Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 298: VS Otta! Extreme breathing · rainy and dark · Lei Shang! …

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Ota stood in the doorway.

The rainwater slid from the top of his head to his cheeks and then down, gradually forming a small puddle under his feet.

Even though his whole body was drenched by the downpour, this [violent man] still assumed the attitude of a strong man.

Standing tall and straight in this cold rainy night.

The two giant swords behind him exuded a frightening cold edge, and the tough eyes carried a chilling air, and a strong coercion that was inaccessible.

Is a villain.

Everyone's heart is tense.

Zhou Fangwu was even more so.

This [Olalie's final weapon] is extremely powerful, and it is not a strong enemy they can fight at present.

Zhou Fangwu stood in front of Bell.

He quickly stepped forward to block the eyes of the [Fighter] from looking at his [Rabbit], and had no intention of inviting this famous adventurer in as a guest.

He even wants to make this villain turn around and leave if he can.

He miscalculated.

I thought it was [God of War] Ares, the idiot **** who made a moth, and forcibly abducted Hestia.

But now it seems that it is not.

"If possible, I really don't want you to be the one who appears here."

This sentence is sincere.

Because compared to that muscular idiot Ares, the [God of Beauty] Freya, who never gives up until she achieves her goal, is the more difficult one to deal with.

Not to mention, it's even more difficult for Freya to have talented people under her command.

"...So, what is your purpose here, Lord [Brute One]?"

Zhou Fangwu's tone was frivolous, with a hint of a run on him.

It was very rude of him.

For the strong, he has always held a respectful attitude from the beginning to the end.

But this time is different.

Horta's presence disturbed him.

Unable to figure out the purpose of the visit, it is natural to take the initiative to assume the responsibility of the villain, attract the firepower of the [Ultimate Weapon], and lure him to reveal the intention of the visit.


Horta, however, did not answer.

There is no anger or anger.

At this moment, he was still standing straight like a pillar, with a deadpan expression on his face, looking at Zhou Fangwu without saying a word.

looking at me?

Zhou Fangwu thought he was a little nervous.

He still frivolously smiled at the serious [violent man] in front of him, and said:

"It can't be... Goddess Freya thinks we are an eyesore, so she specially sent the most powerful person in the family, Ola Li's ultimate weapon [Breaker], to destroy us."

This is no joke!

Hestia has not come back until now, and the left and right arms that kept Freya safe during this period are still here.

If it wasn't for that [God of Beauty]'s arrangement, no matter how you think about it, it's impossible!

Do you want to shoot Bell?

It should be.


too fast!

Zhou Fangwu felt a little tricky.

Now he is already LV4, and he is in a state of full proficiency.

2 months from LV1 to LV4.

This kind of speed of level promotion can be said to be unique in Olali, not to mention that his proficiency is all SSS every time he is promoted, a transcendent proficiency that breaks the limit!

It can be said that the benefits are also obvious.

5. Six LV4s can match LV5, and Zhou Fangwu alone can deal with more than 10!

The comparison with numbers looks strong.

But in fact, Zhou Fangwu can only bully LV5 adventurers.

But if it was against LV7's Ota, the "violent (king of the pig-human race, Zhou Fangwu, who didn't know how strong he was, might not be able to beat him.

after all…

Who is not a genius?

Zhou Fangwu's proficiency is SSS for all attributes, but Ota is also a strong man with S-level proficiency attributes except for the magic power of 0!

Like Bell, Ota, who is a pigman, is also a super-standard BUB-like existence!

Add to that the class gap.

The upper limit of strength between the two is quite vague.

It is impossible to make a clear comparison of which is stronger or weaker.

It's just that this panel from Ota...

All attributes are beyond specifications, only one shortcoming...

No matter how you look at it, it's you, the invincible Jotaro!

(Cold knowledge, the seiyuu is the same.)

But Zhou Fangwu is confident that he will not lose.

With [Wish_One] as his hole card, he has such confidence!

"I'm here to deliver a 'letter' for 'that lord'."


What an unexpected and reasonable answer.


whose letter?

Who is that adult?

Bell and others were puzzled, but Zhou Fangwu understood the meaning of his words.

All of this is really Freya behind the scenes.

It seems that the beauty **** has taken action.

"Yes, I see. Then, please give me the letter."

Zhou Fangwu stretched out his hand to him and signaled Ota to give him the letter, implying that Zhou Fangwu and others do not welcome him now.

However, Horta did not move.

"Why, is there any question?"

"The letter is on me... But, I won't hand it over to you so easily."

The [Warrior] who is the best in Olalie stares at the [Hero] closely, and at the same time said such a sentence, "If you want to get a letter (clue), fight me and defeat me!"

After speaking, he walked to the courtyard on his own.

The rain kept falling, soaking his armor again.

He seemed ready to fight Zhou Fangwu.

It can even be said that the purpose of Ota's visit is to fight the [Hero]!

"Is it really here to find fault... It's really a headache."

Zhou Fangwu pinched the bridge of his nose.

Feeling that things were getting more and more unexpected, he was completely confused.

If you want to eradicate [Hestia Familia] and other people who are an eyesore, it shouldn't be the [Freya Familia] who dispatched all members to directly launch a blitzkrieg, using super strength to launch a powerful blow to destroy them in an instant ?

Then why would it be [The Vigorous One] who came alone, and even said that he wanted to fight 1V1 with him.

Do you want to suppress yourself?

Or... is that [God of Beauty] plotting something in the dark?

It's a letter, it's better to say it's a notice.

What is certain so far is that Hestia was indeed kidnapped for her delay in returning, and the mastermind behind the scenes is Freya, the Goddess of Beauty.

Her purpose is still unclear.

But no matter what, Zhou Fangwu had to fight Ota.

Because he knows that if he wants to understand everything (clues) next, he can only know after defeating Ota.

"Wu, are you going to fight him?!"

Bell anxiously stopped in front of Zhou Fangwu, and said loudly and quickly: "That man is the strongest man in Orari, even if Wu is a [hero], you at LV4 can't beat him!"

"Yes! Your Excellency Wu!" Ming Ye stopped him, "In my opinion, we should avoid the battle now!"

Zolf even rushed forward, "I agree with fate! Although it is shameful to run away, it is very useful... Isn't this what you warned us?"

The carefree Monica couldn't help worrying, "Hey, don't you really want to fight him?"

"Master Wu..."


Cassandra and Chun Ji also looked worried.

But inadvertently, they saw Betty sitting on the sofa with an old spirit, sipping the black tea in the cup gracefully, ignoring the choice of quarrel in front of her.

This kind of her seemed out of place with Bell and others.

"Beatrice, aren't you worried about Wu? He is your contractor!" Zolf said bluntly, as if accusing Betty.

"Hmph, so what?"

Betty didn't apologize in the slightest, but instead replied with a tone of dissatisfaction with others:

"You guys, no matter how hard you try to persuade Wu, that man won't give up, so don't be annoyed by chirping here. Instead of wasting your tongue on this kind of useless work of persuasion, it's better to yell at him behind his back. A word of encouragement."

Betty's words are hurtful, but they are also true.

Once her contractor decides, she will never change it.

This point, as Zhou Fangwu's [only] great elf, is very clear.

Do not block.

This is Betty's idea and also her trust in Zhou Fangwu.

She firmly believed that her contractor would not lose.

Even if the man who duels with him is known as the most powerful enemy.

Every time.

Zhou Fangwu will turn the impossible into possible and make unexpected feats.

And these feats, without exception, brought her hope.

So this time, she will choose to believe.

In this regard, Zhou Fangwu said that Betty was right, "That's right, you all know my strength, and I'm sure I'm going to be able to face [The Vigorous One]."

He raised his thumbs up to reassure them.

Everyone remembered Zhou Fangwu's feat of destroying the [Apollo Familia] by himself.

The magic that can destroy the world is indeed what Zhou Fangwu said.

In addition, Zhou Fangwu is now at LV4, and his strength has greatly increased. Even if he is against Ota at LV7, he will not be inferior.

"In that case...then you must win, Wu!"

"of course!"

Zhou Fangwu said such words.

But as soon as he turned around, he heard Chun Ji say: "Lord Wu, just in case, if you use my magic..."

"No, your additional magic is fine."

Zhou Fangwu rejected Chun Ji's magic blessing effect.

"I can feel that that man—[The Vigorous] Ota wants to have a fair 1V1 contest with me, and I don't want to use this kind of trick....I appreciate your kindness, Chun Ji."

As Zhou Fangwu said.

He could indeed sense that Horta wanted to duel with him.

The kind who only rely on themselves and use all their strength.

A 【Fighter (King)】, a 【Hero】.

As a proud warrior, he would not refuse Ota's invitation.

"But if we fight here, with our strength, it will indeed affect you."

Zhou Fangwu thought for a while, and said to the big elf who was sitting gracefully on the sofa: "So... please, Betty. Use your space magic to teleport us to the plain outside Olalie."

It didn't activate the magic itself.

For the next battle with Ota, he must ensure that he is in peak condition.

Skills like [Dimension Shift], which consume a lot of mana, would never be forcibly used before the duel began.

So I had to ask Betty.

"I know, the plains other than Olalie are fine, right?"

Zhou Fangwu took Betty out of Orario during this period, and naturally set up teleportation coordinates outside the maze city.

Of course, the function of this coordinate is to prevent Freya from suddenly attacking, and it is one of the escape routes just in case.

And now is the time to use it.

"Well, please."

He nodded to Betty, and shouted loudly like Ota who was still standing in the rain: "It's ok, Mr. Ota!"

"I do not mind."

No rejection.

Horta still had his eyes closed, and he seemed to be adjusting his state.

"Then...[Space Transfer]!"

In Betty's magic, Zhou Fangwu and Ota disappeared in front of everyone.

After Betty sent the two away, she looked into the distance with a sad face.

The direction of her gaze was the plain outside the labyrinth city, the location of the two people she sent.

This arrogant elf is not what she said.

She was very worried about Zhou Fangwu.

"You must return safely, Wu..."

The soft murmur silenced the garrison.

No more quarrels.

Everyone was praying for [Hero], hoping that he would return safely.


The rain became heavier and heavier, gradually turning into a torrential downpour.

The whole city was empty, and there were no pedestrians on the streets.

The passers-by who entered and exited the city gate had already entered the city quickly.

In this pouring rain, the earth was silent.


A strong black light shone on the clearing of the plain.

In the next second, two figures appeared on the plain.

Stand opposite.

Zhou Fangwu took the lead to ask: "Huh, Mr. [Fighter], can I ask you a question before the duel?"


"What belief are you fighting with?"


Ota's tone didn't fluctuate, like an emotionless robot.

"As long as it is Lord Freya's order, I will do it no matter what. Everything is to fulfill the wish of that adult."

"Wow - so indifferent, it is worthy of [Olalie's ultimate weapon]. However, what you just said has already shown your belief."

Zhou Fangwu pulled out the artifact from his waist—【The Devourer】.

"The order of the goddess is the iron order, and the intention of the goddess is what Bingfeng points to... A handsome belief (consciousness), isn't it?"

Speaking of which, Zhou Fangwu really wanted to fight Ota.

Ever since he came to the Labyrinth City, he has been looking forward to a hearty duel with the strongest Olalie one day.

No matter what Freya's goal is, Zhou Fangwu wants to win now!

"Then, here I go!"

Pulling out the long knife in his hand, he went straight to Ota at a speed invisible to the naked eye after a loud bang.

There is also a long, dazzling electric light behind him.

【Extreme Breath·Thunder·Thunderbolt Flash】!

The question I asked Ota just now successfully helped Zhou Fangwu delay for a while.

Now he has turned on [Stripes] and [Transparent World], and he can clearly see Ota's movements and the internal structure of his body.

At the same time, he also felt a strong sense of crisis.

Even 【Wish_One】has been activated.

So far, he has the upper hand!


The blow and slash that couldn't be seen was easily stopped by the "violent man".

Not even any panic.

I saw Ota pull out the giant sword behind him at a speed that Zhou Fangwu couldn't react to. The two giant swords crossed and stood in front of him, and the long knife swung towards his neck was stuck at the intersection of the giant swords. .


Sparks from the collision of the weapons scattered in the air.

Very conspicuous in this rainy night.

It's normal to be stopped.

Zhou Fangwu never thought that he would defeat Ota so easily.


Ota raised his two-handed broadsword forcefully upwards, and Zhou Fangwu, who was holding the long sword, lost his fulcrum in an instant, and was forcefully thrown into the air.

It's not over yet!

Ota seized the opportunity in Zhou Fangwu's brief float!

The two-handed broadsword fell down again, and went straight to Zhou Fangwu's open chest!


Zhou Fangwu responded quickly.

Forcibly twisted his body in mid-air, turned the long knife in his hand, and resisted the moment when the giant sword was about to fall in front of his chest.


There was another crisp sound, and Zhou Fangwu also stopped this powerful slash.


Otta's power is too great!

LV7's [Fighter], whose physical strength far surpassed Zhou Fangwu's, swung his huge sword with violent power to press down, and even smashed Zhou Fangwu to the ground with a long knife.


Accompanied by a roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth, extremely huge cracks formed on the ground, as dense as a spider's web.

And Zhou Fangwu himself was half-kneeling at the center of the crack.

This is enough to see Ota's strength!

And, don't hold back!

This made Zhou Fangwu understand that he wanted to kill himself!

Without further thinking, General Zhou Fang began to unload his strength, deflecting the broadsword that was pressing on his head.


There was another loud bang, and another deep hole appeared when the giant sword hit the ground.

But when Ota didn't react in time, Zhou Fangwu quickly counterattacked!

The two quickly slashed at each other!

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Throat, neck, chest, eyebrows, waist, shoulders

These are Zhou Fangwu's targets!

Although the speed of the sword with the long sword is extremely fast, which is far better than that of Ota who uses the giant sword, but Ota holds two giant swords and can resist Zhou Fangwu's strong attack in time during Zhou Fangwu's fast attack.

I fell into anxiety for a while.

The successive collisions were quickly draining their physical strength.

It looks as if only the side with more staying power will win.

But not quite.

Zhou Fangwu's exhausted outfit was weak, and his slashing speed gradually slowed down, successfully tricking Ota.

And Aota gradually increased his strength, trying to take Zhou Fangwu down with brute force.

This is his way to win.

No magic, just relying on the body.

However, being so eager, he fell into the trap set by Zhou Fangwu.

After deliberately swiping the air without colliding with the great sword, Zhou Fangwu reversed his force and smashed the great sword to the ground.

With a dull sound of 'Boom', the big sword smashed a deep hole in the ground.

It's now!

Seeing the right time, Zhou Fangwu used [Insect Dance] to lighten his body, then stepped on the spine of his great sword to bully him, and stabbed straight to his brow again.

【Extreme Breath·Water·Shizuku Ripple Thrust】!

call out!

The long knife pierced the rain curtain with the sound of piercing the air.

Very fast!

Ordinary people can't dodge at all!

But that doesn't include Horta.

He was very experienced in combat, barely dodged it at the critical moment, only to be cut on the cheek by the sharp edge of the long knife.

Blood flowed from his tiny wound.

Ota's eyes froze slightly, he smelled the smell of death.

However, this is just a detailed attack!

Zhou Fangwu didn't think that this kind of trick of sneak attack could make meritorious service.

His purpose is the next trick!

【Extreme Breath·Water·Time Rain】!

That's right!

This is Zhou Fangwu's killer move!

This trick has been tried and tested!

It can imprison the enemy's mobility, even imprison breathing, and freeze consciousness. Zhou Fangwu's own trick is a powerful skill that is absolutely trustworthy!

Forcibly using water attribute magic to delay his movements has achieved the effect of imprisonment. In theory, as long as there is enough magic power, any enemy can be imprisoned.

And for Ota, this skill is quite restrained!

Because 【Fighter】has no magic power!

In the case of Ota's center of gravity shifting, coupled with his untimely reaction, theoretically last week's defensive trick will successfully imprison him~www.wuxiamtl.com~, leaving him powerless to fight back.

It's not over yet!

In order to be able to ensure the smooth victory of Ota, the closer to the critical moment, the harder it is to take it lightly.

Zhou Fangwu decided to make up the knife!

Just use your own newly developed trick!

A move that combines three breathing methods, let you experience it!

Guide the divinity in the body, communicate with the world and release its power!

With the blessing of [God's Blessing] such as thunder, water, and wind, this kind of cloudy and rainy genius is his home field!


Lightning instantly appeared!

Luo Lei attached to the sword of [The Devourer] in the blink of an eye!

Zhou Fangwu held the long knife and began to spin rapidly, forming the eye of the storm with himself as the center, gathering all the wind, rain, and thunder in the sky on this sword!

Mixed with wind, water, and thunder, the three divinities are like a powerful blow that penetrates the world.

Under the blessing of divinity, it is like a **** showing power!

The sword light soaring into the sky, carrying endless power, fell straight down!

This sword slashed fiercely at [The Vigorous One].


【Extreme Breath · Rain and Darkness · Lei Shang】!

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