Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 289: This body is up to you to play with!

But just when her jade hand was about to touch Zhou Fangwu's cheek, she was blocked.

Zhou Fangwu grabbed her wrist, frowned slightly, "Please respect yourself, God Ishtar."

"Why, didn't you come here just to have fun? I'm a goddess and a god, but the people of the lower realm can only hope for it. Don't tell me you're not satisfied with that."

Ishtar wasn't angry either.

After being blocked, she took a step forward and tried to lean against [Hero]'s chest. She had a seductive fragrance on her body, and her orchid eyes were so beautiful.

She firmly believes that no man can refuse her temptation.

Even the male gods in the heavens were mostly captured by her, not to mention the child from the lower realms in front of her, couldn't she easily capture them?

But she miscalculated.

Zhou Fangwu took a step back and distanced himself from her, "God Ishtar, I came here to discuss something with you, not for fun."

His tone was rather indifferent, with a hint of anger.

This slutty goddess is disgusting.

And Ishtar seemed to have heard something funny, "Ahahaha, [Hero] came to [Happy Street] and said that he had business to discuss, do you think I will believe it?"

This goddess is very arbitrary and doesn't listen to other people at all.

She always thought things would go the way she thought.

After hearing this sentence, Zhou Fangwu understood the fact that he couldn't communicate with her.

So he no longer entangled with her, but directly stated the purpose of his coming.

"God Ishtar, I want to take away a whore."

"Oh? No wonder I couldn't capture you. It turned out that there were other people. I thought [Hero] would be different from other people."

Hearing Zhou Fangwu's words, Ishtar was obviously very interested.

"Tell me and let me know who captured [Hero]."

"Sanjo is Haruki."


Ishtar's eyes were fixed, and the expression on looking at Zhou Fangwu suddenly changed from charming to majestic.

The name that this man uttered completely touched her warning line.

"I'm just asking why you know her name. I want to know why you saved her."

Ishtar sat on the sofa.

Only at this moment did she have the solemnity and majesty of a goddess... if not the whole fruit.

But in the next second, a rippling smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Could it be that, as I thought, [hero] was captured by prostitutes? That would be really funny."

Even so, she still felt uncomfortable inside.

The mere people of the lower realms are unmoved in the face of God's temptation.

Isn't this slapping her in the face?

"You say yes."

Zhou Fangwu didn't intend to explain.

He already knew that Ishtar would not agree, so he didn't want to get entangled in such insignificant issues, but chose him to guide the next topic.

However, Zhou Fangwu's words really stimulated Ishtar.

Just as she thought.

[Hero] rejected God, but chose [prostitute, woman].

Doesn't that mean that she is worse than a prostitute? !

"You! Do you really understand what you said?!" Ishta said angrily, "If the news of [Hero]'s peace with prostitutes and women gets out, then your image in Orario will plummet!"

For some reason, she was thinking of Zhou Fangwu instead.

Maybe they want to use other methods to get [Hero] to change his mind?

However, Zhou Fangwu chose to reject her kindness.

"As I said before, what God Ishtar thinks has nothing to do with me, and it's up to you to decide whether to spread the news."

Zhou Fangwu was unmoved, "I only want Chun Ji."

Seeing his neither humble nor overbearing appearance, Ishtar's heart became even more fervent.

She wants to get 【Hero】!

It's not to prove that she is stronger than Freya, nor is it to annoy Zhou Fangwu, who doesn't know how to be funny.

It's that she really wants to have [Hero] in her pocket.

Do not misunderstand!

It's not like liking that kind of feeling, but simply wanting it.

Like a child seeing a toy, like a collector seeing a treasure.

—Just like Freya.

She knew that if Zhou Fangwu was recruited to the family, even without the prop Chun Ji, as long as there was a [Hero], she would definitely be able to defeat Freya!

Just a little more time to grow.

The hall fell silent.

After Zhou Fangwu finished speaking, Ishtar stopped talking.

For a time, people wondered if she was too angry to speak.

Could it be that she was too tough, so Ishtar felt her face was damaged, so she was so angry that she didn't want to talk to herself anymore?

It doesn't matter, she won't agree anyway.

Just when Zhou Fangwu thought so, he heard Ishtar say: "Yes, if you really want to take that child away."


"I said yes."

Ishtar repeated it again, but at the same time asked curiously:

"But before that you tell me, why did you save her?

Could it be that you really fell in love with her?

I advise you not to be delusional.

Although that child seems innocent, in fact, I have already arranged for her to experience several times of joy.

What about chastity is even more nonsense. "

Her words are very powerful, and if someone really falls in love with her hears it, it will definitely be a huge blow.

However, Zhou Fangwu, who had no desire for Chun Ji, was not hit at all.

Not to mention, he also knew that Chun Ji hadn't actually accepted the guests.

But Zhou Fangwu was still the same as before.

Without too many explanations, everything is left to Ishtar's imagination.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care about her past or what she has suffered."

"It's really decisive."

Hearing Zhou Fangwu's words, Ishtar became more interested in him, "Then let's talk about the conditions for taking her away... If you understand, she is a prostitute, and she is in [Happy Street] (my site) Redemption is required."

This is also normal.

Regardless of the country or era, women in Chun Ji's profession would pay an expensive ransom.

Only then can he return to his free body.

But Zhou Fangwu didn't think so.

As an important tool capable of overthrowing the [Freya Familia] that has been pressing on her for a long time, it is absolutely impossible for Ishtar to let Haruhime go so easily.

Just as he thought.

Ishtar made a condition that he would never agree to.

"My condition is that you—[Hero] join my family!"

Ishtar pointed at Zhou Fangwu and said, "As long as you join [Ishtar Familia~www.wuxiamtl.com~, I will reward you with that child, how about it?"


Zhou Fangwu immediately discovered the trap in her words.

This guy wants to **** for nothing!

It is said to be a reward, but it is actually drawing a big cake.

Even if Zhou Fangwu chooses to join the family, Ishtar will not let Chun Ji go, and will still be made into props when necessary!

Rounding up, this is prostitution for nothing!

It's not over yet, Ishtar also gave other benefits.

"Not only that, but if you join [Ishtar Familia], you will get me! That's right, it's me!"

Ishtar opened her arms, showing her endlessly beautiful body in front of Zhou Fangwu.

"This body is up to you to play with!"

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