by us!

and also!

The Mobile Fortress Destroyer known as [Mobile Natural Disaster] was also defeated by my explosion magic in this town!

How about it!

Do you still want to fight me after hearing this? !

If you must...then just let the horse come! "


I have to say that Huihui's words are really bluffing.

Youyou swallowed her saliva, and at the same time looked at Zhou Fangwu, wanting to find out the truth of the matter.

However, unfortunately, she saw Zhou Fangwu nodding slightly.

— proving that these things are true!

In an instant, Yoyo's face turned pale from Huihui's fright.

But she doesn't give up!

"Even if this is the case, I, I... I will fight you!"

Yoyo issued a difficult challenge, like a warrior who would never turn back.

If you don't look at the tears in the corners of her eyes because of panic and fear.

"Huh, then there is no way..."

The corner of Huihui's mouth curled up into a nasty smile, "Since you absolutely want it, then I'll have fun with you!"

"Great! Then what shall we compare?"

"Let's compare physical skills...Isn't this what you are best at?"

Huihui looked at the silver short sword on Yoyo's waist, and knew that even though Yoyo practiced her magic hard, she still didn't let go of her physical skills.

But she still played a little trick, prohibiting Yoyo from using weapons, and can only fight with her body.

"Yes, can I...?

Megumi, when you were in college, you obviously never went to gym class...

Is this still the Huihui who used to swagger in front of me every noon, and then used all kinds of excuses to deceive me about my bento? "

Hey, it's too crumbly!

However, considering Huihui's family situation, Zhou Fangwu expressed his understanding for Huihui's disdainful approach.

But Huihui was still afraid that Zhou Fangwu might misunderstand, so she explained.

"That bento...is a matter of life and death for me!

Because of family reasons, her bento is my lifeline...and if I challenge her, wouldn't it be the same as intimidation and blackmail? "

So you deliberately swayed in front of her, and then let Yoyo take the initiative to initiate a challenge? !

"I know, it's like when we first met, I still remember clearly how miserable you were when you were thin and small."

"Well, that's good... Sarah, come on, let's decide the winner!"

Saying these words, Huihui strode towards Yoyo who was posing in a horse stance.

Huihui opened her hands wide, completely defenseless.

Huihui's thin body and malnourished appearance gave the first impression of a weak magician.

And with her like this, people can't help but doubt whether she has the power to fight.

On the other hand, her opponent, Yoyo, is quite different.

The bumpy figure is over-nourished at first glance. She is tall and has slender hands and feet.

Coupled with the silver dagger at her waist, it all shows that she is proficient in physical skills.

In terms of appearance, no matter in terms of height or physique, Yoyo is perfect for Huihui.


The slime on Megumin's body glistened in the sunlight, which shocked a certain beautiful girl.

"Wait, wait a minute...Could it be, could it be... Huihui, those things on you..."

"That's right! All of this on my body is the toad's mucus... Heh heh heh heh, thanks to you for saving me just now, all the slimy and wet things that covered my whole body are the secretions from the toad's stomach !"

Huihui's answer distorted Yoyo's uneasy face.

But Xiao Huihui didn't pay any attention to it, and was still putting pressure on Youyou's words.

"Come on! Don't worry about that, come here quickly!"


"The moment you approach, I will hug you mercilessly, and then I will subdue you with sleeping skills!"


Youyou subconsciously took a few steps back, trying to distance herself from Huihui.

And Huihui raised her wide-open hands above her head, and the ten fingers of both hands were twisting wildly, making idiotic movements.

"What's the matter... don't you want to have a showdown with me? We are so far away, we are dueling in physical skills... Sar, come here quickly!"

"Megumi, Megumin...?! You're kidding, right?"

Yoyo was a little overwhelmed by Huihui's actions, and she didn't forget to bluff while retreating.

"This kind of joke is not funny!

I, I understand!

This is deliberately deceiving me, trying to weaken my fighting spirit, right? !

Just like when you were in the academy, Megumin, you always used this trick...

Me, I will never be fooled again! "

Even so, when he saw Huihui's generous red eyes, he immediately lost his fighting spirit.

Because she knew that Huihui could really do it!

With a smiling expression, Huihui played the emotional card to Yoyo who kept staying away from her, as if she was trying to appease the panicked Yoyo.

But what she said had absolutely no meaning in this regard!

"Yuyou, we are good friends... right? A true friend shouldn't be able to live and die together through adversity, right?"


Hearing what Huihui said, the alarm bells rang in Yoyo's heart, and she ran away without looking back.

And Huihui immediately chased after her.

"So...don't run!"

"Surrender! I just surrender! Don't come here...don't come here—!"

Girls are playing and playing on the endless snow field.

Zhou Fangwu couldn't help sighing that it was another day of peace and tranquility.


"Hey, why are you looking at me like that?"

Darkness on the side also looked at Zhou Fangwu with a flushed face after seeing Huihui and Yoyo's brain, panting heavily and looking a little scary.

Zhou Fangwu's back felt cold, and he felt danger.

"Ha, ha, ha... slime... slime..."

Darkness's body was also covered with toad's slime, and she had strong malice towards Zhou Fangwu, who was clean by the side.

"what are you going to do?!"

"Although being looked at by Wu in such a different light is like being bullied and humiliated, but seeing Wu's clean appearance, I still feel that something is wrong."


"So... I hug!"

"Hey, wait! Don't hug me!"

Darkness expressed her dissatisfaction when she saw Zhou Fangwu acting like an outsider~www.wuxiamtl.com~Maybe she was stimulated by the first mucus, she ran towards Zhou Fangwu without thinking.

Because the two are too close.

Zhou Fangwu was taken aback for a moment, and was hugged by a perverted knight who was only wearing underwear.

The smoothness of mucus and skin is instantly felt.

"Wait, wait a minute! Don't hug me!"

"Hmph, come on, come with me! Only Wu is clean, and he's too cunning, I absolutely won't allow it!"

"Let go! Let go!"

"Don't let it go! It is absolutely impossible for me to let go!"

"Let me go, Darkness, you idiot—!"

Zhou Fangwu's helpless shout resounded through the snow field.

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