Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 303: Hard, hard, fist hard!

Sato Kazuma and Aqua are surprised.

I was surprised that Beatrice, a spirit from another world, would appear here.

As early as when Zhou Fangwu was able to travel across the world, Akuya had already clearly stated to them that Zhou Fangwu could not carry any living creatures across the world.

Akua and Sato Kazuma knew this a long time ago.

That's why I was surprised by Betty's appearance.

Megumi and Darkness mistook Betty for an elf from another world summoned by Zhou Fangwu through magic.

It is rumored that in an unknown country, someone was able to use summoning magic to summon creatures from another world to help in the battle.

It's just that the two women didn't expect it.

What Zhou Fangwu summoned was an elf, and it was also a human form that could communicate.

Even drinking tea with a very elegant posture? !

By the way.

This 'rumored' person was also one of the 'braves' sent over by Aqua.

Seeing how surprised they were, Zhou Fangwu couldn't help complaining.

No, it's hard to understand why Sato Kazuma and the others were so surprised.

Instead, it was Beatrice.

Shouldn't you be surprised?

In front of you is a real god!

Don't tell me you, like Sato Kazuma, don't have the slightest admiration for Aqua, the goddess of water?

Or were you used to those gods when you were in "Earth Wrong"?

But don't get me wrong.

Although Aqua is an idiot, she is different from the gods in "Ground Error".

It is a **** who can use divine power and can truly use divine power.

Speaking of theocracy, Zhou Fangwu thought of a question.

"That's right, Aqua."

"What's wrong?"

"You can resurrect humans an unlimited number of times, so can you resurrect elves without **?"

Because Betty is an elf, there is no human body.

And although Akuya has the super powerful theocratic power known as "two goddesses combined, even if there is only a speck of dust left, they can be completely resurrected", but what if it is an elf like Betty who has no body but only form?

Will her power as a goddess still work?

Although Zhou Fangwu will not put Betty in danger, he will feel more at ease if he can be resurrected by Aqua.

It's just... Aqua didn't give a [yes] answer.


Akuya had a mentally retarded expression on her face, and scratched the back of her head in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, it shouldn't be possible."

"Hey! You belong to a goddess! At least play some role, you idiot goddess!"

Sato Kazuma complained immediately.

He originally thought that Akuya would pat her chest with her nose up, and triumphantly tell Zhou Fangwu that there was no problem.

Unexpectedly, this goddess is so useless.

"Kazuma, are you an idiot! Although I am a goddess, even a goddess can't guarantee whether an elf without a body can be resurrected!"

Hearing that Sato Kazuma challenged his authority, he immediately cursed back angrily.

As a goddess, she is absolutely not allowed to be questioned.

"Forget it, Sato-kun, it's okay."

Zhou Fangwu was not disappointed.

This kind of thing has long been in his expectation.

He can accept it whether he can or cannot.

After all, no matter what, he would not let Betty get hurt.

No one can!

Next is a short self-introduction time.

"Beatrice, let me introduce myself and meet my new companion."


Zhou Fangwu's request was a bit embarrassing for this arrogant elf.

From the mutual revelation just now, she discovered that these human beings are extremely noisy existences, and they don't get along very well with her, a big elf who likes to be quiet.

However, in order to respond to Zhou Fangwu's expectations, she still forced herself to introduce herself.

"Betty's name is Betty, and she is a great Yin-type elf, and Wu is my contractor... above."

Very brief.

This arrogant elf still couldn't let go, and talking to strangers subconsciously alienated him.

But Zhou Fangwu still felt very good.

If she was in "From Zero", she would definitely say something like 'human beings, mere bugs'.

Then Zhou Fangwu also continued to add.

"Well, as you can see, Beatrice is a great elf with Yin attributes, and she is good at auxiliary magic. If she has a chance, she will show you her performance in combat. Please look forward to it."

"Oh oh oh oh! Is it a magician!"

Sato Kazuma's eyes lit up.

Betty's somewhat perfunctory self-introduction did not make them dissatisfied, but welcomed the new companions.

After that, I introduced myself to the newly joined companions.

"I'm Kazuma Sato, and I'm an adventurer by profession. Please give me your advice in the future."

Kazuma Sato is serious and formal.

The great pain that Betty had caused him just now forced him to introduce himself seriously.

Revenge back?


This young girl is an elf, and she also signed a contract with Zhou Fang-senpai.

I can't fight and I can't fight, and the relationship is harder than myself.

Sato Kazuma is a person with clear self-awareness, so revenge is absolutely impossible!

Not from the heart, but simply to improve the relationship between the teams.

Well, that's right!

"It's obviously a ghost and a real one."

"Stupid Aqua, what are you talking about?!"

He wanted to show his good side, but Akuya was exposing his old background.

Even though he kept emphasizing that he was a good boy in the new era of equality between men and women, he was still maliciously slandered.

"Dirty and true."

"Scum and truth."

Not only Aqua, but even Megumin and Darkness were talking bad about him.


Although Kazuma Sato retorted loudly, unfortunately, he has been classified as a pervert in Betty's impression, and the eyes that looked at him gradually became strange.


Sato Kazuma yelled aggrievedly.

His long-standing obscenities were finally punished at this moment.

Aggrieved, he squatted in the corner, mourning and blaming himself.

Then came Huihui.

"I'm Huihui, and my profession is a great magister!"

Hui Hui hurriedly ran to Betty, and shouted loudly: "Elf or something, so handsome!"

Her eyes glowed scarlet, and she looked very excited.

She is still very interested in the existence of elves, and at the same time thinks elves are very handsome.

It's just that she was so excited that it scared Betty.

Let the big elf shrink into the arms of his contractor subconsciously.

"Don't be afraid, she means no harm."

Zhou Fangwu patted Betty on the head to relieve her nervousness.

At the same time, he introduced to Betty: "She's Hui Hui. The name is very strange because she belongs to the Crimson Demons, and the eyes of the Crimson Demons glow red when they are excited. By the way, she has a second childhood illness."

"Hey, don't say my name is weird!"

Huihui didn't bother with Zhou Fangwu's claim that she had a second-school illness, but became even more angry about the name issue.

But after getting angry, she moved closer to Betty.

Panting heavily, he quickly said, "Hey, do you want to make a contract with me too! I really want elves or something!"

Whether it's his own unique dress, or the secondary spell that could have been given up a long time ago.

For a handsome existence like an elf, the girl with the second illness will naturally work hard to fight for it.

However, even if Zhou Fangwu agreed, Betty would not agree.

So Zhou Fangwu had no choice but to let her give up this unrealistic idea, "Sorry, Beatrice is my most important partner and my [only], so I cannot make a contract with you."

"Hey - what a pity!"

Huihui was discouraged.

But I didn't expect the word "unique" to stimulate Darkness and Aqua.


Darkness savored the word carefully, and immediately blushed into delusions, while saying extremely shameless words.

"Could it be that you two have that kind of relationship?! No, but...Wu Mingming...with me and other team members...You, obviously have us...This, this feeling...This unbelievable feeling A sense of loss, this feeling of being abandoned... Is this what it feels like to be a tauren?!

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm "


Darkness's speech and expression were quite dangerous, so Zhou Fangwu had to quickly interrupt her delusions.

Not only her, but even Aqua got excited.

"Wu, Wu, you sneaky cat! You, you... Wow! Don't leave me!"

Akuya wanted to say a few more words at first.

But when he thought that he might be abandoned, he hugged him with tears in his eyes.

At the same time, he shouted loudly that he was ruthlessly abandoned, and so on.


What is going on, is there something wrong?

Zhou Fangwu lifted his forehead and sighed.

This group of live treasures is really difficult to deal with.

"Hey, stop messing around!"

Zhou Fangwu pinched Akuya's cheek, and said viciously: "Let go, idiot Akuya! I never said I would abandon you! In other words, let go, my clothes will be covered with your snot! "

This Akuya would cry about the slightest thing.

As expected of the goddess of water, she shed a lot of tears.

"Akuya, Darkness, you two, don't be stupid, introduce yourself quickly."

"Ah, hello, I'm Darkness."

Darkness recovered from the gaffe just now.

Then she showed her good manners as a noble lady and a crusader, and made a perfect and impeccable self-introduction.

It's as if the person who made a fool of herself just now wasn't her.

Only the next moment, she revealed her true nature again.

"Beatrice, you should be a mage who is proficient in magic, so you should be very compatible with me. I am a cross knight, and I exist as a 'shield' in the team, so... if there is any danger, Please don't be polite, just treat me like an R.B.Q!"


You said it!

Did you say that forbidden word?

It was intentional!

You hopeless pervert!

"Oh, really."

Zhou Fangwu noticed that Betty subconsciously hid in his arms, and he knew that Darkness's perverted speech had frightened this pure elf.

"Beatrice, although Darkness has some personality problems, she is still very reliable as a teammate... Of course, she is also very qualified as a human shield (toilet)."


Betty obviously didn't expect Zhou Fangwu to say that about his companion.

But since Zhou Fangwu could say that, it seemed that there was something wrong with this woman.

In this matter, Betty unconditionally chooses to trust her contractor.

In the end, only Aqua was left.

In order to prevent Akuya from being stupid, Zhou Fangwu decided to personally introduce this "noble" goddess of water to Betty.

"Beatrice, she is Aqua, the high priest of the team."


Very brief.

Even shorter than Betty's self-introduction just now.

"It's too brief!"

Aqua vented her dissatisfaction loudly.

This of course dissatisfied Akua, who is a goddess. She still wanted to brag about her status as a goddess with the new young girl. How could she just introduce herself so briefly?

"Ahem, let me introduce myself."

Akua pretended to be flicking her long water-blue hair, letting her signature hair color as a goddess, the long water-blue hair that is rarely seen in Su Qing, flutter in mid-air, and she even used Divine power rendering emits a little bit of starlight.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Aqua, the goddess of women."

Aqua also put away her mentally retarded face, and put on a posture that a goddess should have.

"People of the lower world, you can believe in me, and I will forgive you no matter what."

After speaking, she looked at Betty.

I want to see the expression I expect from this elf's face.

It's just that she was disappointed.

I don't know if Betty's disillusionment with her as a goddess was disillusioned when she was stupid just now, or because she saw too many gods in "Ground Error", she didn't respond to Aqua.

Anyway, just nodded coldly, expressing understanding.

"Huh?" Akuya was stunned instead, she asked Zhou Fangwu: "This child is not surprised at all."

"Stupid Aqua, how can there be a goddess like you?"

"Akuya always calls herself a goddess, and she is indeed seriously ill."


Sato and Shinko complained mercilessly, making Akua want to cry again.

Instead, Kazuma Sato caught Watson (emphasis) and asked a question, "Senior Zhou Fang, why do you call her Beatrice, but she calls herself Betty?"

"Ah, this..."

Zhou Fangwu smiled and explained to them: "Both Beatrice and Betty are her names, but Betty is what she calls herself."

"Oh, I see." Sato Kazuma nodded.

Zhou Fangwu was undoubtedly telling them that the name Betty was for himself, and he didn't like people calling her by that name.

"Okay, any more questions?"

"No, not anymore."

"Then, let's go to rest first."

Zhou Fangwu also felt tired after returning from "The Wrong Place", so he proposed the idea of ​​taking a rest.

"By the way, which is my room?"

"It's still the same one."

Sato Kazuma pointed to the central room on the second floor and said, "I made the lord's mansion built by Barnier the same as before. Although it is not grand, the original mansion is more reassuring."

"Well, Sato-kun is right, I thought so too."

Although it is possible to build a large mansion with the deposit of the [Hero] team, it is really not necessary.

In a remote novice village like Axel, the style of the large mansion is very abrupt, which does not match the peaceful and remote atmosphere here.

As Sato Kazuma said, the original mansion brought him a sense of peace of mind.

Moreover, the number of team members is small, and the rooms in the mansion are enough.

"By the way, what is Beatrice going to do, will she live with me?"

Zhou Fangwu invited the big elf in his arms, "If Beatrice wants, she can live with me too."

"Eh?" X4

Everyone was obviously stunned, but Betty's answer was even more surprising.

"Well, I want to live with Wu."

"Huh—?!" X4

"C-Could it be...have the two of you reached that point...so, so shameless!"

The crusaders of the team fell into SQ's delusion, and the words they said instantly ignited the topic.

"Wu, Wu—?!"

"Oh, does senior Zhou Fang like loli?"

"Dirty martial arts! Scum martial arts!"

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect...Wu would be a lo*ic*n or something."

The team's painting style instantly turned crooked.

Big misunderstanding!

This made Zhou Fangwu have to explain.

"Wait a minute! Did you misunderstand something! Although Betty is in the form of a little girl, she is actually 400 years old!"

"Ah, is it?"


The rest of the squad was skeptical.

"But Wu didn't deny it, he likes the young girl type!"

Darkness's words became the lore~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and made Zhou Fangwu's forehead bulge with blue veins.

Hard, hard!

The fist is hard!

He really wanted to punch each of these troubled children!

In the end, under the strong request of the team, the two did not live together.

Under Zhou Fangwu's magical power supply, Betty rebuilt the [non-existent room] in the mansion.

It can also be regarded as reducing the magical burden of defense next week.

In this way, Betty successfully joined the [Hero] team.

And her days of accompanying Zhou Fangwu have just begun.

There are more magical adventures waiting for her to explore in the future.

—Together with your most important contractor.

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