Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 283: VS [Sword Princess]

【Sword Princess】

Before Bell appeared, she was the holder of [Olalie's Fastest LV2].

It took only one year to rise to LV2, which really surprised the gods of Orario.

Even the appearance of Bell and Zhou Fangwu couldn't cover up her brilliance.

In terms of talent, it is second only to Bell.

There is no deep hatred to duel with her, or there is another purpose like Loki.

She just simply wants to become stronger.

As we all know, 【Sword Fairy】is a very strong person.

In other people's impressions, for some reason, she is very eager to become stronger, and has always been keen on training in dungeons and dueling with other strong people.

She had made a duel agreement with Zhou Fangwu before, but at that time she had just been promoted and her strength was not stable.

Now, she has fully mastered the physical strength of LV6, so here she comes.

"Ais, come on! Teach this kid a lesson!"

Loki cheered from the sidelines.

She simply thought that Zhou Fangwu was only powerful with magic, and if he compared his sword skills with [Sword Fairy], he should be powerless to fight back.

It's also because Ai Si is not good at talking, and she didn't tell Loki that Zhou Fangwu's swordsmanship is also very strong, otherwise she would never let Ai Si fight with him.

"Heh heh heh, Wu, as a strong man, you should be a little gentler."

Hestia's statement is obviously more stylish.

Invisibly, the strength of the members of his own family has been raised by one level.

Face the weak with the attitude of the strong.

There is a skill in getting people's mentality.

In fact it is.

Even if Zhou Fangwu is only LV2 now, Aisi cannot compete with swordsmanship.

He who has been trained by [Sword Demon], who has been trained by [Sword Master], can definitely train [Sword Fairy].

In terms of swordsmanship, it is completely worthwhile.

"Then, Miss [Sword Fairy], you can start now."

"Well, please be careful."

Apparently, Ace understands this too.

In contrast, before the expedition, Zhou Fangwu of LV1 (actually LV2) could easily defeat Bert and knock him unconscious simply by relying on physical strength.

Even though the rebellious [Wolf] didn't use the magic alchemy boots, Zhou Fangwu also didn't use the long knife at his waist.

Moreover, it was not used during the expedition either.

Because Zhou Fangwu was the object of surveillance before the deep layer, Finn certainly would not let Zhou Fangwu take action.

After the deep level, magic is obviously more efficient than swordsmanship, so I haven't seen him draw his sword.

However, Zhou Fangwu's swordsmanship is not weak!

As [Sword Princess] and also a sword wielder, Aisi had a premonition in this regard.

Pulling out the rapier at her waist, Ais blessed herself with magic.

"Guardian of the Wind Spirit!"

A turquoise spiral aura surrounded her, and a strong wind blew around Ais in the center of the spiral.

Did not hold back.

This is the magic that can increase her attack power and agility, and it is the only magic she has to fight against Zhou Fangwu.

Relying on this magic, she defeated many powerful enemies.


"Guardian of the Wind Spirit!"

Zhou Fangwu also used it.

Long before the expedition, Zhou Fangwu had imitated her magic and used it in front of her.

But maybe the situation was urgent at that time, and Ai Si didn't care.

However, this time it was used in front of her, and the aura around her was exactly the same as hers, so she had to be surprised.

Her pupils constricted.

Loki yelled at the side: "What, what's going on-?! Why can you use this magic?!"

"...same magic as me."

Ai Si also looked at Zhou Fangwu with probing eyes.

Although her expression was still indifferent, the meaning she revealed was very simple, and Zhou Fangwu could understand it all at once.

"It's an imitation."

And did not hide.

Rather, it was deliberately exposed.

To demonstrate one's own strength, it is not enough to rely on Betty (Xianjing) alone, but also to reveal one's own potential.

In this way, the name of [hero] will not be lost.


"Yes, I have magic [analysis and imitation]."

Facing the suspicious eyes of Loki and Aisi, Zhou Fangwu explained: "As the name suggests, it can analyze all magic and then imitate it."


Very perverted!

Shocked Loki and Ace.

The effect of this magic always feels familiar.

— Refia!

This idiot Mori Fairy with [Thousand Fairies] has the super magic [Fairy Ring] in her magic.

But there are limitations.

First of all, the limited race must be a fairy;

Secondly, the condition of use is that you must clearly know the magic effect and chant text;

Finally, you must chant the [Fairy Ring] first, and then chant the copied magic chant, and at the same time consume the same mental power as the magic power.

In short, the magic is very strong!

But at the same time, the disadvantages are also great.

Perfect as a defender mage.

However, Zhou Fangwu is even more perverted!

【Analysis and imitation】

As long as the magic has been parsed, it can be used.

Although I don't know what the price was (or there was no price), but no matter what, Zhou Fangwu's magic is worthy of recognition.

The more powerful enemies you encounter, the stronger you will become after absorbing their experience.

And it will get stronger and stronger!

There are no boundaries!

"Tsk, I miscalculated."

Loki was instantly annoyed.

Thinking about it carefully, even if Ai Si can defeat Zhou Fangwu, she has already failed from the very beginning.

The purpose of coming here is not simply to fight, but to suppress Hestia's arrogance through this duel.

When Zhou Fangwu imitated Aisi's magic, she had already failed.

"I didn't expect to join the enemy, it's really annoying."

Thinking about how Zhou Fangwu went down the dungeon with his expedition team before, wouldn't everyone see through their underpants?

Finn and the others touted Zhou Fangwu's innocent appearance, which made Loki's teeth itch even more.

But they can't be blamed for this, after all, Zhou Fangwu has never shown his mountains or waters, and who would know that he held back such a big move?

As soon as she made a move, she was at a loss.

Looking back at Hestia's self-satisfied and foolish smile, Loki was even more annoyed.

In a fit of anger, he wanted to leave with his idol.

"Aisi, stop fighting, let's go!"

"No, I'm not leaving."

Aisi refused God's order.

Her purpose was to duel with Zhou Fangwu, even if Zhou Fangwu knew her magic, she never thought of giving up, so how could she leave at the door.


Loki yelled excitedly.

But she saw Aisi's longing eyes again, and she had no choice but to agree to her idol's request.

"Okay, okay, whatever you want."

"...Well, thank you, Loki."

Ace nodded slightly, expressing her gratitude.

"So, can we continue?"

"Of course! Please enlighten me, Miss [Sword Fairy]."

Zhou Fangwu smiled and agreed to her.

"I'm on!"

Aisi was also polite, and after getting permission, she showed her full strength.

She is mainly agile, and she is very fast!

Not only the speed of movement, but also the speed of reaction and shooting.

Her sword is fast and gorgeous.

The thin sword should be based on [stabbing], and what you play is a fast sword.

In fact, [Sword Princess] did the same.

In order to cooperate with [Wind Spirit's Protection], she used high-speed [Stab].

Stab fast, stab hard!

The speed was so fast that a silver curtain was formed between the two.

And between the curtains, there are countless flames shining.

And it made a crisp sound of 'ding ding ding'.

It turned out that Zhou Fangwu collided with the rapier in her hand with the same [stab].

Ai Si's sword pierced Zhou Fangwu's chest, but was blocked by the sun wheel knife in his hand.

If one hit fails, he stabs again.

Withdrawing his hand, he stabbed at the waist and abdomen again.

The angle of the sword is different, and the sword is also stuck in the gap where Zhou Fangwu retracted the sword.

She wants to win with speed.

But was blocked again.

Zhou Fangwu came later, and easily resolved Aisi's stabbing.

Ai Si came again from another angle, and Zhou Fangwu blocked it again.

so repeatedly.

The sword curtain is getting longer and longer, and more and more sparks are blooming.

"So strong..."

"real or fake-"

"What an exaggeration!!"

The trio shut themselves off.

Bell also thought that 【Sword Fairy】was very powerful, and it would take a lot of effort to catch up.

But he still had illusions, thinking that he would catch up soon.

After all, Shangshen and Zhou Fangwu both recognized their talents.

But seeing Aisi's powerful strength intuitively this time, the weak he began to doubt whether he could really catch up.

He swelled up a little, but was beaten back to his original form again.

But the duel did not stop.

Ai Si found that simply relying on the speed of the sword could no longer gain the upper hand, so she changed the attack method and used agility in the competition, hoping to gain the upper hand by relying on agility.

But it is still futile.

In terms of speed, Zhou Fangwu is not weaker than her.

The figures of the two staggered on the flat ground, collided again, and after a crisp 'ding' sound, they pulled away again.

Very fast!

The sound of 'ding ding ding' became more intense than before.

Obviously, the two began to change their figures, but the collision of weapons became more frequent instead, and the rapid and crisp sound beat on the hearts of the surrounding audience like drumbeats.

The battle between the two became more and more gorgeous, making the onlookers feel pleasing to the eye.

They seem to be dancing.

It's just that there is a sharp sword light in this dance, so that others dare not join in and dance with them.


As the strength of the two gradually strengthened, the ground could no longer bear the damage, and gaps were cracked.

In an instant, it was covered with staggered knife marks.

But the two did not stop, but became more radical.

Because of the changes in the terrain, their point of focus also changed, and they could choose more routes to shoot their swords, making the stabbing angles more tricky.

Neither, however, was affected.

Every time [Sword Fairy] launched an attack from an unexpected angle, Zhou Fangwu would easily defuse it, and then retaliate with violent stabs.

The same is true for Ace.

The two froze for a moment, and neither could do anything to the other.

It's just that, although it seems to be evenly matched in battle, no matter whether it's Ais or Loki, they both know that their side has lost.

Because of all the attacks, Zhou Fangwu was counterattacking.

Not once took the initiative to launch an offensive.

[Sword Fairy] used all her strength, but she still couldn't pierce Zhou Fangwu's defensive counterattack.

Even a little overwhelmed.

'Please do your best. '

This was revealed by the way Ai Si looked at Zhou Fangwu.

She wanted to know clearly the gap between the two.

"Yes, it's time to end."

Loki, who looked aside with a dark face, knew that if she teased [Sword Fairy] again, she would definitely explode.

Dare to fool your own idol? !

Stop talking, declare war!

will become like this.

【Return the way of others to others】

Not just imitating your magic, but imitating your sword skills before defeating you.

Shrimp and pig heart!

Is there any other way to defuse the enemy's attack?

Now that our goal has been achieved, it's time to end this farce.

"Please be careful, Miss [Sword Fairy]."

Zhou Fangwu stepped back, staggered Aisi's offensive, and opened up a gap for a moment.

It's now!

Mobilize the magic power in the body, turn the property into water.

This most familiar attribute is naturally handy.

"Extreme breath, water, and the transformation of time and rain!"

In the next second, the space was frozen.

The turquoise spiral gas field disappeared and transformed into a sky blue field, engulfing everyone present.

The spreading speed was extremely fast, and Ai Si was immediately imprisoned by Zhou Fangwu on the spot.

Restricted her magic power operation, restricted her body movement.

This is true even if Ais is LV6.

Zhou Fangwu, who is already at LV3, can do this to this extent with his magical SSS.

If the magic power is more, it may even stop breathing.

No, let's look forward boldly.

Can consciousness be stopped?

"Ace? Ace?! Hey, Ace!"

Loki hurriedly ran to his idol, groping her delicate body.

It seems to be eating tofu, but in fact... it is true.

Even at this time, she is still so out of tune.

In fact, Loki is not worried that Zhou Fangwu will hurt Ai Si.

Even though Zhou Fangwu has seen through his own child's underwear, Loki still believes in Finn's opinion of Zhou Fangwu and believes that he will not do anything out of line.

— [Properity]

This point is known from the transformation of Hestia.

So nothing to worry about.

With an idiotic smile on his face, he repeatedly groped for Aisi's delicate body, which made Bell beside him envious.

Of course, everyone also watched the beauty of the lilies blooming.

"Hey, you kid, let go of my Aisi!"

Even though Loki said that, she didn't intend to let go at all.

That wretched right hand had already penetrated from Aisi's armor.


Now that the duel has been decided, there is no reason for Zhou Fangwu to continue to be imprisoned.

Most importantly, Zhou Fangwu also hoped that Aisi could take advantage of Loki's arrogant appearance and teach her a lesson.

As she expected, Ais punched Loki.

Not at all polite.

He didn't care about Loki's status as a **** at all, and he punched her firmly on the head~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It gave people a feeling of anger that she had lost the duel so badly, and it felt the same as throwing on Loki.

"I lost."

Aisi simply surrendered.

There is no excuse.

She wants to become stronger, so she won't make excuses.

Because she has to face up to her heart, she accepts failure, but at the same time chooses to keep working hard.

This is the foundation on which she can grow.

And the way she continues to work hard is to ask the strong how to become stronger.

Not only the strong, but also newcomers like Bell who can grow rapidly, she will also ask.

"So, could you please tell me."

Ace asked.

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