Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 272: I, Zhou Fangwu, declare war!


【Hestia Familia】

At this time, bursts of laughter came from the dilapidated church.

Not just because of the victory in the war, but also because of the large number of Wallis piled on the table.

— 100 million Wallis.

This is the rebate Zhou Fangwu got from betting.

The odds are unimaginably high.

After all, no one would have imagined that there would be such a powerful person as Zhou Fangwu in this decaying and dilapidated residence and the weak family members.

Not even Hestia thought of it.

Although she is the God who bestows favor on Zhou Fangwu and leads him to join the family.

But Zhou Fangwu spent very little time with them, and basically didn't know about their past, and he didn't expect his strength to be so strong.

Even with the help of fairy spirits, the strength is too exaggerated!

She knew that Zhou Fangwu had great potential.

However, potential and strength cannot be generalized.

It's like Bell has potential, but it is useless when the potential has not been transformed into strength.

With him like this, Zhou Fangwu could easily defeat him even with one hand.

This is a fact.

"Ah, I didn't expect us to win." Zorf sat cross-legged on the ground, laughing and saying unbelievable words.

Ming, also waved the Taidao in his hand in the void, and said with some depression:

"Yeah, I didn't expect us to win. We obviously didn't have any use. We just hid in the back blindly."


Her words struck a chord with Zorf.

The two of them originally wanted to help Bell overcome the difficulties, so they left their original family and joined the [Hestia family].

Didn't realize they weren't needed at all.

Because Zhou Fangwu is too strong, just one person flattened [Apollo Familiars], and the two became redundant.

"Zolf, Ming. What stupid things are you two talking about! We will definitely remember the friendship that you two chose to join the [Hestia Familia], so don't treat yourself as a superfluous person!"

"That's right, Zolph, Ming. Thanks to you, Shangshen and I survived, so you are our benefactors."

Zhou Fangwu and Bell expressed their gratitude to them in different ways.

"Wu, Bell..."

"Your Excellency Zhou Fangwu, Your Excellency Bell..."

Zolf and Ming were moved to tears.

They are not doing useless work, they still make a contribution.

Betty didn't speak, but leaned against Zhou Fangwu silently.

It's impossible for her, a tsundere lolita, to comfort others.

It would be nice not to be sarcastic.

So at this time she chose to remain silent.


Hestia also had tears in the corners of her eyes.

The atmosphere within the family is harmonious, and the members are happy and harmonious, which makes her feel very gratified.

But she still held back the thought of crying.

After all, the Familia is no longer the empty shell it was when Bell was alone.

The [Hestia Familia], which has been increased to 6 people, is also a famous family after defeating the [Apollo Familia].

Therefore, she can no longer be as unsteady as before.

There must be the majesty and demeanor of God.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help raising her towering twin peaks.

Seeing her cocked nose and triumphant look, Bell couldn't help asking curiously:

"Master Shangshen, is it because of the victory in the war? You seem to be very happy."

"Heh heh, it's true that part of it is because [War Game] won, but there's another thing that makes me happy."

"what is it then?"

"The title of Wu has been determined."

Hestia looked even more proud.

But that's beside the point.

The point is, only now did Zolf and Ming know that Zhou Fangwu's class has only reached lv2!

"Wait, wait! Wu's title?"

"Yes! Could it be that His Excellency Zhou Fangwu is only lv2?!"

The two pressed against Hestia's face, wanting her to give a reasonable explanation.

"Yes what's the matter."

Hestia pushed away the faces of the two who had come together, and said the news that was enough to shock everyone indifferently.

"What's wrong, Wu Cai is lv2, why don't we know!"

"Yeah yeah!"

This point, the two really don't know.

Because before the [War Game] started, the two didn't know about Zhou Fangwu's information, and only knew that Zhou Fangwu was very powerful through Hestia.


When the two started, they used a super magic that could destroy the world with one blow, and destroyed Zhou Fangwu of [Apollo Familia] with one blow.

Its strength has been affirmed by the two.

It would be better to say that it is too strong, but it scares the two of them.

However, they never imagined that Zhou Fangwu's class was only lv2? !

What a joke!

However, the facts were in front of them, and the two had to admit it.

It's just that he looked at Zhou Fangwu with a different look.


The information was revealed in the eyes of the two of them.

"Hey, you two, what kind of look is that, I'm going to be angry."

"Ah, Wu, it's really a monster."

"That's right."

"It's too much to call someone a monster or something!"

Good-natured ridicule is a good medicine to invigorate the atmosphere, of course Zhou Fangwu will not be really angry.

But he was still a little curious about what title the gods would give him.

"[Hero (hero)] Yo."

Hestia didn't show off, but told Zhou Fangwu the title.

But she felt bad again the next second.

Looking at the [rabbit] who was easily lost, it was exactly as she thought, looking down and losing confidence again.


[Hero] sounds much better than [Little Newcomer].

Not to mention, the title of Zhou Fangwu is still his dream.

However, this title does not belong to him.

I can't help but feel lost in my heart.

"Mr. Bell..."

Hestia wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know how to comfort her.

Not only Bell, but even Zhou Fangwu looked very plain.


She was stunned immediately, and asked curiously: "Wu, don't you like this title?"

"Uh... a little bit."

Zhou Fangwu did not deny it either, "Well, although this title is very handsome, in fact I am often called that in my own country, and I am already immune."

"Ghost Slayer", "Su Qing", "From Zero"

Either a savior or a hero.

He has already seen through these false names.

"Mr. Bell, the title is just a title, and it doesn't mean anything. In my opinion, only strength is the foundation, and it is the standard to measure a person's strength."


At this moment, Bell looked at Zhou Fangwu, surprised by what he said.

No, I should say admiration.

I express my deep admiration for the practice of not indulging in false fame and thinking that only being strong can be recognized.

He also wants to be like that.

Not because of the family, not because of the title, but because of his own strength, he was recognized by others.

I have some longing for Zhou Fangwu in my heart.

But this longing cannot be compared with 【Sword Fairy】.

As a life-saving encounter, the innocent [Rabbit] is not so simple longing for [Sword Fairy].


Hestia was both happy and disappointed.

As if she was on a roller coaster, her mood went up and down, and she couldn't bear it.

Zhou Fangwu disdained this false name, and Bell almost felt inferior because of this false name.

The contrast between these two poles was too great for her to grasp.

Fortunately, Zhou Fangwu enlightened Bell in time with his own point of view, and was able to drag him out of the false name of "hero".

Otherwise, she really doesn't know what to do.

But Zhou Fangwu's indifferent attitude still hurt her heart.

Thinking about it this way, she responded domineeringly at the God's meeting before, and she would rather offend a lot of Gods to get this title. What is it for?

Can't help but feel a little discouraged.

"Well, it's something to be happy to get this handsome title."

Hestia decided that he should give himself a reward, and proposed to everyone:

"Since this is the case, why don't we go to a banquet to celebrate our victory and Wu's handsome title."

"Oh—!" x3

Everyone agreed with this proposal.

Victory is followed by a banquet.

This is also of course.

But not now.

"Wait, I disagree."

Zhou Fangwu slapped his chin, attracting everyone's attention.

"Everyone, wait for the banquet first, the most urgent thing is to do another thing."

"another thing?"

"Did you forget that there is still a small human [princess] imprisoned by the wicked, and we [heroes] are still waiting to rescue her."

Zhou Fangwu's words meant something.

But what he wanted to express has already been conveyed and known by everyone.

— Lily.

The little human girl who has been helping Bell out of trouble.

"Mr. Supporter."

"Your Excellency Lily."


"Ah, that's right, we have to save Lily boy. That bastard, we must make him look good!"

At the mention of Lily, Zorf became very irritable.

It wasn't that he had other feelings for Lily, but that he was simply ashamed of not doing anything after Lily was taken away.

Although he was also in trouble at the time, this was not a reason not to rescue him.

The same goes for Bell.

Long before the [War Game] started, he wanted to save Lily in the past.

But he was stopped by Zhou Fangwu who put the war first.

Now that I get approval, of course I won't procrastinate any more.

"So... everyone, come with me to save Lily!"

"Oh—!" x4

The crowd cheered loudly.

Then he left the station following Zhou Fangwu's footsteps, and ran towards the residence of the [Sumo Family] under the setting sun.

They held their chests up and held their heads high.

As winners, they have that right.

This kind of them immediately attracted other adventurers of Orario.

Not to mention Zhou Fangwu, a well-known [hero], just their angrily looking for faults is enough to attract other adventurers to come and watch.

Until, following behind Zhou Fangwu and others, they arrived at the residence of the [Sumo Familiars].

When the guards saw a large group of people coming in their direction, they saw Zhou Fangwu walking in the front.

His legs trembled uncontrollably.

My feet were soft and I almost fell.

If it wasn't for his back leaning on the doorpost, he would have already collapsed on the ground at this time.

"You, you, what do you want to do?!"

There was panic in his trembling words.

Zhou Fangwu didn't make things difficult for him, but he didn't want to waste his words with low-level members like him.

Immediately said: "Hello, I'm Zhou Fangwu, I have something to discuss with Captain Chanis, can you please convey it."

Although the words were very polite, the meaning of the order was not covered up in any way.

"Yes, I understand!"

He straightened his back, as if it was an order issued by the head of the group.

Turn around and run inside.

Zhou Fangwu and others waited outside with peace of mind.

After a while, Chanis appeared.

"It's the first time I've met you. I'm Chanis, the head of the [Sumo Family], [Hero] Your Excellency Zhou Fangwu, please give me your advice."

He sat down very politely and introduced himself.

This kind of him, even if he is a villain, based on the first meeting, people who don't know will have a good impression of him.

However, don't know why.

Looking at him with glasses, gentle and smiling, he always gives people a hypocritical and artificial look.


Zhou Fangwu and others subconsciously frowned.

But if you don't hit the smiling people, even if they are here to find fault, you can't beat Chanis in public.

If you do that, even if it makes sense, you will lose your heart.

"It's the first time we meet, I'm Zhou Fangwu, please give me your advice."

Zhou Fangwu also introduced himself.

Of course, the people behind him don't need to introduce themselves.

"Your Excellency Zhou Fangwu's name [Hero] I have long admired... But, I don't know why you are here this time..."

"There is one thing that I want Captain Chanis to answer."

"What's the matter, please tell me."

"I heard that our friend Lily—Lilyluka Erde, she is imprisoned, is that true?"

Zhou Fangwu's words immediately aroused the interest of the onlookers.

They also didn't expect that Zhou Fangwu would speak such a hot topic in front of so many people.


"is that true?"

"No way?"

"Why not! That's [Sumo Familia]"

"Well, that's right."

In Olali, [Sumo Familia] had a lot of scandals and even more scandals.

But in the end there is still a fig leaf.

It's just that this fig leaf was torn off by Zhou Fangwu.

All of a sudden, Chanis couldn't sit still.

"Slander! This is slander! Your Excellency Zhou Fangwu! I have reason to suspect that you are deliberately discrediting us [Sumo Family]!"

He looks very excited.

It seemed that Zhou Fangwu was really slandering them.

However, his excited appearance did not win him a good impression.

After all, what happened to the [Sumo Familia], which of the mature adventurers present didn't know.

And this is exactly Zhou Fangwu's goal!

- Expose the dark side of [Suma Familia]!

"Really, maybe I made a mistake, I'm really sorry, Captain Chanis."

Zhou Fangwu apologized to him, but said:

"However, I have a proposal that I hope Captain Chanis can agree to."

"What's up?"

"You know, Lily and we are close friends, but there is one thing that troubles us... that is, we are in the same family."

After Zhou Fangwu pretended to be distressed, he said:

"So I hope Captain Chanis can agree to let us take Lily away, how about it?"

"No! I don't agree!"

Chanis refused without thinking.

In fact, he had already guessed the purpose of Zhou Fangwu's visit.

Just want to take Lily away.

But he can't let go!

First, he was greedy for Lily's magic, and wanted to make money from her convenient magic.

Secondly, he did imprison Lili. If Zhou Fangwu knew about this, then [Sumo Family] would definitely be pushed away by the furious Zhou Fangwuping!

So no matter what, he can't let Lily go!

But he heard Zhou Fangwu say again:

"Well, please don't refuse, Captain Chanis, we will compensate you accordingly."


"10 million Wallis!"

Zhou Fangwu stretched out a finger with his right hand raised high, and said loudly: "We are willing to give 10 million Wallis as compensation for the loss we caused to the noble family by taking Lily away!"

This sentence really surprised the onlookers.

"Wow, 10 million!"

"Are you willing to use 10 million yuan to replace someone?"

"Just kidding."

"Who is it, I'm curious!"

"Change! If it were me, I would definitely change it!"

"Yes, I am willing to change too!"

The whispers of the onlookers came from all around, they were all pointing to Chanis, it seemed that this was the right thing to do.

Chanis is the same.

He's already moved.

However, he still stayed awake.

He knew that no matter how much money he had, he couldn't hand Lily over.

But he rolled his eyes and thought of a good way to refuse.

"Sorry, we can't agree. But if Your Excellency [Hero] can come up with 100 million Wallis, we will seriously consider it."


The onlookers were frightened by the explosive price of Chanis.

That's 100 million Wallis!

Even the [Loki Familia] and [Freya Familia] would never agree to this exaggerated price.

However, they found that Zhou Fangwu was lost in thought.

"...Okay, I agree."

He gave this answer.


"So, actually agreed—?!"


"Such a ridiculous price, why?!"

The onlookers were frightened by the speeches of the two men.

One dares to ask, the other dares to give.

Immediately, the onlookers were curious about this Lililuka Erde.

What is so special about her? I would rather spend 100 million Wallis to take her away.

Chanis also wanted to know this point.

"Wait, wait! You, you actually agreed?"

"Ah, I agree."

"Why, why! Why would you agree?!"

"This question is so strange."

Zhou Fangwu spread his hands and said:

"Like I said, Lily is our important partner, so that she won't suffer so much, so we have to bring her out no matter what. Don't you think it's cheap for a mere 100 million Wallis?"


Zhou Fangwu's words were like a bomb that exploded among the crowd of onlookers.

This awareness of cherishing companions made all the onlookers admire.

Presumably, this matter will spread throughout Olalie tomorrow.

[Hero] Zhou Fangwu has done another earth-shattering event!

"Wait, wait! I don't promise, I can't promise!"

Chanis still refused.

Even though the price had been raised to the sky-high 100 million Wallis, Chanis still refused to let Lily go.

All of a sudden, even the onlookers felt something was wrong.

With his money-hungry personality, how could he disagree with this unbelievable price?

And this is also Chanis' helplessness.

His heart is bleeding!

However, there is no way to agree!

Captivity, ill-treatment, threat, intimidation, punishment

If Zhou Fangwu found out about what he did to Lily, he would definitely be punished even if he escaped from Olalie.

"Why don't you agree? Didn't Captain Chanis say that it only takes 100 million Wallis..."

"I just said that I would consider it! After my consideration, I don't agree to let Lily go!" Chanis said with a stern voice, which seemed strange.

"Really, don't you agree, then there's nothing you can do..." Zhou Fangwu sighed, as if giving up.



"His Excellency Zhou Fangwu!"

Bell and the others standing behind him shouted anxiously.

Even if Zhou Fangwu agreed to exchange Lily with 100 million Eris, they said there was no problem.

But when Zhou Fangwu gave up, they couldn't accept it.

The same goes for the onlookers.

I thought Zhou Fangwu had also given up.

So does Chanis.

Even after he breathed a sigh of relief, he still belittled Zhou Fangwu in his heart.

What [hero], there is still no way.


next moment!

Zhou Fangwu said something that no one thought of!

"Really, don't you agree..."

His low voice gradually became higher again, and he said loudly:

"Then ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I, Zhou Fangwu, as the deputy head of the [Hestia Familia], represent the [Hestia Familia], and declare war on the [Sumo Familia]! I bet on saving my friends wishes, we will never admit defeat!"

"Oh—!" x4

"Oh—!" xn

Bell and the others cheered loudly, and even the onlookers also exclaimed.

Now, the atmosphere suddenly boiled up.

They never expected that just half a day after [War Game], the war would be provoked again.

And it's the same person!


Chanis took several steps back in shock.

At this moment, Zhou Fangwu bared his fangs.

"Come on, the game begins."

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