Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 308: You make me look stupid

The members of the [Hero] team who had been lazy for two months suddenly became diligent again after receiving a novelty [Benefit].

Akuya has been going to the Adventurer's Guild for the past few days.

The purpose is to attract more adventurers and join [Aqua Familia] as her followers.

This should have been a mutually beneficial affair.

No, it is more beneficial to the adventurers.

However, this goddess of water has not been recruited by a single family member.

It is worthy of being one of the "Three Idiots Under the Sun".

As far as the situation is concerned, it is almost the same as another goddess Hestia who is also one of the "Three Fools".

Of course, with Akuya's approach, it is absolutely impossible to attract family members to become her followers.

—if she goes on like that.

This idiot Goddess of Water, while explaining the huge benefits of joining the Familia, is also telling the adventurers that they must join the [Axis Cult] in order to get the [Benefit].

This is a big problem!

As we all know, [Axis Cult] is notorious in "Su Qing"!

Almost everyone, when they hear the name of [Axis Cult], they will run away and stay away from those guys with problematic brains.

Not to mention, Akuya also asked them to join!

And most people already have faith (Eris Cult), let alone choose to join [Axis Cult].

This caused Aqua to have severe self-doubt.

Because no one told her why.

However, the goddess of water never gave up.

In order to attract new believers, she has been pestering those adventurers in the Adventurer's Union these days.

Of course, it didn't work either.

Back to the others.

Megumin has always been confident after getting a powerful talent (skill).

Coupled with the [Great Achievements] that she almost defeated General Winter alone, this [Number One in Explosion Magic] fell into arrogance for a while, and wanted to fight monsters with everyone every day to increase his proficiency.

Darkness is about the same.

She who wants to become tougher, naturally wants to become stronger, and recently, she often goes to fight monsters with Huihui.

Instead, it was Kazuma Sato, an otaku.

I desperately wanted [Grace] before, but after I got it, I couldn’t change my nature—I didn’t want to do activities in winter, and I would nest in the stove every day as maggots.

no way.

Zhou Fangwu, who was afraid of an accident with Darkness and Huihui, had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​being a maggot in the stove, and chose to accompany them to hunt down monsters.

Huihui's [Great Achievement] has already been obtained after seriously injuring General Dong, and all that remains is to frantically brush up his proficiency to fill up his [armor] to the point of saturation.

Undoubtedly, the crusade against low-level monsters is the most suitable.

In addition, Huihui's random use of [Explosion Magic] during this period caused some monsters to wake up from the cold winter ahead of time.

It can be regarded as compensation for previous mistakes.

Based on the above, only one monster is quite suitable.

Come to the Adventurer's Guild and accept the task of [Fighting the Toad] from Luna.

"Please give me the task of hunting down the toad, please, Miss Luna."

"Okay, [Hero] Mr. Zhou Fangwu."

Amidst her awkward smile, Zhou Fangwu also helplessly sighed.

If it weren't for his own lord status, Huihui, a troubled child, would definitely be arrested on charges of [disturbing the security of Axel Novice Village] and other charges.

Sena, the strict prosecutor, will never bypass them easily.


What is the use of the "hero" image that I worked so hard to maintain?

No, think about it.

If there is no blessing of reputation, I and others will definitely be shunned by others.

Thinking about it this way, my hard work has paid off.

isn't it?

Zhou Fangwu, carrying the spirit of Ah Q, led Huihui and Darkness to the plain outside the village.

On the snow-covered plain, there are several giant toads.

Standing blankly in every corner of the plain.

Their stupid heads don't quite understand why they wake up from hibernation before spring.

But these are not problems.

Don't think about it if you don't understand it.

Because in a little while, they'll be blown up!


At the moment when she saw the giant toad, before Zhou Fangwu could arrange a battle plan, Huihui, a girl with a second-degree illness in middle school, shot out her super powerful magic that she only had once a day—【Explosion Magic】in an instant.

boom-! !

The sky-shaking explosion sounded again on the plain, and the flames soared into the sky and blasted a huge hole in the snow on the plain, exposing the scorched land inside.

The power is quite impressive!


"Ah, I'm out of magic power."


After Huihui released the magic, she simply fell down on the plain, and said "I don't have a drop of (magic power), and I will leave the rest to you" in an irresponsible manner.

Zhou Fangwu was so angry that he really wanted to slap her.

Slap her **** hard!

Her super powerful [Explosion Magic] actually only killed a giant toad!

And after feeling the threat of death, the rest of the toads swarmed towards the direction where everyone was.

Do whatever you want, mess up the first place!

I'm furious!

"Wu, what, what, what, what to do, they are rushing over! Ha-ha-!"

"Hey, why are you so excited?"

Zhou Fangwu heard Darkness panting excitedly, and felt that there was something wrong with the Crusader in the team.

Then turned to look at her.


This perverted knight actually did such a thing!

"Why did you take off your equipment..."

Zhou Fangwu couldn't help complaining anymore.

He just remembered that Darkness has always wanted to play with slime, but because she was stopped by Zhou Fangwu every time, and because she intentionally avoided the task of [Fighting the Giant Toad], Darkness never wanted to play with slime. It didn't work out.


The speed at which Darkness took off her clothes was comparable to that of Old Wang next door.

In the blink of an eye, only underwear remains.

His fair skin was illuminated by the silver light reflected on the snow.

Although seductive, it also makes people feel distressed whether she will be frozen.

This pervert is not only hot in the body, but also in the brain, starting to do stupid things!

She was half naked like this, and then ran towards the giant toad with a flushed face.

"Ha-ha-ha! Slime, slime or something... this exciting evil must be defeated by me!"

"What are you talking about incoherently!"

Zhou Fangwu didn't expect that Darkness would rush out at this moment for 'enjoyment'.

"Darkness, you really picked a good time. You actually messed with me!"

Helpless sigh.

However, don't try to succeed!

Absolutely want to stop you!

Judging from Zhou Fangwu's speed and the distance between Darkness and Toad, it is easy to stop the perverted knight from experiencing the slime.

Coupled with the fact that the giant toad behind him was a little further away, he could even save Huihui after he brought Darkness back, saving this useless great magister from the consequences of being swallowed by the slime.

After making a quick plan in his mind, Zhou Fangwu went straight to Darkness.

"Wait for me, idiot Darkness!"

"I am a crusader, and I absolutely want to crusade against evil! Here I come!"

To be honest, this sentence is definitely something that a righteous knight can say, but combined with Darkness's flushed smile, no matter how you look at it, it seems to be a big problem!

But what Zhou Fangwu didn't expect was that!

Before he could catch up, something happened!


A scarlet tongue jumped out from under the snow with mucus, immediately bound Darkness who was running, then climbed up to her ankles to restrain her movement, and swallowed her instantly.


The speed was so fast that Zhou Fangwu didn't even react!

This idiot, Darkness, was swallowed by a giant toad!


Slime (Target: Darkness)

I haven't even played it!

Just as Zhou Fangwu was about to release his magic, Huihui behind him also called for help.

"That... please, please help me too."


Turning around to look at ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Huihui is also being slowly swallowed by a giant toad.

"I didn't expect that there was a giant toad under me."

Huihui said something that made Zhou Fangwu helpless, "It may be because of [Explosion Magic], the warmer weather caused it to end its hibernation early, so..."


Zhou Fang is paralyzed.

to be frank.

Sometimes, it's not the powerful protagonist who does annoying things on purpose.

For example: unable to save teammates in time, indecisive and unable to recover from mistakes...etc.

In fact, it's all teammates who are really holding back!

When you look like this, it makes me look stupid!

The name of my [hero] is crying!

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