Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 300: White Moonlight! (wrong place)

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As the center of the world, [Labyrinth City] has many special scenic spots, or the remnants of historical witnesses.

Among them, the one that interests Zhou Fangwu the most is [Hero Bridge].

A huge stone bridge spans the two places, and a gurgling stream flows under the bridge hole.

Although the bridge seems to be made of simple stones, it actually has a long history. After all, there are as many as 31 mighty statues on it.

—All of them are very famous heroes in history.

They were the 31 people who were active among the heroes of Orario and achieved the most brilliant feat!

The most special place among them is that there is a large open space opposite the [Big Hero Arbat].

Only on its front, no statues!

"The world is longing for a hero... longing for Olari, who will protect the great hero of Arbat this time, and the lower world itself, who hope to be completely saved—【The Last Hero】."

The gray-haired girl named Hill stood on the Hero Bridge and looked at him with a smile.

"I didn't expect Wu Neng to come here so quickly. It's really surprising."

"Really. But I also took a chance, relying on my ability (perception) to find this place so easily."

Zhou Fangwu looked at the girl in front of him.

The beautiful girl in the pink dress shed off the familiar maid costume, shining her own charm under the moonlight.

"Wu, do you know where this is?"

"The Bridge of Heroes."

"That's right, it's the Bridge of Heroes."

Hill repeated it, then turned to look at the statue standing on the stone bridge, and said softly:

"Every time I come here, I have an incredible mood."


"I always think, is there really a hero? Willing to help everything, save everything...the only one who will fulfill my [wish], does it really exist?"

Hill slowly walked into Zhou Fangwu.

"I want to meet my hero, my irreplaceable hero."

The girl's pale gray eyes fixed on 【Hero】.

There was an unconcealable longing in her eyes, and she looked at Zhou Fangwu as if she was confiding in something.

The gray-haired girl wanted to hear what she wanted to hear.

However, she was disappointed.

"I am me, Zhou Fangwu, not your own hero."

[Hero] Rejection became her hero.

The loneliness on the girl's face flashed away.

But she did not give up, but expressed her heart more boldly.

"I!... Hill, I love Wu sincerely! So... please, Wu, please meet my expectations! For your words, I am willing to do anything!"

The girl tilted her head slightly, closed her eyes and pouted.

The light sweet fragrance is very attractive.

Waiting for the teenager to taste.

As long as you lower your head gently, you can touch the softness.


"I reject."

[Hero]'s answer was very flat and indifferent.

And without mercy.


The girl opened her eyes wide in astonishment, at a loss.

"I'm sorry, I'm terrified of your inexplicable love, so please forgive me for not being able to meet your expectations."

Zhou Fangwu's words were like sharp knives, piercing the girl's psychological defense mercilessly.

"Why, why..."

"Why...Freya is the god, and why do you have love for me?"

Before she could speak, Zhou Fangwu asked and answered by himself.

"I think it's from the soul. You who are chasing after the dazzling soul, the so-called love is actually an unreasonable and heavy selfish desire."

She broke her pretense in one sentence.

The short gray hair exuded a glistening white light, gradually elongated and at the same time restored the silver light of the past, and the goddess of beauty Freya appeared in front of her.

The girl named Hill is essentially a goddess of beauty, no matter how she conceals her true nature.

"Your love terrifies me."

Zhou Fangwu was not surprised at all, but continued: "Just like Bell, if one day there is a more dazzling soul (me), will you change your mind and show your love to others?"

he knows.

[Beauty God] Freya's first target was Bell, but for some reason she became herself again.

But what is certain is that Freya will only choose the one with a more dazzling soul!

"You're not like them."

"Different? Where?"

"Your soul will transform!

Every time you upgrade, your soul will transform and become more dazzling! "

Freya's astonishing speech made Zhou Fangwu understand why she was following him.

But Zhou Fangwu was still not surprised.

"and then?"


"So, so what?"

Zhou Fangwu's words were full of ridicule, "Even if my soul will change after I raise my class, what if I can't raise my class?

My [tool], my potential, is completely exhausted?

Facing the same [hero], what will you do at that time?

Will you get bored?

When you meet a child with a more dazzling soul, will you abandon me, like Ota, who will become the whetstone for the next successor, and be regarded as a firewood to stimulate his growth? "

"no, I do not…"

"I won't!...Can you really say it?"

Zhou Fangwu rushed to answer her words.

"You are the [God of Beauty], the [God of Beauty] of fraternity.

This desire to chase the dazzling soul has been rooted in your life (divinity) for hundreds of millions of years.

The time of my existence may be like a fleeting meteor in your long life.

Even so, you have to say that I am special.

Is there something special that can change you? "


Zhou Fangwu pressed questions one after another, leaving the aloof Freya speechless for an instant.

it's out of the question.

Even if Zhou Fangwu's soul is extremely dazzling, even more dazzling than a god, and the soul can continue to transform.

However, she couldn't do it.

If one day there really exists a soul that is more dazzling than the [Hero], then her divinity will drive her to dote on her. This is her unchangeable divinity as the [God of Beauty] who is fraternal.

"So, I want to punish you."


Facing Freya's suspicious gaze, Zhou Fangwu released the [Space Domain].

The black barrier instantly trapped this [God of Beauty] in place.

And this move stimulated the family members who were lurking in the dark to protect Freya.

Flame Gold Four Warriors, Elf Duo, Goddess Chariot...

The strongmen of the factions all gather here.

Of course, he also heard what Zhou Fangwu said just now.

If it wasn't for Freya's repeated emphasis, they would have subdued [Hero] long ago.

Now that they see that their gods are in danger, they can no longer sit still.

In fact, they didn't know at all that they had already discovered their location through the [Perception] skill long before Zhou Fangwu came.

There is also Hestia who appears together.

The kidnapped loli god, his mouth was gagged, his hands were tied behind his back, his face was still gray and he looked a bit embarrassed.

"It's just right, I'll go find it if it's spare."

Zhou Fangwu activated his skills instantly, [Shiyu Zhihua] forcibly controlled the field, and forcibly controlled the powerful members of [Freya's Family] in place.

The gap in strength is too great, and they cannot resist at all.

So Zhou Fangwu easily rescued Hestia.

"Wu, are you all right, are you not injured!"

Hestia is very concerned about Zhou Fangwu's safety.

As a hostage, she heard Freya's plan from beginning to end, but she wanted to tell her but couldn't.

I can only do it in a hurry.

"No, I'm fine."

Zhou Fangwu shook his head to indicate that he was fine, and then asked: "God Hestia is the one, why didn't you tell God God Freya about the agreement I made with you before, instead you have to endure this kind of suffering?"

Before he joined the Familia, he made a promise with Hestia that [you cannot stop him when you leave the Familia].

"What are you talking about, Wu! I am the **** of the family, without your consent, I will not betray you!"

Hestia patted Zhou Fangwu on the shoulder.

"Really, it's really reliable." Zhou Fangwu smiled lightly, but with a hint of sadness, "But, it seems that it's time... I should go, God Hestia."

Zhou Fangwu said something that shocked Hestia and Freya.

"Are you trying to escape?"

"No, it's a punishment. It's a punishment given to the fraternal [God of Beauty]."

Zhou Fangwu looked at [Beauty God] and said softly:

"God Freya, have you heard of White Moonlight?"

"Bai Yueguang...? What do you mean?"

Freya bit her lip lightly.

She felt that Zhou Fangwu's departure might be a huge blow to her, but she still chose to listen.

"The so-called white moonlight is a person's perfect fantasy of the person he likes."

Zhou Fangwu explained softly: "It's like there was someone I liked very much, but I couldn't be with him, but I always have his place in my heart, and I'm never willing to forget him."

I have never had it before, but it is more perfect.

"So you're leaving Olalie?!"

[Beauty God] seems to understand what Zhou Fangwu wants to express.

But at the same time she growled even more paranoidly: "No matter where you go, no matter whether you are reincarnated or not! I will always chase you, even if I will be sent back to heaven!"

Freya's words revealed madness, expressing her idea of ​​never letting go.


"Unfortunately, I am not from this world."


"So, I'm not from this world."

Zhou Fangwu had a nasty smile on the corner of his mouth, "I'm sorry, God Hestia, this is what I concealed before... I, [hero] Zhou Fangwu, am not from this world."

"Could it be that…"

"Yes, so I want you to erase my family's favor."

Zhou Fangwu uttered words that made Freya despair.

"I, want to leave this world!"

Not only her, but also Hestia.

After getting along for two months, this loli **** went from being impoverished to catching up with the two big families of Olali, all thanks to Zhou Fangwu's strong rise.

To be honest, she couldn't bear it.

However, if Zhou Fangwu insisted on asking, she would still agree.

"Have you really decided?"

"Yes, please."

"...Well, since you insist on it."

Hestia pursed her lips slightly, and motioned Zhou Fangwu's back to face her.

After a brief operation, the imprint of the family members on Zhou Fangwu's back dimmed and turned into an ordinary pattern without family members.

"Thank you, Lord Hestia."

"No, that's what it should be... We made an agreement before, didn't we."

"Yeah. But no matter what, I've been taking care of you for the past two months."

"Stupid Wu! We are the ones taking care of you!"

The corners of Hestia's eyes were slightly red, and she seemed to understand why Zhou Fangwu said that.

Because this wonderful kid is not coming back.

"...don't." Freya also begged in a low voice, "don't go, please, don't go! Please, stay!"

"No, it's impossible, God Freya."

"don't want…"

"God Freya, compared to your hundreds of millions of years, my existence is like a fleeting meteor..."

"don't want…"

"So, in order to leave an indelible mark on your heart as punishment~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I will leave this world and never return!"

"don't want…!"

Zhou Fangwu rose slowly and floated in mid-air.

The moonlight shone on his body, reflecting him incomparably holy.

Just like the white moonlight that Zhou Fangwu said.

The moonlight shining down became brighter and brighter, gradually covering Zhou Fangwu until his face and body could not be seen clearly.


The dazzling moonlight flashed by, and there was no longer a figure of [Hero] in midair.

Zhou Fangwu has truly left this world.


the next day.

The sun, unobstructed by dark clouds, shone fiercely.

Pedestrians on the road lamented that today's weather is fine, and it may be another busy day.

Some careful people discovered that a new statue appeared on the open space opposite the [Big Hero Arbat] in [Hero Bridge].

It is the hero statue of [Zhou Fangwu].

Below him, there is also a story called "Zhou Fangwu Hero Tan".

After that, it spread widely.

(wrong place)

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