【Happy Street】

Known as the King of Y City, she was on the highest floor of the extraordinarily towering palace.

Silver tiaras, earrings, jewelry, breast rings, bracelets, exchanges.

The shiny silver contrasted with her brown skin.

What can be called clothes are only the waist wrapped around the waist and the thin belt draped over the towering chest.

The exposed large area of ​​skin shines under the magic stone lamp, and the sweet breath from its body exudes endless temptation in the empty room.

She is a peerless beauty!

And this peerless beauty is another beauty god—Ishtar.

At this time, the height of the room she was in had already far surpassed any building in [Happy Street].

But Ishtar was still not satisfied.

Looking at the huge white tower piercing into the clouds in the distance, "looking" at the indifferent eyes that were misunderstood by her.

Ishtar felt a surge of anger in her heart.

Why are you the king? !

As the same **** of beauty, why is it you and not me?

An eyesore!

What an eyesore!

How dare you look down on me from a high place!

Ishtar glared fiercely at the top of the giant tower.

In his heart, he imagined that one day, sooner or later, he would drag her down from the cloud and make her kneel at his feet and beg for mercy.

Thinking of the upcoming important plan in the family, the anger in her heart slowly dissipated.

Soon, soon.

I'll drag you down right away!

Wait for me, Freya!

Thinking of this, she slowly sat on the sofa in the room and picked up the bong beside her.

Along with the smoke, she fell into a fantasy.

It's just that this kind of happiness is very short-lived, and it was broken by the intruder in just a few minutes.

"God Ishtar, Aisha has something to report."

Outside the door, the voices of family members came.


Ishtar was a little dazed when she heard the name.

But thanks to the self-imagining just now, she immediately remembered the family members who had destroyed the [killing stone] before.

Although she was punished, she would never be able to resist her orders.

But the sinner who hindered the plan to drag Freya down, of course, she will not forget Aisha who is very popular among the family.

"Come in."

Ishtar's voice was a little cold.

Like her own leader Toad, she doesn't like Aisha very much.

Members of the family who always make their own decisions and do not obey orders are of course not favored by the gods.

Any family is the same.

Aisha walked in.

After seeing Ishtar sitting on the sofa like a queen, she knelt down on the floor with one knee, lowered her head and never looked directly at her God.

"You didn't go to receive the guests, what happened?"

"Yes, God Ishtar, I have something to report to you."


"[Hero] Zhou Fangwu asks to see you."

Aisha is smart.

She did not tell Ishtar the purpose of Zhou Fangwu's request for a meeting.

Some want to create a gap in information for Zhou Fangwu, and some want to arouse Ishtar's interest.

Getting along day and night made her already understand Ishtar's thoughts.

Just as she expected, Ishtar was surprised when she heard this unexpected name.

"You mean [hero] Zhou Fangwu?"

Ishtar couldn't hold back the Queen's posture, and immediately stood up from the sofa, and asked again: "Are you sure you read it right, it's really him?"

"Yes, God Ishtar, I'm sure it's him."

Aisha still knelt down, lowering her head as if respectful, but actually she didn't want Ishtar to see her little face that had succeeded in her plot.

"Where is he?"

"It's in the family hall."

"Follow me to see him!"

Ishtar turned around and bypassed Aisha, and went straight to the hall of the family residence without looking back.

"Yes, God Ishtar."

Aisha's expression became brighter.

When Ishtar came to the hall, she found that most of the family members gathered in the hall, surrounded by a man who seemed very enthusiastic.

"You guys, get out of the way!"

As the god, Ishtar showed her majesty, dispersed the members surrounding the man, and revealed his appearance.

It is indeed a [hero]!

Not only the conspicuous white cloak, but also Zhou Fangwu's appearance was widely circulated among Orari after he destroyed the [Apollo Familia].

"It really is you!"

"It's our first meeting, God Ishtar."

The majestic voice from the tall building dispersed the beautiful girls around him, and Zhou Fangwu knew that it was Ishtar who had appeared.

look at her.

The long purple-black hair reflected bright light under the illumination of the magic stone lamp.

Wearing an unusually flirtatious thin garment, a little clothing covered her delicate body, but it could barely cover up the important sexual points.

Plump twin peaks, swaying waist, and slender breasts.

A large area of ​​skin is exposed, plus silver jewelry and bongs.

Her shape is very similar to the queen of ancient Egypt.

The whole body is full of the concept of "beauty".

Just by his standing posture and contemptuous eyes, he has an excessive charm that can overwhelm everyone's consciousness.

But, no use.

For Zhou Fangwu, he couldn't feel the charm at all.

After drinking the divine wine, his will was greatly strengthened, even if he looked directly into Freya's eyes, he would not sink into it.

Not to mention Ishtar, who is one level behind Freya.

"I'm Zhou Fangwu..."

"I know!"

Just when Zhou Fangwu wanted to introduce himself, Ishta, who has the attributes of a queen, interrupted him forcefully, as if she wanted to take the initiative.

"[Hero] Zhou Fangwu, I heard that you want to see me. Why, have you been conquered by my beauty?"

Ishtar's words are narcissistic.

But as a goddess of beauty, she does have the capital of narcissism.

Because other children from the lower realms would almost be conquered after seeing her, even their bones would soften, and they would kneel at her feet and beg for a little pampering.

Sometimes, she also blends with children from the past seen in the lower world.

At this time she thought again:

If [Hero] bows down at her feet, does that mean that he has already defeated that high and mighty Freya?

But she didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all.

When Freya learned that Zhou Fangwu was going to see Ishtar, the furious Freya had already dispatched powerful members of the family, and decided to destroy the entire [Ishtar Familia], so that Ishtar could live forever. Disappears in the nether.

"No, although God Ishtar is very beautiful, it's a pity that I don't have any thoughts about it."


Hearing Zhou Fangwu's blunt refusal, Ishtar was obviously stunned, but after a while she burst into intense anger.

It's from embarrassment to anger!

She is a beauty god!

Zhou Fangwu's words deeply stimulated her.

"What did you say-?!"

While talking, Ishtar used her magic eye, trying to forcibly charm Zhou Fangwu.

She is a beauty god!

It is impossible for anyone not to be indulging in her beauty! …she thought so until today.

Until Zhou Fangwu appeared.

"It's useless, God Ishtar, I won't be charmed."

Zhou Fangwu said this fact that shocked her~www.wuxiamtl.com~Never, never!

Even God, under her charm, will be subdued by her!

That being the case!

Then let's try, whether [Hero] can withstand God's charm!

Afterwards, Ishtar took off her clothes.

Showing towering twin peaks, green willow waist, and slender breasts.

With a swaying graceful figure and a youthful face, she slowly walked towards Zhou Fangwu.

He stretched out his jade hand to caress the cheek of the man in front of him.

Breathing out the incense lightly, with a seductive sweetness, endless beauty emerges between the two.

She wants to capture [Hero]!

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